Okay, so let's say they implement it so that you cannot be queued with someone on your ignore list. Which of the two of you gets passed over for the run?
I guess the first queing gets in. The other goes in the next queue group
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
I assume that queuing players have a ordinal number. The first or priority player would get to go first.
As far as ignore... i think it is over-used in games. Most players have a day or time when they could very well be put on someones permanent ignore list. Players that should be ignored quite often get banned before too long. But to go with the expansion of the ignore concept...
Ignored players: * banned from your guild or alliance if you are the leader. * invisible in chat. * you cannot see their goods in AH and they cannot see yours. * ignored players are prevented from joining a queue together. * ignored players are never sent to the same instance unless it is to join a party. * ignored players cannot see other players chat on forums. * ignored players cannot see the other character at all if they are in the same zone.
This sounds like pretty good ignore but it would be hard to code and would cause some unintended problems. In another game I played that had this... the ignored player could trash talk you in chat. You would have no idea that they did, and had no ability to defend yourself or submit any kind of ticket for harassment or targeting etc. Personally, i think the best way to deal with players you don't like is to literally ignore them. There is no ignore button needed for that.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
Personally, i think the best way to deal with players you don't like is to literally ignore them. There is no ignore button needed for that.
Some people don't have that much self-control. In a lot of cases they would snipe at the other player. We see that a lot in PE and on the forums at times.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Had and reported another abuser today, really odd circumstances though. We got Epic Grey Wolf as our random, and the Tank without saying a work headed off to the protectors enclave. Due to the ease of the Dungeon the 4 of us that remained completed it anyway, managing to kick the Tank just before we engaged the final Boss. - But seriously who abandon's Epic Grey Wolf? Just how easy a Dungeon are they waiting for?
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
As far as ignore... i think it is over-used in games. Most players have a day or time when they could very well be put on someones permanent ignore list. Players that should be ignored quite often get banned before too long. But to go with the expansion of the ignore concept...
Ignored players:
* banned from your guild or alliance if you are the leader.
* invisible in chat.
* you cannot see their goods in AH and they cannot see yours.
* ignored players are prevented from joining a queue together.
* ignored players are never sent to the same instance unless it is to join a party.
* ignored players cannot see other players chat on forums.
* ignored players cannot see the other character at all if they are in the same zone.
This sounds like pretty good ignore but it would be hard to code and would cause some unintended problems. In another game I played that had this... the ignored player could trash talk you in chat. You would have no idea that they did, and had no ability to defend yourself or submit any kind of ticket for harassment or targeting etc. Personally, i think the best way to deal with players you don't like is to literally ignore them. There is no ignore button needed for that.