Prepared Slam says that "Whenever you are under the effect of Heavy Slash your encounter powers that deal damage to multiple enemies consume the effect of Heavy Slash and deal an additional 200 magnitude damage."
1) The magnitude of the attack being modified is not increased by 200, an additional damage instance of Magnitidue 200 is applied. This means that it does not crit when the base attack crits.
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Tremor deals 784 Physical Damage to Target Dummy.
[Combat (Self)] Your Tremor deals 410 Physical Damage to Target Dummy.
[Combat (Self)] Your Tremor deals 410 Physical Damage to Target Dummy.
[Combat (Self)] Your Prepared Slam deals 312 Physical Damage to Target Dummy.
[Combat (Self)] Your Prepared Slam deals 312 Physical Damage to Target Dummy.
[Combat (Self)] Your Prepared Slam deals 312 Physical Damage to Target Dummy.
Prepared Slam is affected by things like Commander's Strike correctly.
2) The Heavy Slash buff is not consumed (the "glow" on Heavy Slash on bar remains), but the Prepared Slam buff does not trigger again. However you can benefit from Prepared Slam and Heavy Slash from the one proc of Heavier Slash!
3) Until Heavy Slash is used to clear the Heavier Slash buff you cannot receive the benefit of Prepared Slam again.
This looks like this:
Proc Heavier Slash.
Use AoE power (eg Tremor)
- Prepared Slam buff is used up.
- Heavier Slash buff stays active.
Use another AoE power (eg Shield Slam)
- Prepared Slam does not trigger.
- Heavier Slash buff stays active.
Use Heavy Slash
- Heavier Spash buff is applied.
Use another At-Will to trigger Heavier Slash again, starting loop.
No matter how many times Heavier Slash procs between the first AoE and the next, it does not proc Prepared Slam unless Heavy Slash is used to gain the benefit of Heavier Slash.
I tested in Trade of Blades with a Wooden Sword and no Vengeance buff.
My fighter is only level 71, with 20 Str and 48.64k power with the Wooden Sword equiped.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.