Bug 4808080
Chat Window Linked Item Focus Incorrect
When Chat Window is *not* in focus, tooltips from linked items posted overlay other game windows/Panels.
This is true even if Game window is *not* in focus on desktop.
Expected Behavior:
1) Click on chat window to change focus to it
2) Mouse over linked items in chat
3) Tooltip appears at layer above chat window
4) Clicking on any other game or desktop window/panel will remove focus from chat window and tooltips will no longer appear on mouseover.
Actual Behavior:
1) Chat window includes linked item text
https://imgur.com/EancWZz2) If cursor is placed at screen coordinate of linked text, tooltip for linked object will appear at topmost layer of game UI
3) If another game window/UI_panel covers the chat window, tooltip will still appear on topmost layer if mouse is at linked text screen coordinate - even if chat window is no longer in focus (user has clicked on another window/panel)
4) If another application window covers the game window, the tooltip will still appear if the mouse is at the linked text screen coordinate.
https://imgur.com/hcQqh0n5) If the mouse cursor is placed over a location that contains another object with a tooltip, and the location is at the same coordinate as the linked object in the chat window, the chat window object tooltip will appear instead of the item in the visually 'top' window (that has focus).
https://imgur.com/8uTO6VSThis behavior has led to confusion as the tooltip that appears does not match the object visible in the UI layer in focus.