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[Poll Closed] New CDP Topics



  • kir4me8604#8436 kir4me8604 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    Thank you for this dialogue. Good or Bad, Long or Short, mad or not lol. It is great to just have the discussion back up on CDPs.

    Julia, I am quoting you this way just because I am still new at utilizing certain features on this forum. However you mentioned the following:

    "We can create a ranked voting poll with an outside provider (surveymonkey) but linking to an outside site carries the risk of reduced response rate. If there is a large request for a ranked survey link, we can revisit this option."

    I would say please create a SurveyMonkey link. There are console players, and others who do not have a computer but have internet access who can participate. The link can be shared faster: Facebook, PSN Message Groups, Discord, etc. This link will give us guild leaders an easier way to pass the link to our members thus your reach is much larger.

    There is a limit of access on how the poll is now because users have to login to Arc and navigate through the forums to participate in this poll. (definitely a reduced response rate)

    - Sham (PS4 Guild Leader of Neverwinter's Legends, PS4 Community Leader of The Legends of Neverwinter)
  • monkey4201monkey4201 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Class specific CDP please. All of those powers & feats to choose from, yet we're pretty much forced into a vanilla meta so we can be viable for end game content. That needs to be addressed imo.
  • joe7777joe7777 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    ron#1747 said:


    I always complained about how this playerbase just doesn't care about the storyline at all! Why would you play a video game and fight monsters if you don't know what you're fighting for?

    Sometimes I like to slaughter all the people in the cities of Skyrim for kicks. Does that answer your question? ;)
  • kir4me8604#8436 kir4me8604 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    @theraxin#5169 @monkey4201

    You are on the meat and potatoes.

    Powers are not aligned with the feats. Feats are not representing the Paragon specifications. Paragons are the Class Specializations in Neverwinter. They help you define your role Tank, Heal, DPS and take your character to the next Level of Progression depending on your gameplay style.

    As it sits now, we are being juggled from one paragon to the next (cough wizard) because of Damage. Time to do away with that cycle. #GrowTheClasses #FixTheParagons

    -Sham (PS4 Guild Leader of Neverwinter's Legends, PS4 Community Leader of The Legends of Neverwinter)
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    giz#2086 said:

    arazith07 said:

    zentiny said:

    CLASS BALANCE by a mile!! You promised class balance 6 months ago and never did it!! You clearly said the minor tweaks and adjustments were a prep for Class Balance. But that was clearly Bull HAMSTER! You need to follow through with what you said you were going to do .... CLASS BALANCE!! If the words you type and say cannot be trusted, then your credibility is worthless. Why do you even put forth the effort to continue lying?

    CLASS BALANCE means making all classes relevant, have meaningful and desirable rolls in groups at ALL levels of content. Other games do this, you have NOT!! You should eliminate classes from the game if you are not capable of doing this. Let Warlocks and others take their boons and reroll to other, relevant classes. Remove Warlocks and other classes from the game if you cannot make them relevant.

    My vote DOES NOT mean you, as a developer, focus on your pet, favorite class that you play in game and make it better. That would ruin the game even further. It means you focus on the WEAKEST most IRRELEVANT Class and fix it!! Make it worthy and relevant!!!

    This is actually the closest we have had to class balance, all classes can complete all levels of content, and have a role in which they are competitive in. There are some paragon that do need work, there is no denying that. Warlocks may not be one of the better dps classes and could use some love yes, but they are capable healers, which is not much different than the Rogue, the main difference is that rogues don't need to change roles with paragons (which I do understand is a limiting factor for Warlocks).

    If the trend of the votes continue on the path it is, I think that the under performing paragon paths (or play styles in regard to the Ranger) should be focused on with the secondary vote (if it comes to that) as apposed to listing classes in which both paragon paths are doing well.
    That's not class balance, not all Warlock players are healers, or want to be "capable healers" lot of us wants to play Hellbinger 100% of the time, and want to be a capable class, we are rejected for end game content as DPS, and the whole community consider that DPS Warlock is just mediocre or a joke. Having other role isn't a compensation for our horrible DPS performance.
    Please note that I did acknowledge that the role limitation wasn't ideal. There is also data that shows that the DPS plight that warlocks claim isn't as dire as they claim it to be. I can't find the post with data from the devs from a few months ago, but it showed that all classes with a dps paragon were fairly close (there is always going to be a best and a worst). I believe it showed Fighters as the worst, not including WK, thaum, and non-melee rangers.
  • urtew3urtew3 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    if they could keep spam out of protector's enclave and keep it in lfg that would be great or i know we wouldn't be using the ignore button or reporting them for spam since i know it comes a big problem in the main city and how they need to change up the trade bar store so its not 80 to 60 bars for gear and 10 to 3 bars for dyes
  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    arazith07 said:

    Please note that I did acknowledge that the role limitation wasn't ideal. There is also data that shows that the DPS plight that warlocks claim isn't as dire as they claim it to be. I can't find the post with data from the devs from a few months ago, but it showed that all classes with a dps paragon were fairly close (there is always going to be a best and a worst). I believe it showed Fighters as the worst, not including WK, thaum, and non-melee rangers.

    This post is the one you were looking for.

    For those who would like to see the post but not scroll through, the spoiler part has the quote.

    Class Balance

    We agree that there is an imbalance in the DPS roles. In M19 the two main classes being adjusted for balance are the Dreadnought and the Hellbringer. When M18 comes to preview we will have information on a few adjustments to Arcanist feats/class mechanics to bring them more in line with the balance target (I realize saying this will make people think the worst, but Arcanist will still be powerful after those adjustments and the changes will be available as preview goes live for feedback).

    All of that is important context for the following part of that discussion. First is that there will never be perfect balance across the classes, and there will always be some classes that are harder to play and therefore under-perform for a more casual player, but can potentially even over-perform for a particularly skilled player. We have created a lot of analytics on class balance since M16. These include normalized damage charts, whisker plots, and percentile graphs, which we can filter by time ranges, classes, and specific content. We are actively using this information for how to tackle class balance.

    As a general point, Assassin in most charts is right around where we feel ideal balance should be right now. Since ToMM was brought up, let's take a look at the PC results from 1 Nov to this morning, and use Assassin as a baseline for where the other classes are at when running that content. I think players may be surprised at where some of the classes line up in this comparison.

    Class -> Damage performance in ToMM +/- %
    Arcanist +3%
    Blademaster +1.8%
    Warden +1.5%
    Assassin --
    Hellbringer -1.6%
    Dreadnaught -3%
    Arbiter -6%

    It is clear there are outliers in Arcanist, Dreadnaught, and Arbiter. The others, however, are all very close together and in general would be considered all within an acceptable range of balance. In charts that include a wider range of content (or all content) there are larger percentage differences which shows there are more areas of balance to tackle than this one chart shows. ToMM is a useful example to see how the classes compare when played by top tier IL players, and hopefully also shows that ToMM is complete-able (and has been completed) by all classes in the game.

    Changes from this chart compared to more broad charts show a larger positive differential for Arcanist and Warden, brings Blademaster below Assassin with Hellbringer right behind that and brings Arbiter above Dreadnought. You see a wider variance when including a larger selection of content as it adds a far greater percentage of the player base into the damage pool.

    There were some paragon paths not listed there, such as Whisperknife, Hunter, and Thaumaturge. Whisperknife and Hunter are not performing where we'd like, and are paths we want to work on, however since those classes have very solid paths as their other choices, that puts the priority a bit further down the list on class work.

    While I still think the data wasn't presented clearly (the data given did not specify any differences in gear, which runs were losses/wins, who was replaced/not replaced, whether it was looking at paingiver or not, number of downs, who died early/later, etc), the comparison presented was half a year ago and people have gotten adjusted to the Mod 16 overhauls and learned the pacing of Tower.

    For example, in said post, Arbiter was at the bottom, but no reason as to why was stated. I would guess it is because people had not figured out how to play it at that time.

    Nowadays, people have gotten much much better at playing Arbiter to the point where Cleric is considered the best DPS class by many of the best players.

  • cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    People don't realise but UI is a huge resource hog. Turning it off improves fps by 10% or so. That alone perhaps shouldn't warrant a CDP but it should be looked into.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    Greetings .

    Problem of class balance .

    Make all support classes equal. Palaheal now is the best healer in the game . Every1 is doing tomm only with solo palaheal. Make Warlock and DC equal to Paladin. Dont nerf Paladin, just make better other healers.

    Tank. Paladin and GF are the tanks. Bararians isnt good at tanking and everyone knows it . Make barbarian tank better .

    Dps classes . Here is 2 problems. In tomm Warlock and GF are not so good as the others dps classes. In IC everyone is fine .

    PVP. Make new maps , new gear , new qué system . Make better siege , other map for 10 vs 10.

    Events . Every event in this game needs to be reworked. We need new rewards. Every year u need to add new normal reward for event.

    Enchantments. Rework all enchantment in the game. There is 3 enchantments for dps and 1 for support that are viable . The rest is the trash.

    About artifact i will not say anything. All of the old artifacts are trash except debuffs . Make old artifacts and artifact gear viable. Give them stats.

    Heroic encounters. Stop doing heroic encounters omg. Everyones sick of them . Make old dungeons better ,harder but with better rewards .

    Please, listen community...there a lot of issues . But u are fixing it in about years , like issues with healers, barbarian tank and over powered dps classes. Play your game a little bit .

    Try to play as barbarian tank in IC, try to play as warlock or gf dps in tomm,

    Try to get invite like dc or sw heal in tomm because Paladin is doing great in solo there , so better invite dps .

    Try ur game , play ur game . Check all the rewards , check pvp, check everything and ur game will not die ...listen community .

    There is a healing rework coming soon, but as things stand now, all healers are capable of completing content. Clerics are just as great at healing, if not better, Paladins are different due to the fact that half their "healing" is temp shielding. Warlocks are great single target healers...it all depends on what you need for which would be the best. Same can be said of tanks.

    There will always be a best and a worst, there is no getting around that. Some paragon paths are quite significantly under performing, but all dps classes are able to complete ToMM without having to be carried.

    A lot of what you will see in public lfg chats are people who only seek to fill the "Meta" no matter what because they want a fast and smooth run, or the best chance at one. This doesn't mean that other combinations can't perform just as well. I have found that a lot of times, the public knowledge or what might be seen as the meta is just flat out wrong. For example, Arbiters were seen as one of the worst dps by the public, and now they are the best, with very little change to warrant such a swing...other than the fact that people learned how to effectively play the class.

    A lot of the reworks you are asking for are listed as things that will be changed on the roadmap, give them time to implement these changes and when a CDP topic comes up, make sure your voice is heard in a constructive way.
  • award9award9 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 87 Arc User
    I choose Storytelling (Narrative Design) because there's lots of loose ends throughout the years and it would be nice to see some closure or continuance. I understand y'all have to keep up with WotC yearly storylines. My second and third choices would be UX/UI and QoL Improvements.
  • carloswartune#5709 carloswartune Member Posts: 265 Arc User

    @carloswartune#5709 @arazith07 The thing is that I and I think most players are not here to want class balance, but better class design. They achieved a "technically balanced" state by trivializing the game so hard that a few number tweak were able to balance out most of the classes.

    Agreed, the very design of some classes needs to be reworked. I just get tired of people still complaining about DPS balance all the time.

    Greetings .

    Problem of class balance .

    Make all support classes equal. Palaheal now is the best healer in the game . Every1 is doing tomm only with solo palaheal. Make Warlock and DC equal to Paladin. Dont nerf Paladin, just make better other healers.

    I don't know where people get this idea of "everyone is doing ToMM with solo OP". This is total BS. The absolute vast majority of people who ask for members for ToMM groups in the ToMM completed channel wants 2 healers. I (DC heal) got into the channel last year. In more than 6 months of seeing groups being formed there, only 3 times I've seen people asking for solo OP. Solo OP may be a common thing in "closed" groups (alliance/friends), but I repeat: the vast majority of "open" ToMM groups take two healers. Not one.
  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    giz#2086 said:

    That's not class balance, not all Warlock players are healers, or want to be "capable healers" lot of us wants to play Hellbinger 100% of the time, and want to be a capable class, we are rejected for end game content as DPS, and the whole community consider that DPS Warlock is just mediocre or a joke. Having other role isn't a compensation for our horrible DPS performance.

    I don't know who you're running with, or the type of people you associate yourself with, but I would suggest you try and form a new friend circle. I run with plenty of Warlocks, TOMM included, and have no issues with their DPS output. Warlocks can hold their own, it all depends on the loadout and rotations just like every other class.
  • dalmposterdalmposter Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Oh sweet summer children, you're asking for class balance now? At the height of balance, possibly ever? You want healers to be reworked when they're finally useful for healing for the first time in years? The roles actually work and all you can do is complain cos you have to sit in a queue with your mindless death machines.

    How about make the dungeon rewards existant compared to the difficulty of the dungeon? Why am I getting 5k RAD from malabogs castle when I'm scaled down massively and it isn't quite a cake walk? Maybe reduce the random queue rewards and increase the individual dungeon rewards? I want to be able to choose my dungeons and still get rewarded, and use my random queues when I'm really short on time to get my daily AD. Make individual dungeons great again - this doesn't even need to be much work, just make the scaling a bit harder and the rewards much better for these ex-lower level dungeons. Oh and my 2 cents on scaling is: scale the enemies UP, not us down. That way we can guaranee our stats while scaled for hitting caps.

    Oh and speaking of AD, why is the refining cap still 100k? It used to be per character resulting in a much more reasonable daily refinement amount. The random queue rewards are too high, and the daily refining cap is too low. Let me play the game to earn rewards, not be railroaded into doing exactly 2 random queues a day then sitting in chult for hours cos I can't use any more AD I might earn.

    And please address the zen exchange. This was a big feature of the game for me way back when - being able to have VIP pay for itself, using my time to earn premium items when I'm short on cash. Now it's fallen by the wayside. The 750 AD per zen cap means people have no incentive to sell zen - just buy wards and sell them for way more. I'm not sure what the solution is to this problem. Maybe remove the exchange rate cap, but that could see the price sky rocket. Maybe make these high rarity, zen market items (like wards) a bit more attainable so they're less attractive as a zen exchange mechanism. Or possibly adding a buy zen from the game option at 2x the player exchange cap could inject a bit more into the economy.

    Jesus I only meant to roast the players asking for what we already have, maybe I'll write a blog post about what this game needs...

    This is just the tip of my tips for this games evolution. If there's an official way of submitting more long form suggestions let me know. After writing that I'm interested in doing so.
  • froger#9967 froger Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    Whatever topic it ends up being I only ask devs keep console players in mind as changes are contemplated. What’s good for one platform isn’t always good for all.
    Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone

    Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
  • menzel0231menzel0231 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    I think if I have used real money on zen to buy campaign tokens they should be account wide not just character based. Bring leadership back to professions so lower level players can still make astral diamonds and for God sakes make coal wards easier to get. Upgrading gear is a nightmare for players that aren't elite players that spend their entire days on the game. Also take the 100k rough astral diamond per account out of the game the way it used to be. Give consoles the new mods the same time that pc receives them.
  • carloswartune#5709 carloswartune Member Posts: 265 Arc User

    I think if I have used real money on zen to buy campaign tokens they should be account wide not just character based. Bring leadership back to professions so lower level players can still make astral diamonds and for God sakes make coal wards easier to get. Upgrading gear is a nightmare for players that aren't elite players that spend their entire days on the game. Also take the 100k rough astral diamond per account out of the game the way it used to be. Give consoles the new mods the same time that pc receives them.

    I agree, the best way to help new players is to raise the AD cap. By doing that, we'll have even bigger inflation, making new players even more likely to just leave the game on their first days. And leaving the game would be very helpful to them, given the current release quality we've been getting.
  • blackwolftundrablackwolftundra Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    after seeing them change up undermoutian that I have not been able to solo Yauhkuay after completing Lava Fields cause after going to shadow's hold and Umbraxakar's Lair that I haven't been able to go through the vampires for how they where not hard to go through before and how I can not stand undermoutian for them ruining that campaign with changes
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User

    Anyways, my top 3 are

    +1 Class redesign, but I would like to see it totally changed to something more complex, like PoE, FFX, etc with a large graph of choices. Perhaps this could be a new boon system instead of feats, idk, but I want more diversity in available builds for all classes. As a Wizard I was particularly disappointed with the changes that came with m16. While it's true there was an illusion of choice for most classes, from like m12-m15 Wizards probably had the most diversity in available builds, at one point thaum feats were good, then Rene, then Oppressor, and it kept changing, that was ok, we had diversity, but they kept nerfing stuff as something actually started working well and had good synergy.

    ^^^ Takeaway more diversity in available builds for all classes. For this to actually work, encounters need to be tailored such that different builds work better in each, otherwise, pure dps will be the only actual choice.

    +1 QoL experience, fix enchantment slotting to be more user friendly when changing builds/gear/loadouts, Account wide stables for mounts and Companions (current account claims for mounts is ok workaround, for now), Swap Loadouts anywhere, etc.

    +1 Storytelling. Think FFVII when Seph kills Aeris, epic stuff.

    Pretty much what I would have asked for!
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • hexngone#5489 hexngone Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    What I am not seeing on the survey is a CDP on Customer Service/Support/Bug Fixes.
    I read repeatedly of incidents where tickets are 'auto-closed' with no communication to the submitter - even after they have re-submitted it because it was ignored/closed before. I also observer uneven acknowledgement of submissions to the Bug Fix forum. I see issues reported taking months if ever to fix (+1 fix for M15 took 9 months) or no updates/priorities communicated (current WoD Reward of the Hoard cart) and a resistance to be consistent in communication to all players (EU gets a Trello report, US nothing). Even reporting of issues is broken with in-game reporting requiring manual posting to the forum before an issue is acknowledged.

    To me customer satisfaction should be the #2 goal of any business (behind profit). So, *please* provide a CDP topic of Customer Support for open discussion on how to improve the process and allow all stakeholders to benefit from the dialog.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration.
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited May 2020

    WHERE is the poll option for: Guilds & Strongholds or Master crafting?

    you forgot to mention that they did not include the foundry in the poll :D
  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    kalina311 said:

    WHERE is the poll option for: Guilds & Strongholds or Master crafting?

    you forgot to mention that they did not include the foundry in the poll :D
    Tbh, we do not need a CDP on the Foundry. They either have spare resources to rebuild it and so they should or don't and they couldn't. Or at least this is how I feel about it.
  • darktownerdarktowner Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    well i vote for events, most if not ALL events are made for high players, returning players or newcomers are in trouble, so its kinda useless events most of the time.. really wanna be able to do stuff without asking for help all the time to others. so events need to be reworked. cant say anything bad about queues, they seem okay for me, cant say anything about classes... havenot played them all to its full potential so cant really talk about it. only thing i would mention about classes is that if i look to old neverwinter universe about ''classes'' there are sooooo many of them... like seriously, 30+? i hope i wont get blocked because of mentioning that. anyways, many options for different classes could be awesome, but it takes literally tons of time and i know it. for now id ''suggest'' if i may speak in that way, events need to be reworked. new players as well as returning players need something to do in events. i for example am returning player, havenot played since 2016. i think. and it is hard for me to catch up with everyone, especially in events. i barely am able to do hellpit. (as an example of event which is going rn) so yeah. hope my voice will be heard.
    i was there, when auction house negative ad bug happened, i was there, when items started to become bound on pickup, i was there, when the first mod appeared and sharandar was represented. i was there - when items where not for ad salvaging anymore and i was there for every mod that was released till stronghold. i saw all of that its ups and downs, i am still able to enjoy this game pretty much. thank you for ur attention. peace.
This discussion has been closed.