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  • josiahiyonjosiahiyon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 396 Arc User
    I can appreciate the rationale for leaving off percentages. Consider, for example, pvp. For pvp, your critical chance will change based on each person you go against.

    Could consider an adjustable-stat target dummy, and/or a drop down where u can pick from enemies you have recently gone against. Then show the percentages for those specific targets (without buffs/debuffs). Mostly to stay in game and avoid having to go to excel or some guide.
    Iyon the Dark
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    > @xdruidgregx said:

    > encounters should refresh when out of combat, that way going between groups of mobs much more smooth ( i dont have to wait till my encounter recharge before attacking another group). I know that might be bad habit of using encounters all at once but still we can use ony 3 at a time.


    > there should be more combo encounters ( let's say theres 3 encounter combo in which u have to use selected encounters one after another and by that each successive encounter in combo woudl deal slightly more damage/add some effect then if u were to use that encounter without combo.


    > And here's my idea, i saw that kind of mechanic in some other MMo's. For simplicity mater let's stay to 3 endounter slots.

    > We could have 2 set encounter slots Q and E where player can assign any of the available encounters, third slot (R) would be universal slot that would vary depend on at-will combination ( 2xLMB + 1xRMB would allow to use R button to activate one of remaining unassign encounter )

    > You have a gist of what i mean here.


    > Anyway its just an idea.

    "Refresh out of combat" seems good on the surface.

    But it would be exploited early amd often.

    This has happened many times before with certain artifacts and abilities.

    1)fire all encounters, slowest cooldown last.

    2) Sprint from combat, dismissing pet

    3) wait for combat stance to drop (without pet may only take seconds).

    4) Summon pet and re-engage

    The only class who couldn't do that would be tanks who (presumably) have aggro.

    Your combo suggestion and "combo-keys" sounds interesting.

    I think what you are suggesting would take longer than just waiting for it to refill. going far enough away and doing all that takes time.
  • mordekai#1901 mordekai Member Posts: 1,598 Arc User

    I can appreciate the rationale for leaving off percentages. Consider, for example, pvp. For pvp, your critical chance will change based on each person you go against.

    I hadn't considered it, I have now.
    Decided that it would still be very useful in PvE.

    Could consider an adjustable-stat target dummy, and/or a drop down where u can pick from enemies you have recently gone against. Then show the percentages for those specific targets (without buffs/debuffs). Mostly to stay in game and avoid having to go to excel or some guide.

    Why not just show the percentages for the zone you are in?
    All monsters will (allegedly) have the same opposing stats in that zone. So Crit, CA, Deflect etc, etc % chance will (should) remain a constant throughout.

    Since, it turns out, that Bonus +XX% to YY Chance does not do that, but those alleged percentage chance bonuses actually roll back into 500 x XX and are added directly to the base stat before the chance is even figured, it would be nice to know if they are added to the stat prior to combat.
    So we aren't either sitting wondering whether we need to build an extra 2500 into Crit or 5000 into CA (since the bonus may or may not have been added in already) or having to get a notepad and paper out.

    I asked the question as to whether the "+5% Bonus to Crit by default" is visible as 2500 in the base Critical Strike... I still await the reply.

    Also if we have situational modifiers it would be nice to know if we need to load them into our build for a bump, or if we have capped the Chance.

    Seeing that percentage chance is just such a basic time saving device, I can't see why anyone wouldn't want it. I know not everyone will need it all the time, but when it comes to switching gear and enchants, mounts, companions, etc... the minimal gain tweaks we like to find... and for the (admittedly very little) variance in playing with your build, it is just such a basic request...

    I don't see what the objection in principle is.
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    > @thefiresidecat said:
    > > @xdruidgregx said:
    > > encounters should refresh when out of combat, that way going between groups of mobs much more smooth ( i dont have to wait till my encounter recharge before attacking another group). I know that might be bad habit of using encounters all at once but still we can use ony 3 at a time.
    > >
    > > there should be more combo encounters ( let's say theres 3 encounter combo in which u have to use selected encounters one after another and by that each successive encounter in combo woudl deal slightly more damage/add some effect then if u were to use that encounter without combo.
    > >
    > > And here's my idea, i saw that kind of mechanic in some other MMo's. For simplicity mater let's stay to 3 endounter slots.
    > > We could have 2 set encounter slots Q and E where player can assign any of the available encounters, third slot (R) would be universal slot that would vary depend on at-will combination ( 2xLMB + 1xRMB would allow to use R button to activate one of remaining unassign encounter )
    > > You have a gist of what i mean here.
    > >
    > > Anyway its just an idea.
    > "Refresh out of combat" seems good on the surface.
    > But it would be exploited early amd often.
    > This has happened many times before with certain artifacts and abilities.
    > 1)fire all encounters, slowest cooldown last.
    > 2) Sprint from combat, dismissing pet
    > 3) wait for combat stance to drop (without pet may only take seconds).
    > 4) Summon pet and re-engage
    > The only class who couldn't do that would be tanks who (presumably) have aggro.
    > Your combo suggestion and "combo-keys" sounds interesting.
    > I think what you are suggesting would take longer than just waiting for it to refill. going far enough away and doing all that takes time.

    I'm not suggesting it.
    It's a known exploit that has/is already being used on long cooldown artifacts and powers. Not by me ofc...
    Tooks are legit. :blush:

    Some encounters have up to 20sec cooldown.

    You can potentially reset combat stance in <6 secs, especially easy for ranged combatants with low aggro.

    6 secs < 20 secs.
    Theoretical exploit.
    Just playing devil's advocate for our mutual benefit.
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    > @thefiresidecat said:

    > > @xdruidgregx said:


    > > encounters should refresh when out of combat, that way going between groups of mobs much more smooth ( i dont have to wait till my encounter recharge before attacking another group). I know that might be bad habit of using encounters all at once but still we can use ony 3 at a time.


    > >


    > > there should be more combo encounters ( let's say theres 3 encounter combo in which u have to use selected encounters one after another and by that each successive encounter in combo woudl deal slightly more damage/add some effect then if u were to use that encounter without combo.


    > >


    > > And here's my idea, i saw that kind of mechanic in some other MMo's. For simplicity mater let's stay to 3 endounter slots.


    > > We could have 2 set encounter slots Q and E where player can assign any of the available encounters, third slot (R) would be universal slot that would vary depend on at-will combination ( 2xLMB + 1xRMB would allow to use R button to activate one of remaining unassign encounter )


    > > You have a gist of what i mean here.


    > >


    > > Anyway its just an idea.




    > "Refresh out of combat" seems good on the surface.


    > But it would be exploited early amd often.


    > This has happened many times before with certain artifacts and abilities.


    > 1)fire all encounters, slowest cooldown last.


    > 2) Sprint from combat, dismissing pet


    > 3) wait for combat stance to drop (without pet may only take seconds).


    > 4) Summon pet and re-engage




    > The only class who couldn't do that would be tanks who (presumably) have aggro.




    > Your combo suggestion and "combo-keys" sounds interesting.


    > I think what you are suggesting would take longer than just waiting for it to refill. going far enough away and doing all that takes time.

    I'm not suggesting it.

    It's a known exploit that has/is already being used on long cooldown artifacts and powers. Not by me ofc...

    Tooks are legit. :blush:

    Some encounters have up to 20sec cooldown.

    You can potentially reset combat stance in <6 secs, especially easy for ranged combatants with low aggro.

    6 secs < 20 secs.

    Theoretical exploit.

    Just playing devil's advocate for our mutual benefit.

    If people are going out of their way to not use at-wills in order to expedite their encounter powers, they're still prooooobably losing out on overall damage effectiveness. This isn't "constantly using encounter powers" so much as "not using at-wills." It wouldn't be ideal exactly, but it's still preferential to "I sit around for 20 seconds after the encounter is over."

    Maybe just 2x recovery speed instead of instant recovery while out of combat.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    I mean, it's also possible that one dev may be sympathetic, but The Higher Ups™ made an executive decision and It Is What It Is™

    I didn't like the way they handled debuffs. Ideally it felt to me like a party should have 1 debuffer, but there was no graceful way to prevent the optimal party from having 4.

    Problem was, as the game was parties didn't have ONE debuffer only. Ideally, a proper game would be 1 tank, 3 dps and 1 healer. But the way classes were designed, dugneons weren't being played like that. I mean, Paladin, MOFs and Warlocks could debuff/buff. Even Clerics. Lots of buffs with the usual party comp runnign HR, GF's and more...

    The way game was, players were playing with more than one debuff so, rather than punish a class's tree feat, they decided to remove the whole overhwlming buffing that existed and remake things. Don't forget dungeons will also be changed to properly adapt to the new playstyle there will be (I hope).

    Therefore, raising the lvl cap to 80 is a way to properly ensure you relearn your class and a new playstyle. Play the game first once it's live, since Preview will always have things changed. Take time to get used like you would if they launched a new class and you had to learn it's rotations and mechanics. Then if it's good, Devs did a good job. If it's HAMSTER, then shame on them. Whoever plays for fun will remain since new fun content will always come up with new stories. Whoever plays to jsut play end-game and all that will eventually quit and stop playing certain alts.

    Honestly, changes got me more Hyped than before since the sheer idea of relearning class mechanics is a good test for veteran players (and any newbie won't lose much to try learn a new way of playing). But problem is, the way players abused class mechanics forced this type of change, I assume.
    The class mechanic changes are not that big; the changes are annoying but actually quite simple to learn. The reality is we loss our ability to design our characters as we see fit; something you get to do in D&D. Now we are pigeon holed moreso than before.

    Also, the changes will take rough 1-2 days to learn if that. I find them to be actually quite simple to learn but at the same time I'm not all that impressed with them.

    As for buffing and debuffing, how many MMOs do you play? Every MMO I have played you always bring along 1 or more class that is only design to buff or debuff. Though in other games things could not stack; like power sharing would be allowed by only one class, not two or more. That is where NWO has issues, things were allowed to stack and when you got a damage buff instead of adding them together it was a multiplier which made us do insane damage. Who is to blame for that in the game, the devs. The Devs could have done a rework on buffs and powersharing but instead we get NWO mod 16 or NWO 3.0 as mod 6 was 2.0.

    As someone that tends to lean toward playing a buffer / debuffer if there is no group buffing class now than why should I bother playing anymore. It what I like to do. I don't want to just heal or hold threat. I like make my group stronger or enemies weaker.

    Even the so called loot shooter get the whole point of buffing and debuffing.

  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    I do hope we don't go down the road of Clerics as only healers in a party. I played a cleric on EQ1. It was beyond boring -- stand, cast heal, sit, meditate to regain mana, rinse and repeat for the rest of the night. The only benefit was I would be drafted into a party seconds after logging in -- but that was because playing a cleric was SO boring that the game as a whole had a dearth of them.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    asterdahl said:

    No campfire in the YP ?

    What campfire functionality are you looking for? It should be possible to change load outs and do most other things anywhere in the Yawning Portal.
    Invoking, wasn't allowed to

    Also how about VIP on the test server so we can see what's changed with say identify scrolls.

    there is nothing to identify anymore.. why should there be identify scrolls? although point taken on vip.. it would be nice to have in test.
    To see if they've simply short changed us on months of VIP I have left that I bought, the ID scrolls (meaning I could sell most I dropped) being a part of that investment, or were giving anything else instead.

    lmao, 25 scrolls is worth nearly 4 silver. you get more than that picking up junk off a couple trash mobs. a stack of them is worth nearly a gold and a half. this is something I can't put any heart behind and it doesn't take much to rally me up towards any cause.. so this one is really lacking any thing to get energetic about imo. I guess it would add up if they put 4 silver in each invoke pack but it still wouldn't inspire me to remember to take the pack every day on every alt. that's a lot of time for one gold over the course however long it takes to get a stack
    A stack is 10K ADs on the AH, I pick up enough for zero effort that I can sell them every so often on several chars. It's a small perk.
    ? they are bound to char though. it's not possible to sell them on ah.
    Try reading before replying it helps, because I have the free ones I can sell every single one I drop as I tend to split my playtime between chars and not use my 25 on any of them in a given day, most of my 16 chars have thousands of the VIP ones.

    I'd suggest you try writing more clearly instead of suggesting I did not read. lol. I am going to further suggest you haven't been reading because there is no more use for scrolls of identification. nothing unidentified drops anymore. they're useless.
    "(meaning I could sell most I dropped)" which part of this was unclear from the original post.

    They are now, but were a source of hundreds of thousands of ADs for me, that's why I was wondering if we were getting anything in exchange.
  • eoleeeolee Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    I do hope we don't go down the road of Clerics as only healers in a party. I played a cleric on EQ1. It was beyond boring -- stand, cast heal, sit, meditate to regain mana, rinse and repeat for the rest of the night. The only benefit was I would be drafted into a party seconds after logging in -- but that was because playing a cleric was SO boring that the game as a whole had a dearth of them.

    That is what Devout is. Literally. Never played EQ1 but yeah, you just described literally what Devout is in mod 16 for me. Im gonna repeat it, playing Devout is like playing a whale swimming in a sea of glue.
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    asterdahl said:

    No campfire in the YP ?

    What campfire functionality are you looking for? It should be possible to change load outs and do most other things anywhere in the Yawning Portal.
    Invoking, wasn't allowed to

    Also how about VIP on the test server so we can see what's changed with say identify scrolls.

    there is nothing to identify anymore.. why should there be identify scrolls? although point taken on vip.. it would be nice to have in test.
    To see if they've simply short changed us on months of VIP I have left that I bought, the ID scrolls (meaning I could sell most I dropped) being a part of that investment, or were giving anything else instead.

    "Short changed"???
    VIP is the single best investment this game has to offer.

    EVERY time a tweak is made to some secondary benefit of VIP there's someone expounding on how THAT was the reason they invested all their hard earned, real world currency in it... when the reality is, that they could take away pretty much ALL of VIPs benefits and if the signpost and the daily key/rerolls remained we'd STILL queue round the corner to buy it.
    In case anyone forgets, one of the biggest in-game benefits is the total immunity to injury. No need to sit by a campfire for 3 minutes, invest in injury packs/bags, etc. Single best benefit of VIP for me, other than the travel post and daily key.
  • brainfirebob#3208 brainfirebob Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    > @kangkeok said:
    > Let the players decide how they want to play the characters may it be something between like a hybrid, may it lean more toward dps with a tanky side etc.
    > As it is now setting up these 2 path with this limited selection of horrible(sorry but they are) feats tied to certain powers is just much of boxing in something that has non.
    > Best
    > The problem of letting the player decide is that they like to cheese. That's what happening now, giving too much synergy between powers creates whole loads of buff stacking up upon each other. Ultimately causing huge broken number that insta kill bosses. What the developer does now is to prevent that from ever happening.

    You are assuming any of that is a problem, and inherently accusing people of wrong fun.

    When I've had a hard day, I go to an easy area and ROFLSTOMP sprites, think about how the area was once hard, and feel better. When I want challenge, I go to endgame. My main is approaching no challenge, the designers don't need to do jack, that character has just about hit its lifecycle.

    I had a hard time in Sharandar initially leveling. When things are bad, I go back and cackle like a redcap while slaughtering redcaps. My wife the same. It feels like vindication for how they once mobbed and slaughtered me.

    Forcing this level of scaling is wrong from a business perspective. If I want a challenge in Sharandar again, I will start a new character, this is using force and taking my power of choice away. This is going to hurt their bottom line
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    tenebrous enchant remains broken.Only the higher rank will proc ,with the corrsponding damage of the higher eqipped one and not the sum of all tenebrous equipped

    There are almost three years since tenebrous is broken since its rework in mod6.It never worked ,ever.
    it is an opportunity to fix the enchant,since it will be the only viable solution for tanks to do their dailies.If you feel the enchant overperforms if fixed,then changed it to anything else.Currently is useless.Any change will be a + :)
  • finmakinfinmakin Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    UI related feedback.

    Hello there, I'd like to return some feedback about UI.
    1. currently the UI shows 2 different styles (old and new, powerbar and avatar)… Are there plans to swap to the new look (as seen at avatar) ??? I rather like to have or the old look or the new look, not mixing together into one UI.
    2. I'd like to see the possibility to turn off the buff bar in group window without looking at the bar what almost fill my whole screen without placing the group window all the way to the right side (to hide the buff bars)... As being a OP I rather like it to place the group window on a for me reasonable place (somewhere in the middle) to keep a clear view on whether a group member gains aggro without looking up or looking right on screen to check aggro status (the small bar in avatar)
    3. I am aware of the fact that the UI is using 2 different engines, but is it possible to split / lock the chat window on its place like all other components when leaving the Hud adjustments ??
    Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
  • dressrobadressroba Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    not sure if this is the right place to report this or not but +1 potions not working on preview .
  • gunk#7763 gunk Member Posts: 21 Arc User

    Dungeons on playtest are far too easy. I can still solo most dungeons without any chance of dying.

    For example, eLoL:

    I think to resolve this issue the devs should come up with clamping the player stat when running dungeons. If you are above a certain IL your stats are modify downward to the highest reasonable IL determine by the devs.

    To make it easier for the devs simply take the minimum IL to get into the content and multiple it by 1.25; anything above that will be adjusted. A 10K dungeon would allow up to 12.5 IL and anything greater than that you stats are lower to that wonderful 12.5K il. Now how far would you go if that was the case? Probably not that far as your stats would be lower than if you are say 18K+ il.

    No offense but im calling complete BS, if your not 17K + IL u didnt solo ELOL, I did this daily on live for months on my OP and my GWF, I attempted it one time on preview died 4 times in 4 pulls and said FTS im done went to live stripped my character and have not been back since. My OP and GWF are in the mid 15k range
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    asterdahl said:

    No campfire in the YP ?

    What campfire functionality are you looking for? It should be possible to change load outs and do most other things anywhere in the Yawning Portal.
    Invoking, wasn't allowed to

    Also how about VIP on the test server so we can see what's changed with say identify scrolls.

    there is nothing to identify anymore.. why should there be identify scrolls? although point taken on vip.. it would be nice to have in test.
    To see if they've simply short changed us on months of VIP I have left that I bought, the ID scrolls (meaning I could sell most I dropped) being a part of that investment, or were giving anything else instead.

    lmao, 25 scrolls is worth nearly 4 silver. you get more than that picking up junk off a couple trash mobs. a stack of them is worth nearly a gold and a half. this is something I can't put any heart behind and it doesn't take much to rally me up towards any cause.. so this one is really lacking any thing to get energetic about imo. I guess it would add up if they put 4 silver in each invoke pack but it still wouldn't inspire me to remember to take the pack every day on every alt. that's a lot of time for one gold over the course however long it takes to get a stack
    A stack is 10K ADs on the AH, I pick up enough for zero effort that I can sell them every so often on several chars. It's a small perk.
    ? they are bound to char though. it's not possible to sell them on ah.
    Try reading before replying it helps, because I have the free ones I can sell every single one I drop as I tend to split my playtime between chars and not use my 25 on any of them in a given day, most of my 16 chars have thousands of the VIP ones.

    I'd suggest you try writing more clearly instead of suggesting I did not read. lol. I am going to further suggest you haven't been reading because there is no more use for scrolls of identification. nothing unidentified drops anymore. they're useless.
    "(meaning I could sell most I dropped)" which part of this was unclear from the original post.

    They are now, but were a source of hundreds of thousands of ADs for me, that's why I was wondering if we were getting anything in exchange.

    they were never a source of ad for you. the things you found on the ground were a source of ad for you. the ones from vip were bound to account. just because you had a different source for them doesn't mean they were the source of your ad. you could have chosen to sell the others regardless of your vip state.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    > @thefiresidecat said:

    > > @xdruidgregx said:


    > > encounters should refresh when out of combat, that way going between groups of mobs much more smooth ( i dont have to wait till my encounter recharge before attacking another group). I know that might be bad habit of using encounters all at once but still we can use ony 3 at a time.


    > >


    > > there should be more combo encounters ( let's say theres 3 encounter combo in which u have to use selected encounters one after another and by that each successive encounter in combo woudl deal slightly more damage/add some effect then if u were to use that encounter without combo.


    > >


    > > And here's my idea, i saw that kind of mechanic in some other MMo's. For simplicity mater let's stay to 3 endounter slots.


    > > We could have 2 set encounter slots Q and E where player can assign any of the available encounters, third slot (R) would be universal slot that would vary depend on at-will combination ( 2xLMB + 1xRMB would allow to use R button to activate one of remaining unassign encounter )


    > > You have a gist of what i mean here.


    > >


    > > Anyway its just an idea.




    > "Refresh out of combat" seems good on the surface.


    > But it would be exploited early amd often.


    > This has happened many times before with certain artifacts and abilities.


    > 1)fire all encounters, slowest cooldown last.


    > 2) Sprint from combat, dismissing pet


    > 3) wait for combat stance to drop (without pet may only take seconds).


    > 4) Summon pet and re-engage




    > The only class who couldn't do that would be tanks who (presumably) have aggro.




    > Your combo suggestion and "combo-keys" sounds interesting.


    > I think what you are suggesting would take longer than just waiting for it to refill. going far enough away and doing all that takes time.

    I'm not suggesting it.

    It's a known exploit that has/is already being used on long cooldown artifacts and powers. Not by me ofc...

    Tooks are legit. :blush:

    Some encounters have up to 20sec cooldown.

    You can potentially reset combat stance in <6 secs, especially easy for ranged combatants with low aggro.

    6 secs < 20 secs.

    Theoretical exploit.

    Just playing devil's advocate for our mutual benefit.

    if they go to all that trouble I honestly think they're missing out on dps from just remaining in the fight and using whatever tools are available to them.
  • aimsiesaimsies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    There needs to be something to direct you to the campaign window when you need to unlock. I didn't stonewall there since I expected it to be a problem as it has been recently, but it is one that shouldn't exist. A player should never need to wander around guessing what to do next in a game of this sort.

    When you turn in the last quest before you need to do an unlock, there is a small sentence of bold/italic text that says "Open the Campaign window and click on "xyz" to advance." I missed it the first few times too until I slowed down and didn't just spam the "1" button to turn in all the quests. That said I agree it might be helpful if a pop-up would appear to remind you to click the flag to complete an action in the campaign.
  • arcticblitzarcticblitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    Finished the campaign and leveled to 80 and wanted to provide feed back on the pace,

    you have hit the right mark with the pace of the leveling. I was really fearing another original EE grind.

    I'm going to assume the Campaign is going to have some time gating added to it?? (if not then brilliant it was refreshing to just be able to work through the campaign at what ever pace i felt like rushed some days and slow others. if you feel you must add time gates i think a max of 1 - 2 weeks would be palatable anything more would just be frustrating especially with all the other changes to focus on.

    Blitzy : PVE only Barbarian
    Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger

    Guild Founder: -HunterS-
  • elysium#0877 elysium Member Posts: 1 Arc User

    Finished the campaign and leveled to 80 and wanted to provide feed back on the pace,

    you have hit the right mark with the pace of the leveling. I was really fearing another original EE grind.

    I'm going to assume the Campaign is going to have some time gating added to it?? (if not then brilliant it was refreshing to just be able to work through the campaign at what ever pace i felt like rushed some days and slow others. if you feel you must add time gates i think a max of 1 - 2 weeks would be palatable anything more would just be frustrating especially with all the other changes to focus on.

    This text will display in cyan.Are you insane, The content is so light I completed it in 2 days. There better be a lot more to the Campaign. If not you can expect a huge number to stop playing only because you will have nothing to do for 6 months. This can not be considered end game, another fiasco like AI. I have played for over a year and if the modules continue to get worse instead of better there will be another player looking for a full refund !!!
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    This is total BS, especially when he automatically turns to face you such that it's impossible to get behind him:

    [Combat (Self)] Undead Ogre deals 170462 (383691) Physical Damage to you with Punch.

    This is at the end of the first part of the expedition to Willowwood. My HR has 45k defense which is the only reason I wasn't oneshotted. The strange thing is, it was over 50k when I was a level or two lower. What gives?

    EDIT: and now it's back to 51k like it was initially. Makes no sense...

    Post edited by hustin1 on
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    simple QOL improvement I'd love to see, it would be nice if at character selection we had a note input for each character to remind ourselves of what each comp was for. be it gathering tasks. type of storage, or type of crafting.
  • arcticblitzarcticblitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    Are you insane, The content is so light I completed it in 2 days. There better be a lot more to the Campaign. If not you can expect a huge number to stop playing only because you will have nothing to do for 6 months. This can not be considered end game, another fiasco like AI. I have played for over a year and if the modules continue to get worse instead of better there will be another player looking for a full refund !!!

    No not insane, I've been here since the beginning where artificial time gating was a cancer. that's why it was refreshing to get through the leveling campaign at a pace that suited me. i don't want the team to slap an artificial timer/cool down on the campaign just to prolong the story and if they do at least not have it over the top.

    don't forget there will be stuff to do:

    tweaking your class
    grind for new gear in expeditions
    grind for new seals gear and weapons
    grind for new marks of potency for upgrading chants
    Blitzy : PVE only Barbarian
    Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger

    Guild Founder: -HunterS-
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    When riding the Starfade Stag, my eyes take on the color of the stag.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    The instantaneous knockdowns from Duergar are annoying!!!
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    The instantaneous knockdowns from Duergar are annoying!!!

    guess that's the devs way of convincing us to invest in control resistance.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    Well, I've got my HR back in the Yawning Portal after unlocking Terminus, and to be honest I don't want to do this anymore. I've seen enough now to know that I won't enjoy this combat dynamic at all. Simply put, it's tedious. I can't picture myself dragging my HR to 80 once this goes live. I think I'm just going to make sure I'm accessible from a guild leadership standpoint and stop there.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • sundancewanderingwolfsundancewanderingwolf Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    Whenever I reset Boons, my powers also reset (annoying) and when I reset my Ability Scores powers again reset. It's frustrating because I'll just get them just the way I want them and haven't memorized it yet and they change whenever I make the smallest of tweaks. May want to address that. Powers should stay where you put them and only reset if you reset powers, not boons, not ability scores.
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