I know most folks on here are ProtOPs so they don't run Trans Negation, but, if it works correctly, it should be a nice enchant for a DevOP. Anyway, I was trying out my Trans Negation, and the numbers I am getting are really strange. I don't think I am getting the full 10 stacks even when I am just standing in a group of mobs and let them pound on me. You are supposed to get a 3.5% increase in Damage Resistance for each stack, but I am not getting anywhere near that. My base damage resistance is 47.1%, but even if I let mobs hit on my proccing (at least visually) my Trans Negation, it never goes above 54.7%. Even if we assume it is 3.5% of 47.1%, I would expect at least 1.64% more Damage Resistance per stack totaling an increase of 16.4% rather than the 7.6% increase that I am observing on Live.
Looking at my Defense, it is base 11,654 and 14,479 in combat (29.13% and 36.2% damage resistance respectively).
I can't explain what I am seeing. Anyone have any ideas or explanations?
All I know is that, subjectively, I seemed much tankier with a Trans Shadowclad enchant than a Trans Negation enchant. (And yes, I know tanks shouldn't use Trans Shadowclad, but I don't play a tank....)
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I didn't really look into it though, as I noticed it the same day the diminishing returns patch went live so I just assumed that some resistance bonuses were actually multiplying the defense stat (so hitting the "soft" cap).
Edit: It looks like the damage resistance doesn't show up in your stats. Going back through combat logs and hand calculating the DR I would see "spurts" of increased DR indicating that trans negation only checks periodically (once per second?).
I have a lesser that's 1%/stack, so it should be easier to calculate. I'll dig deeper into this too and see if we can figure out what's going on.
I just had another thought, if you just upgraded it while it was in the armor, try removing it and putting it back in. I had an issue with upgrading then changing loadouts where it didn't recognize the upgrade.
Something else I noticed this time around, it's not a stack+refresh operation. Each stack has it's own 1sec timer, so you could go straight from 10 stacks to zero (with some bad luck/timing).
Now I'm really stimied... I went back to double-check results, and it's not working again. I think we need a dev to look under the hood on this one.
EDIT #2:
I transferred it to an alt to see if it was a pally specific thing and it worked perfectly. Transferred it back (through shared bank both times) and now it's working on the pally again. It's shown the stacks every time, but those times it's not working the combat log numbers get wonky (like sometimes taking more damage instead of less). There's something else going on, or I just had a weird string of numbers flow through.