I need some advice on how to tank it Im having problems. My tank is a fighter with 812k health and all defensive stats capped. My power is even 142k. Every time i get hit by the first boss it takes 100% of my stamina and half my life. Then i die on next hit. Im using 2 taunts encounters and the 50% stamina back encounter. Im using elven enchant as well. 27k item level. My fighter is ok damage for tic and i have beat it as dps many times but cant hold threat at all and get 2 shot over and over. Now that there are stamina bars im noticing other tanks lose far less stamina per hit from that boss. Any tips would help.
You can read how it works on your character page (i think).
You have BRAZEN SLASH, which lets you get back stamina and a little hp for every hit. This is what you want to keep using if your stamina isn't full. When i started to run IC, I had 600k hp, and that was more than enough to not die to single swipes - so you can take this time to regain your stamina.
The tail stab/stinger is a hard hitting one, but this one you can just side step away from so you dont get hit.
The spines where he jumps, just go underneath it and block. rinse and repeat.
Have fun.
First is his multi-swipe. He does this a few attacks after his charge. Usually easy to block, but it will drain most of your Stamina.
2 basic attacks later, he always does Tail Stab. You can dodge this. Since it is predictable, count the basic swipe attacks and start moving shortly after he finishes 2nd attack. He'll miss the tail stab entirely when done right and you take no damage.
1 basic attack after Tail Stab, he does Fly+Spine Toss. Move directly underneath him and you should not get hit by it, at all. But you can Block while under him just to be safe, in case you lag.
That's it. If done correctly, you take very little damage and most of it you can handle with block. It's about memorization and dodging, not taking the hits. Pretty much all of the bosses in TIC have simple 4-6 attack patterns, and as a tank, you need to memorize them so you know which hits to dodge, and which to block.
Get incoming heals as high as possible, and get a purple Elvenbattle Enchant (if needed) for 30% extra stamina regen.
Also try to push up the Critical avoidance to 100+ (for this dungeon).
Gladiator Gulle and Champion's Return insignia will help too
DPS should also be aware that during the Tankbuster the tank is litterally smashed down and need to regain aggro as fast as possible..
This means that when high end DPS players continues with massive DPS during the time the tank is down they risk to gain aggro fast and boss starts chasing the player.
Best thing is that (especially for the big DPS cannons) the tanks gets like 2 seconds time to build up his aggro again after Tankbuster.
Believer in SMASH
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