... show them the bugs and problems. Anyone can and does complain that their class is underpowered.
Yeah the thing is that we did it, we have been doing it since m16 preview, during the 7 months of torture and again in this nerf preview. If you check that you will see that from start i made them notice it was a bad idea. But they don't listen
We had our "Fix". We probably won't see another "overhaul" like this one for another 2 years. Finally got pets to legend and all rank 14's with Sollys' dps build. Only then I became a top damage dealer in LOMM. Previously i was mid-lvl support. If I remove some enchants, or switch to epic pets, or don't use best rotations, I immediately fall back in damage to my previous miserable damage numbers. The point is that SW is punished rather heavily if we don't have max stats and pets. The weak at-wills still make mimics a nightmare, and crit severity nerf is probably targeted at Rogues and CW's but falls on our heads as well. As for TOMM we need to accept that it's a "Class Specific" dungeon, SW is just the ugly cousin your Mom made you bring. We chose SW because of a "high Damage" myth from the new build description in the character creation area, or maybe for the shadow slip to fly around the maps faster, who knows, but after a year or so, how many of us would take a free class reroll token if one existed? Most I would imagine. In stead of building us up to Rogue/CW levels in damage they typically try to pull us all down to mid level. Class balance is a myth, and SW is the path to mediocre.
In the thread intruducing the Warlock changes, the dev stated that they intentionally did not buff Warlock.... that they wanted to see how this patch affected the DPS of all classes first. They made it clear that balancing was a step to come, along with Warlock class bug fixes.
If warlock was my class i'd be nervous and upset, but threatening the devs and calling out doom and gloom is the wrong direction. If you want warlock to improve... show them the bugs and problems. Anyone can and does complain that their class is underpowered. I suggeest providing hard data, not a subjective example of one mission. From what I've seen post-patch... Warlock is toward the bottom of the charts but just needs a moderate boost, and maybe more build flexibility.
I am (was) active on this class since launch and exactly that's what devs got for years over years. We showed them "the bugs and problems" , provided "hard data, not a subjective example of one mission." And if I multiply my posts with otherones it might be several thousand post of input..not hundreds-> thausands! And to assure you about the actual ranking of the class: "Warlock is toward the bottom of the charts" ->exactly that's where the class actually is, bottom. And there is no hope and no kind of patience for any kind of "moderate boost" that will bring the class into balance, since a "moderate boost" is not what will equalize a gap of 25%+ to my Dreadnaught and 40%+ towards an Arcanist inside tomm- like @tom#6998 posted on preview. The class is in a crippled condition since years now. From what I learned in the past and from the actual miserable relaunch in mod 16 there is no reason to hope for anything. That's why I say. Just delete it and give those one who want a class reroll token. You devs, are definitely not gonna get this fixed in no time and in no condition. No offence, only the truth.
They could have made healer Warlock with Celestial pact and DPS remaining Infernal. Apart from power names and the class quests, it doesn't really matter.
Pretend your patron is Asmodeus and you can go both ways what with him being a devil and a god and all.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
@deldrach I know better than to quote a flame post, but to respond to your comment, I don't sing the praises of Cryptic, I don't buy zen. I was simply defining the "rules" by which every gamer who has played an online game (free or paid) should know by now. You can toss out all the names you want, it will only get your posts here relocated and this thread shutdown. In the simplest of terms, you don't know me.
The thing I think too many players forget (or ignore) is the game and everything in it, including the items players purchase, grind for and by any means obtain, belongs to Neverwinter and Cryptic - period - .
The reality of it is the developers and the company can realistically do anything they want including but not limited to change the stats and worth of every item, including the characters any time the wish and for whatever reason so as @sandukutupu pointed out, everyone who clicked on the "I Agree" button acknowledged that fact before they even started playing. If anyone is having clicker's remorse (akin to buyer's remorse) I tend to believe that would be the problem of the person who agreed to the terms initially , but now seems to have a problem with what they previously agreed to and thinks they should be "compensated". ¢¢
The thing I think too many players forget (or ignore) is the game and everything in it, including the items players purchase, grind for and by any means obtain, belongs to Neverwinter and Cryptic - period - .
The reality of it is the developers and the company can realistically do anything they want including but not limited to change the stats and worth of every item, including the characters any time the wish and for whatever reason so as @sandukutupu pointed out, everyone who clicked on the "I Agree" button acknowledged that fact before they even started playing. If anyone is having clicker's remorse (akin to buyer's remorse) I tend to believe that would be the problem of the person who agreed to the terms initially , but now seems to have a problem with what they previously agreed to and thinks they should be "compensated". ¢¢
Stop talking about money i am not asking for money (sorry if it was understood that way i speak native spanish). What I am asking is that they play fair and give me a chance to continue playing with my hard earned stuff, because this nerfing is like deleting the class (and if you say that i should wait for them to fix it, i'm sorry but i waited 7 months. I don't see any fixes coming from their side considering their actions so far). As i stated before this is a scam because they destroy progress and plan to keep on like nothing happened (its not that im crying about the server closing and i lost all my stuff, they deliberately destroyed it im guessing for income purposes and plan to act normal). Neither I have buyer or clicker remorse as you say, I binded all that stuff because I liked the warlock and it was my main, but changing the rules is not fair. Buyer remorse would be to bind the trex for example and after a few hours come crying because i dont like it or something like that
The thing I think too many players forget (or ignore) is the game and everything in it, including the items players purchase, grind for and by any means obtain, belongs to Neverwinter and Cryptic - period - .
The reality of it is the developers and the company can realistically do anything they want including but not limited to change the stats and worth of every item, including the characters any time the wish and for whatever reason so as @sandukutupu pointed out, everyone who clicked on the "I Agree" button acknowledged that fact before they even started playing. If anyone is having clicker's remorse (akin to buyer's remorse) I tend to believe that would be the problem of the person who agreed to the terms initially , but now seems to have a problem with what they previously agreed to and thinks they should be "compensated". ¢¢
Stop talking about money i am not asking for money (sorry if it was understood that way i speak native spanish). What I am asking is that they play fair and give me a chance to continue playing with my hard earned stuff, because this nerfing is like deleting the class (and if you say that i should wait for them to fix it, i'm sorry but i waited 7 months. I don't see any fixes coming from their side considering their actions so far). As i stated before this is a scam because they destroy progress and plan to keep on like nothing happened (its not that im crying about the server closing and i lost all my stuff, they deliberately destroyed it im guessing for income purposes and plan to act normal). Neither I have buyer or clicker remorse as you say, I binded all that stuff because I liked the warlock and it was my main, but changing the rules is not fair. Buyer remorse would be to bind the trex for example and after a few hours come crying because i dont like it or something like that
I am not attacking you, I never was, and it is awesome you are bilingual. I too own a warlock. As others have stated here, I don't have a big problem with killing creatures. Because of these changes, I do have to relearn the way I play. My current solo content strategy, as my warlock, is to have my companion and soul puppet do all the heavy work. I zip and dash about the field keeping my distance, blasting the enemy. As they approach I hold shift and fly across to the other side. I keep a lot of Radiant Potions on hand and chew on them like crack.
Now for playing her in a group setting, I still keep my distance but I help the fallen where and when I can. At best, warlocks are a support member of the party now. You stated you bought 3 legendary mounts for this one character, yet mine has epics at best. My companion is a legendary Cambion Magus, thanks a lot to Sybella's new quests. Her artifacts are orange, I think she is barely 16K item level. She has completed the Undermountain campaign without issue.
Maybe you should focus on what you can do and less on what you cannot. I don't wait around for fixes, out of those developers you addressed in your opening statement. I only had one of them respond to me in a PM and never cared for much of what he said. Perhaps you should have said you "demand repairs" and not "demand compensation", but I was informing you, and not attacking you.
We showed them "the bugs and problems" , provided "hard data, not a subjective example of one mission."
And if I multiply my posts with otherones it might be several thousand post of input..not hundreds-> thausands!
And to assure you about the actual ranking of the class: "Warlock is toward the bottom of the charts" ->exactly that's where the class actually is, bottom.
And there is no hope and no kind of patience for any kind of "moderate boost" that will bring the class into balance, since a "moderate boost" is not what will equalize a gap of 25%+ to my Dreadnaught and 40%+ towards an Arcanist inside tomm- like @tom#6998 posted on preview.
The class is in a crippled condition since years now.
From what I learned in the past and from the actual miserable relaunch in mod 16 there is no reason to hope for anything.
That's why I say. Just delete it and give those one who want a class reroll token. You devs, are definitely not gonna get this fixed in no time and in no condition. No offence, only the truth.
The reality of it is the developers and the company can realistically do anything they want including but not limited to change the stats and worth of every item, including the characters any time the wish and for whatever reason so as @sandukutupu pointed out, everyone who clicked on the "I Agree" button acknowledged that fact before they even started playing. If anyone is having clicker's remorse (akin to buyer's remorse) I tend to believe that would be the problem of the person who agreed to the terms initially , but now seems to have a problem with what they previously agreed to and thinks they should be "compensated". ¢¢
As i stated before this is a scam because they destroy progress and plan to keep on like nothing happened (its not that im crying about the server closing and i lost all my stuff, they deliberately destroyed it im guessing for income purposes and plan to act normal). Neither I have buyer or clicker remorse as you say, I binded all that stuff because I liked the warlock and it was my main, but changing the rules is not fair. Buyer remorse would be to bind the trex for example and after a few hours come crying because i dont like it or something like that
Now for playing her in a group setting, I still keep my distance but I help the fallen where and when I can. At best, warlocks are a support member of the party now. You stated you bought 3 legendary mounts for this one character, yet mine has epics at best. My companion is a legendary Cambion Magus, thanks a lot to Sybella's new quests. Her artifacts are orange, I think she is barely 16K item level. She has completed the Undermountain campaign without issue.
Maybe you should focus on what you can do and less on what you cannot. I don't wait around for fixes, out of those developers you addressed in your opening statement. I only had one of them respond to me in a PM and never cared for much of what he said. Perhaps you should have said you "demand repairs" and not "demand compensation", but I was informing you, and not attacking you.