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Patch Notes: NW.100.20180709g.23

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Patch Notes for today's maintenance are available



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  • sifra12#8392 sifra12 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    And how about you fix random queues instead?
    I'm sick and tired of people queuing specifically for cr/tong/msp/fbi in hopes of getting carried... If you are playing support and get 3x dps who came just in hopes of getting carried, the run will last over 1 hour... Minimal requirements should be changed too. You could even remove leavers penalty for people who got in instance from random queue if at least one player has directly queued for that dungeon - otherwise people will just wait 5 min and try to votekick someone, and after that (when they won't be able to call votekick for next 4 hours) they will
    1. afk at camp until someone gets kicked
    2. go on char selection screen, wait 4 min and come back to avoid getting penalty, and then going to char selection screen again
    3. just abandon instance and get penalty
    More and more people will go in premade random queue to avoid getting stuck with those who just want to get carried.
    Aaaaaaand that will destroy the main purpose of Random Queues ("....To avoid long wait for getting queued to less popular instance...").
  • empalasempalas Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 804 Arc User
    I see no fix for the bug with public queue for storming the castle you introduced last week's patch
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited October 2018

    More and more people will go in premade random queue to avoid getting stuck with those who just want to get carried.

    That's what you *should* do. When the majority of players are closer to the minimum IL for the runs, you will find the majority of RQs will be populated by lower IL players. If you want to ensure a party's composition and strength, you should go in as a premade team. This will always be true regardless of whether Cryptic raises the min IL. The only way to ensure the kinds of speed runs you're most likely wanting would be to raise the minimum IL to a point where only a minority of players qualify, putting "current" dungeons out of reach for most players. Simply put: not going to happen.
  • sifra12#8392 sifra12 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    kvet said:

    More and more people will go in premade random queue to avoid getting stuck with those who just want to get carried.

    That's what you *should* do. When the majority of players are closer to the minimum IL for the runs, you will find the majority of RQs will be populated by lower IL players. If you want to ensure a party's composition and strength, you should go in as a premade team. This will always be true regardless of whether Cryptic raises the min IL. The only way to ensure the kinds of speed runs you're most likely wanting would be to raise the minimum IL to a point where only a minority of players qualify, putting "current" dungeons out of reach for most players. Simply put: not going to happen.
    I am going to RAQ & REQ mostly with premades, and when I'm really bored I try public q - and when I get in public, I mostly regret it..
    Who said anything about speed runs? There is a big difference in run that isn't **speedrun** and the run that takes *well over one hour* because someone isn't even trying (i.E. cw throwing just magic missile for whole run, gf running with bullcharge, grifon and frontline surge, DC with Bastion, Sunburst and chains... or other people who try to get in anything without even proper stats - companions with training runestones, dpses with 1000-2000 armpen etc.). I don't know how much time you have, but one hour for req/raq is a bit much... and you'll get one hour if only one of those that want to get carried is in - but most likely you'll get 2-3.
    I haven't said a thing about IL- minimal requirements like minimum armpen for dps classes, everfrost resistance for raq...
  • manufracturemanufracture Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    Am I going crazy or is this the second time this has been fixed?

    "Queues Players queuing for Random Queues will no longer be able to see the selected dungeon ahead of time."
  • manufracturemanufracture Member Posts: 92 Arc User

    And how about you fix random queues instead?
    I'm sick and tired of people queuing specifically for cr/tong/msp/fbi in hopes of getting carried... If you are playing support and get 3x dps who came just in hopes of getting carried, the run will last over 1 hour... Minimal requirements should be changed too. You could even remove leavers penalty for people who got in instance from random queue if at least one player has directly queued for that dungeon - otherwise people will just wait 5 min and try to votekick someone, and after that (when they won't be able to call votekick for next 4 hours) they will

    1. afk at camp until someone gets kicked
    2. go on char selection screen, wait 4 min and come back to avoid getting penalty, and then going to char selection screen again
    3. just abandon instance and get penalty
    More and more people will go in premade random queue to avoid getting stuck with those who just want to get carried.
    Aaaaaaand that will destroy the main purpose of Random Queues ("....To avoid long wait for getting queued to less popular instance...").
    I am not sure if you meant it to come off this way but you post reads like you yourself were never a lower level player who needed the help of the team to get through a dungeon, I know I certainly am/was - surely part of multiplayer games is to engage the community and use them for assistance / advice where possible?

    I for one always try and help players with lower levels that me by providing them tips on the dungeon mechanics and what to do. I try and stick with them until either we complete the dungeon who we all agree that next time might be better.

    Respect your fellow players is what I believe.

  • sifra12#8392 sifra12 Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    And how about you fix random queues instead?
    I'm sick and tired of people queuing specifically for cr/tong/msp/fbi in hopes of getting carried... If you are playing support and get 3x dps who came just in hopes of getting carried, the run will last over 1 hour... Minimal requirements should be changed too. You could even remove leavers penalty for people who got in instance from random queue if at least one player has directly queued for that dungeon - otherwise people will just wait 5 min and try to votekick someone, and after that (when they won't be able to call votekick for next 4 hours) they will

    1. afk at camp until someone gets kicked
    2. go on char selection screen, wait 4 min and come back to avoid getting penalty, and then going to char selection screen again
    3. just abandon instance and get penalty
    More and more people will go in premade random queue to avoid getting stuck with those who just want to get carried.
    Aaaaaaand that will destroy the main purpose of Random Queues ("....To avoid long wait for getting queued to less popular instance...").
    I am not sure if you meant it to come off this way but you post reads like you yourself were never a lower level player who needed the help of the team to get through a dungeon, I know I certainly am/was - surely part of multiplayer games is to engage the community and use them for assistance / advice where possible?

    I for one always try and help players with lower levels that me by providing them tips on the dungeon mechanics and what to do. I try and stick with them until either we complete the dungeon who we all agree that next time might be better.

    Respect your fellow players is what I believe.

    Read my reply to kvet.
    While I like to help to new people, I'm having problems with freeloaders & people to whom you can't explain anything.
    Most of the time when I try to tell them mechanics they are like "f*ck off, I know how to play". Some accept it and try to boost main stats, stand on the proper position when they get specific colored animal, run away from red circles, stop attacking the sister when she has chains, collect green balls on Orcus, etc.

    I respect them, but if they disrespect me, I'll disrespect them too.
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  • edited October 2018
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  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User

    +1, seriously that CTA event that gives only transmutes and dyes....no new ideas at all,its the same repetitive events every year, @nitocris83 please take your time and listen out there to the players, indulge yourself in Neverwinter game,create characters and play with us....in that way you can see whats really going on in this game instead of playing Star Trek online....

    They've answered this one before: they're aware the events are bad and the rewards for the events are very bad. The focus for fixing the events has been on the Jubilee (which was much better this year!), the Hallowe'en event (which looks much better this year, and includes a bunch of QoL changes to companions that should roll out wider in mod 16 or so), and the Christmas event. CTA events are a lower priority and will be addressed later.

    (But honestly I think they should play *more* STO: STO's events are much more fun and interesting than Neverwinter's, and the rewards are way more fun. I'm not sure how to get STO's "unique item from event, continually upgradable to current level if you want to use it" model into Neverwinter, but there's gotta be a way.)
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    > @mikekeevz said:
    > what about Castle Ravenloft? Sister's chain is bugged and strahd's final phase is also bugged....
    > Besides, was it done in purpose on x2 seals event so that players in need of the seals have to buy more scrolls of mass life? =/
    > I agree with you. Stop giving us MOD 2 - MOD 5 event and waste the players time here. Please fix the main bugs/exploits than waste everyone's scrolls giving us a more buggy game. Alot of players already left this game lack to your poor community work especially @nitocris83 Julia. You're the worst community manager I've ever seen ruining the game content and totally being ignorant to players questions. We players are using our money and time in this game. And this what we get in return.

    Chill out man. Julia pushes our concerns on to the higher levels of game control. She can't personally do anything to change the game itself herself other than that. She even posts comments away from the office and on her off days, so chill.

    If you want things in game to be better, start with yourself and how you treat and relate to players in game. Compile a list of your problems and submit them here with video replications if you can. Most of the negative changes come from producers ideas or out of the Hive mind of the meetings they have in office about game changes.

    I'm not happy about some mod 15 changes that reduce my mobility as TR or changes to how stealth will function, but I'm not blaming someone who is not responsible for the changes.

    Have a nice cyber life...
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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