There is protection for the stuff in normal inventory so that you won't discard.
There is no protection for profession tools.
That makes the 'sell all' button not useful when you are selling tool for commission.
I cannot move the costly profession tool to bank (to protect it).
I cannot mail them because they are character bound.
I cannot protect them like other stuff under normal inventory (with the chain in the icon).
When I try to sell hundred tools to the lady, I need to click them one by one if there is any expensive tool that I don't want to lose in her shopping list.
For the toon that I don't have expensive tool to protect, right now, I can just 'sell all' in one shot.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Also be nice to protect Fishing Rod's &/or some Khyeks / Boats too.
I mean I protect all 'wards' as well to prevent them from being sold or disgarded, if you protect them it doesn't prevent them from being consumed on a 'failed' attempt however. But it does prevent you fro selling them for gold &/or discarding!
Tools, some might even say Fishing Rod's, Khyek's/Boat's even KEYS could be protected. If like wards they'd still be consumed on opening a chest.
Protection of specific items would be the best solution, but if not, a second best would be something like a 'sell all items of this type' button.
early in morning after sun peek over the wall of neverwinter from the east. Mariella Begum pick up her tiny tea cup, expensively made blue crystal glass, with 2 bodyguards nearby, her mind wander out "stupid enterpenturers, so gullible" as her train of thought just broke as she saw heavy armed and density armor, carrying a plain stool coming up on the stage and saw a mass of angry crowd.
"Sir. what this meaning of you doing on my platform?"
then few of angry members drew weapons and the lead adventurer lift his hand and points to her bodyguards, "if you valued your lives by not to interfere this judgement, so then back off or they will take you down" as he warned them, and then turn to face her. "you have been judged and by this stool of mighty spanking!" and the crowd roar loudly.
"Sir, there no magical about that stool'
"No Ma'am, it is the person who have been greatly wronged, it made enchanted by person emotions..."
at same time, Lord neveremeber heard a great uproar near the market, "What the blaze is that noise? Sir Knox"
"My lord, i know nothing of this and I am on it to check" as Knox leaves.
The heavy dense armored adventurer set the stool, "here I sit and will smite your bottom and teach you lesson for your arrogant attitude that offend everyone in this crowd and for conning ways"
"NOooo! i am doing business!" she defended.
"Ma'am, you took our tools when that never meant to be sold away." as his hand about to strike her bottom. "you must end this dirty deed once and for all, or there will be more mighty smitings to your bottom long the crowd until the last Spanker stood"
she look around pleading, way too many waiting in line to spank her madly.
Sir Knox and Lord neverenber heard it all, thought, "Lord, we cant interfere public spanking, way too much angers, we must do something quick as possible to fix this problem"
"Aye, Sir Knox, she wont be able to sit for ages or we also will pay dearly if we interfere since we all need the heroes or they leave us defenseless".
Poor Mariella Begum, seemly broken by harsh spanking, she plead and cried out, "I am guilty and sorry!" and then strong adventurer and angry crowd vanished like of nothing happen, her 2 bodyguards came to her.
"you okay my lady?"
"where did they go?" as she was still holding her tea cup and shaken as her bottom felt harsh whipping just fading away.
other bodyguard ask her "Who? no one came here yet, still early in morning"
She look around and nervously, seem no one in market was paying attention like there was nothing happen, and then she look over side where Lord Neverenver and Sir Knox stood, it was empty, and thought running in her mind, "it felt real and mind playing trick", and then she saw a huge adventurer carry a stool, minding his own business, and she.....scream loudly, "NOOOO!" as local folks turn heads to her, surprised and the adventurer was also surprised and her bodyguards as well.
Not to far from market, above on the floating island of Moon Mask Tavern, a lady figure in a mask laughed and left laughing echo in the wind, and looking down to the market, no one knew who she was, only Eliminster would know her.
"hope she learn humility soon", with a sideway grin and fade to other place she need to go.
end of chapter 15.
Does anyone know how to replace the "worn tools" you get when choosing a profession?
My idiot self accidentally deleted all of mine in my zeal for managing storage space...not realizing that the other ones all have a minimum level attached to them...and my workers are under level 10 still.
According to ArcGames, they do not replace items that weren't purchased on the Zen market and I've found no merchant that sells and no container in the workshop to gather them from.
> Enter your workshop, go down the steps, turn right. There is a stack of boxes against the wall. That is where you will find Worn tools. It doesn't sparkle until you are almost right on top of it.
Thank you! Still feel like an idiot LOL, but nice to know it is resolvable.