Think about it. Now all of your alts have all dungeons unlocked. Best thing for someone who mained a SW and neglected campaigns on alts.
On a more serious note though, a few of my sw guildies and allies only had decently equipped SW's so they really can't play right now and I feel their pain but I don't know what to tell them. They are already quitting, maybe coming back next year if things improve. Our allies do carry them through tong sometimes, but no one likes feeling like a burden.
One of them was still hopeful because he was thinking the patch that fixes some of the issues was coming next month. Don't know where he read that. It's not coming next month, right?
They said some fixes came for mod 12b, which seemed like 1 patch note for SW for SB, some fixes to come a little later than mod 12b and some for mod 13. As of the reworks from the SW thread they just started will be launched in mod 13, no clue when that is. The not yet released fixes from October Bugfix month I would guess might come in mod 13 as well. . . but might come earlier.
Edit: Doing tong with my paladin of course. Sometimes we even carry a sw, who in a dps build deals 1/6th of the gwf damage and is the only one that actually dies. He was a good sw, I remember him from the time of HB change on mod 9. But throwing some numbers around to evaluate his contribution we come to a sad conclusion:
His dps: 2
Rest of the party (gwf, op, 2 dcs): 14
Considering his contribution in form of damage dealt plus the buff he provided to the party dps we could say it is close to 2+14*.2 (not being precise here) so we could round it up to a 5 party dps contribution. If instead we picked a tactician GF using only itf, not hitting anything, his contribution to the party dps would have been 11.2*.35 = 3.92 (the party dps without sw buff times the gf buff) just for being there using itf. And if the GF decided to deal some damage instead of walking around...
No hard numbers of course, but I'm just giving a pointer to how underperforming it is compared to what an actual buff/dps class can do.
I did a break, and hesitate to log in at all
But I've seen some not so bad cases, with times under 30 minutes. I did one run myself in which the dps was the GF. Think it was 25 min or so. Managed to get a little over 1/3 of the GF. Something like 490 to 1390. Pretty smooth run, dont think anyone died. I wonder how long it would have taken if they took a GWF instead of me.
Started as HB, but switched to SB before orcus because one of the DCs was getting really close to my damage. After that I decided to just go SB all the way to the end, couldn't bother to change artifact powers and companions again.
Omg, I was soo lazy last mod , even did not unlock Tong till now, but refined my 3x13 Bondings yesterday.
Really curious about it, if my HB-lock at 90% crit and 85% arp but much lower power (sacrificed for crit/arp) will be that bad... if yes it´s really hard to progress with that class since you need those "ultimate enchanting stones" for every 14 ´er enchant x3 and they drop in Tong and maybe from lockboxes?
So no progress for a class that can´t compete in endcontent at all
If it´s like you say the problem is huge, since noone wants a striker that deals meh damage in times of 1 tank, 3 support and 1 dps.
Up to 40% less dps than a GWF was the mark @tom#6998 said, as far as I understood.
SB is better in bossfights but you lose your 18% partybuff (x4) and I can´t imagine that SB can buff the party even near that 4x18% by running Dark Revelry, so group dps might drop by switching towards SB ?
I also hope the implement something arround "temp-HP-buffs" for Templlock, fits to the name and would be an alternative to DC´s, GF´s mitigationbuffs. Or they fix and lift those "damagedebuffs" from aura, also last time I checked Wraith Shadow debuff it did not work correctly/was bugged, maybe due to Trans Fey... no clue
OK... did some Tong today and warlock is no leader and no striker, awefull, I swap my gear towards the DC. There is no reason to play that class inside Tong except you get a perfect group and are buffed up to max, otherwise you are a real burdon.
Lol, never thought I would have to admit to be a burdon with that class, it´s real. And it is impossible to progress with that class, except you are carried all day !