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How Many Fashion Items Do You Keep In Your Bags Currently?

kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
I wanted to start this poll to help the devs decide how many slots the Fashion Bag to start with. Please choose the max amount of fashion items you carry IN YOUR BAGS on your LIVE characters (Pick the character that carries the most). Thanks!
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
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How Many Fashion Items Do You Keep In Your Bags Currently? 83 votes

6% 5 votes
1 - 5
16% 14 votes
6 - 10
12% 10 votes
11 - 15
7% 6 votes
16 - 20
10% 9 votes
21 - 25
4% 4 votes
26 - 30
6% 5 votes
31 - 35
6% 5 votes
36 - 40
8% 7 votes
40+ (Please reply in the thread with exactly how many if you choose this option!)
21% 18 votes


  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    So on my main character I have the Adventurer's Knapsack (original 30 slot bag), Dragon Hoard Bag (30 slots), and then 5 Runic Bags (5 x 36 slots). The bottom 2 Runic Bags are fully devoted to Fashion, so that would be 72 slots worth. I know a number of other players in my guild being similar (funnily, enough, it's all the mastercrafters because that fashion is one of a kind).
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    Currently I only have about 16 items (+/-), my daughter a several of her friends on the other hand I know have many more...

    I've been the 'storage guy' for many other of their other in game items not bound to their accounts because so many of their inventory spaces are taken up with fashion items, so any assistance you could give me being able to use some of my storage space for some of my character's items will be much appreciated (jk) :D
  • thestiathestia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 296 Arc User
    I have 66 items in my bags currently.
  • misquamacus2misquamacus2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 194 Arc User
    My main have 152 fashion items in about 4,5 runic bags and none in the bank as I can't change the outfit unless I keep it with me

  • duckntrollduckntroll Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    • I already have 2 runic bags full of fashion items with ~12 set not opened (due to space limitation). So a total of a bit less than 100 items (~32 sets).
    • I also keep some (~20) transmute & other things (elemental evil "cute" armors, thrones, ...)
    • My bank is already nearly full of dyes (3/4 lines).
    Conclusion: Mod13 coming changes will make me cry...
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I discarded all fashion as it was in the way sans a piece or two that I keep in the bank. I would have keep all my MC fashion if I had room but I did not...
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  • inugurlinugurl Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Well currently my main has a runic that is full. About 16 slots in my bank. I thought it was a lot but it seems others are in worse shape then i am. (I'm so jealous.) I'd carry more if I had the room.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    I discarded all fashion as it was in the way sans a piece or two that I keep in the bank. I would have keep all my MC fashion if I had room but I did not...

    I discarded most of it, please make it reclaimable if you've earned it.
  • werdandi#8366 werdandi Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    Same here, I would have kept much more fashion items (if not all) if I have had enough space in my bags back then.
  • nisckisnisckis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 655 Arc User
    Currently I don't have that many fashion items because I have been discarding them to free up bag space.
  • iandarkswordiandarksword Member Posts: 978 Arc User
    I have avoided adding more than 1 or 2 fashion sets, due to lack of space. Would probably have more if there were a benefit beyond looking sharp.
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  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    miasmat said:

    I appreciate the poll. We'll end up pulling a report of all characters in the game to see how many items they currently actually have. But we won't be able to tell how many you WANT to have. Or how many you've thrown away through the years that you'd have liked to keep.

    If you'll be pulling the necessary data from the actual characters this poll seems like nothing more than a ploy to placate people into thinking their opinion matters.

    The real question here isn't "How Many Fashion Items Do You Keep In Your Bags Currently?"

    It really does come down to "Would You Purchase/Store More Fashion If Given A Larger Wardrobe?"

    I have never chased fashion for my own usage because my bag space was more valuable to me than fashion items.

    If the game initially had a wardrobe bag, I would have been more inclined to keep items, grab event items, purchase an outfit, etc.

    I personally could care less about the wardrobe after years without it. BUT the limit is ridiculously low when you consider that each outfit consists of multiple pieces.
  • rainer#8575 rainer Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    Mostly discarded my fashion also since it only costs space. Not including transmutes (which is fashion in my eyes, and I have a ton of those), I only have about 5 pieces of fashion in my bags.

    In my opinion however, fashion should not work with a bag, but using unlocks (like mounts). Once you unlock a piece of fashion, you can wear that fashion whenever you want to.
    It should be a wardrobe with an interface of what you want to wear today... Not a bag with limited space.
  • redironwolveredironwolve Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    that the space we'll get is only 24 slots is one thing... what annoyes me even more is that we are forced to discard all items in the overload bag if we want to continue playing the game OR spend zen. really?! if you wanna make money with that fashion bag update then let us at least keep overflown fashion traditionally in our general bag... -.-
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    if you wanna make money with that fashion bag update then let us at least keep overflown fashion traditionally in our general bag... -.-

    this. i see no reason why you can't just design the wardrobe so it is the only way a toon can put an outfit on. then people can still keep fashion in their bags until they decide what to do with it.

    also, in the case of bound to account fashion items, what happens to fashion i moved to an alt just because my main toon had a full bag? that will automatically go into wardrobe and then can i send it back to my main? or do i need to make sure that piece is on my main toon before this goes live.
  • froger#9967 froger Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    I keep very little in my bags now. Maybe one change of clothes. And two different dyes. Up until recently I would sell or discard fashion items because the space was devoted to refinement. Now that I have space I’ve been looking to add to my wardrobe. For Xbox players it’s tough to figure out how much fashion people would like vs. how much has been practical to keep. I know I'm getting some wedding attire soon:)
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  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    I only hold on to a few, but I would have like to have collected everything or at least the stuff that looked good. Because of bag space I had to only hold on to a few key things I knew I liked a lot
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  • hawkblaze1954#5209 hawkblaze1954 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    miasmat said:

    I appreciate the poll. We'll end up pulling a report of all characters in the game to see how many items they currently actually have. But we won't be able to tell how many you WANT to have. Or how many you've thrown away through the years that you'd have liked to keep.

    Please check if the report takes into account of the personal bank as this is where i keep most of my fashion. Only if this is full will there be any fashion items on my character. The packs from the ZEN market for example the fashion from the Dragonborn Pack are deleted from my bags as they are available from the Claims Vendor, therefore I would have a lot more fashion stored, as I have bought a lot of the packs as they are account wide and have some interesting transmutes.

    Also if you say "fashion" this should include dyes. I collected lots from the Call to Arms skirmishes and events.
  • dafrca#4810 dafrca Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    miasmat said:

    I appreciate the poll. We'll end up pulling a report of all characters in the game to see how many items they currently actually have. But we won't be able to tell how many you WANT to have. Or how many you've thrown away through the years that you'd have liked to keep.

    For me, this is an important point. I have wanted to pick up lots more but resisted because of the space needed. I have also sold off some I received because I needed the bag space. So a report of my characters today would not be a real read on what I will be doing with my 24 slots each. Stuff I have in the bank and on the wish list will now be moved to the bag when it goes live. :smile:

  • dafrca#4810 dafrca Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited January 2018

    ... also, in the case of bound to account fashion items, what happens to fashion i moved to an alt just because my main toon had a full bag? that will automatically go into wardrobe and then can i send it back to my main? or do i need to make sure that piece is on my main toon before this goes live.

    The question of Binding came up on the official thread and this was the response...
    miasmat said:

    Nothing will change about the bound flags when items move to your fashion tab. So if you could have sold them while they were in your main inventory, you'll still be able to sell them from your fashion bag.

    So I would take this to mean you could still move Bound to Account items back and forth.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    I have 69 fashion items (response to poll)
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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