**Spoilers Ahead**
Hi there, I was reading up on a bit of lore of
Valindra Shadowmantle, having read the previous
forum post by
@sandukutupu about the anti-climactic end of Valindra and the original Neverwinter Online storyline.
@pitshade mentioned that rights to what happens to our villains are a WotC propriety, hence NWO will not change things around unless directed by WotC.
Interestingly (to me anyway), the
WotC D&D product catalog shows almost a mirroring of
previous modules. This blew my mind, but if you are a hardcore D&D player and/or follow the WotC releases, then this may come as no surprise to you.
For example of this mirroring:
13. Lost City of Omu
- NWO release date: 27 Feb 2018
- Closest WotC equivalent '
Tales from Candlekeep' release: 11 Oct 2017
12. Tomb of Annihilation
- NWO release date: 25 July 2017
- WotC '
Dice Masters: Tomb of Annihilation' release: 11 Oct 2016
11. The Cloaked Ascendancy
- NWO release date: 21 Feb 2017
- No WotC equivalent
10. Storm King's Thunder
- NWO release date: 16 Aug 2016
- WotC '
Storm King's Thunder' release: 6 Sep 2016
9. Maze Engine
- NWO release date: 15 March 2016
- WotC '
Tyrants of the Underdark': 16 June 2016
8. Underdark
- NWO release date: 17 Nov 2015
- WotC '
Out of the Abyss' release: 15 Sep 2015
7. Strongholds
- NWO release date: 11 Aug 2015
- No WotC equivalent
6. Elemental Evil
- NWO release date: 7 April 2015
- WotC '
Elemental Evil: Booster' release: 4 Mar 2015 and '
Princes of the Apocalypse' release: 7 Apr 2015
5. Rise of Tiamat
- NWO release date: 18 Nov 2014
- WotC release '
The Rise of Tiamat': 4 Nov 2014
4. Tyranny of Dragons
- NWO release date: 14 Aug 2014
- WotC release '
Hoard of the Dragon Queen': 19 Aug 2014
3. Curse of Icewind Dale
- NWO release date: 13 May 2014
- WotC release '
Legacy of the Crystal Shard': 9 July 2014
2. Shadowmantle
- NWO release date: 5 Dec 2013
- No WotC equivalent that I could see
1. Fury of the Feywild
- NWO release date: 22 Aug 2013
- No WotC equivalent that I could see
What interests me is that there is a diverse range of table-top games, PC/Mac games, cards and collectables which are very similar to the NWO releases. It shows that a lot of what is directed in NWO is headed by WotC in terms of content. Releases are generally at the same time, to avoid spoilers, but sometimes WotC releases things prior to NWO which may hint at future modules.
In Nov 2017 there was
speculation about what WotC was going to release in the upcoming year. The latest batch of codenames were apparently "Marathon", "Broadway" and "Catacomb". Marathon was revealed to be '
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes'. "Broadway" is still in speculation, whereas "Catacomb" was a DM resource book.
There has been some speculation, that "Broadway" may refer to anything from a Lantan Sea Adventure, Moonshae Isles, To Dark Sun settings, and also Eberron. Further in advance,
some D&D enthusiasts have gazed into their crystal ball in 2019 speculating city-based adventures in Waterdeep or Amn. Or could "Broadway" already be a city-based adventure?
In terms of
classes in the D&D 5th edition, the ones we do not yet have in NWO include the: Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Monk, Sorcerer and Blood Hunter. In terms of what we already have, we have two magic-types (CW, SW), two healer-types (DC, OP), two fighter-types (GWF, GF), two tank-types (GF/OP) and one rogue and ranger (stealth/dexterity types?). A barbarian and monk would be similar to the fighter types, whereas the druid and sorcerer are similar to the magic-types (possibly healing type with the druid). I'm speculating that the next type will either be a bard (closest to a rogue-type) or a druid (which is a spell-casting/healing type, and one with nature like the ranger).
So perhaps, having a Bard (with a pirate-type paragon) sailing on the Moonshae Isles would not be too far off in the distant future? Or would it be a bard starting out in Waterdeep seeking renown and riches?
What do you guys think might be next in store for NWO/D&D/WotC?
Vordon CW ‡ Vordayn DC ‡ Axel Wolfric GWF ‡ Logain SW ‡ Gawyn GF ‡ Galad OP ‡ Aspen Darkfire HR ‡ Min TR
- Mods 0-2 are Neverwinter's own independent stories.
- Mod 3 seems to match up with "Legacy of the Crystal Shard" (never read LotCS, not sure how closely linked they are).
- Mods 4-5 follows WotC's "Tyranny of Dragons" adventures "Hoard of the Dragon Queen" and "Rise of Tiamat". Those two adventures are Chapters 1 and 2 of the "Tyranny of Dragons" storyline.
- Mod 6 is based on WotC's "Elemental Evil" storyline adventure "Princes of the Apocalypse".
- Mod 7 Strongholds is Neverwinter's guilds rework.
- Mods 8-9 are based on WotC's "Underdark" storyline adventure "Out of the Abyss".
- Mods 10a-10b are based on WotC's storyline and adventure "Storm King's Thunder".
- Mods 11a-11b are Neverwinter's own original storyline, the first in a very long time.
- Mods 12a, 12b, and 13 are based on WotC's storyline and adventure "Tomb of Annihilation".
A very notable exception to Neverwinter following WotC's storylines is the year gap between Underdark and Storm King's Thunder. Maze Engine (Mod 9) was released when WotC released a VERY different adventure: Curse of Strahd. For those unfamiliar with it, it was a Horror-themed adventure that takes place in a very different world. The tone, playstyle, and particulars would have contrasted heavily with Neverwinter, as well as not being able to get back home without going through the cold, dead body of a particular someone's cold, dead body.
Another exception: Mod 11 was released alongside a multi-adventure with no real storyline attached to it. That gave Cryptic a gap to do their own thing.
Something interesting about all this is that up until ToA, WotC had been releasing big storyline adventures twice per year. From ToA onward, they said they plan to only release one storyline per year going forward. That's why we now have 3 Mods spanning the same story. What this means here is that Cryptic will probably only release 1-2 mods per year that is tied to those storylines going forward, which leaves 1-2 mods per year for them to do their own thing, which I look forward to.
As for the next storyline, most speculation seems to be looking at a planes/space-based adventure (which could tie into Lantan, a place in the Realms I know little about). We probably won't know for a couple more months. Something like that is pretty out there (literally), so if it's not heavily Realms-based as well, I'm not sure how Cryptic would approach it.
For classes, the GWF basically IS the Barbarian, and I think GWF's should have been Barbarians from the beginning. Sorcerers are already very close to Wizards and Warlocks, it seems like too much overlap. Blood Hunter isn't a D&D class, at least not an official, modern one. That leaves Bards, Druids, and Monks, all of which would make fine additions. I think Bards and Druids are definitely in the works, both of which would be good support classes. Monks could also work as unique melee DPS class similar to Rogues with some buffs/debuffs on top. My personal theory though is that they won't introduce a new class until they raise the level cap so they don't have to update it again right after they release it. That's how they did the Paladin.
An extra magic class would be nice. An elementalist or something with raw power. But I agree, a sorcerer would be too similar to the CW/SW. An Enchanter or Artificer could be an interesting addition though. But I digress, new classes seem to be a far way off, as gleaned from the State of the Game recently, perhaps not until 2019. I'm still gunning for a Bard though, one with a paragon that has a pirate theme, hehe - they do have the boat mechanics already in the game.
Many of the classes (in this online game) mix magic with melee and the lines are blurred. Even my ranger does some pretty far fetched moves to be called a non-magical character. Trickster Rogues are suppose to be nothing more than highly skilled thieves and acrobats, yet mine can teleport, make blades come from the ground (path of blades), and even bait and switch appears more like an illusionist spell. As Vordayn stated there are two characters with "fighter" in their names, however they for some reason have magic like moves and skills.
I am not a hardcore player of the board/paper game since the days of the B1, B2, U1 and so on series and before they moved in the 3rd or 4th revision. Computer RPG's seemed to be a better replacement for those who wanted to play some sort of D&D anytime without having to get a group together.
I will say they have at least impressed me with the diversity of locations. I honestly didn't expect that. I hope WoTC doesn't hold them back from implementing additional locations and most important "new" monsters that apparently are not allowed as the D&D online supposedly holds the license and neverwinter is limited in what they can add or expand, is this true?
So, if you go from the PHB for possible classes, it's pretty obvious why the consensus is that Monk, Bard, or Druid would be one of choices for the next new class - all fairly iconic, all from the PHB, and, unlike the sorcerer, don't really duplicate another class - they'd all have something unique to bring to the table, in terms of mechanics.
Monk would be a fairly straight up DPS, Bard would be heavy support, with some casting potential, Druid would fall into buff/heal or DPS (depending on paragon path)
My guess is that it could be something to do with Thay again, those Thayans in Chult and the glimpses of Valindra seem to be pointing to something involving them in the next module.
I hope they create a summoner class, with different paths allowing the summoning of good, neutral or evil minions. Even more ideal would be a psionic type class along with an extra game mechanic that has gives the player more than just a hitpoint bar to measure if one is dead or not, that is obviously never going to happen, but its good to dream sometimes.
Bards are natural leader (aka support) type characters that can focus either more on combat or magic. I imagine a medium-close range character with control and buffs/debuffs. One paragon would focus more on melee combat and party buffs, while the other would focus more on ranged abilities, enemy debuffs, and more control.
Druids are likewise diverse, with nature/control/healing magic, elemental magic, summoning spells, and shapeshifting abilities. Any combination of these could be focused on to make a very effective class, but I think it would make best use of it's "cool" potential to at least have a paragon focused on shapeshifting. You could even make it a split Tank/Healer class like the OP with a tank paragon based on shapeshifting and a healer paragon based on nature/healing magic. Otherwise a summoning path would be cool, but I'd rather see summoning as a core Druid feature.
Monks make the most sense as a straight-up DPS class, but there's room to add some extra tricks in there for diverse playstyles too. I imagine them most closely playing like Rogues with fast movement and high deflection, but trading stealth and CC for self-buffs and enemy debuffs. Monks seem to have the lightest footprint throughout the game's history though, so I would expect a Monk after the other two have been done.
But yeah, Cryptic is most likely obligated to follow what WotC allows, which does narrow things down a bit, but that's good to me because I'm a D&D fanboy.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Interestingly, Cryptic has also attained rights to create the Magic: The Gathering MMORPG, which is a WotC product, hence there is a lot of collaboration between Cryptic and WotC. It has been shown however, that NWO can create content which is not what is released by WotC for the year (e.g. Strongholds and the Cloaked Ascendancy compaigns) as along as it is consistent with D&D.
Space dinosaurs could be a possibility, as D&D has delved in Dinosaur campaigns (Hollow World, Eberron) and Space (Spelljammer), but I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one
My thought was to have a main class where you spend 26 paragon points (to reach a capstone) and then 15 paragon points in the secondary class. The main class would retain the tab mechanic, however you could 'swap' to the secondary mechanic but at 2/3 effectiveness (e.g. if the secondary class was a cleric, then it could only store 2 divinity pips). The powers in the secondary class could only reach 3/4, while powers in the main class can still reach 4/4.
My über class of choice would be a cleric-mage, and have spell-twisting to have a never-ending supply of normal encounters at my disposal. Hehe
No seriously, I had another idea a long time ago for Bards. Instead of having their own paragon paths to choose from, they could choose a paragon path from any other class!! They've always been something of a "multiclass class" anyway, so it would be a perfect fit. It would be a broken, unbalanced nightmare, but woohoo!!
Iron Vanguard Bard? Done!
Spell Storm Bard? Done!
Hellbringer Bard? Hell yeah!!
Of course mileage would vary and some PPs might not have all the supporting features they'd need, but that would just be part of the trade-off for players to have to pick through. I would have a dozen loadouts on my Bard, at least.
On a side note, Bard's need to have the 4E Bard power called "Impelling Force". It's basically the opposite of the CWs Repel, it does damage and pulls an enemy towards you. Think Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. It would have limited use in PvE, but in PvP IT WOULD AWESOME!! Pillar snipers? GET OVER HERE!! Someone on node? GET OVER HERE!! Catwalk runner? GET OVER HERE!!
The weaponless Brawler class is something akin to a Monk I believe. I've seen other D&D platforms with the monk as a weaponless fighter class and their gear augments rely on different types of bracers, gloves or shin greaves, boots, etc. to add bonus to their attacks and defense.
As to the CW class I am of the opinion that much can be done here to allow a CW to specialize, essentially providing a new class of character without completely departing from the CW base. An Enchanter was previously mentioned, a CW that could buff their parties weapons by casting a temporary flame, Ice, Lighting, Keen enchantment during combat to effect their strikes or who could cast something like barkskin or stoneskin on party members during combat to buff their deflection resistance or Silence against an opponent to disrupt their spell casting abilities. CW's currently have something similar to elemental power with their Ice, Fire and Lightning strikes but currently no CW class appears to allow the CW to exclusively specialize in any elemental skill.
When I sat at tables and desks to play D&D we more often than not attempted to roll a "well balanced party" since no single character class was able to do many of the same things that would be beneficial to the success of a party, (GWF/Barbarian healing? Really? - always a key drop to open locked doors, how convenient), now the concept of a well balanced party (or party in general) appears to be obsolete since there does appear to be so much blur among the various classes in Neverwinter.
My 2¢ In some of the WotC content I've read (haven't researched D&D) there are I believe some Elf Blademaster classes that are primarily swordsmen but who have limited magic abilities also. Then there are the Battle Mages, some I believe able to wear light chain and use basic blunt melee weapons like a staff and the Warrior Clerics also able to medium armor and use unedged melee weapons like maces (Paladins by the way I believe are supposed to be able to use edged weapons like swords not just maces).
Perhaps something like those for the Multi-class characters?
And yes, the Paladin should be able to wield swords. They have weapon proficiency in Martial Weapons e.g. Longswords, Shortswords, Greatswords and also Battleaxes, Flails, Morningstar, Lance etc. (Interestingly, the Mace is only considered a Simple Melee Weapon.)
That being said, so far as speculations for a new module release when it comes to in game characters, I would like to see some expansion and alteration to the already existing classes...
When it come to speculations for other areas More {new} Dungeons! (and related content; skirmishes, etc.)
For a Dungeons and Dragons game, Neverwinter seems to be woefully limited on their implementation and presentation of actual dungeons...
But that's just my opinion.
Personally I don't feel a big need for more actual D&D in Neverwinter, although I would not complain if some Dev were to implement the Wish spell
I'm still waiting on what was discussed. We've had multiple events since, and there haven't been a whole lot of updates, beyond very minor tweaks to some tasks in some events. Outside of getting my main and alts through mod 13, there is really not a lot to do in NW atm, beyond working on level 13 enchants and waiting for the next mod (and likely level cap increase).
Looked up the Wish spell. I remember using it in Baldur's gate, but wow, it sure does look impressive if you let your imagination go with it, especially in a table-top D&D session.
Ok, you are permanently transformed into a Djinn that can grant the wishes of others, but never your own. And you're stuck in a jar. And you have to call people whose wishes you grant 'master'. And you are blue. *tears up character sheet*
Always be careful what you Wish for!
And in the process messing with the DM's mind and turning it into a Disney episode.
I'd be lying though if that exact scenario didn't cross my mind while I was writing that.
Telling history of Nevewinter restauration after Speelplague. This arc need be complete and link to Elemental Evil and Chult storylines in 5th Edition. The high north Icewind Dale storylines is a "parallel history".
NWO still in "interval" between 4th and 5th. (1479 DR to 1489 DR, probably "1482 DR", Seldra not got Crow and Valindra not did aliance with Nachers yet in NWO, but Chartilifax was slayed by adventures and Cult of Dragon / Chult events was started)