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What do the players want for future dungeons, skirmishes, and trials?

arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
As the title says, what do we all want from future group content.

Here are my wishes;
-2 new queues per module, whether it's a dungeon and a skirmish, dungeon and a trial or trial and a skirmish or really any combination.
- One of the new queues should be harder, maybe not ToMM level, but more difficult than LoMM for sure.
-Better reward pool to make long term replayability worthwhile. If the only worthwhile reward is AD, players will seek easier and shorter content to grind instead.
-Some longer dungeons, with more bosses. Undermountain would have been perfect for this considering it is just one big megadungeon. A dungeon crawl will promote more interaction between players and could be a weekly occurance for guilds to look forward to, provided the rewards are worth the effort.
- A dungeon style Trial, this will bring a lot of variety and break up the usual formula. Multiple bosses, multiple paths for the group to split up to progress, a boss that needs to have multiple bosses or parts of a boss die within a certain amount of time from each other or the remaining one gets a super buff.

I'm sure many players would not mind a longer wait in between module releases to see some of the suggestions in this thread augmented and for more quality on release.


  • ostwind#7700 ostwind Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I can get on board with this!

    I like the change up of the final suggestion the best.

    We need good content for the near and endgame players, along with something mid tear for the newer players to aspire to but, still allows the endgame player to enjoy as well. Maybe that fits in with Arazith's final suggestion?
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    we all want Baba Yuga's Dancing Hut, Calimshan, Candlekeep and go visit Luskan and do some faction questlines.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    Pretty sure the module releases are tied in with their license agreement.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • rafamarques#5700 rafamarques Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    A - body/class changes between players looks funny.

    B - dungeon that everbody have a entire class transformation when pick a exclusive weapon based in your role/or enter in certain area (for unbalanced modules, that can be some good bandage.

    C -obstacle racing/piloting machines during dungeons and things like that (i dont remember the module, but you have that in some missions, but dont dungeons).

    D -stealth oportunities (item b ).

    ps: about piloting machines, some kind of tower defence moment, when, every class, based in your role, take a certain kind of "tower".
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User

    Next time the devs decide to revamp one of the "removed dungeons" for an event aimed at BIS players, the original dungeon should be added to the leveling queue for the duration permanently, so that the rest of us can see what we are missing out on.

    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • edited August 2019
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  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    I think it'd be a great benefit if older mods could be enriched with new dungeons and content (like how SKT was separated into 2), because a lot of thematically great boss/concept was left out and by jumping into the next one, they just not likely get used anyway.

    Example for awesome boss, Yeenoghu, the Lord of Savagery:

    Or conceptionally, there's a neat interaction between Zuggtmoy, the Lady of Decay, who infects everything with mind-controlling spores to spread through the Planes and Juiblex, the Lord of Slime, who just dumbly eats whatever it goes in it's way, making a fair balance of power and it can be used for tricky or sophisticated mechanics to introduce.
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    Cryptic implemented the hardcore mode and min itemlvl mode. But havnt done anything with it. Its a nice idea to make things harder. To make u think more about what ur doing. But since they offer no extra rewards, they are pointless to do.

    Maybe do something like, running in hardcore or min itemlvl gives 1 extra reroll at the end chests.

    Running with both gives an extra no key chest at the end. Loot tables can be the same as the other chests.

    In terms of effectiveness these modes wouldnt be better than running normally. But it would give the feeling of getting something extra for the troubles.
  • rev#7881 rev Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    Having a new dungeon+skirmish or trial would be nice

    Making all the skirmishes from lvl 1-60 that are in the game (Straight to Helm, Defend the Temple, etc..) lvl 70+
    (EDIT: was just leveling my ranger and got defending the city (rothe valley) on a random q, and what a treat it was)

    Revamp of rewards from current events

    Adding some sort of stuff to make us run old dungeons, i gave an example a couple months back, imagine etos droping a rare mount or transmute (ex.: you had a chance to get the rainbow panther from it or something like that)

    Giving the hardest Dungeon or Skirmish in the game a small chance(like the lockbox) of getting a legendary mount
    Post edited by rev#7881 on
  • bspallybspally Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Bring back old content from GG ! Spider and Juggernaut have been waiting for too long to return =)
    Make Neverwinter's players willing to buy Zen great again!
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  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    I would like to see a new type of content that can only be run once a week per the account. It would provide an account wide seals to buy the BEST gear in the game. This includes everything from artifact gear, weapons, artifact, rings, shirt, pants, armor pieces, etc... even companion gear. All gear even after equipping is account bound. Each piece will take 4 runs to get enough seals to buy a piece of gear. Double seals does not impact this dungeon. Every year the older dungeon is removed as is the vendor and a new dungeon and vendor are added with new gear and awards.

    As for the chest the standard is available to everyone providing standard awards seen in the current/latest dungeon standard chest. The secondary chest uses 250K AD just to open it because it has a chance to contain gear from the new vendor and other great awards awaiting you. This chest can only be opened 1x a week. Players can run this dungeon again for standard AD or if they have not opened the 2nd chest they can run it for a chance ad the gear.

    The annual dungeon has hard cap for stats, anything above the hard caps will be reduced. The only way to Q is public as no private Q would be allowed.

    In addition, I would like to see 2 pieces of content released instead of one piece of content. I believe that a skirmish should always be released with it having lower stats. Than a dungeon or a trial should also be released as well and those would be the higher difficulty content with trials always being the hardest content in the game.

    Every other year a trial like ToMM should be released for the elite player that want a true challenge. Annually I would like to see 3 skirmish, 2 dungeons and one trial released with 3 mods released a year. The forth mod would be for annual dungeon I mentioned above.

  • cherryman1cherryman1 Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    new mechanics in the game:

    Possible mechanics like the top DPS player gets taken and you have a laser (think of bond movie) or giant swinging guillotine (think raiders of the lost arc) gets the player and the rest of the team has to free the player before they're killed.

    Mechanic for a Trial where you split the party into two groups and they have to fight through two separate paths in the same time period. Timers where you have to clear an area to move on with a timer and if you can't do it in time the area either blows up or collapses. This will bring endless amounts of fun since players can use it at later times to have speed racing to see which group is quicker at clearing their side.

    Mechanic where one person in the party gets a circle around them with an arrow pointed at them from a specific side. If the tank doesn't get into place and block the projectile coming at that player they are instantly dead with a small AoE around them. If the tank does get in place to block the projectile you have little to no damage done to them.

    Ninja mechanics that kills players that stray too far from their party members or they get captured and tied up until someone comes over to untie them.

    Super slow mobs that are really hard to kill and if you get too close they one shot players. Used to make the parties not rely on staying in one spot and make a group re-position continuously in a fight. This will also make it so you want balance in your parties and to have ranged players in the group.

    Reflect mechanics that stop players from attacking at a ranged distance. Just 10 second windows where the mob flashes for a period of time and then sets up something that reflects the attacks of players back or just outright kills them if they attack at range. This will force melee to be wanted in fights.


    Please remove the RNG on RNG on RNG that is really bad odds of getting what you want or need. The watcher weapons have too much RNG for them to work right and we shouldn't see any more of this RNG on RNG on RNG in the game anymore. I would prefer to have a box that I get 100% of the time that gives me a choice of weapons at a really low chance than this RNG ... Make the items sellable on the AH as well.

    The RNG of the current watcher weapons is so poorly done that it would be like adding in RNG into Getting a daily key each day or from when you buy it to an if RNG lets you get your key. Then, the rng to get the box for a legendary mount with an additional RNG in the Box of getting a legendary mount not of your choice or 100 RP inside of it. Most have given up on the hunt for their watcher weapons because of the odds to get them are in the years for most players. I have gone over 40 runs without seeing the wraith show itself. I have killed over 50 watcher bosses and 0 weapons have gone to me. I have players that are in my party that have their set and I have yet to get even 1 weapon.
    Guild Leader: Under the Influence
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  • tom#6998 tom Member Posts: 952 Arc User
    id like to see 1 skirmish 1 Dungeon and 1 Trial per module,
    where the skirmish is more for the beginner types in terms of difficulty
    the dungeon above the level of Lomm but not that much.
    And the trial beeing the hardest content, so like ToMM in terms of difficulty.

    If we could get that each mod, that would be great.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    * Flying mounts.

    Flying has been a huge success in various other mmorpgs.

    Since old overland zones are not built for fly they could be adapted over time, but any new overland zones should support flying. Flying is great fun.

    * Community quests.

    Another success item from other mmorpg's. Have the entire community work together towards enabling a reward.. for instance access to some dungeon or a 100hp worldwide hp buff etc etc.

    Parts of such a quest could be bring 1000 dragon heads to quest giver etc. It must be something that will take a few months to complete.
  • mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    How about a properly funtioning warlock class for future dungeons skirmishes and trials please.
  • kryptoherokryptohero Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    a new class or 2. maybe monk, psion (the new module is based on a traditionally psionic race), druid (why is this not in game yet?), bard or any of the other 5th edition classes really.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    Let's try and keep suggestions to just about queued content specifically please.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    tom#6998 said:

    id like to see 1 skirmish 1 Dungeon and 1 Trial per module,
    where the skirmish is more for the beginner types in terms of difficulty
    the dungeon above the level of Lomm but not that much.
    And the trial beeing the hardest content, so like ToMM in terms of difficulty.

    If we could get that each mod, that would be great.

    This idea is sort of how DCUO works. They typically do small and large content. With large content they would release a dungeon and a trial or two trials. With small content it would be mostly single player or two player content that is run through a Q. All content seems to have at least 1 dungeon when it is released in DCUO.

    I think asking for all three maybe a bit to much. I think getting a dungeon every mod and a skirmish or a trial would be nice to see or a skirmish every mod with rotation between dungeon and trial.

    Other things I want to see are the following.

    Just more....
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    More objectives that change from time to time. Kind of like they did with Throne.
    Same dungeon/skirmish but with multiple scenarios.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    Well, something that would actually take care of all those afk'lers and botters would be really nice... and of course working companions, that will actively help us in those new dungeons/skirmishes/trials, would also be great.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    try Baba Yaga's Hut in master expediation mode, different random rooms and random challenges each time we visit. kinda like Labyrinth theme, with challenges of switches and levers, with style of Gambit arena, elevator, and Maze engine prison maze.

    Calimshan, 3 factions (switchable icewind faction theme), choice to assist wererats, rakshasa, or begger guild, rooftop adventure, all the quests lead to legenday Tomb of Amun-Ra in the desert to discover Djinns, Dao, Efreeti and Marids, to unlock Brass City. once completed, Brass City unlock for new dailies.

    Candlekeep, the vault of artifacts, our mission to recover stolen artifacts. something that we can upgrade our current collection of artifacts, and tragedic truth of Minsc and Boo, it is time to help him for the favor he aided everyone, help him to overcome his past sadness and to discover the source of artifact thief, the Stone Dragon with stone gaze that turn Minsc into stone, that one evil he cant beat alone and need us.

    Lushan, Karsovos need us to defeat his rival faction leaders to restore order, theme of playing factions, is doing the "Spaghetti Western" or bruce Willis' Last Man Standing theme, and puzzle to put together, Chapel's Bell, Undertaker's Coffin, and many other funny mentionables to liberate citizens of Luskan. Luskan is "Progressive Adventure" for each character, no need for Adventure Update token, it is story driven module. once all completed, new daily unlocked, similar to Undermountain unlocking zones, to end the tower war.
    Post edited by wylonus on
  • mimicking#6533 mimicking Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 83 Cryptic Developer

    Having a new dungeon+skirmish or trial would be nice

    Making all the skirmishes from lvl 1-60 that are in the game (Straight to Helm, Defend the Temple, etc..) lvl 70+
    (EDIT: was just leveling my ranger and got defending the city (rothe valley) on a random q, and what a treat it was)

    Revamp of rewards from current events

    Adding some sort of stuff to make us run old dungeons, i gave an example a couple months back, imagine etos droping a rare mount or transmute (ex.: you had a chance to get the rainbow panther from it or something like that)

    Giving the hardest Dungeon or Skirmish in the game a small chance(like the lockbox) of getting a legendary mount

    Thanks for your feedback. Regarding running ( and re-releasing) the older dungeons, have you been playing Tales of Old?

    Go ahead, click on the chest...
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