@mwk I'm not even going to quote you, but your arrogance is really funny. keep it up! this place is way too serious. we need the comic relief you provide.
Youtubers a serious and main part of the community with views that are actually worthwhile, and you stopping and condescending to help us poor forumers understand it all... HAHAHAH. eh. I've got tears.
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
@mwk I'm not even going to quote you, but your arrogance is really funny. keep it up! this place is way too serious. we need the comic relief you provide.
Youtubers a serious and main part of the community with views that are actually worthwhile, and you stopping and condescending to help us poor forumers understand it all... HAHAHAH. eh. I've got tears.
Some of them were real experts in some classes, but mainly the guys that got hit with the mass banhammer a few months back and aren't in M16. Not everybody can work stuff out for themselves, particularly when the tooltips are wrong and they don't run ACT.
> What is this obsession with youtubers? How can I simplify this?!
> Youtubers are not the community, they are part of the community some may follow them, some may agree, some may not.
> A youtuber that plays on console only, and knows what is going on on the preview only second hand, doesn't represent anyone or anything of value.
> You want to express your opinion, please do so, this is the place and the time. If they want to, they can do it the same way. But I don't see how you repeatedly bringing youtubers as the community helps your point. Let me clarify, it doesn't, especially when some are considered as providers of misleading and incorrect information, and misleading content as click baits. (Not everyone ofcourse, but there is in the list)
> To your points, both recovery and life steal were / are an issue in PvE. I'm not saying that their removal is the correct solution, but the claim it was PvP issue only is false.
> If anyone thinks that the entire direction of m16 will magically change in the 2 weeks left until it goes live, I hope whatever you are smoking is easy to grow, I'll make a fortune selling that.
> (It seems you want the growing? I'm sorry I don't, won't, and personally it's illegal in my state)
> M16 is practically done deal, it remains to be seen how the more urgent issues are dealt with, especially the 'scaling' and the random stat jumps.
> Delaying it? There is no such thing as 100% complete. Somewhat an idiom based on Pareto Principal, that it will take much more time and effort to bring any work from 'good' to 'perfect'.
> So, is it good enough? Or can they make it so? Dunno. In MMO retention if they delay too long they will lose more than they will gain by the fixes. A fine line to walk. My guess is that it will not be delayed unless there will be showstopper, like players can't progress, or can't login.
All YouTube streamers have reached out to community and other streamers for discussion... I've seen the gameplay so far and I don't like the results so far! Just because I haven't played preview, doesn't give you any reason to discriminate me and these YouTube streamers that are in fact community, even though they play other games too. Do you really think they don't have a clue how the game works? Of course they do! According to the common sense logic of my mind, these so called YouTube Streamers play the game enough to understand the game and they don't simply stop at level 70 or even 80 for that matter now.
In related news... I watched a YouTube video showing the removal of a malignant tumor from a patient's cerebral cortex. [Clenches a steak knife.] Anyone have a headache? I'm a neurosurgeon now, apparently. Took... M.D.
...Several people I know who spend 400-1000 per month have left to play ESO or grab the beta for Ashes of Creation, etc. ...
That citation stopped me in my tracks...sorry, but I did not read the rest of the post...that is a LOT of money (assuming we aren't talking about some hyper inflated currency). If that's USD....
Is it possible to create a separate Neverwinter server for players who want to stay in 15 mod even a longer time? Cause if it is, I want to stay.. I do not like the change of attributes as well as the change of my beloved OP class Nerfs are too large. I think, that nobody who played since the beginning of 2014 will not accept these changes. Please, give us more time..
<blockquote class="Quote" rel="@Gripnir78">Gripnir78 said: >You are almost correct. Current system (mod15) was based on possibility to spent real monay to fill a gap between BIS/end game player and a new one.
>But size of the gap, or to be more precise reason to fill it does matter. In MOD 16 - as you said - you would have easier time to make your toon viable. Easier... witch in fact means with lesser use of AD, so with lesser reason to buy ZEN to convert them to AD,
>Seems nice right? Almost - from player perspective its awesome. But in the same time it reduces company ravenue. If it hits a Cryptic we wont get more content etc.
>So I guess there gona be a new ways to have a reason to buy ZEN, or some1 at Cryptic dont like to earn money.
>Latter is highly.... unlikely </blockquote>
I was just thinking about this in relation to the future. If they have just increased the max rank of enchants to 15, it is likely to stay that way for the next 3-5 modules. That means in the coming 2 modules, if they want to release harder content, our only way to increase our stats would be to upgrade our gear (unless they actually spend time developing difficult fighting mechanics). But, as we all know, you don't need to pay real money for gear.
This leads me to think they will release gear with slightly more stats but also with one extra enchant slot on them in the near future. This will mean everyone will "need" a full extra set of enchants for each character. It's really the only option they have other than endlessly increasing the ranks of enchants.
Or introducing a new 'mechagadget' that needs 'transmoglifying' 'numpteen' times that requires 'gromballs' and 'widgemebits' to be purchased from the zen store,.. and can be applied to 'whateveryouwant' items and because its a brand new thing they will almost undoubtedly will give more reward than current enchantments do,.. and nobody will have these,.. so all players will need to get them to stay relevant.
I don't imagine for one minute to have any idea what the upcoming money grab will be (and at the end of the day the company must generate revenue) but devaluing the current shiny baubles,.. opens way to the new mega-glitz baubles that may be just around the corner!
Or introducing a new 'mechagadget' that needs 'transmoglifying' 'numpteen' times that requires 'gromballs' and 'widgemebits' to be purchased from the zen store,.. and can be applied to 'whateveryouwant' items and because its a brand new thing they will almost undoubtedly will give more reward than current enchantments do,.. and nobody will have these,.. so all players will need to get them to stay relevant.
I don't imagine for one minute to have any idea what the upcoming money grab will be (and at the end of the day the company must generate revenue) but devaluing the current shiny baubles,.. opens way to the new mega-glitz baubles that may be just around the corner!
I would agree, but they are trying to negate powercreep and this would be an elegant solution for that. We all would need to invest in more enchants to simply stay where we are in terms of effectiveness vs. monsters. They don't need to program anything new, which would decrease the chance something would be bugged. They wouldn't need to put any resources into programming a new, shiny thing. Enchants already need items from the zen store- preservation wards. The simplest solution would be everyone needing more of what they already have.
Several people I know who spend 400-1000 per month
Unless those people are so well of that this is merely pocket change to them, that's just wrong. It doesn't matter if they are spending the money on single-handedly leveling up a guild or buying tons of lockbox keys, it really sounds like they have an addiction problem .
They should be going through the 12-step program with GA (Gamblers Anonymous).
I normally play on console (xbox one) and decided to install the game on my laptop last weekend to give it a go. Recently started 2 new characters on console and overall the new character (Fighter) on mod 16 preview was overall harder to play through the content. Not sure yet if it is too hard since I didn't get very far into the content (level 21), but you do notice you have to use your abilities more instead of just hack and slash your way through it. So more thought into how you play is a good thing.
Worst about new characters is probably not even noticing your new powers upon level up, since there are no choices, they are just added. Maybe it gets a bit better with the Paragon path at level 30 but I doubt it will be very much better based on what I've read so far.
From what I've read scaling will be a thing, and I hope that at least we feel (at end game characters) a bit more powerful than zone level characters.
This is the reason i think we should have the option to get that LV70 characther form zen store for free on preview. For people that play on console, to not have to level the full game to test end game stuff, and for those wo want to not use theyr stuff boons for exmaple and try a "fresh view" on Lv70 and UP
this would also allow us to test and see new classes that we dont usually play on live server to understand other players views and help on balance comments.
Please for next mod please add on preview server, Lv70 charaters item buy (cant remember the name) and the extra slots for toons item, so we can test better and help more.
@nitocris83 sorry for the re-post but i am trying to get some answers
So it came up in the community stream with Julia and Chantelle that we should post in the forums as to why people feel that solos feel like they are being pushed out. Well i have been doing that constantly but let me reiterate so you don't have to read like 30 posts of me complaining and just the one here.
1. The class changes that remove build versatility and force people in a restrictive role that is focused on serving a party. Like how is that anything but? You makes us good at only one thing with no wiggle room to make a class work for us alone and you wonder why solos are annoyed? The spellbooks/powers were even divided in half forcing you into one of 2 roles that are not flexible enough to stand alone without help most of the time. These changes were not quality of life improvements for me in anyway they are the source of much my consternation.
2. Power output Nerfs. Since the encounter powers were put on such long cooldowns we are less able to output damage and must stand there taking a pounding to defeat a mob, mean that DPS classes that have been forced to rely on tanks more heavily in order to survive long enough to let off their impotent powers again in hope the 8 guys with sharp sticks already in your body fall down and stop poking you. Being an Arcane machine-gun was one of the few ways a single squishy wizard could deal being outnumbered.
3. It was decent then it got worse. The patch previous to march 29 2019 was more challenging but still fun and i was able to stand on my own well enough. Then the current patch comes along and i am going down to enemies that i had previously been able to deal with. Again it feels like you are making players progressively weaker until they have no choice but to group. Like i was fighting a giant glowing T-rex and holding my own maybe evenly matched or a little under on monday of last week, then Friday comes along and a few fish people are suddenly spraying me across the walls when they hadn't the day before.
4. Gear recommendations. Some of the gear being marked as recommended will give a little as 20-50 of something but you will lose like 35,000 of something else, usually hit points and armor. it is as if the tool tips are trying to make you further more delicate. I used to think this was just a bug but the pattern has been so persistent in Mod16 that i no longer am sure.
5.Stat removal. You have removed stats that helped people stay up on their own such as lifesteal and nixed recovery which helped us get powers back faster so we could deal with challenges further. A good offense being the best defense.
6. Strange companion AI that makes like harder. My Apprentice healer will run all over the place and will sometimes run off and aggro mobs of enemies and then bring them right back too me even when i am battle. I wish i knew how to record video because Saturday afternoon this happened in every encounter to the point it would have been funny had it not been irritating.
7. Bullet sponges AKA The Division Syndrome: Many of the foes in undermountain are very bullet spongey (spell spongey?) and thus a single person has to spend so much time and effort dealing with a mob of foes that take so long to kill it comes of as an attempt to penalize those that go solo.
8. Weakness of healing items. The health items are so poor in their return on on investment and markedly less useful in the heat of battle that it seems designed a penalty for not grouping with a healer.
9. Breathing room, The very environment of undermountain is designed in such a way that it is harder to maneuver in combat without aggro-ing a new group of hostiles. This means fights are either contained in a smaller area and tanked, or the player must dodge around and draw more foes that are hard to kill and so you have to burn through resources in a long drawn out fight that has the potential to grow even longer when you accidentally dodge into aggro range of a new mob. This feels like another aspect that was Designed to punish non group players.
All these things, all of them seem very deliberate, intentional DESIGNED to make it harder for a solo player. What other purposes do these changes serve other than to discourage single play?
Ego etiam cupo recrari et amari diu post mortem meam I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
There is no big difference between someone with money who spends 6h+ a day on a PC game and someone that has only small pockets and 100 times less money but plays with the same passion or addiction. I know people that spend 6h a day to tune their hair, nails and body , some do work too much, you even can get addictive to food and more unhealthy stuff, it´s all about what you actually want to focus. Core problem actually is that a lot of player indicated their dislike of upcoming mod and the general attitude vs them is ignorance, bc there is no space for negativity. Anyway things will happen and the respond from a big part of playerbase will too. Forum does not display the average thoughts of the community. The mod was developped in advance, all what happens now are just some minor corrections. Most feedback threads are a waste of time, since all that was changed doesn't relate or correspond to any of the given feedbacks at all.
...Several people I know who spend 400-1000 per month have left to play ESO or grab the beta for Ashes of Creation, etc. ...
That citation stopped me in my tracks...sorry, but I did not read the rest of the post...that is a LOT of money (assuming we aren't talking about some hyper inflated currency). If that's USD....
Go recreate NWO using the Aura engine from bioware NWN game.
In any event, people who spend a bunch of money left, and more will do the same, because the complexity they've come to know and love (and the fast paced action, the "feel of the game" for lack of a better term) is gone or going away.
Don't misunderstand me - I'm just as unhappy with the loss of complexity as you are, and I would already have abandoned the game if I had found another, better one (and I did take a 2-week break in March to try out various other games). What I am saying is that unless you are absurdly rich, spending money like this is an indication of addiction...it is just not healthy..
7. Bullet sponges AKA The Division Syndrome: Many of the foes in undermountain are very bullet spongey (spell spongey?) and thus a single person has to spend so much time and effort dealing with a mob of foes that take so long to kill it comes of as an attempt to penalize those that go solo.
I agree with all that you wrote. However, I want to touch on what you wrote right here. This is why I keep saying that NWO mod 16 is not like a MMO game; it is more like a loot shooter where you spam your weapon or in NWO case at wills to kill an enemy. In a loot shooter you have abilities that produce higher damage but your mainly use your weapon. NWO is moving to the same design. NWO changes in mod 16 has made it feel like a loot shooter. If I want to play an ENGAGING loot shooter I'll go play Anthem as the developer of that game at least knows how to create a strong story for their games and combat is actually FUN and ENGAGING.
7. Bullet sponges AKA The Division Syndrome: Many of the foes in undermountain are very bullet spongey (spell spongey?) and thus a single person has to spend so much time and effort dealing with a mob of foes that take so long to kill it comes of as an attempt to penalize those that go solo.
I agree with all that you wrote. However, I want to touch on what you wrote right here. This is why I keep saying that NWO mod 16 is not like a MMO game; it is more like a loot shooter where you spam your weapon or in NWO case at wills to kill an enemy. In a loot shooter you have abilities that produce higher damage but your mainly use your weapon. NWO is moving to the same design. NWO changes in mod 16 has made it feel like a loot shooter. If I want to play an ENGAGING loot shooter I'll go play Anthem as the developer of that game at least knows how to create a strong story for their games and combat is actually FUN and ENGAGING.
If this is indeed their intent i am going to need more wine. and by wine i mean vodka.
Ego etiam cupo recrari et amari diu post mortem meam I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
Something has to be done for the cooldowns of encounter skills by reducing it from 20 seconds. Like 7-12 seconds for DPS reasons.
Something has to be done about lifesteal because players now suffer by the removal of this stat too. Some more vitality in combat by chance, hit-points, or defense. I'm still trying to solve this, but hit-points or defense seems like the better solution for classes.
lordaeolosMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 167Arc User
Don't misunderstand me - I'm just as unhappy with the loss of complexity as you are, and I would already have abandoned the game if I had found another, better one (and I did take a 2-week break in March to try out various other games).
Sorry, I'm also having a very difficult time seeing the glass half full right now. When this mod was first anounced and I saw it on preview, I was super excited for the potential, and I still recognize the spirit of the changes as necessary, but I agree that many aspects of the game seem to be far too dumbed down and restrictive. Then you add the fact that enchantments, runestones, and boon progression have very little impact on your ability to run content easier/ more effectively, and you get a toxic mix with lots of veteran players feeling betrayed.
To be honest, it would take much to quiet some of these voices.. you could start by making enchantments, runestones, and boons be actually worthwhile.. this includes level 70 content, which for the foreseeable future is going to comprise the bulk of content being run. The second thing is that NO class should have a feat that is tied to a specific power, this limits build variety and flexibility... If the content is taking 50 -75% longer then rewards should be 50-75% greater, they are NOT. These are the things we have been saying all along, and have fallen on deaf ears.. or at least not acknowledged.
I will say this to the designers responsible for mod 16, they have made my wife a huge fan of theirs, as with each preview patch I find myself playing the game a little less, and doing alternative activities (like watching terrible medical drama's with the wife) a little more.
"Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events."
Is it possible to create a separate Neverwinter server for players who want to stay in 15 mod even a longer time? Cause if it is, I want to stay.. I do not like the change of attributes as well as the change of my beloved OP class Nerfs are too large. I think, that nobody who played since the beginning of 2014 will not accept these changes. Please, give us more time..
NWO manpower reduction, not to mention costs of doing so, would say that a legacy server won't happen.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO) Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 60, Rom Sci S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 60, Rom Eng T'Lyra, LvL 60, Fed, Vul Sci Ta'el, Lvl 60, Rom Tac
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
Yeah, well, live date was etched in stone.
By dwarves.
With mithril tools.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
Scaling has improved in many dungeons and areas like the CN opening demon pack. Ty for that.
But scaling in ToNG Wither Fight is WAAAAAY off. Run it 4 times with 4 separate 19k+ experienced testers. All the red circles hitting for >500k. 1 shotting 350k Vanguard with 175K shield up and... "Dig-In"... every time. Unplayable.
As LotMM will not be unlocked for most players for a while, ToNG will continue to be an important dungeon. Gotta fix that before launch.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
In any event, people who spend a bunch of money left, and more will do the same, because the complexity they've come to know and love (and the fast paced action, the "feel of the game" for lack of a better term) is gone or going away.
Don't misunderstand me - I'm just as unhappy with the loss of complexity as you are, and I would already have abandoned the game if I had found another, better one (and I did take a 2-week break in March to try out various other games). What I am saying is that unless you are absurdly rich, spending money like this is an indication of addiction...it is just not healthy..
it could also be a sign of various mental issues, bipolar (that's the antique name for it, I think it's got a new modern more pc name now) being the biggest one. not necessarily gambling addiction but zero impulse control.
The “go live” build is done (for preview/testing not ready to launch).
At this point you’re either on board with the changes and trying to find bugs order fixable problems in the next week.
Or you are wasting your time.
Yup it’s yours to waste, but I advise going and finding something that isn’t going to just leave you frustrated at the outcome when a set course is not going to change.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Youtubers a serious and main part of the community with views that are actually worthwhile, and you stopping and condescending to help us poor forumers understand it all... HAHAHAH. eh. I've got tears.
>You are almost correct. Current system (mod15) was based on possibility to spent real monay to fill a gap between BIS/end game player and a new one.
>But size of the gap, or to be more precise reason to fill it does matter.
In MOD 16 - as you said - you would have easier time to make your toon viable.
Easier... witch in fact means with lesser use of AD, so with lesser reason to buy ZEN to convert them to AD,
>Seems nice right? Almost - from player perspective its awesome. But in the same time it reduces company ravenue. If it hits a Cryptic we wont get more content etc.
>So I guess there gona be a new ways to have a reason to buy ZEN, or some1 at Cryptic dont like to earn money.
>Latter is highly.... unlikely
I was just thinking about this in relation to the future. If they have just increased the max rank of enchants to 15, it is likely to stay that way for the next 3-5 modules. That means in the coming 2 modules, if they want to release harder content, our only way to increase our stats would be to upgrade our gear (unless they actually spend time developing difficult fighting mechanics). But, as we all know, you don't need to pay real money for gear.
This leads me to think they will release gear with slightly more stats but also with one extra enchant slot on them in the near future. This will mean everyone will "need" a full extra set of enchants for each character. It's really the only option they have other than endlessly increasing the ranks of enchants.
I don't imagine for one minute to have any idea what the upcoming money grab will be (and at the end of the day the company must generate revenue) but devaluing the current shiny baubles,.. opens way to the new mega-glitz baubles that may be just around the corner!
They should be going through the 12-step program with GA (Gamblers Anonymous).
For people that play on console, to not have to level the full game to test end game stuff, and for those wo want to not use theyr stuff boons for exmaple and try a "fresh view" on Lv70 and UP
this would also allow us to test and see new classes that we dont usually play on live server to understand other players views and help on balance comments.
Please for next mod please add on preview server,
Lv70 charaters item buy (cant remember the name) and the extra slots for toons item, so we can test better and help more.
So it came up in the community stream with Julia and Chantelle that we should post in the forums as to why people feel that solos feel like they are being pushed out. Well i have been doing that constantly but let me reiterate so you don't have to read like 30 posts of me complaining and just the one here.
1. The class changes that remove build versatility and force people in a restrictive role that is focused on serving a party. Like how is that anything but? You makes us good at only one thing with no wiggle room to make a class work for us alone and you wonder why solos are annoyed? The spellbooks/powers were even divided in half forcing you into one of 2 roles that are not flexible enough to stand alone without help most of the time. These changes were not quality of life improvements for me in anyway they are the source of much my consternation.
2. Power output Nerfs. Since the encounter powers were put on such long cooldowns we are less able to output damage and must stand there taking a pounding to defeat a mob, mean that DPS classes that have been forced to rely on tanks more heavily in order to survive long enough to let off their impotent powers again in hope the 8 guys with sharp sticks already in your body fall down and stop poking you. Being an Arcane machine-gun was one of the few ways a single squishy wizard could deal being outnumbered.
3. It was decent then it got worse. The patch previous to march 29 2019 was more challenging but still fun and i was able to stand on my own well enough. Then the current patch comes along and i am going down to enemies that i had previously been able to deal with. Again it feels like you are making players progressively weaker until they have no choice but to group. Like i was fighting a giant glowing T-rex and holding my own maybe evenly matched or a little under on monday of last week, then Friday comes along and a few fish people are suddenly spraying me across the walls when they hadn't the day before.
4. Gear recommendations. Some of the gear being marked as recommended will give a little as 20-50 of something but you will lose like 35,000 of something else, usually hit points and armor. it is as if the tool tips are trying to make you further more delicate. I used to think this was just a bug but the pattern has been so persistent in Mod16 that i no longer am sure.
5.Stat removal. You have removed stats that helped people stay up on their own such as lifesteal and nixed recovery which helped us get powers back faster so we could deal with challenges further. A good offense being the best defense.
6. Strange companion AI that makes like harder. My Apprentice healer will run all over the place and will sometimes run off and aggro mobs of enemies and then bring them right back too me even when i am battle. I wish i knew how to record video because Saturday afternoon this happened in every encounter to the point it would have been funny had it not been irritating.
7. Bullet sponges AKA The Division Syndrome: Many of the foes in undermountain are very bullet spongey (spell spongey?) and thus a single person has to spend so much time and effort dealing with a mob of foes that take so long to kill it comes of as an attempt to penalize those that go solo.
8. Weakness of healing items. The health items are so poor in their return on on investment and markedly less useful in the heat of battle that it seems designed a penalty for not grouping with a healer.
9. Breathing room, The very environment of undermountain is designed in such a way that it is harder to maneuver in combat without aggro-ing a new group of hostiles. This means fights are either contained in a smaller area and tanked, or the player must dodge around and draw more foes that are hard to kill and so you have to burn through resources in a long drawn out fight that has the potential to grow even longer when you accidentally dodge into aggro range of a new mob. This feels like another aspect that was Designed to punish non group players.
All these things, all of them seem very deliberate, intentional DESIGNED to make it harder for a solo player. What other purposes do these changes serve other than to discourage single play?
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
I know people that spend 6h a day to tune their hair, nails and body , some do work too much, you even can get addictive to food and more unhealthy stuff, it´s all about what you actually want to focus.
Core problem actually is that a lot of player indicated their dislike of upcoming mod and the general attitude vs them is ignorance, bc there is no space for negativity.
Anyway things will happen and the respond from a big part of playerbase will too. Forum does not display the average thoughts of the community.
The mod was developped in advance, all what happens now are just some minor corrections. Most feedback threads are a waste of time, since all that was changed doesn't relate or correspond to any of the given feedbacks at all.
and by wine i mean vodka.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
Something has to be done for the cooldowns of encounter skills by reducing it from 20 seconds. Like 7-12 seconds for DPS reasons.
Something has to be done about lifesteal because players now suffer by the removal of this stat too. Some more vitality in combat by chance, hit-points, or defense. I'm still trying to solve this, but hit-points or defense seems like the better solution for classes.
To be honest, it would take much to quiet some of these voices.. you could start by making enchantments, runestones, and boons be actually worthwhile.. this includes level 70 content, which for the foreseeable future is going to comprise the bulk of content being run. The second thing is that NO class should have a feat that is tied to a specific power, this limits build variety and flexibility... If the content is taking 50 -75% longer then rewards should be 50-75% greater, they are NOT. These are the things we have been saying all along, and have fallen on deaf ears.. or at least not acknowledged.
I will say this to the designers responsible for mod 16, they have made my wife a huge fan of theirs, as with each preview patch I find myself playing the game a little less, and doing alternative activities (like watching terrible medical drama's with the wife) a little more.
Guild Leader: Mistaken Identity (formerly Midnight Express)
My Twitch Stream
See my Youtube Channel for guides and more
"Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events."
House Miliskeera in exile (NW)
Sereska Miliskeera, Lvl 70 OP - Devotion (Just.)/Protection (Just.)
Shizlee Miliskeera, Lvl 70 DC - Divine Oracle (Right.)/Anoited Champion (Faith.)
Finithey Miliskeera, Lvl 70 HR - Stormwarden (Combat)/Pathfinder (Trapper)
Maya Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 CW - Spellstorm
Irae Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 TR - Master Inflitrator
Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 60, Rom Sci
S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 60, Rom Eng
T'Lyra, LvL 60, Fed, Vul Sci
Ta'el, Lvl 60, Rom Tac
By dwarves.
With mithril tools.
But scaling in ToNG Wither Fight is WAAAAAY off.
Run it 4 times with 4 separate 19k+ experienced testers.
All the red circles hitting for >500k.
1 shotting 350k Vanguard with 175K shield up and... "Dig-In"... every time.
As LotMM will not be unlocked for most players for a while, ToNG will continue to be an important dungeon.
Gotta fix that before launch.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
At this point you’re either on board with the changes and trying to find bugs order fixable problems in the next week.
Or you are wasting your time.
Yup it’s yours to waste, but I advise going and finding something that isn’t going to just leave you frustrated at the outcome when a set course is not going to change.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.