The Cursed Mayhem is Recruiting Like Minded Individuals!
Guild Leaders: Seline Nightstalker (Me), Gaeaswish, and Kdog605
Guild Leader Handles:
@mahemgaming#3947 ,
@gaeaswish, and
@Kdog605Webpage: N/A - Currently being worked on and will be up soon
Please note that this is a newly started guild and therefore you will go longer before you get benefits. Regardless we don't mind if you play in the way that you prefer/like, as long as you are willing to help!The Cursed Mayhem is a small group of like-minded individuals with different backgrounds. For instance the three founder/leaders of the guild have quite an age gap between them. It becomes clear through this that we accept you regardless of how you play or how old you are. As long as you are looking for a great time and don't mind the slower progress that our guild will be making, then we are for you!
All in all, we are looking for people who are willing to help build the guild as we go. If you have any questions and would like to get in contact with me, then message me through these three methods:
Discord: Mahem#6740
You can also message me on the forums if you so choose, but I may not check it as often as the other two. If you would rather contact someone else on the leadership team or just one of our officers, then look us up in-game or use the given handles in order to shoot us a question.
Once you get invited into the guild, I will personally invite you to our private discord server and you will be able to voice chat (or if you would prefer to text chat) with us at your convenience. Thank you for reading and Happy Neverwinter!