To the Cryptic Team
I'm sure this has been requested a few times and i won't go and crawl on my knees to beg for this again but will rather start by saying this.
There are obviously many reasons why we play this game and keep playing it.
There are obviously many reasons why we invest in this game and keep investing in it.
There are obviously many reasons why we fight for class balance & fairness in this game and keep fighting for it.
There are obviously reasons why i am typing this ...
There obviously many reasons why some guys like Lius VIlle , Minimi & Robb give training in PVP to new players and help with pvp builds etc to try keep pvp alive and kicking ....
We obviously love the game .. there are so many things i love about this game ..even though PVP is my favourite the story line and different worlds from forest to deserts to ice etc is amazing..
So when i sat and thought what is it tht i love most about the game it has to be the battle mechanics and supported by good visual fx for all the classes ... it is just still the best out there and i have tried many MMO games ..none come close .
In PVP it's where it really gets the blood pressure going cause it feels almost like real combat .. It's rare very rare to get such a direct look & feel.
So i asked some friends what their opinion is ... They basically ended by saying the same thing. (battle mechanics & the friendships built through guilds and Dungeon runs..)
Alot of older PVP'ers have left and i started asking around we why ..
They said the following:
- Same maps from start
- Horrible rewards (Cause some players only want to PVP - time to play)
- Broken Items not being tested properly or fixed quickly when identified
- Not enough events to draw more players
- Class balancing (although not perfect seem to be better than ever at the moment)
Can something not be done to this brilliant battle platform that we have ?
I ask that one mod be focused on PVP only to resurrect this gameplay that we all love so much.
PVE has received so much attention and expansion .. would it not be fair to give the PVP community which has invested as much as anyone else in this game a bit of an overhaul ... new maps . rewards , events ?
Is it part of the roadmap ??
Andy Strumslinger did mention this last year but alot of time has passed with no news on progress ..
i know allot of old players will come back and alot more will join this great game if PVP gets a nice overhaul which i think is really overdue.
I really believe that the Neverwinter PVP platform because of class battle mechanics can be the best one in the market if some thought is applied.Be the best PVP MMO platform cause it is possible ...
And the more players the more $$$ for investors so in the end we all win ...
This was a friendly but quite a desperate request ... i hope that someone that can maybe push the idea in the right direction reads this or at least give the PVP community some feedback on the future of PVP in Neverwinter.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you for your feedback! Forwarding this thread
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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are there resources for this request ? do they care to commit any ?
When is the last time any dev has posted to the pvp forums ?
'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.'
You must be joking.. what do you play a TR or OP ?
The biggest hurdle to overcome is the out-of-control numbers that some of the stats have right now (e.g. recovery, lifesteal). We're actively working on a long term solution for those problems but it's a huge undertaking.
What kinds of new things would you most be interested in seeing? Personally, I'd like to see a 3v3 deathmatch option and a PvP boons rework.
I think the stats aren't that big of an issue atm...
I play alot of PVP (more than most) and the major issues atm are these:
- TRs aren't broken its just one Daily Power - Bloodbath which cannot be blocked and does alot of damage - I am a TR myself
and will admit this. (some TRs only spam this by stacking recovery- not recovery that's the issue
needs rework but then other skills will need a some buffing to balance things
- CW needs to have some control back as SW and OPs have more cc than a "Control Wizard" so thats wrong for sure.
- HRs combat path was nerfed to much so that needs to be revisited. (the solution is halfway between now and before the nerf)
- GWF life steal might be a bit over the top cause they cant be killed by same item lvl SW/CW or HR as the damage from these
classes ar not High in DPS (GWF heals to much to quick)
- CW needs some defense in general (at least more control suggested for Renegade & Thaum path as well ) especially vs SW -
SW has more cc and can stay away from CW easily(perma SS) so CW just gets melted. (ridiculous really)
These are the major issues in terms of class balance ... and i think we are very close to acceptable balance if these can be addressed.
i really suggest try to look at these and then decide whether the stats thing really needs attention.I don't think that(stats) is the issue tbh.
Thanks again for the feedback scarabman.
I am holding thumbs that PVP gets the attention it deserves.
a new map or two wouldn't be that hard ??
Suggest a SKY Arena or Jungle Battle Arena (Chult like battle temple)
Cheerz !
I would like to have a competitive toon for each class in PVP.
Please read my comments in last post - Some changes are needed to certain classes and specifically certain skills more than anything.
The balancing then could be done by changing the effects/stats of said gear.
So, as far as systems go, I would suggest a couple things for consideration. Some of these may be incompatible with each other, some not... these are mutually exclusive suggestions, any one of which (in my opinion) would improve the PvP experience in it's own way.
1. Consider allowing campaign and daily credit for Private Queue PvP matches. Yes, this means people will be able to stage matches to ensure completion for the daily similar to how it is in Siege weeklies today. However, given the state of affairs in PvP, these things aren't merely hard, they're frustrating and annoying and not fun to do today. And really - so what if they do that? You need to ask yourself what's fun for your players. Staging private queues to get pvp campaign items done requires several players, likely friends and/or guildmates, to work together for a pretty good amount of time and while possible less challenging than getting it the old-fashioned way, will still be fun and bring a sense of accomplishment. If you're planning to rework the campaign anyway, consider reworking them in such a way as to make them challenging for private queues to achieve rather than requiring people to PUG their way through.
2. Consider a bracketed queue approach where you can queue for PvP based on IL brackets (10-11K, 11-12k, etc - something like that anyway). This will help similarly-geared players have consistent challenges with relative equals.
3. Consider a sliding scale for awards where if you win without facing a challenge (you do little to no damage, or your opponent's IL is more than 1000 below yours, etc - you get the idea), then you don't get credit for the win. Yes, this could be circumvented potentially, but at least it will detract from the blowout, luck-of-the-draw situation you have today.
4. Disallow kicks except for inactivity once fighting has begun, with inactivity being defined as time spend in the safe zone. Consider adding a clock - if you spend more than X time in the safe zone (or dead on the ground), your team can kick you - otherwise, once fighting as begun no one can be kicked.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Other than the obvious Class Balancing issues, more maps and more ways to create an incentive to PvP would be nice to draw in more players to it. I have been playing PvP since MOD 4 from the release from Xbox and the biggest thing I miss is the competitiveness of queueing up and facing people. Knowing each and every single person has a role and a job to do on the team. More so, back then, it was also vastly more balanced. I will always say this game has the best combat system and yeah it can be hilariously buggy at times, I still find my self playing it because it's so polished and clean, and laid out, descriptions don't sugar coat things, you don't have to decipher the da Vinci code to learn how most stuff works, and testing stuff is so much fun.
I love how you guys have been actively working on it in the background. Gives me more hope then what I have been having since this section of the forums is dark.
I would also love to see ways for us, the people who play PvP, the people who stream it, and continue to play for years, the people who understand it have a voice and really help you guys out. Sometimes finding answers isn't easy and it would be very beneficial to help you guys out on all platforms, with any questions you have.
-More PvP maps ★
-An incentive to PvP ★
Add rewards, tournaments, RP, Mounts, weapon skins, cool and unique fashion items, a REASON to play PvP. Only reason why we play is because we have either stuck around, or enjoy killing people. Their is no TRUE reason to PvP. Create an opportunity for all to enjoy PvP and make a reason for us to play it. Especially a reason for people to create teams and fight against one another with stuff on the line to bring back players to PvP.
-More agile class balancing with well, thought out choices and smart impacts to make sure problems like a Trickster Rogue can stay viable, without being broken. For example, Rework of BB so it isn't piercing and also doesn't break Tanks shields, but a change in TR DPS sustainability to make it have more sustainable, reliable DPS options, which I think each class should have.
-Rework of things like Stronghold siege. It would be nice to declare war on Guilds and come together to have some fun with some cool rewards.
-Ways for Supports and non DPS players to earn PvP boons.
-Rework of the PvP boons so they are easier to obtain for all, less barrier to entry.
-Rework of the PvP campaign.
-Remove both Stamina and AP drain.
-Remove things like Cowl, Mane, Cursebringers, Sandy Pants. Microstuns and the introduction to beyond broken items like the ones listed have ruined PvP. They do not belong in the game, and personally anyone who is serious about PvP will tell you the same thing and will agree with me when I say, please do not add anymore of these new OP items please.
-Rework the CC Resistance Stack system. Moves like Griffons Wrath and Impenetrable Jungle(among other moves), don't always count as a CC and bypass numbers. Like a GW will hit you followed by all 2 more and only leave you with 2 CC stacks instead of 3.
Those are just some of the things I came up with over the couple of years i've been playing. Thanks for the response and we all really look forward to you guys reading this and hopefully responding to our feedback! @mimicking#6533 @scarabman
Guardian Fighter
TLO Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter
Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
Here's some issues that I think are being overlooked in PVP as well that aren't mentioned in this thread and make PVP a lot less fun:
1. Microstuns: Microstun effects on items that work in pvp need to go. Items like Sandy Pants, curse bringer ring, etc. take any kind of skill and stun timing to get a kill out of the equation, and also take a lot of enjoyment out of pvp in general. CC powers like this should not be on any item and should be limited to certain class features and powers with appropriate ICD.
2. Balance changing items/Reflect damage: Please don't introduce any more "manticore mane" type items that work in pvp. I think that statement goes without saying. While it is fun to have items like this in PVE, their effects should be disabled in PVP to avoid any frustration (ie. Knock back helmet that throws you 500 feet off a node when someone used a daily multiproccing)
Also trigger damage or "reflect" damage abilites cause big problems in PVP as well. Pallies and warlocks are a prime example, as weird buggy interactions between powers lead to frame drops and damage loops. Other class power combos like guardian fighter knights valor/guarded assault and palladin aura of courage cause this as well. Please look at these things.
3. PvP boosting: ie. A solo Q Player intentionally throwing a game so their buddy they are qsyncing with on the opposing team can move up in the leaderboard rankings. This is very easy to do now that there is a cool down on vote kicks. Maybe think about changing the way points are accrued so it isn't only through Win/loss but also based on score earned in a match, kills, assists, etc.
CW, from mod 1.
PVP only from mod 3.
A better matchmaking of course, but you can have that only if you have a big playerbase that is doing pvp.
Not the actual situation.
Bring Back player, Monthly Combat League, rewards, good rewards, like the first NCL.
The idea of a 3 vs 3 death match is awesome.
Balance...i'm a CONTROL Wizard....but where is my CC?
After freezing, the enemy get 4 sec of immunity to freezing, if i remember correctly this one was implemented in mod 6/7?
Recently, the CC immunity system, seems working perfectly only on CW power ( HR trapper immune to the CC system, they can hold you for more than 15 second spamming continuously ) SW is a cc monster like is now, plus if build right with a reflective build + tenebrous ( maybe a check on this, SW power are knowed for let item/enchant multi proc ) melt you in 2 second ( like cw ), but that can be right, but c'mon, i'm a CONTROL Wizard, and there are class that simply overCC me even if built full control.
The spike damage of a GF is so high that even after a reduction done by shield ( 25% ) +60% of DR + 70% deflection with 60% of Deflect Severity is still able to perform a solid 200k , without armor penetration.....
TR....well, i think that this one need an entire thread just for him...
BTW, you asked for only 2...
So , let's be REWARDS - can be implemented by NCL( will bring back player ) and a better balance/matchmaking.
And i will love the 3 vs 3
Regarding daylies, what about (at least for pvp only) giving them an insanely high cooldown time that's not affected by recovery nor any cooldow reduction stuff whatsoever? Dying/releasing would not refresh the cooldown, there wouldn't be a way around it.
In return, increase the damage/effect of the daily by a very large %
ok, if is not sustainable, why don't implement something valuable, that can be obtain only with glory instead? Good reward is what you have for doing pve, add item on pvp that must be bought with it , something so good that can't be ignored by player.
Plus, i've an idea regarding the class balance.
Follow me: ( maily try to understand my eng
Everytime that you , dev, need to change a too much powerfull skill in pvp, or an overperforming class, and so on, you are well aware that if you make change to something you must pay attention that that power will work well in pve too.
And here is your BIG problem.
You have other priority, often a pvp fix takes ages, in the maintime you lose player because we are not happy of seeing 1 or 2 mod for a balance, sometimes even more.
Doing something that will fix an overperforming/underperforming - power/class in pvp can be terribly broken in pve.
The best will be fix overpowered/underperforming - power/class in dominion/gaunt without modify how they work in pve.
Now, if i've understood correctly how the bonus from companion are applied, your code read What there is inside the "companion" tab of our character and apply the bonuses to him.
Based on the same system, that will work only in dominion/gaunt ( not open area, there will be too much interaction between companion bonus and my idea ), create a new "tab", call it like you want, that cannot be modified by the player, with inside buff/debuff for that specific class, that will work only for pvp.
Let me explain better:
A new icon, like for the companion bonuses, that is connected to this new tab, where inside there will be buff or debuff to the class that will work in pvp only.
This will let you dev apply any kind of balance, almost istantly, to any class, without modify how the class work in pve.
CW for example, we lack CC right? In this new tab there will be a buff to our cc power of 50% ( random number ), the tab will be the same for all the cw of the server.
TR has too much AP gain in dominon if his recovery is too high? If recovery is highest of 15k only the AP gain will receive a 50% debuff, so that TR with high recovery will always be fast in their skill rotation, but the ap gain will be reduced ( always random number )
GF, too much spike damage, 20% of damage reduction
SW run too fast in dominion, debuff his speed in dominion by 30%
HR dont do damage, raise his damage by 20%
GWF recovery too much HP with lifesteal, reduce his lifesteal severity by 50%
and so on for every class, the possibility are almost unlimitless with something like this, and focused for the class that is OVER/Under performing.
You dev have buffed/debuffed too much, a fast correction, change one number in that tab, 50% is too much, let's try 30%.
And the modify should be so fast that you should be able to apply it in no time ( happy player )
I think that something like this can be perfect for you DEV, for PVE player that will not be afflicted in any way, and after implementaton the balance will be more easy to apply without reworking any power/mechanic .
Sounds good?
> We've talked about adding more maps to PvP and we'd love to do it. However, we recognize there have been issues with PvP balance and we have decided to put our PvP focus on that problem, first. We've been working toward that goal over the last couple of expansions by hitting some of the largest problems faced in PvP and there are more changes in the pipeline that will come in M15.
> The biggest hurdle to overcome is the out-of-control numbers that some of the stats have right now (e.g. recovery, lifesteal). We're actively working on a long term solution for those problems but it's a huge undertaking.
> What kinds of new things would you most be interested in seeing? Personally, I'd like to see a 3v3 deathmatch option and a PvP boons rework.
Just a thought here. I have talked to a lot of pvp players that loved to pvp. The reason they quit were because of the boons and guild boons. We all started before boons started to play a big role in pvp and it was a blast. So we came to think why not disable all boons and guild boons from pvp. Maybe you could try a que that eliminates this and see how it goes. This I would think allow classes to learn there classes on a fair playing field. I would also think balancing classes much easier .
Different builds to defeat other classes but lose to others and vica versa. Paper scissors rock. This would bring more loadouts bought and respects,
along with enchants being built. Just a thought.
still waiting for any dev feedback in the thread regarding the PVP CC reduction changes and its flaws
oh and no pvp rewards and or incentive to play and the pvp boons need a revamp as well as the pvp ring set rewards
oh and give us the good pvp rewards that the Russian server got in thier special pvp events only for them and not us
dont think we dont know about that lol ...
oh another issue is the lack of dev ability to be agile on fixing game breaking pvp items that also always seem to prioritised to the bottom of the fix list .... right when a new mod is in beta test server it is always immediately obvious what items/ boons in the collection will be broken in pvp .. yet they are still released broken and buggy anyways and their effects are not disabled in pvp and they are knowingly confirmed broken ..
great you guys removed tenacity from pvp so people can use what ever pve stuff they want to level the playing field and barrier to entry and mix and match whatever ... .... then you guys introduce more nerve racking broken pve items/ effects (some that no one in thier right mind would use for pve anyways / these are then deamed "fair" by some under the logic that the devs made it so it must be working as intended this destabilises pvp further to the point of frustration
not to mention some items effects being more broken on some classes then others.. just disable these proccy no skill deflecting CC aonying effects
P.S So devs you still think the stamina and ap drains you introduced were a good idea for pvp or TOXIC
how many times have you nerfed them back and adjusted them now 3 times..? you realise i watched thousands of pvp players disappear because of the toxicity created by them and other broken items and the separating the haves and have nots
P.S.S Kudos on the character loadouts and accurate item levels .. and fixing stacking and buffing dozens of potions and food in pvp i know these were steps needed to get to where we are
P.S.S.S A dev response in the pvp forums is like finding a 4 leaf clover : d the last time you guy were here was the thread titled "what new pvp mode you would like to see " and we got solo Q ...(slow clap)
P.S.S.S.S How is that 1 v 1 arena you mentioned in a stream for the stronghold coming along ?
Edit : Maybe some cool cosmetic effect could come with the title. And different title has their own cosmetic effect. But only if u promise us a cool design effect and not ugly one. Also remember to include turn on and off effect option just incase our 'cool' effect does not align.
A very good suggestion was made quite a few times regarding maybe adding some item level ranged queues with their own leaderboards & record keeping (titles ?) at that lvl ...
Higher levels should offer better rewards obviously
Suggested Item Lvl Queue System (4 additional Queues)
14k and up
Alot of veteran and current players will roll new toons at lower lvls and work their way up through the ranks.
This will also create more revenue for Cryptic for various reasons
Thanks again for all the feedback Scarabman !! Amazing ...
you cant have bracketed Q unless pvp uses a specific gear loadout tab and gear is locked for the match ....not going to happen
cause you cant tell people not to change/ swap thier gear and adapt to who thier are facing during the match
for example you have gear equipped with no stamina drain wards on it and you are facing some scrub using drains ,...
are you screwed now and cant change gear for the whole ,match or only at the camp fire ...
take off all gear ...Q for pvp 0-6k low bracket.. put back gear on back to 17k item levlel .. LOLZ stomp fest ...ya right
Nerfing SW movement, really? The very thing the class has to help rotating nodes? Is not like their legit damage (so no Manticore Mane bs) and survability are through the roof, in fact they're worse than those of other classes.
Devs, please take away 3 encounters from pvp CW, that makes as much sense as nerfing SW movement