Okay, I've read the RQ Updates thread, and I still don't understand why toons are locked out once they reach 64! Why does it matter? I've had toons with levels wayyyyyyyyyy lower get dumped into RQ dungeons and either die or barely survive, so why should it matter on skirmishes? My daughter started a character last week and she's been RQ skrimishes beyond her level, so I don't get why all of a sudden Master of the Hunt is off limits. Also, if MotH is such a no-no for new level 64s, why even have it on in the RQ , or better yet, how about we DON'T get locked out? I'm pretty pissed that now my ranger AND my rogue can only farm AD from one dungeon a day. Am I missing some information I don't have? I've been gone for about a year and the RQ system seems a little wacked.
Arielle Redbow half-elf Warden Ranger
Guild: Guardians of the Forest
You will run into the same with Dread Ring with the exact same requirements to access it.
Guild: Guardians of the Forest
Guild: Guardians of the Forest