I want to suggest removing the skirmish from the illusionist when the player selects random, this is spoiling the game for anyone who wants to get a specific item of this skirmish, the staff of the randons are selecting bronze after the first stage of the illusionist. I believe that this helps anyone who really wants to play and acquire certain items and helps those who just want to win the diamonds that are given as a reward for playing at least once a day this mode, skirmish. And to make matters worse, when only one or two do not want to continue in skirmish, they stand aside just by looking at the rest of the group to finish, which further delays completion, just another example of fellowship that we have in neverwinter, in fact all these I believe they have gotten the items in the easiest way and now they like to hurt the younger ones in the game.
The question of a person having to look for a select group to reach gold, ridicules who wants to play and ends with the search tool that should provide facility and not to get alms from the producer of the game.
the problem is that the skirmish allows to finish before, so for anyone who wants AD easily or at least ends, whole reward should be provided when the service is complete, this is another suggestion, and not giving way.
put yourself in the shoes of those who need to finish skirmish and get some game item in it, and many times these people are beginners and do not have a "select group" to play, not all people have the time to do more of 10 consecutive skirmishs. The tool looks for these people who want the intention to finish it, if it can not change to partial skirmish, that opens this option.
The best way to farm IG gold is to form your IG gold party and go private and go many runs. If your party is strong enough, you don't have to wait for a 5 man party (although that would be faster). Go in 3 to 5 can be sufficient.
I am glad to see that more people are willing to go inactive, or outright leave, after the first round. It sends a message that us AD/fleece runners won't silently be coerced into a gold run.
Exactly plasticbat, and yes, the drop is hard but as we saw above, many do not know the drop, the average is 10 skirmishs for a drop +4, I already got several more I still lack an item that I'm looking for, but how ha I commented above in other messages, the random diaries hamper the game, favoring those who only want the alms of astral diamonds and not who wants to equip themselves.
I do not say this just for myself, but several people feel the problem.
> This seems a bit underhanded to me. Rigging the vote and possibly roping in two AD/fleece runners.
He is talking about private runs, not public queue. There are no randoms in the instance.
EDIT: Opps! I just saw the other replies that addressed that.
Think about it... If you solo random que for anything, no matter what you want to gain from that experience, all of these threads full of people complaining about not getting what they wanted prove only one thing: You will most likely NOT have a fun experience, as there are so many people doing the same thing as you that have wildly different expectations for how your shared event should go
Is this really bad game design? Sure... but unless you want to continue to be frustrated by your random que experiences, the only choice you have is to make a few like-minded friends and do stuff with them
I have yet to see any threads on these forums cataloging players' experiences with making friends, positive or negative, though every other day another thread gets started so people can complain that when randomly grouped with other players those guys mostly aren't magically and exactly the same as whoever is complaining they surprisingly aren't
"/party I am trying to get a +4 sword knot" right at the beginning of the run is all it takes to find a few folks that are also trying to find a thing and that might be willing to work together with you toward a shared goal
"/party I run 13 alts through random dungeons and skirmishes every day... Can we make this quick?" would also work
The problem with removing IG from RQ is the RQ player have just as much right to IG as the gold runners. Some RQ players do not mind going for gold when they get IG.
Think the bronze and gold runners will just have to co-exist with IG in RQ. Both groups have risks of requiring more time to achieve their goals. Gold runners who want to ensure full participation should pre-make groups. At least they have that option.
This much is certain. It is an issue that will remain an issue, until either the system changes or player's behavior changes. Personally I like the Mad Wizard and it is easy enough beat. If you are one of these "bronze only" players, after you die in the arena, just sit it out in the waiting room. If the developers remove the vote system, there will be no choice to make. I don't see people trying to get through Throne or Madness quickly. In fact, anyone caught AFKing gets kicked real quick from those skirmish.
I seldom play skirmish and mostly run dungeons. I am not a big diamond hound either, but if that is your thing, go for it. I play games to have fun. Quitting because it is a challenge is not fun.
It seems like doing so would save you a lot of frustration and time.
I only state my intention to leave after the first round if someone cared enough to ask. Otherwise I leave them alone. The only other time I say something is when I am paingiver by far and the other four obviously are low-geared toons. I gently remind them that they will go for gold without me and they will be here for at least a half hour more, and risk no reward if they wipe. Surprisingly, many are stubborn enough to go gold.
Surprised it didn't work better I think she may have been responding to what I asked about whether people were stating their intentions ahead of the vote, but my point was doing that to try to find people that would private que with you, assuming you could find at least one or two people that had the same goals you do
Sounds like she just couldn't find anyone that wanted to run gold
In every run some person said "bronze plz". What amazed me, in my first run I hit the start button and someone asked for bronze. I am not a speedy typist and had time to say, "I am going to make it rain, I plan to vote gold". Then an entire discussion ensued with two players in the campfire trying to dissuade me. I was the only one out of 5 saying gold like I have awesome god-like powers.
By the 4th run I changed it up because begging and bribery was not working. I said something along the lines of, "I am a girl and we like gold." only after the usual bronze request. I understand and can empathize with those who only want to cut and run, but here is the thing I will never understand; If you are playing for AD, the better drop is at gold for the companion item. Most of the gold runs seem to drop +3 blues, from the 4th run, I got a necklace worth 19K AD I sold in the AH same day. But good luck getting a purple that is only 4K AD salvage anyways. If I was AD hungry, I would be hitting it gold all day every day and when you hit the 36K cap pass the extra items off to your alternates. It makes no sense to vote "leave" after you finish silver, since you are 66% done. But some players do this and it is weird.
If they want gold, they will use their BEST toon, form a private group and farm for gold for many runs. It is not effective to use a AD run alt character to farm for gold with random people.
The other day, I was in a run where the vote was 2-2. A 10K GF with the lowest DPS, by far, cast the deciding vote to stay. So I left. I checked shortly after I left, and the three other DPS was already in the traps area (guess they knew to wipe after realizing they lost their top DPS and only buffer). But the GF was still in the fight. After 15 minutes, they were still there, the GF alone fighting LOL.
Even halfway decent groups that are not struggling at all I see not get gold in all three and not get the epic drops they want. I fine this a complete waste of time as random.