I know this is strange but I cant find anything related to Star treck picard on any of the streaming sights in Canada. I tryed bell, crave, amazon prime and CBS. Whenever i do a search for star treck picard nothing shows up. I even serched down the entire list of shows and found nothing related. Has anyone from canada been able to watch it. It said on the 24th it would be available in all countries. Its now Feb the 6. I am assuming im just realy stupid or something and cant understand lol.
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he plays the flute after getting it because it was the essence of the man he was in the memory. if it wasn't important to them they wouldn't have included it in the probe. they wouldn't have gone into any details of sharing the memory of the people with any particular community because it's the concept not the implementation that is important to the story. it would be pedantic and lame if they were to say and then to fulfill the wishes they retold the story to the ship data banks where all could access it. it's the enterprise and the federation. of course the information will be preserved.
it actually really was imo. I'll try to be observant of spoilers but there were so many much more interesting places they could have taken the plot and some of the cameos just seemed ego stroking rather than meaningful. I was disappointed. hoping for better for season 2. and the pacing was weird. really weird. I wanted to love it but they've been on a solid path of destroying the star trek universe recently. I mean lets not even get into how bad discovery is. they really seem to not get what the star trek universe is all about. it's not a redressed star wars...
@wintersmoke I don't think that is the same concept. It is more like someone, a random stranger, dies and gives you a $250,000 sports car and says, "Be sure to use it and take your friends for rides in it. Enjoy it!!". Then you keep it parked in a locked garage and polish it with a diaper. Then you talk to it and tell it how precious it is for the remainder of your life.
There was another thing I noticed about Picard, being lousy at receiving "gifts", but it probably was the fault of the props department or the lack of anyone doing their research into the episodes. On a the TV series a friend of his stops by and gifts him an ancient artifact. In the first movie they reuse the prop and Picard is digging through the wreckage and treats the artifact like garbage. Someone on You Tube also noticed it and posted these clips...
@kreatyve yes Kirk was a horrible man. He was a womanizer, killed aliens for being different to his "morale code", and destroyed machines that defended entire worlds. His hatred for machines showed in several episodes. I know these facts, because I researched the show's history when I was a Foundry author on Star Trek. I wrote the KDF episode, "The Rights of the Many" where the KDF player testifies at a trial;
"The Federation are invaders and conquerors. They say explorers, but how many times in your planet's history did exploration from one continent to another lead to war? They hide, they spy, and infiltrate your society through deception. Many times the Federation has found societies and cultures that offend their values.
Several generations ago, the Federation invaded the planet Gamma Trianguli VI. They found the people of that world working for a God, that gave them a perfect environment, longevity, and happiness. The Federation exposed and destroyed the machine they believed to be a God. Today Gamma Trianguli VI is plagued with disease, wars rage across the surface of the planet, and the average lifespan of the people is only 45 years. They only return to worlds when it is in their best interest."
I felt Will Riker was a more lovable character. He loved the ladies and showed them respect, an android was his friend, and he was a scoundrel but just enough to make him the adorable bad boy. Hope you enjoy your series!
I was much more interested in the melody he played on the flute. In the beginning, when we see him play it, it is always alone. The song is played slowly, almost a dirge. Once he gets a little distance, and is able to share his music with others, it becomes lighter and faster. Not exactly a happy tune, but much prettier, in my opinion.
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Btw. are there any other better/good Sci-Fi series on Prime atm. that are actually worth watching?
Anyway, with Picard being on Prime, it would have also been nice to see a new STO pack on Twitch too, perhaps with a few nice items for NWO thrown in as well. May be that will happen for the second season, one can only dream...
If there's one thing I cannot abide, it's a kung fu panda character. A character who goes from zero to full on legendary epic awesomeness out of nowhere is nearly always horrendous writing. I don't care what the rationale or explanation is. It's pathetic character development.
It can be done, and done well. Yukito Kishiro did it. The writers of Picard did not.
he didn't talk much about anything personal with anyone unless badgered into it.
I don't think it was much of a gift and definitely not a 250000 car. Picard had no choice in the matter if he received their "gift" or not. What he received could more properly be called a burden. What more sharing would be required than giving it to the data banks where future researchers could access if required? making some production out of how he shared it would have been very bad story telling imo. what made it good story telling was that you needed to fill in some blanks. it's also a huge assumption to assume how precisely the society was hoping to be remembered.
archaeologists don't go around talking about every little artifact they have or every society they've encountered. they write papers and expect those interested to read those papers and apply the way past societies operated to future endeavors. having an experience like that would allow them to know how things worked that might be undecipherable now. that archaeologists would be forced to make up stories around to explain. but it isn't something you'd want to bore the world with. it's unrealistic to apply some sense of morality to picard based on that.
the negative space doesn't need to be filled with words to get the idea of something.
I am big fan of Star Trek. I grew up watching reruns of TOS with Kirk and Spock, women in skimpy outfits and gogo boots! No that isn't sexist, it is putting women up on a pedestal. Later two years after high school started watching STNG. I fully admit, I wanted Picard to remain a borg in Best of Both Worlds, and see Riker become the Captain with Data as his Executive Officer. Later I watched DS9 and enjoyed most of the "Truck Stop in Space". Disliked VGER and ENT equally, they had poor plots and wrecked a lot of concepts. I still watched them and they unlike DISCO have a few good rainy day episodes I would watch again. At this point, Ben Sisko might say, "With two fouls and one strike, Picard better hit a homer.".
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not at all sexist. no sir.
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sexism is one of the last bastions of defensible isms in the world. men fight for it tooth and claw but it's still a harmful objectification in much the same way racism is a harmful objectification.
it's a way of rendering another human as less than human so you can subject that other human to your will.
Kirk slept around a lot and so did Riker. The Captain Kirk character was from a different era, he treated women as objects, and showed that he felt they were weak. Not sure the name of the episode, but there was one where the woman passed over for command of the Enterprise did a body swap with Kirk. She has a melt down on the bridge and overall it was just a poorly written episode in my opinion. This was the morale values of the 1960's, Gene Roddenberry's vision, and not really a glimpse of the future. We have to remember, we can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Rikers dates as I recall, caused more trouble for the ship in that series, than any enemy of the Federation ever could.
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