checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
Griffon's Wrath encounter will swing twice with the press of one mouse button, if you have two or more on the GW encounter stored up. Changing click speed does not help. The only thing that can stop the 2nd GW swing with 1 mouse click is to press the encounter then go into guard, but this creates a huge timing issue of animation canceling that might cause the first swing to miss/not hit. The reason for the whole 2 swings with one mouse click seems to be related to the animation. Forward swing/back swing/forward swing. Please find a way to make it so that those that want to keep a 2nd swing from happening have the option of 1) pressing the mouse twice or 2) holding the mouse button down sufficient long enough so that the 2nd swing is recognized as desired.
Aside from being OP, the SOD change only benifits one TR tree and only in PVP too, it does nothing for PVE TR dps since they already stack enough armor pen to fully counter the monster DR cap.
Just a little correction, the SoD used to lose 25% of it's dmg when the enemies were lvl 73 because of the level difference, so, since usually SoD is 30% TR's dmg that was around an 8% dmg increase to the PVE TR.
Making PoP able to crit but leaving its damage unchanged makes it weaker than PoP unable to crit + OBC interaction which results in a dps loss for SW, please take a look at that encounter power, it needs tweaking.
My original post seems to have disappeared, I'll repost it.
Orcus Set: This set's bonus damage does not apply to all powers.
Lostmauths Set: Lostmauth's set bonus does not proc when using a % weapon enchant.
Visual Bugs: CW Icy terrain covers up red AOE areas. Perhaps make the 'Icy ground' part less visible. SW Dreadtheft often points upwards resting on your toon's shoulders. I believe this happens when getting pushed back by an enemy.
Class Features (Ones that proc on damage)*: That can crit:
SW Lesser Curse
SW Deadly Curse
GWF Steel Blitz
GF Steel Blitz
That cannot crit:
CW Storm Spell
CW Storm Fury
CW Arcane Power Field
Is there a reason why all CW Class features cannot crit? I am assuming its a bug or a design flaw.
*I don't have a HR toon so I unable to test those.
Steel Blitz procs on Lightning's Arcs when using Weapon Master's Strike. Weapon Master's Strike procs Lightning Arcs, then Lightnings Arc's proc Steel Blitz. This can be repeated by attacking a single dummy and watching the Steel Blitz animation hit other targets that the Lightning Arc's chain to.
Procs from powers do not trigger extra damage bonuses. For example, Storm Spell does not cause Wheel of Elements: Fire to deal additional damage. This bug is kinda understandable. However when it comes to Tomb of the Nine Gods first boss, Avatar of Orcus, its harder for a class that deals damage via procs to defeat the boss as efficiently as a class that hits hard from main powers. This is because the damage dealing Curse does not apply to those powers. For a class that hits hard via powers, the curse usually makes up for around 50% of their total damage, for classes that relies on procs, it deals around 40%. Maybe this curse should be changed so that it works with proc based classes.
My original post seems to have disappeared, I'll repost it.
Storm Spell not critting was an intentional nerf that was enacted many mods ago.
Mighty Blade does not work on most GWF AoE powers.
Iron Vanguard feat Battle Trample does not benefit from buffs, power, (probably) debuffs on target, and cannot crit. I don't think it gets Combat Advantage either, but I haven't tested recently to remember.
Post edited by einsieg on
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Moderator Reminder: Please keep the reports in this thread primarily focused on Bug Reports. Excessive postings of Feedback will be removed as this thread's focus is on Bug Reports. Just to be clear about "Feedback" in this thread: This thread's topic is about Bug Reports, so providing feedback on Bug Reports is okay, as long as it isn't excessive. Providing Feedback on non-bug report issues is off topic. Please refrain from the latter. Thanks!
Guild repositories won't let players deposit items (with permission toggled on) unless their rank has unlimited withdrawal permissions.
checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
Impentrable Jungle does not apply to all enemies within a certain radius (which is not listed in the tooltip as to what distance). It applies to one target only.
Also, impenetrable jungle does not proc crushing pin.
Body Paint Fashion is considered a Fashion Hat, instead of Upper Body.
Not entirely sure if this was intentional, but i've always wanted to wear "body" paint on my character but couldn't because I wear a mask on my fashion. Could possible options be looked into for people who wear stuff on their head?
Deep Gash does not crit either and doesn't benefit from Combat Advantage.
Not critting is intentional. As a proc-from-crit, it can either always crit, or have crits disabled. It used to always crit and benefited from buffs and was a significant portion of GWF damage, prior to a rework which brought it from ridiculously OP to not-worth-taking.
Quoting becky here and backing her up that the fact that Deep Gash is a bad feat now is intentional. It is just how the game is coded unfortunately.
Now perhaps they could do something to make it more like storm spell but that would add a significant amount of damage to GWF and thus would need to take place during a rework of GWF and that is way outside the scope of this month's focus of fixing bugs.
I remember when it was originally nerfed, in those days, it stacked also . But not using Resist Ignored is a bug. Not Crit'ing is probably intentional, but basically not important. After the nerf it was supposed to be able to be 5% of a GWF's dps, but by ignoring ARP/Resist Ignored, it's basically worthless. On a GWF SM/Dest, I would still not take this skill since it would displace something better.
Feats: Deep Gash: This feat no longer gains additional damage from the power that applies it. Feats: Deep Gash: This feat can no longer crit. This feat now applies a bleed that ticks for 4/8/12/16/20% of your Power (up from 3/6/9/12/15%). Feats: Deep Gash: This power no longer ticks immediately upon application. New applications will not reset the tick timer. Additionally this DoT now lasts 6 seconds (up from 5). It still ticks 6 times total.
Brood of Hadar makes Creeping Death procs only 4 times, and CD is not doing 60% of the expected damage (the bite part is not taken into account).: (TC, Flames of Phlegestos, Accursed souls, and Immolation Spirits seems to proc CD normally)
Soulbinder : Immolation spirits do not proc weapon enchants such as Terror or Fire at all ... Hellbringer: gates of hells do not proc weapon enchants such as Terror or Fire at all ...
Bug: Flying companions and Walking companions behave differently when mounted and dismounting. Flying Companion Examples: Hunting Hawk, Wisp, etc... Symptoms: When you dismount after a long ride with a walking companion summoned they re-pop where you are at and are ready to go. When you dismount after a long ride with a flying companion summoned they do not re-pop, instead they continue to slowly fly towards you from where they started. Many times IF they finally arrive their character portrait does not re-appear. Dismissing and re-summoning are the only way to get the portrait to re-appear. Proposed Solution: Having flying companions de-pop and re-pop like walking companions when you use a mount.
Bug: There is no way to change your deity in game. Impact: Some players enjoy following lore and role playing. Deity choice (unlike origin) does show on your character history page. Not being able to change your deity after a race re-roll impacts this. As an example I would instantly change my dwarven GF to an elf by purchasing a race re-roll token but won't because I can not change his deity from Moradin and won't play an elf with that deity. Proposed Solutions: 1) Add a Deity Change token to the Zen Store for 100-300 Zen, 2) Add the ability to change your deity when using a Zen Store Race Re-roll token, 3) Add the option for players to hide their deity choice on the Character History page.
Request: Allow Paladins to use spear type weapon transmutes (i.e. Spear Of The Fey, Sinister Spear, etc...) Proposed Action: Add the paladin tag to all spear type weapons.
Im a little late since this was talked about last night but regarding the soul puppet immediately dying when being spawned, this only happens for hellbringer fury from what ive found. It works fine in Soulbinder fury, and Hellbringer temptation.
The initial "roar" portion of GWF Daily power Savage Advance doesn't crit and doesn't proc weapon enchants. Correction: The Knock portion of Savage Advance applies weapon enchants, but because it is crit-disabled the enchant proc will also never crit.
Tank and Defender companions can steal aggro from BIS Paladins using all the threat building encounters and at wills. This has been easily repeatable. Companions should not vie for aggro with a Tank present in the group. Nor should it be able to so easily build more aggro on the invisible, unmeasurable, incalculable threat table.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
#1 If you use empowered Exaltation (DC encounter) and then normal Exaltation before the buff expires, you keep the empowered buff. Vice versa, if you use normal Exaltation followed by the empowered version (before the buff expires) you keep the normal buff. The new buff should overwrite the old one, not just restart the duration.
#2 If you use empowered Daunting Light (DC encounter) quickly followed by certain encounter powers (like Exaltation or Prophecy of Doom) both Daunting Light and the other skill are cast in empowered mode. This trick does not work with all skills, I can give the complete list if necessary.
#3 Sacred Weapon (OP encounter) should provide bonus Radiant damage only three times, but Oath Strike and Shielding Strike trigger it five times.
#4 Longstrider’s Shot (HR encounter) does not buff if there is uneven terrain or an ally between you and the target (I think it happens if the ally is less than 30 feet away from you).
#5 The stacks of Aspect of the Serpent (HR class feature) are updated with each tick of Rains of Arrows and Split the Sky. This means that if you use those encounters when you have two stacks of Aspect of the Serpent, the first tick will receive two stacks, the following ticks one or zero.
#6 Each tick of Thorn Ward (HR encounter) consumes one stack of Aspect of the Serpent.
#7 Some plainly wrong tooltips that should be corrected: Darkfire: reduces the target’s Defense by 10% -> it’s a 5% debuff Break the Spirit (rank I): reduces their Damage by 20% -> it reduces their Damage by 10% Sly Flourish: the target takes 5% more damage from all sources -> it’s 10% more damage Controlled Momentum: nearby allies deal 1/2/3/4/5% more damage -> deal 2/4/6/8/10% more damage
#8 Arcane Whirlwind’s Combat Power knocks down bosses.
#9 Since mod 11b, this chat command does not work anymore: /gensendmessage hud_traybox_allpowers activate It activated a bar that you could use to swap your powers without opening the Powers window. Several players would love to have it back.
#10 If you use fast attacks, the Executioner Black Attire 5% bonus damage is not applied to all hits. For example it occasionally does not proc with HR’s Rapid Strike.
#11 Relentless Avenger (OP encounter) and the third hit of Lance of Faith (DC at-will) give AP per each target hit.
Also, I’ll add my voice to some bugs already reported:
#12 Thorned Roots (HR feat) is not affected by Air, Water and Earth Archon’s active bonus, but it is affected by Fire Archon. Fire of the Gods (DC feat) is not affected by Air and Eart Archons, but it is affected by Fire Archon (not sure about Water). Why only one Archon works with them?
#14 Occasionally during boss fights players are pulled out of combat and Oathbound Paladins lose their temporary HP from Templar’s Wrath. This frequently happens when fighting FBI Turtle and occasionally with Orcus.
It would be nice if every time you introduce new items, there was a vendor on preview server selling them. For example several pieces of gear obtained from hunts are bugged, but they haven’t been properly reported because they are hard to obtain.
Hastening Light, the Devoted Cleric class feature, procs regardless of whether it is equipped or not when used with either Flame Strike or Anointed Army. To replicate, the powers must damage an enemy to proc it while unequipped.
Hastening Light also procs twice if it is equipped. This has the same replication as the bug above.
Fixed both of these.
@sgrantdev#8718 I have a question regarding Hastening Light. The cooldown reduction is not 4 seconds, as the tooltip suggests, but it’s reduced by player’s Recovery. For example, if a player has 20000 Recovery, the cooldown reduction is only 2 seconds. Is it working as intended?
This bug is for Rise of Tiamat when dps are too high. After we protected the Clerics the first round and the 5 heads first surface, when we managed to kill all 5 heads just before the timer, the quest fails and the chest can't be opened.
Tank and Defender companions can steal aggro from BIS Paladins using all the threat building encounters and at wills. This has been easily repeatable. Companions should not vie for aggro with a Tank present in the group. Nor should it be able to so easily build more aggro on the invisible, unmeasurable, incalculable threat table.
This is due to an undocumented taunt skill which steals aggro regardless of threat-levels. I agree that this is extremely problematic as soon as you have a real tank in your group and pretty much makes using any defender companion a bad idea. This skill needs to be replaced by some kind of threat generation buff. However, it isn't, stricto sensu, a bug.
> @artifleur said: > Tank and Defender companions can steal aggro from BIS Paladins using all the threat building encounters and at wills. This has been easily repeatable. Companions should not vie for aggro with a Tank present in the group. Nor should it be able to so easily build more aggro on the invisible, unmeasurable, incalculable threat table. > > This is due to an undocumented taunt skill which steals aggro regardless of threat-levels. I agree that this is extremely problematic as soon as you have a real tank in your group and pretty much makes using any defender companion a bad idea. This skill needs to be replaced by some kind of threat generation buff. However, it isn't, stricto sensu, a bug.
If a tank cannot compete with a companion’s taunt this is obviously not WAI, ipso facto... bug
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
fix the companions pls... it is easy to see that mobs somehow know im getting procs from my pets bondings and go after him at the begining of every fight in chult,and kill him, hence,no procs. my personal opinion is that if the devs made a mistake and over powered the bondings,tuff noogies,deal with it, dont CHEAT and just have mobs kill pet quick to fix it. I spent alot of time and RL money to get my bondings and get them to rank 12,so either fix the pet or give me back my time and money. seriously ppl, am i the only one who sees the change in pet behavior? i have tried many diff pets,air archon,fire archon,and even the new tamed velociraptor,and its very plain to see that this new behavior of pets is intentional. I hate games that cheat.
I've got a few: 1. Dwarves - we are supposed to be resistant to knock backs. As far as I've ever been able to test this doesn't happen. Very annoying to have a basic racial feature not work especially one that is very useful against bosses and in pvp. Who knows what other racial features don't work but I haven't noticed any others. 2. Cooldowns and Chances - always clarify internal cooldowns as standard. Also whenever writing "a chance" specificy the chance so we can plan. Some things appears to have cooldowns without being specified in tooltip making them useless other features have very very low chances. I can understand not doing it for lockboxes, but that shouldn't apply to boons etc. 3. GWFs - Feat Armor Specialisation - doesn't appear to have a clear impact. - Clarify feats that improve the effect e.g. of constitution. 4. Q group chat disabled if you have to relog 5. No way of tracking what bonuses one has received - e.g. bonus totems in Chult, bonus AD in dungeons etc. so you only get notified when you have wasted one rather than before you do. 6. Generally - if something is bugged - acknowledge it centrally and perhaps even flag it in game
checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
Crescendo Immunity does not work with some knockbacks on boss mechanics.
For example, for the first two bosses in TONG, Crescendo will not provide immunity to the Orcus Avatar sector pushback or to Wither's Circular Knockback. If a GF wants to save the Crescendo during the attack, so that the crushing pin can be applied and be in position before the party might regain position, it is not possible. Orcus Avatar is especially annoying as the push back occurs and a stun occurs in the water (like a root) with all dailies, encounters locked.
checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
Anvil of Doom consistently misses on some species of drake.
On the smaller species of drake, like ambush or ice drake, if a GF has the drake lined up perfectly, and hits Anvil of Doom, the encounter will not hit.
From testing it and seeing how it performs inside dungeons, it seems neither Creeping Frost or Warped Magics follow the crit chance of the wizard that procced it. I run with 100% Crit chance on live and currently, Creeping Frost's crit chance is somewhere between 50%-60%, meanwhile Warped Magics' Crit chance lies between 30%-40% (Over the course of a whole dungeon run). I'm pretty certain that this is a bug with both powers as all things in game should either follow the crit chance of your toon, or cannot crit at all.
Also, Warped Magics seems to not be benefiting from the same amount of debuffs as Creeping Frost. As shown here: Is this the correct behaviour?
Aside from the fact that there's a 35% difference in weapon damage between these two powers (Creeping Frost dealing 85% weapon damage whilst Warped Magics deals 50%), is there a reason why Warped Magics generally hits 1/4 of Creeping Frost's damage? Even when it is supposed to ignore half of targets resistance.
I can confirm the weird behaviour with Warped Magics. It would be awesome if the devs can fix that.
Other Bugs:
Arcane Enhancement (CW Heroic Feat): Oppressive Force (CW Daily) is an Arcane power and is not effected by Arcane Enhancement feat buff.
Sudden Storm Mastery (CW Encounter): Both the Arc and DoT effect seem to have really bad scaling with buffs and power. Also they do not gain benefit from the majority of CW self buffs like Arcane Mastery.. etc.
Infantile Compensation (Currently only on Preview): Infantile Compensation procs when your Mirage toons (From the Mirage Set Bonus) attack. I'm not sure if this bug works on all classes, but it does for CW. This doesn't happen on live.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Making PoP able to crit but leaving its damage unchanged makes it weaker than PoP unable to crit + OBC interaction which results in a dps loss for SW, please take a look at that encounter power, it needs tweaking.
This set's bonus damage does not apply to all powers.
Lostmauth's set bonus does not proc when using a % weapon enchant.
CW Icy terrain covers up red AOE areas. Perhaps make the 'Icy ground' part less visible.
SW Dreadtheft often points upwards resting on your toon's shoulders. I believe this happens when getting pushed back by an enemy.
That can crit:
- SW Lesser Curse
- SW Deadly Curse
- GWF Steel Blitz
- GF Steel Blitz
That cannot crit:- CW Storm Spell
- CW Storm Fury
- CW Arcane Power Field
Is there a reason why all CW Class features cannot crit? I am assuming its a bug or a design flaw.*I don't have a HR toon so I unable to test those.
Steel Blitz procs on Lightning's Arcs when using Weapon Master's Strike. Weapon Master's Strike procs Lightning Arcs, then Lightnings Arc's proc Steel Blitz.
This can be repeated by attacking a single dummy and watching the Steel Blitz animation hit other targets that the Lightning Arc's chain to.
Procs from powers do not trigger extra damage bonuses.
For example, Storm Spell does not cause Wheel of Elements: Fire to deal additional damage. This bug is kinda understandable. However when it comes to Tomb of the Nine Gods first boss, Avatar of Orcus, its harder for a class that deals damage via procs to defeat the boss as efficiently as a class that hits hard from main powers. This is because the damage dealing Curse does not apply to those powers. For a class that hits hard via powers, the curse usually makes up for around 50% of their total damage, for classes that relies on procs, it deals around 40%. Maybe this curse should be changed so that it works with proc based classes.
Mighty Blade does not work on most GWF AoE powers.
Iron Vanguard feat Battle Trample does not benefit from buffs, power, (probably) debuffs on target, and cannot crit. I don't think it gets Combat Advantage either, but I haven't tested recently to remember.
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Also, impenetrable jungle does not proc crushing pin.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Not entirely sure if this was intentional, but i've always wanted to wear "body" paint on my character but couldn't because I wear a mask on my fashion. Could possible options be looked into for people who wear stuff on their head?
Guardian Fighter
TLO Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter
Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
Here is the original nerf by gentlemancrush
And I'll quote the important part for this: And further on:
Brood of Hadar makes Creeping Death procs only 4 times, and CD is not doing 60% of the expected damage (the bite part is not taken into account).:
(TC, Flames of Phlegestos, Accursed souls, and Immolation Spirits seems to proc CD normally)
Soulbinder : Immolation spirits do not proc weapon enchants such as Terror or Fire at all ...
Hellbringer: gates of hells do not proc weapon enchants such as Terror or Fire at all ...
Flying Companion Examples: Hunting Hawk, Wisp, etc...
Symptoms: When you dismount after a long ride with a walking companion summoned they re-pop where you are at and are ready to go. When you dismount after a long ride with a flying companion summoned they do not re-pop, instead they continue to slowly fly towards you from where they started. Many times IF they finally arrive their character portrait does not re-appear. Dismissing and re-summoning are the only way to get the portrait to re-appear.
Proposed Solution: Having flying companions de-pop and re-pop like walking companions when you use a mount.
Bug: There is no way to change your deity in game.
Impact: Some players enjoy following lore and role playing. Deity choice (unlike origin) does show on your character history page. Not being able to change your deity after a race re-roll impacts this. As an example I would instantly change my dwarven GF to an elf by purchasing a race re-roll token but won't because I can not change his deity from Moradin and won't play an elf with that deity.
Proposed Solutions: 1) Add a Deity Change token to the Zen Store for 100-300 Zen, 2) Add the ability to change your deity when using a Zen Store Race Re-roll token, 3) Add the option for players to hide their deity choice on the Character History page.
Request: Allow Paladins to use spear type weapon transmutes (i.e. Spear Of The Fey, Sinister Spear, etc...)
Proposed Action: Add the paladin tag to all spear type weapons.
Thank you much for your time and consideration!
and doesn't proc weapon enchants. Correction: The Knock portion of Savage Advance applies weapon enchants, but because it is crit-disabled the enchant proc will also never crit.#2 If you use empowered Daunting Light (DC encounter) quickly followed by certain encounter powers (like Exaltation or Prophecy of Doom) both Daunting Light and the other skill are cast in empowered mode. This trick does not work with all skills, I can give the complete list if necessary.
#3 Sacred Weapon (OP encounter) should provide bonus Radiant damage only three times, but Oath Strike and Shielding Strike trigger it five times.
#4 Longstrider’s Shot (HR encounter) does not buff if there is uneven terrain or an ally between you and the target (I think it happens if the ally is less than 30 feet away from you).
#5 The stacks of Aspect of the Serpent (HR class feature) are updated with each tick of Rains of Arrows and Split the Sky. This means that if you use those encounters when you have two stacks of Aspect of the Serpent, the first tick will receive two stacks, the following ticks one or zero.
#6 Each tick of Thorn Ward (HR encounter) consumes one stack of Aspect of the Serpent.
#7 Some plainly wrong tooltips that should be corrected:
Darkfire: reduces the target’s Defense by 10% -> it’s a 5% debuff
Break the Spirit (rank I): reduces their Damage by 20% -> it reduces their Damage by 10%
Sly Flourish: the target takes 5% more damage from all sources -> it’s 10% more damage
Controlled Momentum: nearby allies deal 1/2/3/4/5% more damage -> deal 2/4/6/8/10% more damage
#8 Arcane Whirlwind’s Combat Power knocks down bosses.
#9 Since mod 11b, this chat command does not work anymore:
/gensendmessage hud_traybox_allpowers activate
It activated a bar that you could use to swap your powers without opening the Powers window. Several players would love to have it back.
#10 If you use fast attacks, the Executioner Black Attire 5% bonus damage is not applied to all hits. For example it occasionally does not proc with HR’s Rapid Strike.
#11 Relentless Avenger (OP encounter) and the third hit of Lance of Faith (DC at-will) give AP per each target hit.
Also, I’ll add my voice to some bugs already reported:
#12 Thorned Roots (HR feat) is not affected by Air, Water and Earth Archon’s active bonus, but it is affected by Fire Archon. Fire of the Gods (DC feat) is not affected by Air and Eart Archons, but it is affected by Fire Archon (not sure about Water). Why only one Archon works with them?
#13 HR dodge immunity is delayed, the video in this bug report explains it perfectly:
#14 Occasionally during boss fights players are pulled out of combat and Oathbound Paladins lose their temporary HP from Templar’s Wrath. This frequently happens when fighting FBI Turtle and occasionally with Orcus.
It would be nice if every time you introduce new items, there was a vendor on preview server selling them. For example several pieces of gear obtained from hunts are bugged, but they haven’t been properly reported because they are hard to obtain.
> Tank and Defender companions can steal aggro from BIS Paladins using all the threat building encounters and at wills. This has been easily repeatable. Companions should not vie for aggro with a Tank present in the group. Nor should it be able to so easily build more aggro on the invisible, unmeasurable, incalculable threat table.
> This is due to an undocumented taunt skill which steals aggro regardless of threat-levels. I agree that this is extremely problematic as soon as you have a real tank in your group and pretty much makes using any defender companion a bad idea. This skill needs to be replaced by some kind of threat generation buff. However, it isn't, stricto sensu, a bug.
If a tank cannot compete with a companion’s taunt this is obviously not WAI, ipso facto... bug
1. Dwarves - we are supposed to be resistant to knock backs. As far as I've ever been able to test this doesn't happen. Very annoying to have a basic racial feature not work especially one that is very useful against bosses and in pvp. Who knows what other racial features don't work but I haven't noticed any others.
2. Cooldowns and Chances - always clarify internal cooldowns as standard. Also whenever writing "a chance" specificy the chance so we can plan. Some things appears to have cooldowns without being specified in tooltip making them useless other features have very very low chances. I can understand not doing it for lockboxes, but that shouldn't apply to boons etc.
3. GWFs
- Feat Armor Specialisation - doesn't appear to have a clear impact.
- Clarify feats that improve the effect e.g. of constitution.
4. Q group chat disabled if you have to relog
5. No way of tracking what bonuses one has received - e.g. bonus totems in Chult, bonus AD in dungeons etc. so you only get notified when you have wasted one rather than before you do.
6. Generally - if something is bugged - acknowledge it centrally and perhaps even flag it in game
For example, for the first two bosses in TONG, Crescendo will not provide immunity to the Orcus Avatar sector pushback or to Wither's Circular Knockback. If a GF wants to save the Crescendo during the attack, so that the crushing pin can be applied and be in position before the party might regain position, it is not possible. Orcus Avatar is especially annoying as the push back occurs and a stun occurs in the water (like a root) with all dailies, encounters locked.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
On the smaller species of drake, like ambush or ice drake, if a GF has the drake lined up perfectly, and hits Anvil of Doom, the encounter will not hit.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Other Bugs:
Oppressive Force (CW Daily) is an Arcane power and is not effected by Arcane Enhancement feat buff.
Both the Arc and DoT effect seem to have really bad scaling with buffs and power. Also they do not gain benefit from the majority of CW self buffs like Arcane Mastery.. etc.
Infantile Compensation procs when your Mirage toons (From the Mirage Set Bonus) attack. I'm not sure if this bug works on all classes, but it does for CW. This doesn't happen on live.