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Random leveling queues and Random Intermediate queues not proccing due to tank and healer needed

Since the maintenance of yesterday, people have issues and litteraly wait for hours before these easy queues proc.
It is noted in the queue interface that there is no requirement but now these queues require 3 dps 1 tank and 1 heal to pop.
I think this update is either a bug or it is an attempt to fight botting, but it will just get people angry and demotivated.
There are still way more dps players than tanks and especially healers in the game, so it is a massive issue....

My suggestion is to remove at least one of the support role from this hidden requirement. It means that the queue will pop if at least 3 dps, 1 tank (or healer) and another random player queue.


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  • alfa1777alfa1777 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Yeah, they should remove that, they do that because the party died in the skirmises, but the problem isn't the missing of a tank and a heal, is the damage of the mobs, for example i was doind rlq with my pala tank and proc illusionist, and i could barely stand the big adds, for lucky no was the fire areas active, or could be a wipe in all world
  • bravo819#3644 bravo819 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Whilst talking about Random Queues. I have an 80 lvl assassin I put into an Intermediant Random Queue and got Malabog's Castle. Imagine my surprise when I died 4 times before even getting to the end, what gone on with the mob's strength??????
  • robai#6206 robai Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    Why they fix things that aren't broken?
    It's not just a bug we have now (too long queue waiting time), but they also require roles for Skirmishes? Why?
    Folly was never a problem (Heist bank is though). Moving Tiamat to Advanced was good (Heist Bank should be moved too).

    But these are minor things compared to the whole mess of U16, companions still don't heal or do anything in combat.
    Post edited by robai#6206 on
  • joelmessedup#5710 joelmessedup Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    For the RLQ and the RIQ I don't feel like they should have any requirements, who cares if theyre 5 DPS? I would much rather chance getting 5 (low) DPS in Many Coins Bank than having to wait the 20 minutes just go get to ONE RLQ... Please Devs change it back !
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    RLQ should be wide open 5 man free for all. Chances are there will be at least one geared toon pulled into these runs.
    RiQ should contain a proper party.

    Both are preparing you for the game ahead, RLQ is a way to make diamonds in the beginning, RIQ is where you should be learning your party and dungeon mechanics.

    I can't see this as a way to defeat botting, botters are just going to make support toons and let them run for AD.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    Even a botter that uses a support toon is providing some value to real players waiting in the queue. But certainly, having a less predictable, and more varied, mix of dungeons that can be given in RLQ will make botting and AFK-farming harder.
  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User
    Healers are the bottleneck on the Leveling queues
    Tanks are the bottleneck on the Intermediate queues

    Running a tank, since the change, I've gotten into intermediate queues as fast as always about 8 out of 8 times. On leveling queues, i've had to wait between 10 and 40 minutes to get in every time. I'm not seeing any change on the Advanced queue times.
  • sgtpostal#4408 sgtpostal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    they made this change bc of blah blah excuse whatever reasons they had.... and aint gunna put it back to the way it was..... sad fact of life... deal with it adjust or ... move on to new things.... smh and i loved this game an still do but this.... i dunno if i got the paitence to wait like that (daily key claim an few invokes wen it hits ps4)
  • b4t1b4tb4t1b4t Member Posts: 275 Arc User

    they made this change bc of blah blah excuse whatever reasons they had.... and aint gunna put it back to the way it was..... sad fact of life... deal with it adjust or ... move on to new things.... smh and i loved this game an still do but this.... i dunno if i got the paitence to wait like that (daily key claim an few invokes wen it hits ps4)

    This here is why i hardly login the game any more. If you run a dps class chances are your be waiting in que for a very long time and well you must either have the patience to sit there and wait until the que happens or get so bored you just log off.
    True fact is this issue will not change and well to be fair it is both sides at fault. It is the company that set forth the requirements of needing 3 dps 1 tank 1 heal but its also the player base that decided to run dps or what not. if more of us did run healers or even more tanks I think this issue may actually shorten but it is what it is.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User
    Don't just sit and wait in queue. Go do something else that needs doing while you're in queue.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • sgtpostal#4408 sgtpostal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    b4t1b4t said:

    they made this change bc of blah blah excuse whatever reasons they had.... and aint gunna put it back to the way it was..... sad fact of life... deal with it adjust or ... move on to new things.... smh and i loved this game an still do but this.... i dunno if i got the paitence to wait like that (daily key claim an few invokes wen it hits ps4)

    This here is why i hardly login the game any more. If you run a dps class chances are your be waiting in que for a very long time and well you must either have the patience to sit there and wait until the que happens or get so bored you just log off.
    True fact is this issue will not change and well to be fair it is both sides at fault. It is the company that set forth the requirements of needing 3 dps 1 tank 1 heal but its also the player base that decided to run dps or what not. if more of us did run healers or even more tanks I think this issue may actually shorten but it is what it is.
    Ya i dunno about you but this is not a 2 way fault... complete company fault here this one is.... an reason why is bc they aint think anout what the player base choses... an by this i mean what the players play.....
    dps- all you pretty much gotta do =kill stuff
    tanks- gotta worry about agro'in this agro'in that making sure mobs are lookin at you not evrybdy else in group (aqro)
    healers- omg i gotta keep the group alive an other stuff gotta pay attention to detail on this one
    ya dont get me wrng some ppl love tankin or love healin an are really good at it too
    but you get the ones that dont know wht they doin or not suited for the q (foot swings)
    dps is just easier to play really thats why most play it
    well least thats my opinion anyways lol

  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    @asterdahl , @terramak , @noworries#8859, @mimicking#6533, @nitocris83
    I said it a long time ago in another Random Queue thread. Requiring roles WILL break the queue system because there are not enough people playing the roles needed. MOD 16 and recent changes to "Healing" classes made it to where even fewer people are willing to play those roles.

    In the early game several of the quests involve NPCs in roles to help players progress through the quests. Most times they were DPS roles, but sometimes they were healing roles.

    Why not spawn in a Celeste NPC to heal for skirmishes?

    Why not spawn in a Sgt Knox to tank for skirmishes?

    I mean they really don't have to "DO" anything, you just make the Knox NPC generate threat and the Celeste NPC spam heals. Problem solved. Now the DPS classes can Queue in parties of 5 and not have to wait for healers or tanks. Look at your metrics DEVS. You know you can not support queues like they are set up. We warned you about this when you first forced them on us.

    This same idea could be used to make any queue pop within a reasonable time. Say 5 minutes go by and a queue has not popped send a pop up to the members waiting asking if they want to use NPC fillers. Yes it will not be an optimal party, but so much of this game is already so janky it probably will not matter much.

    Let's be honest, BOTS have been doing this for years in every single MMO on the market. Why not use that technology to save your damn game.
  • xenocide#6119 xenocide Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    Should take the tank/heals should be a flex role in skirmish where only one of the 2 are needed to fill queue
  • reiknarreiknar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    As has been stated, this obviously wasn't needed for the Random Leveling Que. For the higher end content, skirmishes in particular? Perhaps so, but I wonder, where are the players who complained so much about broken ques that this "fix" was forced upon us? If they exist they're certainly ducking their heads right out of the line of fire in this thread...

    The only fix for having needed healers and tanks for queing is to join a guild, and put in the effort to maintain your guild. Do I think every player should be "on board" for that? Certainly. Do I think dev's should be forcing that on players? Certainly not, that would be ridiculous. But, here we are.
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    There is a DEV response to this here [don't know how to link to the exact post]

  • majorcharvenakmajorcharvenak Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    I'm wondering if the situation is so bad that tanks and healers start going full merc and begin charging for services? Kind of like the trade system that came about for the Chult/Barovian hunt lures.

    House Miliskeera in exile (NW)
    Sereska Miliskeera, Lvl 70 OP - Devotion (Just.)/Protection (Just.)
    Shizlee Miliskeera, Lvl 70 DC - Divine Oracle (Right.)/Anoited Champion (Faith.)
    Finithey Miliskeera, Lvl 70 HR - Stormwarden (Combat)/Pathfinder (Trapper)
    Maya Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 CW - Spellstorm
    Irae Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 TR - Master Inflitrator

    Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
    Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 60, Rom Sci
    S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 60, Rom Eng
    T'Lyra, LvL 60, Fed, Vul Sci
    Ta'el, Lvl 60, Rom Tac
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    It appears to be affecting the CtoA event now. All my toons are taking an unusually long time to get into an instance.
  • darkheart#6758 darkheart Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    > @kemnimtarkas said:
    > It appears to be affecting the CtoA event now. All my toons are taking an unusually long time to get into an instance.

    Lol another unexpected problem to an change that wasn't thought through.

    People need to figure out that this game is now running on a shoestring staff, shoestring budget and decisions being made are killing the game with a 1000 papercuts over time.
  • mordekai#1901 mordekai Member Posts: 1,598 Arc User
    The reason this has happened is a direct result of them merging the Skirmish Queue in with the old RIQ that was only Dungeons.
    They don't want "too many" tiers of queue because the number one stated goal of Random Queues was to Ensure all queues are firing in a reasonable time frame, regardless of popularity (sic).
    But because you can only queue for one Random Queue as opposed to any number of individual dungeons or skirmishes, choosing a Random Queue removes you from the potential number of players available for all the others. So keeping the queues to minimum means a wider pool of players at any given time for that pool.

    The expansion of a third Healer and third Tank does not seem to have helped in regard the make up of those queuing for Random Queues in general, so I think they need to go back to the drawing board (again) with regard to RQs.

    While there are bound to be players to whom this doesn't apply, the vast majority of post 80 players choosing RLQ and RIQ are not looking for a long, challenging process. They want a fast in and out to get the RAD that the RQs provide, and possibly something shiny from a chest... They don't care very much about burnout from over playing the same content every day. (That IS the model of the entire rest of the game after all...) and my warlock STILL gets Merchant Prince 9 times out of 10 on RIQ. But I don't mind because it's quick, and even if I don't get Gold due to newer (inevitably Barbarian) players not understanding that there are other things to do than just hit stuff and that my 22k Wizard is much more use melting the mobs outside while their 16k sprinting axe maniacs could be waking up guards and not the other way round... it's still a bit of fun.

    That aside, forcing the 3/1/1 on skirmishes surely just makes the point of skirmishes void?
    If I'm queuing for a proper dungeon, I don't mind waiting an extra 5 or 10 minutes, and it's not the game's fault if not enough of us play Healers. The trade off in the wait vs content quality has always been offset by the fact that Skirmishes are HAMSTER, but pop quickly.

    To have to wait 20 or 30 minutes for Prophecy of Madness is not my idea of a well invested half hour of my time. And it is NOT my idea of fun.

    Drop the requirement for 3/1/1 on Skirmishes.
    If people fail once in a while, and wipe, then it is part of the learning curve they need to prepare them for when they start trying the hard end game stuff.
    Who said that the low level stuff HAS to be so easy that it's impossible to fail?
    Screw that.
    If content is going to be THAT easy, just have people stand in a corner for 15 minutes and give them the RAD. They're not learning anything if they can't fail, so why waste server space.

    For years that content has been manageable with 5 randoms. Potions are cheap. Learning how to manage them, and your HP, is part of the game. It's a skill that was lost with mega Lifesteal. Let people learn how to do it again.

    They will benefit in the long term!
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