Ok, for now, that will be my first and last feedback based in the live experience. first to all, i insist... the main problem is what i said previously: being "E" a encounter feat and "M" a mechanichal feat, the order "E x E" and "M x M" are terrible and frustrating choices
well... that are my live encounters: not so fast, might leap/ibs (both feated) and bloodletter. the first thing to say: is possible use not so fast w/o feat, but not might leap. in fact, mightier leap is not that bad being funny like you said, but, in a lot of situations, dont work. the other thing is, maybe because of that you think that was a great feat, but when you miss your jump attack, you build rage like if you have hitted some enemies. that means, that bug hide some negative aspects of that power.
well, first: i think you should add some effect to might leap. two, mightier leap should be reworked to have 3 stacks. and again, should antagonize to overpenetration.
not so fast: the reason to use that even w/o feat is because trample of fallen. relentless speed should in my opinion extend the control duration to 10 secs and maybe ad some dot effect, 10 magnitude per sec during 10 secs. if every "tick" works like a control for bonus porpose, can be a way to work against immune targets. relentless speed should antagonize with brutal criticals, up to 5 rage per critical OR 2 per hit.
Ibs: i miss the multi target component of that power. indomitable rage, in my opinion, should steal for ibs a steel slam effect. we alread have frenzy that become obsolete during the last changes and need be improved. that feat should antagonize to relentles battlerage,
bloodletter: first... not only because the problems of game for now, in a lot of situations a healer cant protect the entire party. in fact, the most of healers dont know play as a healer even if everbody stay close. second, again, we alread have frenzy and should have a solid reason to use that as single target... well, you should think about bloodpiller be a resonable way to make you still alive. full heal, temporary hp, heal over time... i dont know. if good enough, can be a option to escaling rage.
now... tier four. first, use dailys is really frustrating now. but have feats improving two unusual dailys... well... alavanch of steel+steel slam works fine. but... avalanch of steel dont need new effects to be good. if you cut 2 secs of animation, i said, two secs, you solve that problem. spinning strike is a different story. why i should use a daily of 750 magnitude that expose me but not adamantine strike that do more damage, debuff and take the same time to cast? anyway... if you want something great to that daily you should, by feat, up that damage to 1200 (900 w/o feat), being a "alpha" AOE daily choice. that against some new mechanical feat to be created. in my opinion, some one that give A.P when active battlerage.
about frenzy... you really should think about improve that magnitude to 900, being our "alpha" single target encounter. roar/battle fury, class features, etc still need some "love" but we alread said enough about.
What word are you trying to use when you say "antagonize"? It actually means "to provoke or threaten."
antagonize is the action of antagonism. in that context, = feat "A" (should) rivalize to feat "b".
If you choose indomitable rage you exclude bloodpiller and vice versa. that in the theory, because both do the same thing by differents poisons.
when i said " mightier leap should be reworked to have 3 stacks. and again, should antagonize to overpenetration." that is because maybe you dont need rework every concept for now, just change the order of some feats through tiers. that means, instead to choice between tree encounters (tier 1, 2, 4) and two mechanics (tier 3, 5) we shoud choose between buff a encounter "x" or a mechanic "y".
3 stacks of might leap means, 3x250 magnitude for a aoe power (750 total). what is the best, flat 10% damage buff for everthing (overpenatration) or a 750 Aoe encounter with 16 secs cooldown? i dont know, looks a good choice for me.
One of the biggest ones is that there's no reasonable way to get back stamina. Higher strength means faster passive regen, but when "challenging" content means "breaks block in one or two hits," having our only stamina source be an encounter with a 23 second cooldown and no long-term benefit is not sufficient. While I suspect that the reason that Sure Strike doesn't restore stamina like Brazen and Shielding do is out of fear of excessive stamina regen while Unstoppable, that is NOT a reason to keep barbarians from being viable tanks.
There's the obvious bugs, like Blood Fury not actually reducing the cost of Primal Fury.
There's Primal Fury itself, which is NEEDLESSLY fiddly to use- it requires a sizeable chunk of your Rage bar and only works properly when your stamina is depleted. I get what you were trying for, but it is just not fun in application.
In a related vein, Bounding Slam _should_ be fun, but it's just so weak as to be worthless, even with the feat. For how long its cast and animation are, it just doesn't hit hard enough, even when buffed. Its cross-section of range, damage, and aoe is just undertuned. If it's codeable, I'd suggest the following: make Sure Slam able to trigger off of any at-will, not only Sure Strike, and make Bounding Slam fit a niche better- either expand its AoE and increase its base damage, or make it deal double damage to its primary target.
In general, the Barbarian, particularly the Sentinel, suffers heavily from the fact that it has a bunch of encounters and class features that should logically be bundled, because they're lackluster on their own or because their purpose is so obviously connected. A class feature that reduces your power and increases your health should also increase your threat- you're certainly not using it for soloing! Those two should be bundled, with another useful feature filling the freed up slot.
Powers with a long cooldown that supply a basic function of tanking don't feel great on their own. Ignore Weakness being the Barbarian's only source of stamina makes it feel like a bad piece of class design, not a useful power in its own right, especially when comparable powers for the other tank classes have additional effects. I"m not even sure I have suggestions to fix it- having to give up a power, and thus, likely, a feat, just to have a button to press so I can block more than one or two hits in a row, just feels irredeemably bad. It should be combined with Daring Shout, with the freed up slot going to a decent PBAoE power
Come and Get It shares with Enforced Threat the distinction of being far too niche, being literally nothing but a taunt in a game that isn't supposed to really be built around taunting. Giving it back its old damage-buff-on-next-hit might help, but so could taking it in another direction, or ending the animation with a Slam-like ground stomp for a ~120 magnitude hit.
And, in general, feats should not modify only a single power. All of the tank classes suffer from this problem.
I like @barbie#2808 analysis on the Blademaster's side, and would just add few elements: - Outside of the powers, the sprint is now really a problem. The fact that our stamina regeneration has a delay after stamina use it a real handicap. There are stuns everywhere on melee, so we have to be able to dodge consistently and use that immunity frame (that is frequently useless since some mobs actually hit at the moment their animation begin giving us no chance to dodge but that's another problem). Because of the 1sec delay for the stamina to begin its regeneration, it can be a nightmar in some scenarios.
- About the dailies, I agree totally about Crescendo it has a lot of problems in itself. First thing that I believe will be fixed on next patch is that we can get stunned using it. Well that makes it useless considering its long casting time. Also sometimes I start Crescendo, the first strike happens, then my character stops and becomes unusable for a second or two for no reason. No stun, nothing, it just stops during the encounter. Adamantine Strike has the same problem than Crescendo, you can be stunned by using it. And I don't recall seeing a fix for this one on the patch notes. And considering it's only useful on groups of mobs in melee, and that its casting time is very long, well most of the time one mob just stuns you and breaks your animation.
- Just a word about IBS and Bloodletter. IBS as it is now only hit one target compared with previously. But frequently, you use IBS and the mob either isn't hit, or has moved an inch to the left and you're in for 15 secs cd for nothing. Could it be possible to make IBS use the same mechanic than Bloodletter which is currently my favourite encounter by far? Very fast casting, but most importantly it becomes non-usable if the ennemy has moved too far from its range, or dies the milisecond before use. That way you don't enter a long cooldown for nothing at all.
- The recap done by the other user (@rafamarques) about rage generation and rage use is also what I'm experiencing. I need encounters to build enough rage to use Unstoppable, but then when I can use it my encounters are on cooldown. So frequently, i just use my rotation without using unstoppable, and use it on the next mob group. In effect I then use unstoppable 1/2 of my mob encounters. Or I use the Punishing Charge as an encounter because the farther you're from the target the more rage you build. So I use it to close the distance to the ennemies and build almost enough rage to use unstoppable correctly.
- The recap done by the other user (@rafamarques) about rage generation and rage use is also what I'm experiencing. I need encounters to build enough rage to use Unstoppable, but then when I can use it my encounters are on cooldown. So frequently, i just use my rotation without using unstoppable, and use it on the next mob group. In effect I then use unstoppable 1/2 of my mob encounters. Or I use the Punishing Charge as an encounter because the farther you're from the target the more rage you build. So I use it to close the distance to the ennemies and build almost enough rage to use unstoppable correctly.
Devs, i have new ideas for possible changes. hahha
Iam not sure how fast atwills become during the effect of battle rage, so lets supose 25%
here my porposes...
1 - improve the base speed of atwills to 12,5%-15%. battle rage no longer improve that bonus. 2 - Barbarians no longer got rage using encounters, only atwills. and that atwills got the same rage as encounters today. 3 - battle rage improve your damage and defence by 25%-30% 4 - rage bar no longer dimiss by time during battle rage. but each time you take damage (ignoring dot) or use a encounter, that rage bar down 20-25%.
about encounters changes:
battle fury: now, that encounter improve to you and a party your atwill speed by 12,5%-15%.
roar: roar now refill 20-25% of your rage bar when battle rage is active
daggers: not sure why you should use daggers and not axes if, in the and, both do 300 magnitude. anyway, i think you can improve that damage and, instead to improve your next attack, give to you/party combat advantage against a target "x" for 8secs.
at this point expectations are so low since he took us for a laughing stock in the stream, class balance is no joke , happy he found one which we didnt. tons of feedback useless feats thats a viable class
I'll wait one more week to see if they give some good notice about barbarians. I love my character too much to see him, not weak, but abandoned in some beta (or alpha) version of yourself. It will be hard, but iam really tired to see the same movie again: years playing destroyer because they dont take one HAMSTER module to work on instigators/sentinels... and now even that we have... no more.
What word are you trying to use when you say "antagonize"?
It actually means "to provoke or threaten."
If you choose indomitable rage you exclude bloodpiller and vice versa. that in the theory, because both do the same thing by differents poisons.
when i said " mightier leap should be reworked to have 3 stacks. and again, should antagonize to overpenetration." that is because maybe you dont need rework every concept for now, just change the order of some feats through tiers. that means, instead to choice between tree encounters (tier 1, 2, 4) and two mechanics (tier 3, 5) we shoud choose between buff a encounter "x" or a mechanic "y".
3 stacks of might leap means, 3x250 magnitude for a aoe power (750 total). what is the best, flat 10% damage buff for everthing (overpenatration) or a 750 Aoe encounter with 16 secs cooldown? i dont know, looks a good choice for me.
One of the biggest ones is that there's no reasonable way to get back stamina. Higher strength means faster passive regen, but when "challenging" content means "breaks block in one or two hits," having our only stamina source be an encounter with a 23 second cooldown and no long-term benefit is not sufficient. While I suspect that the reason that Sure Strike doesn't restore stamina like Brazen and Shielding do is out of fear of excessive stamina regen while Unstoppable, that is NOT a reason to keep barbarians from being viable tanks.
There's the obvious bugs, like Blood Fury not actually reducing the cost of Primal Fury.
There's Primal Fury itself, which is NEEDLESSLY fiddly to use- it requires a sizeable chunk of your Rage bar and only works properly when your stamina is depleted. I get what you were trying for, but it is just not fun in application.
In a related vein, Bounding Slam _should_ be fun, but it's just so weak as to be worthless, even with the feat. For how long its cast and animation are, it just doesn't hit hard enough, even when buffed. Its cross-section of range, damage, and aoe is just undertuned. If it's codeable, I'd suggest the following: make Sure Slam able to trigger off of any at-will, not only Sure Strike, and make Bounding Slam fit a niche better- either expand its AoE and increase its base damage, or make it deal double damage to its primary target.
In general, the Barbarian, particularly the Sentinel, suffers heavily from the fact that it has a bunch of encounters and class features that should logically be bundled, because they're lackluster on their own or because their purpose is so obviously connected.
A class feature that reduces your power and increases your health should also increase your threat- you're certainly not using it for soloing! Those two should be bundled, with another useful feature filling the freed up slot.
Powers with a long cooldown that supply a basic function of tanking don't feel great on their own. Ignore Weakness being the Barbarian's only source of stamina makes it feel like a bad piece of class design, not a useful power in its own right, especially when comparable powers for the other tank classes have additional effects. I"m not even sure I have suggestions to fix it- having to give up a power, and thus, likely, a feat, just to have a button to press so I can block more than one or two hits in a row, just feels irredeemably bad. It should be combined with Daring Shout, with the freed up slot going to a decent PBAoE power
Come and Get It shares with Enforced Threat the distinction of being far too niche, being literally nothing but a taunt in a game that isn't supposed to really be built around taunting. Giving it back its old damage-buff-on-next-hit might help, but so could taking it in another direction, or ending the animation with a Slam-like ground stomp for a ~120 magnitude hit.
And, in general, feats should not modify only a single power. All of the tank classes suffer from this problem.
- Outside of the powers, the sprint is now really a problem. The fact that our stamina regeneration has a delay after stamina use it a real handicap. There are stuns everywhere on melee, so we have to be able to dodge consistently and use that immunity frame (that is frequently useless since some mobs actually hit at the moment their animation begin giving us no chance to dodge but that's another problem). Because of the 1sec delay for the stamina to begin its regeneration, it can be a nightmar in some scenarios.
- About the dailies, I agree totally about Crescendo it has a lot of problems in itself. First thing that I believe will be fixed on next patch is that we can get stunned using it. Well that makes it useless considering its long casting time. Also sometimes I start Crescendo, the first strike happens, then my character stops and becomes unusable for a second or two for no reason. No stun, nothing, it just stops during the encounter.
Adamantine Strike has the same problem than Crescendo, you can be stunned by using it. And I don't recall seeing a fix for this one on the patch notes. And considering it's only useful on groups of mobs in melee, and that its casting time is very long, well most of the time one mob just stuns you and breaks your animation.
- Just a word about IBS and Bloodletter. IBS as it is now only hit one target compared with previously. But frequently, you use IBS and the mob either isn't hit, or has moved an inch to the left and you're in for 15 secs cd for nothing. Could it be possible to make IBS use the same mechanic than Bloodletter which is currently my favourite encounter by far? Very fast casting, but most importantly it becomes non-usable if the ennemy has moved too far from its range, or dies the milisecond before use. That way you don't enter a long cooldown for nothing at all.
- The recap done by the other user (@rafamarques) about rage generation and rage use is also what I'm experiencing. I need encounters to build enough rage to use Unstoppable, but then when I can use it my encounters are on cooldown. So frequently, i just use my rotation without using unstoppable, and use it on the next mob group. In effect I then use unstoppable 1/2 of my mob encounters. Or I use the Punishing Charge as an encounter because the farther you're from the target the more rage you build. So I use it to close the distance to the ennemies and build almost enough rage to use unstoppable correctly.
Devs, i have new ideas for possible changes. hahha
Iam not sure how fast atwills become during the effect of battle rage, so lets supose 25%
here my porposes...
1 - improve the base speed of atwills to 12,5%-15%. battle rage no longer improve that bonus.
2 - Barbarians no longer got rage using encounters, only atwills. and that atwills got the same rage as encounters today.
3 - battle rage improve your damage and defence by 25%-30%
4 - rage bar no longer dimiss by time during battle rage. but each time you take damage (ignoring dot) or use a encounter, that rage bar down 20-25%.
about encounters changes:
battle fury: now, that encounter improve to you and a party your atwill speed by 12,5%-15%.
roar: roar now refill 20-25% of your rage bar when battle rage is active
daggers: not sure why you should use daggers and not axes if, in the and, both do 300 magnitude. anyway, i think you can improve that damage and, instead to improve your next attack, give to you/party combat advantage against a target "x" for 8secs.
Yule (Barb): 72k : Siren (TR): 78k : Torun (DC): 73k : Siren OP (OP): 76k : Siren SW (SW): 78k : Modern (F): 80k : Cherry1 (CW) : 68k Siren HR (HR): 78k