I don't know where else to post this, so I guess I'll post it here. It'd be nice if new players like myself were warned in advance that Item ID scrolls are worth far more than random green drops. Whenever I'd try to sell an unidentified gree item, it'd pop up saying ID'ed items will sell for more. So, like the noob I am, I went nuts identifying everything so I'd get more money by junking. I was under the impression I could just buy more with coins - ya know, like every other game out there. Little did I know, Item ID scrolls cost Astral Diamonds, and cannot be purchased with coins. I feel like the pop up is deliberate to screw new players over who don't know any better, by getting them to blow through all their scrolls and either have to farm for more, or buy them. The auction house is useless to low level players for making diamonds, from what I can see.
It doesn't help that I can't send any messages to other players yet, so I can't ask any questions about the game. I can't even create any forum posts, either.
I don't mind spending money to buy stuff in game, but not when I kind of feel duped and cheated out of it. This is something players should be warned about. "Be careful with your ID scrolls, they cost diamonds that are worth way more than the HAMSTER you're going to just junk for coins."
I really like the game, but that was really disappointing. A lot of the gear I did ID has helped me progress to level 16 very quickly, so it wasn't a total loss. But, after finding out about the diamonds, I've been running around for 2 hours killing stuff to try and find scrolls and haven't found any. I have a blue item from a challenge, but can't ID it now.
Regarding ID scroll, don't buy that from AD store. If you really have to use it, buy it from AH.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I don't know where else to post this, so I guess I'll post it here. It'd be nice if new players like myself were warned in advance that Item ID scrolls are worth far more than random green drops.
When are you on and what is your character name? I would be willing to meet and help you complete the basic content needed so you can message/mail folks.