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Veto-system for random queues

stschiffstschiff Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
Hey there,
the ability to peek in random queue, that got fixed earlier this week, got me thinking. In my opinion it was too big of a 'FINALLY we have a way to circumvent a system that bothers us players' for most of my peers to be ignored. And, to be honest, i totally felt the same way - i dont want to run epic Spellplague Caverns, even as rather experienced iLvL 16k Devoted Cleric who could most certainly carry about any party through any dungeon with enough time and motivation. I got queued into spell plague numerous time, but every run where i motivated the team to at least try completing, the run died at the second boss, and after one or two failed tries the first people left. So after around an hour i needed to give up each time, because everyone entering in instantly left the dungeon or switched characters.

What a waste of time.

Same thing is with Fangbreaker Island or Prophecy of Madness.

People that are wanting to run these can easily build a group in lfg-chat beforehand.

Random queue is awesome in terms of rewards, variety and new contacts. So why not try to improve of it?

What about following idea:
If we look at other games with a random aspect, you often get the ability to veto out a set of maps. Looking at Starcraft 2 for example, or Counterstrike.

If we had the ability to veto two dungeons or skirmishes out of our random-queue, it would in my opinion solve quite a few of randoms problems.

Weaker players could veto content they dont feel comfortable in. If you are barely 11k, it's totally okey to say "i dont want to run spellplague yet, i'd rather get my daily dose in some other dungeon until im better equipped". Would be a great way to progress with a bit less frustration.

That would solve a problem for well-equipped players aswell: If less-well equipped players decide to veto more difficult dungeons, I wouldnt even need to veto it, because either I would get a strong party of players whould say 'i dont mind, im strong enough', or I would get a party of people that willingly said 'Im motivated to try spellplague and give it my best', greatly increasing the chance of success.

We all have certain dungeons and skirmishes we don't like. For me thats Prophecy, i didn't run it back when it came out and I still hate being forced to run it, others hate Illusionists gambit (which i can't quite understand, it's a really awesome skirmish, kudos to the designers.)

For others its running a certain dungeons 10 times in a row because of bad luck with the randomizer. Instead of running master of the hunt for the 5th time this week (or day, if you have several toons), just veto it out to get a better variety.

We have seen this work well in other games, and to say 'you only have two vetos' wouldn't disrupt the matchmaking too much.
Maybe even one veto would be enough, plus another one for the most wanted class, which could give another incentive to queue up as one.



  • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    There is a "Vote to Abandon" option. Unfortunately, it is only available after 15 minutes have passed and you can only vote once every four hours (even if it fails).

    The devs' reasoning for the timer was something along the lines of them wanting people to give each group a chance, because of... some reason or another. It's a way to keep players away from loot, more or less. They don't seem to understand that people who dislike some dungeon isn't because they've never beaten it... It's because they've seen everything that dungeon has to offer and they just don't like it. That's it.

    What I would like is that, if that timer can't be available at the start, at least the queue should remember what dungeon/skirmish the player has already entered and not instantly put them into a different instance of Master Spellplague, if they dare to requeue. Today I finished one run just to be dropped immediately back in with another group, gave up, abandoned group, switched character and... ended up in a third instance of Master Spellplague. "Yay".

    Overall, could we have more carrot and less stick? Please?
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    I dont have a problem with skirmishes, I just think FBI and MSP deserve their own group, along with ToNG when Mod14/12d pops out and gives us a new dungeon.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    I can't do ELoL and FBI due to bugs and mSP due to difficulty, so I can't use random epic queue at all atm, I could if you allowed peeking (although I didn't know about it), I haven't done a single epic dungeon since you brought the queues in, I used to help guildies through eToS and do MC for the 100 inf from the temple, but random queues killed that stone dead when you removed the rewards from specified dungeons. It was also my habit to gather up the quests from the cleric and do them all on a Sunday, that's gone too, all in all the whole random queue experience has been a disaster from my PoV.
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