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Damage Absorption Scoreboard: Testing, Validity and Opinion Thread

dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
Took will be posting ACT-compared data on the new Damage Absorption score added to the scoreboard.

Is "DA" a useful stat.
How will this affect team play, etiquette and toxicity?
Will having top "DA" be a useful tank measure?
Together we'll answer these questions and more.

Join The Took in the investigation.
Share your data, thoughts and opinions.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.


  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    ACT Incoming Damage:
    All 30,955,854 13,354.55 13,231.26 14,317.49 18,284.62 All 1,693 0% 33.0%

    Energy Discharge 2,997,249 1,293.03 1,281.09 8,102.86 50,800.83 Physical 59 0% 34.3%
    Cocoon of Death 2,089,775 901.54 893.22 6,644.75 261,221.88 Physical 8 0% 48.5%
    Strike 2,086,030 899.93 891.62 6,104.86 109,791.05 Physical 19 0% 47.9%
    Draining Brambles 1,949,716 841.12 833.35 4,308.76 81,238.17 Physical 24 0% 32.5%
    Consume Living 1,843,584 795.33 787.99 28,275.83 44,965.46 Physical 41 0% NaN
    Punch 1,757,507 758.20 751.20 5,219.80 109,844.19 Physical 16 0% 41.1%
    Leap: Flank 1,051,505 453.63 449.44 4,675.43 19,472.31 Physical 54 0% 34.7%
    Draining Brambles: Flank 945,347 407.83 404.06 6,306.52 118,168.38 Physical 8 0% 41.4%
    Electrocuting Charge 898,101 387.45 383.87 8,370.00 224,525.25 Physical 4 0% 58.2%
    Leap 879,842 379.57 376.07 3,239.48 16,920.04 Physical 52 0% 27.3%

    ACT Incoming Healing

    All 59,173,816 25,527.96 25,292.28 27,326.97 17,018.64 All 3,477 1% 134.3%
    Shield 15,267,845 6,586.65 6,525.84 8,226.65 18,417.18 Shield 829 0% NaN
    Bastion of Health 11,780,936 5,082.37 5,035.45 8,936.46 141,938.99 HitPoints 83 24% 133.9%
    Survivor's Blessing 7,015,912 3,026.71 2,998.77 3,814.65 8,504.14 HitPoints 825 0% 134.4%
    Baby Bulette's Presence 5,549,758 2,394.20 2,372.10 7,182.29 126,130.86 HitPoints 44 0% NaN
    Healing Word 4,100,306 1,768.90 1,752.57 14,143.86 77,364.26 HitPoints 53 38% 134.0%
    Heal 3,758,508 1,621.44 1,606.47 126,549.09 626,418.00 HitPoints 6 0% NaN
    Redemption 2,315,635 998.98 989.76 1,186.65 2,820.51 HitPoints 821 0% 134.3%
    Hallowed Ground 1,537,966 663.49 657.36 2,277.12 76,898.30 HitPoints 20 0% 134.0%
    Holy Avenger 1,367,830 590.09 584.64 2,164.29 7,237.20 HitPoints 189 0% 135.5%
    Guardian of Life 1,277,015 550.91 545.83 10,749.28 116,092.27 HitPoints 11 55% 134.0%
    Sigil of the Paladin 1,251,252 539.80 534.81 3,082.66 40,362.97 HitPoints 31 10% 136.1%
    Knight's Rebuke 1,174,679 506.76 502.09 1,038.53 2,559.21 HitPoints 459 0% 134.4%
    Intercession 1,141,517 492.46 487.91 29,572.98 228,303.40 HitPoints 5 0% 135.9%
    Health Regen 848,615 366.10 362.72 25,637.92 84,861.50 HitPoints 10 0% 134.0%
    Divine Palisade 451,111 194.61 192.82 741.47 23,742.68 HitPoints 19 0% 135.7%
    Persistent Guardian 180,543 77.89 77.17 44,034.88 90,271.50 HitPoints 2 0% 134.0%
    Blessed Advantage 154,388 66.60 65.99 220.11 2,205.54 HitPoints 70 0% NaN

    (Only top 10 damage sources listed, but all data included)

    Took is not sure how to interpret this.
    DA is ~ 10 mil
    Incoming Damage is ~31mil (post-mitigation?)
    Does that mean premitigation damage was 41mil?
    That doesn't sound right. Took tank has capped defense. That alone should be ~50% mitigation.

    The only mitigation Took knows ACT captures as discrete damage is Shield/Block.
    Would welcome guidance from the stat masters on how to analyze.

    @nitocris83 , how is Damage Absorption calculated?
    What is the formula?

    [Premitigated damage] - [Post mitigated damage] = DA

    ? Thoughts? Better ways to quantify?
    Post edited by dread4moor on
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    On it, Mr Took
    Elite Whaleboy
  • backlogger#9457 backlogger Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    The damage in the scoreboard shows the premitigrated blocked damage. Unfortunately you do not see the premitigated blocked damage in the combatlog. An example:

    A non blocked attack looks like this in the combatlog:
    Drudge, ..., Physical ,,329.482,353.005
    As we can see here, the attack from the Drudge is mitigated by a multiplier of ~ 0.9333

    Now a blocked attack:
    Drudge, ... ,Shield,,-309.893,0
    This attack is the blue number on the screen and is already mitigated. The log itself does not show the value of the premitigated value, so lets compute it:
    -309.893 / 0.9333 = 332.04

    332.04 is rounded to 332 (at .5 the value is uprounded) and is shown in the scoreboard.

    Btw: The scoreboard shows at least Shields from Tanks and Barkshield but does NOT include Barriers from Oathkeepers
  • matii#4660 matii Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    Please upload your combat log and I will analyze it using my own tool because ACT has some flaws
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    I ran a Master of the Hunt yesterday and everyone's Damage Absorption was zero, except for one toon which had something like 47,000 Damage Absorption.

    I found that curious

  • motu999#9953 motu999 Member Posts: 254 Arc User

    I ran a Master of the Hunt yesterday and everyone's Damage Absorption was zero, except for one toon which had something like 47,000 Damage Absorption.

    I found that curious

    Possible explanation:
    - very low stats, so no damage absorption at all
    - did not really engage in the fight, letting the single top dps do all the work
    - ranged fighters with low dps, so no aggro, no damage
    - ...
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    Stamina / Dodge. Whatever the player "shifted".
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User

    I ran a Master of the Hunt yesterday and everyone's Damage Absorption was zero, except for one toon which had something like 47,000 Damage Absorption.

    I found that curious

    Possible explanation:
    - very low stats, so no damage absorption at all
    - did not really engage in the fight, letting the single top dps do all the work
    - ranged fighters with low dps, so no aggro, no damage
    - ...
    I was one of those four with zero DA at the end.

    I think I was on a barbie, if not deffo a fighter.

    Either way I was involved with the fights/killing.

    My uncapped item level on each toon is c23k and c25k.

  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    Been looking at this still.

    Most often I get Zero Damage Absorption in Random Skirmishes and Random DUngeons.

    Just ran a Clock Tower and stood a let a hulk beat on me for a while.

    I didn't absorb any damage.

    And often I am Paingiver so its not cos I don't join in
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    I just wrote above what it is.... What more too look at?
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    micky1p00 said:

    I just wrote above what it is.... What more too look at?

    Well err not really?

    I didn't shift much at all.

    My stats are high not low.

    I did engage hand to hand in combat.

    I take a lot of damage but absorb nothing in RQ and RSkirmish it seems.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,527 Arc User
    edited January 2020

    micky1p00 said:

    I just wrote above what it is.... What more too look at?

    Well err not really?

    I didn't shift much at all.

    My stats are high not low.

    I did engage hand to hand in combat.

    I take a lot of damage but absorb nothing in RQ and RSkirmish it seems.
    That is why you 'absorbed" nothing (based on the definition of what micky1p00 said).
    I assume this "score" wants to show player's skill to dodge/shield hit.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    It shows what (in terms of damage amount) you shifted out. Means you need to "dodge" or "shift absorb" (for the OP/GF) some damage. If you shift around but not getting hit, you will see nothing. If you get hit, but not dodge a specific hit, you will see nothing.

    If you dodge a hit, you will see it goes the board. Very easy to test, private queue anything, open the score board, aggro something, use shift upon getting hit.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Wake me when they give us the ability to disable the stupid popup
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    Yeah got it.

    Sorry I was being stupid - just tanked eDemo and absorbed 1.7m damage :)

    I just done ever use a shield in Random Dungeon or Skirmish as its mostly MotH
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    micky1p00 said:

    It shows what (in terms of damage amount) you shifted out. Means you need to "dodge" or "shift absorb" (for the OP/GF) some damage. If you shift around but not getting hit, you will see nothing. If you get hit, but not dodge a specific hit, you will see nothing.
    If you dodge a hit, you will see it goes the board. Very easy to test, private queue anything, open the score board, aggro something, use shift upon getting hit.

    Hmmm. Took is confused (again).
    If you dodge (Wiz: teleport, Rogue: roll, Barby: sprint, Cleric: James Brown slide, etc)
    ... but if you are still hit, the dodge itself offers zero mitigation ITRC*.

    Only the OP & GF get mitigation from the shift-tab "dodge" itself, AFATK**.
    The others would receive "absorption" points only from their defense, gear and boons.

    *If Took recalls correctly
    **As far as Took knows
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    I would love to see the James Brown animation as a reward from the next Protector's Jubilee.
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