Also, I would laugh incredibly hard if the change to SoD tomorrow made SoD even better.
Well..if this happen i know 100% for sure no Dev is testing any changes at any time. And i know for sure no Dev got any clue about Buffs/Debuffs/Synergies whatsoever...
Im still asking myself why no Dev listened tot the TRs when this issue was claimed from the TR Community ( when it hitted PTR).
1.005.834.714 lol, that´s what I found so far at Orcus. Nice one, want more. I missed those bugs, they are a magnet of attention and discussed and make this game shine in a special way. Even when they fix that double dipping proc (double benefit from debuffs), that 650mio SoD in codg at 200% effectiveness still will deal like hmm... 650mio/2.9=240mio, at 250% effec. 650mio/2.274 =285 mio damage, not enough to oneshot but discussion will not end I am pretty sure , but those are extreme numbers and the average proc may be like 50mio upwards to 160mio. Not sure if devs got the same results I got, and not 100% sure if I got that correct, but here is the graph I used from...forgot who put his online.
Since GF can dish out high ammounts at max buffs with 3xGW I´d say it´s a remis, or maybe GF pics the crown since he hits before SoD has any chance to proc ? Pro devs ! Make NWO shine again
I know for sure when they changed SoD on PTR a lot TRs flagged this issue and told the devs (M evene with PMs) about this. Maybe its the new way to balance: Lets give all the classes one shot abilitys. One by, cryp.
14 Secounds.... OK. Now i get it: The solution for balancing is to give every class the ability to oneshot bosses. So...when do CWs/Sws/HRs/GWFs and espacially DCs and OPs are getting this skill? Would be good to know, so i can plan my ingame brake time till there is at least ONE !!!!! dev who is testing such HAMSTER HAMSTER fuuuu changes!!!
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
This thread is on delay or people just like to be stuck in history? Maybe we should watch videos from mod3 and watch some CNs?
the uploaddate says nothing. i can uplaod a video from mod 3, today, but this wouldnt change the relevance for the current content. nowhere in the video or the description is a proof of the date. so it could be recorded before the last patch.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
Uploaddate was 07.07. So you think its an old vid and SoD isnt bugged anymore?
And when was the last patch, that changed SoD, in EU time?
Also SoD was not bugged, they made a design choice, wrote it as is in the changelog, then regretted the outcome and changed it again, doesn't make it a bug, only interesting design choices.
Also SoD was not bugged, they made a design choice, wrote it as is in the changelog, then regretted the outcome and changed it again, doesn't make it a bug, only interesting design choices.
Srly? You think its a "interesting design choice"? So in your opinion SoD is WAI when you can dish over a billion with one single blow? If....i hope thats the new to balance classes. So i guess all classes will get such an ability. Lets wait and see.
Maybe we will see new YT vids from some highend TRs. Or maybe some highend TRs will give us some infos how SoD works after the patch?
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
Also SoD was not bugged, they made a design choice, wrote it as is in the changelog, then regretted the outcome and changed it again, doesn't make it a bug, only interesting design choices.
Srly? You think its a "interesting design choice"? So in your opinion SoD is WAI when you can dish over a billion with one single blow? If....i hope thats the new to balance classes. So i guess all classes will get such an ability. Lets wait and see.
1. EU time zone, patch was in 7th + video uploaded and made is not the same. Could be after, could be before. 2. The difference between a bug and a design issue: A Bug is a code that does something I didn't program it to do. When a Dev sets SoD to benefit from debuffs, it is added as such in the patch notes, and it does exactly that, benefits from the debuffs, it's not a bug. It does exactly what it is supposed to do. It is a wrong design choice. When the expected to everyone outcome occurs you take the mistaken design choice and change it.
BTW, *Seriously. Don't loose letters in the great rush to maintain GWF chastity. PS if you missed it, "Interesting design choice" was sarcasm.
Now that SoD is no longer benefit twice from debuffs, maybe you should ask Elvis to do it on GF, GWF, etc.. New Mod new gear, more power creep, maybe he can do it even faster with those...
The solution for balancing is to give every class the ability to oneshot bosses. So...when do CWs/Sws/HRs/GWFs and espacially DCs and OPs are getting this skill? Would be good to know, so i can plan my ingame brake time till there is at least ONE !!!!! dev who is testing such HAMSTERHAMSTER fuuuu changes!!!
mfw this guy thinks that it being uploaded after the update means it was definitely done after the update.
Nop. That its not what "this guy" thinks. That is what he assumed. Thats the reason why "this guy" asked if some TRs share theire experiences after the change. Maybe you read the post from "this guy" again?
fine, i'll just upload old CN run right now, and that definitely means i've done it in m14... right?
Do whatever you want. I dont care. Has nothing to do with my question (s). Im not in the mood to talk about how Yt upload works. If i have some question about it i will ask @tilrod2 He loves to explain obvious stuff.
So maybe any TR can share his experience after the patch? Thx in advance.
I don´t run a TR, but I run with a friend of mine, mentioning that SoD somehow behaves "buggy" even after the patch. I did not monitor anything though, but who cares? This game is hunted by bugs, admitting that devs did a lot of their homework during last mods to get thing back in line, compared to the dark age of mod 6-9. This game allways was some kind of embarrassing thinking about the "bug history", atm this is pretty entertaining, hoping it´s not over. In my world a power that is not working as intended, caused by a programmer, who simply oversaw some important thing in coding, is nothing else than a bug = error, an unintended way to behave.
In my world a power that is not working as intended, caused by a programmer, who simply oversaw some important thing in coding, is nothing else than a bug = error, an unintended way to behave.
/sign + In my world i allways thought the Devs are testing things before it goes live. In my world i allways believed Devs listen to the claims from exp players when theese players testing new stuff on PTR. But...maybe my world is completely different than a Dev world.
If there was a TR in the group and you didn't one phase atropal, don't invite that TR ever again.
(joking... kinda, because one phase atropal is way more common now)
I wonder if any Dev is playing a TR....
Also, I would laugh incredibly hard if the change to SoD tomorrow made SoD even better.
Im still asking myself why no Dev listened tot the TRs when this issue was claimed from the TR Community ( when it hitted PTR).
Nice one, want more.
I missed those bugs, they are a magnet of attention and discussed and make this game shine in a special way.
Even when they fix that double dipping proc (double benefit from debuffs), that 650mio SoD in codg at 200% effectiveness still will deal like hmm... 650mio/2.9=240mio, at 250% effec. 650mio/2.274 =285 mio damage, not enough to oneshot but discussion will not end I am pretty sure , but those are extreme numbers and the average proc may be like 50mio upwards to 160mio.
Not sure if devs got the same results I got, and not 100% sure if I got that correct, but here is the graph I used from...forgot who put his online.
Since GF can dish out high ammounts at max buffs with 3xGW I´d say it´s a remis, or maybe GF pics the crown since he hits before SoD has any chance to proc ? Pro devs ! Make NWO shine again
18 Secounds: 1.400.802.944.
I know for sure when they changed SoD on PTR a lot TRs flagged this issue and told the devs (M evene with PMs) about this.
Maybe its the new way to balance: Lets give all the classes one shot abilitys. One by, cryp.
14 Secounds....
OK. Now i get it:
The solution for balancing is to give every class the ability to oneshot bosses. So...when do CWs/Sws/HRs/GWFs and espacially DCs and OPs are getting this skill? Would be good to know, so i can plan my ingame brake time till there is at least ONE !!!!! dev who is testing such HAMSTER HAMSTER fuuuu changes!!!
People wake up after it was already changed....
So you think its an old vid and SoD isnt bugged anymore?
Also SoD was not bugged, they made a design choice, wrote it as is in the changelog, then regretted the outcome and changed it again, doesn't make it a bug, only interesting design choices.
Maybe we will see new YT vids from some highend TRs. Or maybe some highend TRs will give us some infos how SoD works after the patch?
2. The difference between a bug and a design issue: A Bug is a code that does something I didn't program it to do. When a Dev sets SoD to benefit from debuffs, it is added as such in the patch notes, and it does exactly that, benefits from the debuffs, it's not a bug. It does exactly what it is supposed to do. It is a wrong design choice.
When the expected to everyone outcome occurs you take the mistaken design choice and change it.
BTW, *Seriously. Don't loose letters in the great rush to maintain GWF chastity.
PS if you missed it, "Interesting design choice" was sarcasm.
Now that SoD is no longer benefit twice from debuffs, maybe you should ask Elvis to do it on GF, GWF, etc.. New Mod new gear, more power creep, maybe he can do it even faster with those...
Here some older "SoD"
Oh wait...
fine, i'll just upload old CN run right now, and that definitely means i've done it in m14... right?
He loves to explain obvious stuff.
So maybe any TR can share his experience after the patch? Thx in advance.
This game allways was some kind of embarrassing thinking about the "bug history", atm this is pretty entertaining, hoping it´s not over.
In my world a power that is not working as intended, caused by a programmer, who simply oversaw some important thing in coding, is nothing else than a bug = error, an unintended way to behave.
In my world i allways thought the Devs are testing things before it goes live. In my world i allways believed Devs listen to the claims from exp players when theese players testing new stuff on PTR.
But...maybe my world is completely different than a Dev world.