Hello citizens of Neverwinter. I am here to promote social awareness of a serious problem plaguing the realm. The cruel mistreatment of dragons on this realm. These beautiful creatures are being hunted to extincition for their teeth,scales and even their tails. In some cultures dragon tail is an aphrodisiac, where do you think the term "getting some tail" or chasing tail" comes from? It's true! it's true! Dragons are an important part of the ecosystem. After all, if all the dragons are gone who will eat all those pesky kobolds that keep springing up everywhere? So I am proposing to start an organization to promote awareness, the Members for the Advancement of Dragonkind or M.A.D. for short. A uniform will be required of all M.A.D. men and women, specifically a hat made of a magical material know as tin foil. It is to keep the Harpers from reading and manipulting our thoughts (just to be on the safe side, they are a secret organization pulling strings from the shadows after all). It is important to inform Neverwinter citizens of the plight of the dragons. So attention grabbers like " The end is near or nigh" are great. After all the end of dragons will be upon us soon if something isn't done.
Dragon Hugger