Ok so let me see if I got this right on Masterwork 4/5......this is just an example:
Step 1 Alchemy - Turn in 36 each of:
- Effervescant Tidespan Potion
- Effervescant Potion of Reflexes
- Effervescant Potion of Accuracy
That gets me a list of 4 Commisioned items I can choose from to craft, with each item being worth trade credits. I need to craft and turn in a total of 50,000 worth? That right?
Ok so assuming that, say I choose to craft Commissioned Fever Reducer at 1,100 trade credits each. I have a mythic forgehammer and a legendary tool for Alchemy. So let's say I amass the following resouces in sufficient quantity to cover the failure rate before starting:
- 400 Red Alder Bark
- 400 Effervescant Water
- 400 Madder Root
- 100 Alkali
Crafting enough of the item and turning them all in gets me to the last phase of Alchemy, which is to craft the orange item correct? Crafting that item and turning it in get's me what now? New recipes for Alchemy only right?
Now let's say I want to do Jewelcrafting, I need to turn in the following 3 items (just like in Alchemy)
- Rubelite Amulet
- Silverspruce Amulet
- Sphene Amulet
Turning those in gets me a different set of 4 commissioned items to craft? Or is step 2 NOT needed this time? My understanding was that doing the 50,000 trade credit was once per character and after doing step 1 in any additional professions will now take you directly to step 3 instead?
Can someone clarify this please.
Thanks much.
I think that they have screwed it all up as we should be able to completely get level 5 in any individual MW crafting , but at the moment it looks like we need to get ALL level 4 crafting done and then maybe get a level 5 complete .
Requires a DEV to com back and clarify what / how it is supposed to work .
There is another couple of postings about level4 / 5 problems with MW crafting .
But as the special quest for the groundskeeper ( the draught ) was showing available , I crafted that expecting that it would then give me the level 5 crafting recipes but there is no apparent way at the moment to get credit for this item .
If it is tied to the 50K quest then it should have been documented somewhere within the quest line .
I've contacted support and they refuse to help in any way.
There are currently a few known issues with masterwork, involving Alchemy and also involving creating the final quest's legendary item before being asked to create it:
I got Alchemy to the point with the 50 000 credit points and as it was said before, I have to finish this quest once and it should be seen as completed for other professions aswell. But do i have to get the other professions already done to this level, too, by the time i turn in the 50 000 credit quest (for Alchemy) or is it also OK to get to this point on other professions later on and it still gets recognized as finished for them?
Meaning: On other porfessions I just finished masterwork 3 (or im not even there with a few), so I dont have the 50k credit quests on these professions yet. If I finish the Alchemy-one and turn it in while i dont have the quest from other profs, will it later be still finished instantly once i get to that point or do i have to do 50k again for them?