I have a couple of things I would like to raise both Barovia related to sun weapon restoration
I honestly do not know what the devs had in mind when they thought up the idea of a randomly appearing merchant with a chance of having Wychwood for sale. I mean there is no skill involved in finding the merchant, most people play at random times of the day so all this randomness means the odds are humungously stacked against players and its just damn frustrating for players that have got through to the end content and cant get the sun weapons because of this type of approach which brings me onto the second point ...
What is the drop rate of sunshards from Straad in Castle Ravenloft? It must be vanishingly small because I have done upwards of 30 runs and got two! This maybe wouldn't be so bad if players were running the dungeon a lot but compared to TONG and CODG they are not, this is largely because in terms of stats to support builds most classes think the latter two dungeons have better gear associated with them. So please review drop rates in the light of this so we stand a chance of getting these restoration components within the normal human lifespan
For finding the merchant, if you really want to find him, it is not hard to find and not exactly random neither. It is more or less "same time" in the "same place".
Last night, at a :00 (the day begins), my 1st character ran to castle, watched his arrival and caught him. I switched to 2nd character, waited 2 minutes to switch instance. The 2nd character got him in castle. I switched to the 3rd character. I think I would not have time to switch instance. Hence, he went straight to its castle in his alternate instance. He was not there. Then, my 3rd character went to the house. The merchant has just arrived. I switched to the 4th character. He happened to pop in the first instance. He ran to the castle and the merchant just said he had to go.
The one in Howling seems to appear after dark (in the middle of it). I saw him many times there except I usually could not buy anything from him (I usually already bought the stuff). I saw him about 3 times over there last night.