Hey there.
Does somebody know how our skill Tacticians Edge work? Does it give us up to 10k CA depending on our stamina? So we don't need to cap our CA to 130k / 135k. Or should we cap our stamina and that skill gives us up to 10% extra damage? Has somebody testet that?
I think I have testet it some time ago and my conclusion was, that we don't have to cap CA. But I am not sure anymore...
First hit without CA, second with CA. Weapon was a 1000 fixed damage weapon on preview, was fighting a dummy in the trade of Blades (Had 10250 CA Bonus, was fighting an enemy with 500 Counter stats) .
First hit (was playing Vanguard, so must account for the 10% penalty to damage):
Second Hit:
CA Bonus: (CA Stat + Tactician's Edge)-Awareness= Effective CA Bonus
Against the higher counter stat dummies in Port Nyzanzaru (7,000 Awareness as per this blog from Mod 16 Preview), it still holds true as another 10,000 free, invisible CA (played DPS this time).
(10,000+10,000)-7,000 =13,000
Tactician's Edge does not do anything if you manually go past the CA cap from items.
You can see I way way way overcap for anything in the game, even Zariel. This tests was merely against the PE training dummies, which only have 500 counterstats.
Companion Setup
The Hit (Full Stamina)
Wpn Dmg*(Mag/100)*(1+(STR*0.025))*(1+(Power/100,000))*(1+(effective CA)
The damage calculation would be the following, assuming 100 weapon damage, Brazen Slash hit, 16 STR, 19972 power, and a 100% damage bonus from maximum CA (ie, Tactician's Edge does not go over the cap):
Exactly as calculated.
If Tactician's Edge had any benefit over the cap, then my damage would have been 196.514 (substitute "1" in effective CA for "1.1") or something along those lines.