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List of Bugs 26.09.2019

bkjvkbkjvk Member Posts: 19 Arc User
edited September 2019 in Bug Reports (PC)
The list is growing pretty fast because of the huge commitment of this community. Once again thanks for @hustin1 for finding all subtle mismatches :smiley:, also @maruda#1373 and @mentinmindmaker for making Ranger and Wizard find their place on the list :lol:. And many other who made the list grow :smile:
Today patch notes removed bugs from the list: 0
Since the last time number of bugs increased by: a lot :lol:

Some of the bugs could have been easily explained somewhere (for example if FBI pillars are bug or intended), maybe one day they will do something about that list (for example banning me from the forum XD)

Lair of Mad Mage:
  • Boreworm does not listen to aggro, even tho aggro indicator shows red it still attacks random teammate, it it's not supposed to listen to aggro, then it should be grayed out
  • Muscle Contraction caused by Scaladars cannot be removed by purging skills casted by healing classes
Castle Ravenloft
  • Sisters of Fury sometimes they iggnore aggro indicator, attacking one player of their choice, even if they kill their target, they will await its ressurection to kill it once again
  • Second sister of fury, sometimes its health bar does not appear like boss bar and it looks like epic minion.
  • Strhad - sometimes when whole party dies doing last boss fight, some members are put in bossfight once again (almost instantly), when they die, the sword dissapears.
  • Strhad - Sword did not appeared in the center in the first phase.
Fangbreaker Island
  • Permafrost pillars affect anyone who bumps into/gets too close to them as if they had been originally captured by it's spawning.
Kessell's retreat
  • Cannot use "Kessell's key" to claim bonus chest after defeating last boss
Dread Vault (Tales of Old)
  • If you neglected to talk to Nipsy after finishing Dread Vault, the quest is now stuck in your tracker and you cannot abandon it.
Merchant Prince Folly
  • T-rex life is way to strong for intermediate queue
Dread Legion
  • Sometimes dread legion does not play the music
  • Prophecy of madness / Malabog castle - Too hard for newcomers
  • Polar bear riders in the Sea of Moving Ice are sans bears.
  • Young remorhazes in the northwest part of Cold Run have an absurdly high aggro radius.
  • Itsy-bitsy red spiderlings in the River District behave like Deathjump Spiders, complete with absurdly high red area radii.
  • Frost Giants on ships in the Sea of Moving Ice are often in the water alongside their assigned ship instead of being on it.
  • Vampires and Greater Vampires in Vanrakdoom **always** dodge your first attack, no matter what.
  • The final group of enemies in the AI Noble Extraction quest before you enter the boss room have either significantly higher HP or significantly higher defense than all other enemies.
  • The mimic in the AI basement has "Mimic" overhead, and is always a mimic
  • Dragonsoul Thanin (cutscene in Whispering Caverns upon defeating Vilithrax) looks like a Pit Fiend.
  • Dragonsoul Thanin (Ancient Treasures quest boss) looks like a Pit Fiend.
Heroic Encounters
  • Merchant missery (above the city on minimap) - Last phase starts after enormous ammount of time
River District
  • In the area of the treasure ship, if you're standing on the large wooden pier area you cannot dodge.
  • Nostura Counterattack - During reinforcements phase, mobs are not spawning
  • On the map where you have to break wood boards, sometimes mob is stuck between textures (or something else), party is in "constant" fight and cannot progress further this unlocks after some time
  • Almost on the end of the map there is portal (and you can find relic near it), mob stucks between portal, cannot be killed, team cannot progress further due to the fact, that they are in combat
  • If you put 3 runes for run, you can get 3 rune corruptions, but only two first will be displayed on the expedition panel
  • if the leader of the party select for a loot mode "free for all", participants did not receive the granted pants/shirts.
Legacy Campaigns
  • Dread Ring - Dread Spire daily quest does not count as mission
Icewind Dale - Icewind Pass
  • On the quest where you have to kill undead giant, if you forggot to do it, you have to restart the quest (if you even try to help someone kill their, it still would not count)
  • intro: boss troll looks like a normal Fell Troll
  • Tending the Shrine: boss troll looks like a normal Fell Troll
Chult / Omu
  • House of the Crocodile: enemies in the 2nd chamber still often get stuck behind a wall
  • Fane of the Night Serpent: Aggro persist after the kill of the mini-boss and it's impossible to go out of the instance.
Acquisition Incorporated
  • Beholder intrusion in acquisition incorporated - if you open the chest before killing your buddy beholder quest will bug
Tyranny of Dragons
  • Portal to Tuern intro: the Ritual Focus that you're supposed to destroy follows you around
Maze Engine
  • Chapter 4 - running from the dragon became too easy, as the the only red areas that actually pop up are from a few falling stalactites. (if you miss that achievement, it is piece of cake now)
  • Soul Puppet - Sometimes it does not follow warlock to boss fights (for example boreworm on lomm, he stays before the doors)
Warlock Soulveaver
  • Lingering Sustain - Instead of healing 125 magnitude over 15 seconds it should heal 125 magnitude EACH second over 15 seconds (could be nerfed)
  • Soul Sparks - After death or near death state warlock looses all of them thus making him unable to heal after death
Cleric Devout
  • Searing Javelin - When targeted monster dies during animation it deals no damage to passing enemies.
  • Intercession - Sometimes do not proc

Barbarian Swordmaster
  • Unstopable (tab) - does not work versus soul golems (undermountine / lomm) knocks backs, or silence caused by net catch (those giants monsters in undermountine)
Barbarian Sentinel
  • Daring shout is garbage :)
  • Hindering strike is misfiring very often
  • Instant smolder make 50% dmg not 75%
  • Rapid recovery give 0% recovery not 100%
  • Repel give 0,09 AP
Barbarian Sentinel, Paladin, Fighter
  • Tank needs some explanation, why hp bonuses that count as buff are not scaled with bonus 40% from tank
  • Shield does not block knock backs from soul golems (undermountine / lomm)
  • One mixed companion slot (offense / defense) should be added to make bigger distinction between dps / tank
Empowered Chain of Scales
  • You need some effort to collect all scales (including campaign progress) and this item was not scaled after mod 16 should give atleast 10k power right now
  • Epic Polar Bear Cub have wrong tooltip saying that he increases outgoing healing by 2% while it gives more
  • powerslotexec 1 and/or powertrayexec 1 which should bind right mouse button skill, is not doing it.
  • (if anyone got idea how to bind, warlock healing atwill please let me know XD)

  • Guards in the River District salute "Neverwinter Guard!", i.e. themselves.
  • Dig site guards in the River District are often nowhere near their assigned dig site.
  • Port Nyanzaru: mounted guards don't have mounts.


    • gravy#7909 gravy Member Posts: 1 Arc User
      I think another bug is the freedom pass repeatable quest in rothe valley. The escaped slaves constantly bug out, run in wrong directions/ freeze, which can make this quest near impossible to complete (or atleast ragequit worthy)
    • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
      "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
    • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
      Dragonsoul Thanin has always used the Shocktroop Devil combat powers. I assume that is related to how he looks now, but all that is really different is that his armor is gone. It's also more obvious that his face is embedded in his shoulder while he does the animation to interact with a magic object.

      Nostura Counterattack isn't the only HE in River District that has missing mobs. Can personally verify that Kabal BHE and Nostura small HE can also bug like this.

      The missing guards and the HE bugs have been present since mod 11 launch in 2017.

      A wizard bug for Arcanist, Steal Time frequently fails to activate but enters a short cooldown instead.
      "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
    • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
      edited September 2019
      1. New alts don't automatically receive account-unlocked Foundry rewards, e.g. cloaks and titles (and there is no way to claim them).
      2. Bryn Shander: one of the remorhaz egg piles is floating a few feet off the ground (the one along the main path from the gates).
      3. If you use a Maze Engine patronage token, you cannot clear the interlude and biding time quests.
      4. Zarifrax's coffer from the Mod 11b quest Descent into Shadow still goes straight to your overflow bag and cannot be transferred to any open slot unless it's to your first bag.

      It's not just that Thanin's armor is missing -- the huge bat wings are kind of a giveaway...
      Post edited by hustin1 on
      Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
      Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
      Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
      Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
      The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
      My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
    • goro#8655 goro Member Posts: 16 Arc User
      The Hidden Pouches dropped by Tymora's Lucky Enchantment are not dropping level 71+ rewards, they are capped at the level 70 rewards still.
    • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
      Clerics cleanse (pretty sure the same for warlocks and paladins) is supposed to be able to cleanse partial paralysis.
      Despite multiple bug reports, and assurances that it's gone to the dev team, it still is not WAI.
      It removes the debuff icon, but the debuff remains active.
      Co-Guild Leader
      Ghost Templars L20
      Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
      Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
      Alt: Warlock
    • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
      This is a visual bug inside Bonegrinder (Ravenloft repeatable) but it looks horrible.

      My character appears to be standing under a layer of semi transparent dirt.

      This layer of dirt hangs in the air, the same way rocks don't.

    • lardesonlardeson Member Posts: 374 Arc User
      -Hunting hawk doesn't correspond with its tooltip.
      - Dread warrior doesn't apply its buff to the party, just to the owner.

      Btw repel giving 0.09 ap is not a bug eventhou it has over 10s cd. Unfortunately thats due to their rediculous ap gain formula. It actually gives 0.084 and thats because of the 'cast time' being 0.05 which makes absolutely no fckin difference considering the cd it has. The base is 0.168 if you take 0.1s cast time, hence why investing in ap gain is an absolute waste of time, cos its calculated off the cast time on each power. For example if you had 10% ap gain bonus, that would be an amazing 0.0084 added to repel, which would take it to 0.092 and would still take u 10 hits to gain 1% ap. Yes even my 5 yo brother would have done a better job.
      Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
    • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
      "Almost on the end of the map there is portal (and you can find relic near it), mob stucks between portal, cannot be killed, team cannot progress further due to the fact, that they are in combat"

      the work around for this one is to equip real comps not augments and stand as close to the portal as possible. your comps can kill it. not ideal but at least you dont lose your quest.
    • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
      edited September 2019
      1. Sailing in the Sea of Moving Ice drains all of your AP.
      2. When talking to either the dwarven craftsmen or the wee balloon vendors in Mantol-Derith, your mount animation always appears when the dialog starts.
      Post edited by hustin1 on
      Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
      Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
      Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
      Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
      The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
      My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
    • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
      edited September 2019
      hustin1 said:

      Sailing in the Sea of Moving Ice drains all of your AP.

      And your will to live.

      The manticores in MSVA seem to have a poison that's more potent than it should be.
      Haven't looked at the numbers, but it seems to kill you off in a few ticks.
      They also don't move from their spawning point.

      The lava at Kabal in MSP does no damage, but it used to.
      Same for his chains. I just disregard them when playing.
      Nostura's "at will" doesn't do much damage.
      The Nothic Stone Eye whatever boss doesn't pack quite as much a punch as it used to.

      FBI's last boss can be tanked by a melee class (no dodging involved).
      She tends to do her push attack (from spike wall to spike wall) at an angle where you don't need to worry about moving towards her.

      I've been getting a few instances in LOMM where, when transitioning from the first scorp phase to the second at Trobriand, the scorpions drop before the electricity recedes, resulting in 4 on-spawn charged scorps.
    • iandarkswordiandarksword Member Posts: 978 Arc User
      Penetrating Arrows usually doesn't penetrate the intended target(s), instead it will usually fly over the targets' heads
      "I don't know, I'm making it up as I go..."
      Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
      Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
    • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
      Wizard has way more bugs than what's been listed here.

      For instance, cooldown bug on Arcanist leaving me to use Steal Time several times before I can actually cast the spell.
      True Neutral
      Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
    • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
      Paladin heals: the daily with the horses: when you activate it the horses charge but no damage, also doesn't empty your daily meter. it takes 3 or 4 activations before it actually works and damage is applied.
    • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
      If you block or maybe move, the daily is getting canceled. It's an issue when soloing since you can easily get knocked around if you don't block... meaning you still don't get to cast your daily
      "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
    • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
      edited September 2019
      pitshade said:

      If you block or maybe move, the daily is getting canceled. It's an issue when soloing since you can easily get knocked around if you don't block... meaning you still don't get to cast your daily

      I"ll pay attention but I'm definitely not blocking. it's not a second nature thing to me yet. I might have moved though. pretty sure I'm just standing there I tend to use dailies from the edge of a battle. but there has never been a time it's worked on the first try for me. not once.

      *edit apparently moving was the problem. I tried it staying stock still while casting and while the animation played out and it took. that still seems like a bug to me.
      Post edited by thefiresidecat on
    • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
      Just poking my head in here to say that I do read these posts weekly and have been escalating them in each Monday report. Most of the issues are things we are aware of/are working on but we appreciate the effort in putting this together!
    • rev#7881 rev Member Posts: 343 Arc User
      edited September 2019

      - Still can't self cleanse me's debuffs;

      - Shadow Slip - ''You ignore control effect while shifted'', well most times you don't for the 1st second or so, its a gamble especially on me's, sometimes i can dodge the runes on the floor and other times i'm mid shift and still get cc'ed/debuffed;

      - Weird interaction with soulweaver essence drain/essence of power feet - if you cancel the animation of the essence drain sometimes it will go on cd and you will get the souls but you won't be able to cast any of your encounters for some time (you will still be able to use at-wills);

      - I don't know if it is true or intended (still need to check it out) but i keep hearing that aside from bane, encounters are neither ranged or melee... or at least they don't work with the ebonized rings;

      - hindering strike sometimes does 0 dmg;

      - shield slam sometimes knocks down he enemies but does 0 dmg and doesn't go on cd;
      - onslaught sometimes still does 0 dmg;

      Castle never
      -zombies before the 2nd boss during the orb phase can still 1 shot people while the ones at orcus fight are to easy to kill;

      Throne of the dwarven gods:
      -Rarely the hulks will charge at the person without the red indicator;

    • sgtpostal#4408 sgtpostal Member Posts: 379 Arc User

      "Almost on the end of the map there is portal (and you can find relic near it), mob stucks between portal, cannot be killed, team cannot progress further due to the fact, that they are in combat"

      the work around for this one is to equip real comps not augments and stand as close to the portal as possible. your comps can kill it. not ideal but at least you dont lose your quest.

      ya get this prob frequently in me's... another work around is to move away from portal to point where your comp follows you an wait few min... eventualy the stuck add will come out then you can kill an then progress thru the portal after youve gotten the relic (if there is one right there by the portal)
    • The Lion mount, which can be purchased at Eku's store through Eku's favors, has no insignia bonus. It's been like this since Mod 16.
    • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
      edited October 2019
      Storming the Keep
      - scaling is not working, my level 18 character stayed level 18 and did nearly no damage to the enemies
      - the bridge connecting the boss area to the rest of the keep was missing a part, we had to jump+dodge mid-air to get to the other side, our tank and one other player couldn't get there, so we tried fighting the boss on the bridge... but even after the boss died, the rest of our group couldn't get to the reward chest.
      - boss jumped from the broken bridge when we had him at 50% of his HP, not sure but i think we also didn't get any Seals of the Adventurer from him.

      with the Neverember's Recruitment Event running someone might want to fix those bugs in lower level skirmishes and dungeons... i don't think that many new players will have the patience and/or knowledge to figure out how to get through a run and to their rewards when they encounter such issues.
      Post edited by regenerde on
      I do believe in killing the messenger...
      Want to know why?
      Because it sends a message!
    • demenoss#9306 demenoss Member Posts: 205 Arc User
      MW3 Armorsmithing cannot be purchased. I completed "Down to the Wire" (and fear that was the wrong one since there were TWO Armorsmithing quests). I do have the 20 adamant plates and Steward loved his pocket timepiece... :)

      Explorers' Guild quests do not work on the Arcane skill node (no keys/mugs) like the others give.
      Guild: Noble Misfits
      Silky Pan'teeze: Drow Wizard --- Madres de Nasae: Half-elf Rouge
      Kepler: Human Paladin --- Demenoss: Dragonborn Barbarian
      Divine Pan'teeze: Drow Cleric --- Nikki Sharparrow: Human Ranger
    • mutantgunmutantgun Member Posts: 31 Arc User
      I see nito responded here, so perhaps I should share the thread here as well in the hopes that we get a response: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1251529/tales-of-old-the-dread-vault-extension-and-upcoming-changes
    • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
      Cleansing Light is still broken. Does NOT cleanse Partial Paralysis. It removes the debuff icon, but the debuff itself stays in effect.
      Co-Guild Leader
      Ghost Templars L20
      Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
      Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
      Alt: Warlock
    • akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
      Not surprisingly not a single thing mentioned in this thread was in the patch notes for today.
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