Remove adventure packs from all lockboxed now. No one wants them. There were already other packs from which to obtain upgrade tokens or cubes of augmentation, so the upgrades to the "howling" adventure pack do not redeem it.
As long as there is a chance of receiving items that are worthless to an endgame level 70 character from a lockbox, players will feel angry and cheated and many will, like me, refuse to open the new boxes at all.
Just get rid of them. It's the obvious thing to do and it's a mystery to all players why you haven't done it already.
I cant really give any constructive feedback on this one other than to say its really quite out of order - unless I am missing something?
Opened my daily box today and to my utter horror, surprise and mystification I was granted 3 Genie's Gift.
I have come across the vendors who offer stuff for these Genie's Gifts but never had any.
For a level 70 who has completed all the campaigns what is the point of this? Also why make it bound? Also where can I find out how many of these I have in my possession?
For the love of the game really this felt like the ultimate kick in the teeth - come on this surely isn't an acceptable reward for some real life money paid?
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
Use them on alts to help get through campaigns faster. Started SKT last week on my DC with 24 Genie's Gifts in his pocket. Just have the rep to get for the last boon.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
It's still useful if it's at least account bound - fire it off to an alt. Granted, if it's coming out of a lockbox, though, it should be unbound.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
edited May 2018
I won't say this is a new low (not new and not lowest) because some older lockboxes had only 1 Genie's gift.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Its good to use on an alt who didn't grind DR much. A good source of vanguard scripts for lair keys on double-enchant days. You get a double SES drop and that is like 40K there.
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
Also can be used for donations to guild coffers, if your guild still need campaign currencies.
if it's coming out of a lockbox, though, it should be unbound.
Agreed. You should not be getting bound genies gifts from a lockbox at all. If they came from a LB, you should be able to post them on the auction house.
I have some genies gifts that are BtA. Pretty sure I got them from a lockbox. Normally I don't use them myself because I'd rather get the AD for it and just grind out whatever currency I need for keys.
These are the only BtA genies I have ever received in neverwinter. I recalled them because when I got them all I could think was "Really, I can't even stack these with the rest of my gifts. Guess I either use them now or be stuck with these in my bags until I remember there are 3 random gifts floating around. Thanks devs."
Needless to say I forget them for a few weeks but I just used them this weekend for the double dread currency event (XB) and I was amused that the game took my unbound gifts first before I realized it hadn't used the silly 3 BtA gifts.
Needless to say I forget them for a few weeks but I just used them this weekend for the double dread currency event (XB) and I was amused that the game took my unbound gifts first before I realized it hadn't used the silly 3 BtA gifts.
It's always annoying that when I have bound and un-bound versions of something, I have to play the "hide the unbound item in another toon's bank" to make sure the bounded one gets consumed.
To be honest I couldn't even find the Genies Gifts in my inventory to do much with them anyhow [such as email them to another character] - that's part of my moan about them
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
Please considering removing trash from lockboxes. The RNG on them is bad enough without having a high likely hood of getting items that can be crafted in game. I am of course referring to the adventurer pack.
I have played this game since MOD 2 and never gotten anything good from a lock box. Since VIP I have subscribed and opened hundreds of lockboxes and still not seen a legendary mount and only a handful of purples (artifact, mount, or companion). While I can't really complain about my person RNG issues I can certainly voice an opinion that something like adventurer pack is really kind of slapping your paying customers in the face.
It seems fair to only ask to remove the trash item, we already have a semi trash item of trade bars, at least that has a cumulative use. Tradebar jackpot and genie gifts seem to be fine as the lowest of rewards. Personally I still think the stronghold boxes is a bit light for reward but i'd rather see that than a bag full of potions and other nearly worthless items.
Genie gifts shouldn't be included, they are b+ll+cks to be honest.
Not if you have characters that haven't been through a campaign yet.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
I think the feedback was clear when you introduced the adventurer packs in the last lockbox and now you are continuing with them in the new undying lockbox. I personally will not be opening this lockbox. I will continue to open stockpiled merchant prince's lockboxes.
EDIT: Ok I looked closer at it. It says this one contains companion upgrade tokens and cubes of augmentation so this particular adventure pack might not suck as badly as long as you are guaranteed at least a couple upgrade tokens instead of just a chance of upgrade tokens.
It is interesting how you feel you are qualified to speak for everyone. Okay, so you don't want them. That does not mean that those items are not appreciated by someone in the game.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
thought we shouldnt get those adventure packs anymore, now i got few of them from ravenloft boxes. why they are back? someone not being honest or misunderstood?
invokings, daily vip and these specific adventure packs are seriously need complete overhaul and not well liked. in past posting, i ask for small amount of ID scrolls, but now these are too much and too many, i work hard to use up the scrolls and now getting overwhelmed. most doesnt want endless daily scrolls. just my opinion, when we use prayer invoking, getting 10-15 scrolls would be on selective invoking line ups instead of being overflooded. now i had to skip looting the scrolls on the ground.
also, profession nodes need overhaul, i personally believe should only found in dungeons instead in all overland zones, reason why they got nerfed due to harvest farmer, so easy to get without risks. i was surprised it got nerfed and instead of taking out from overlands. take out endless respawn from specific zone, you gather once and gone until revisit the dungeons.
as others said, it was little better
100 scrolls seem way too excessive. i am happier if i get 25 instead of 100. that would be enough for 2-3 days to id some loots and use up.
anyway, i love that new refine gem packs in zen market, best one, let work on affordable coalenscene wards, it seem too deep for a single ward and it is just pixels to me. i would like to see a new "weekly", 4x times a month choice, pick a ward, and next week we pick other 2nd item until monthly VIP expired. we have daily or spend to renew each month and get 1 bound coal ward, if someone spend 3 to 6 month, they get 1 a month until 3-6 months are up. if anyone likes some ideas.
sorry for having too many thoughts.
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
It is interesting how you feel you are qualified to speak for everyone. Okay, so you don't want them. That does not mean that those items are not appreciated by someone in the game.
The convenient thing about public threads is that if such people existed, they'd have the opportuniyt to speak up. They haven't. QED.
Go troll someone else please.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
The forums are and always have been the vocal minority and not a reflection of the game as whole.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
Multiple threads regarding the topic of the Adventure Packs in lockboxes have been merged into this thread.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Opened my daily box today and to my utter horror, surprise and mystification I was granted 3 Genie's Gift.
I have come across the vendors who offer stuff for these Genie's Gifts but never had any.
For a level 70 who has completed all the campaigns what is the point of this? Also why make it bound? Also where can I find out how many of these I have in my possession?
For the love of the game really this felt like the ultimate kick in the teeth - come on this surely isn't an acceptable reward for some real life money paid?!
These are the only BtA genies I have ever received in neverwinter. I recalled them because when I got them all I could think was "Really, I can't even stack these with the rest of my gifts. Guess I either use them now or be stuck with these in my bags until I remember there are 3 random gifts floating around. Thanks devs."
Needless to say I forget them for a few weeks but I just used them this weekend for the double dread currency event (XB) and I was amused that the game took my unbound gifts first before I realized it hadn't used the silly 3 BtA gifts.
It's always annoying that when I have bound and un-bound versions of something, I have to play the "hide the unbound item in another toon's bank" to make sure the bounded one gets consumed.
I have played this game since MOD 2 and never gotten anything good from a lock box. Since VIP I have subscribed and opened hundreds of lockboxes and still not seen a legendary mount and only a handful of purples (artifact, mount, or companion). While I can't really complain about my person RNG issues I can certainly voice an opinion that something like adventurer pack is really kind of slapping your paying customers in the face.
It seems fair to only ask to remove the trash item, we already have a semi trash item of trade bars, at least that has a cumulative use. Tradebar jackpot and genie gifts seem to be fine as the lowest of rewards. Personally I still think the stronghold boxes is a bit light for reward but i'd rather see that than a bag full of potions and other nearly worthless items.
I've still got plenty of old lockboxes pre-m13 saved up to work through.
EDIT: Ok I looked closer at it. It says this one contains companion upgrade tokens and cubes of augmentation so this particular adventure pack might not suck as badly as long as you are guaranteed at least a couple upgrade tokens instead of just a chance of upgrade tokens.
They're still, like the fashion packs, a booby prize that costs you your lockbox key and gives stuff you don't want.
Let's just place both in one new lockbox!
invokings, daily vip and these specific adventure packs are seriously need complete overhaul and not well liked.
in past posting, i ask for small amount of ID scrolls, but now these are too much and too many, i work hard to use up the scrolls and now getting overwhelmed. most doesnt want endless daily scrolls.
just my opinion, when we use prayer invoking, getting 10-15 scrolls would be on selective invoking line ups instead of being overflooded.
now i had to skip looting the scrolls on the ground.
also, profession nodes need overhaul, i personally believe should only found in dungeons instead in all overland zones, reason why they got nerfed due to harvest farmer, so easy to get without risks. i was surprised it got nerfed and instead of taking out from overlands. take out endless respawn from specific zone, you gather once and gone until revisit the dungeons.
as others said, it was little better
100 scrolls seem way too excessive. i am happier if i get 25 instead of 100. that would be enough for 2-3 days to id some loots and use up.
anyway, i love that new refine gem packs in zen market, best one, let work on affordable coalenscene wards, it seem too deep for a single ward and it is just pixels to me.
i would like to see a new "weekly", 4x times a month choice, pick a ward, and next week we pick other 2nd item until monthly VIP expired. we have daily or spend to renew each month and get 1 bound coal ward, if someone spend 3 to 6 month, they get 1 a month until 3-6 months are up. if anyone likes some ideas.
sorry for having too many thoughts.
Go troll someone else please.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!