I ll post this again because I'm sure you missed it @thefabricant
If the power is not important then why do you make it as the No1 factor for AC to be? Why is everyone asking for it? and on top you hint for more? . You cant have it both ways. As for how much damage it actually is let me show you in ACT on my next post.
Second I didn't say its OP. I keep comparing the bonding VS powershare and keep find it overperforming from the two. I would suggest again to read my posts.
I didn't put words in to your mouth, we have 2 solutions here. Either nerf the bonding and keep powershare or not in regard to the current topic that its bonding nerf thread... By choosing one you automatically NOT choose the other.
My recommendation sharp in case you missed it is leave bondings as IS with the 285% and remove the ability to push the powershare X 4 to players and buff the direct AC powershare to the player to the point its NOT power creep anymore.
You recommend changes to AC and not talka about the bonding at all ot the bug....
The post is about bonding and power creep NOT AC DC.
...and you still don't answer to the point. From the 2 scenarios that affect the bonding which one leads to more power creep? The bonding staying at 285% with rank 14 OR the powershare through bonding (which should not happen anyway).
Should we care about the players OR just the AC?? simple This is what is at stake here and not the AC future. We are talking about power creep and you want to add more...
The reason that DC powershare should share with bondings is because it is balanced as is and doesn't cause problems. You want to raise the value to compensate for it not sharing with pets? Sure, have it share 33% per rank of AA capping at 132%, then in your mind it will be ok, in reality it will do the same thing and it will still be just as balanced as it currently is. I will be frank I really don't care about the bonding nerf at all, except for the fact that it punishes DC and OP more than it punishes any other class.
all this power sharing nerf talk will do is drive every dc into DO mode.. woot.. back to one meta.
There literally is no other reason to run it.
Not that I care really.. but whatever.
while everyone clamours for this "fix"
it simply is a distracion to the real problem.
Cryptic is removing current % of power and reselling again to us..
this is ludicrous to me and many. I am not re buying the same power, its a insult.
I agree with you too Silverkelt. The fact they want to resell us stuff that we already have is stupid and a rip off. I full agree with you.
I heard someone say this and it made perfect sense to me. They are not worried about losing the old players like us that have played a long time because we are not spending as much money as before. New players will spend more money to get up faster than we spend money to remain where we are.
Simply as I said before, Buff Powershare, Leave bondings as are, remove the powershare going through the companion and back to the player. This would keep the AC DC around and stop the "power creep"!
Surely the core of the question here is 'how much buffing should a player receive?' Without an answer to that we can't really say what is over, under or normal.
@thefabricant - as someone with a full knowledge of the game's system of buffs & debuffs, what would you consider to be an appropriate maximum for balance?
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
@silverkelt Exactly, that's why we're arguing here. We don't mind a nerf to free stuff, we do mind a nerf for paid stuff. Paid stuff took effort, and that's we have to "compromise". Either one role of one class takes a slight hit or literally everyone in the entire game who has bondings does. United we stand, divided we fall, I guess. But anyways, that "nerf" to ACDC won't even be a nerf, it will be a slight nerf to perhaps the top tier ACDCs but at top tier it's not really an issue as you are probably running with an ACDC AND a DODC, but it's a BUFF for new DCs as they won't need to invest heavily in power and they can focus on doing everything else they need to do as well. That's why it's a good idea to do so.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
except its not really our job to determine that extent they want to see buffing maxed or not, nor really to offer alternatives, there is ZERO need to bring it up or to offer it.. IT has little to do with the discussion.
its very simple to me.. we already paid for the power and they want to resell it to me. RESLLING the same power and the same enchants!!!!
thats mther effing insulting.
that is the single issue im taking on this.
If they want to lower cap or add more diminishing returns. then they can solve thier power creep WITHOUT nerfing and reselling me the same effing powers
they should also lower mob hps by like 50% after that sort of stuff though.
There is no real quick fix here.. none, it will take a rescope of the game..
but again.. THIS is little to do with this.. they say it is.. but to me, it doesnt, they simple want to make us pay money to them for the same thing they just sold us..
I have said my piece and I am done responding now. You can judge the value of what I have said for yourself and I will let it stand on its own.
There is a unique ability some people have, to talk a lot, without saying nothing to the point. Again you completely avoided talking about the bonding issue and the issues I stated, in a honest conversation and not contradiction but I guess I ask much.
You managed to turn this into a nerf AC problem while this is nothing remotely close to it and since I know you are a smart person that can only mean that you want to push your agenda (remember that?) without focusing on the subject in hand. Lets not derail the conversation anymore for your personal issues.
No one asked for nerf on AC quite the opposite we asked to adjust the companion not to receive the powershare buff and cast it to the players X 4 times and also compensate the AC but to the point it doesn't create the power creep anymore. Pure and simple.
The reason that DC powershare should share with bondings is because it is balanced as is and doesn't cause problems.
The reason that the powershare is good is because its good to have powershare.... nice reasoning. This is an example of what I keep saying. I'm talking about the effect on the companion ONLY vs the lowering the stats and that at the end, lowering the stats will lead to nothing and your answer is about the powershare in general and how good it is.
So if powershare through companion its balanced you are saying that bonding is imbalanced? The stone that can give on its own 30k stat points vs a buff that can give 60k or more points?
No one said its BAD, we are saying don't share through the companion to give excessive amounts to the players SPECIALLY when 2 classes can share at the same time, which is one of the reasons it led us here in the first place.
Now please tell us how the AC will have issues again in a bonding thread.
Basically if we go with these proposed changes and make all enchants and bondings r14 on our companions we will be stronger than before, so 6-9 months down the line after spending millions to do so the exact same problem will return. So what has anyone gained by this other than creating the same issue exactly a few months down the line?
I have said my piece and I am done responding now. You can judge the value of what I have said for yourself and I will let it stand on its own.
There is a unique ability some people have, to talk a lot, without saying nothing to the point. Again you completely avoided talking about the bonding issue and the issues I stated, in a honest conversation and not contradiction but I guess I ask much.
You managed to turn this into a nerf AC problem while this is nothing remotely close to it and since I know you are a smart person that can only mean that you want to push your agenda (remember that?) without focusing on the subject in hand. Lets not derail the conversation anymore for your personal issues.
No one asked for nerf on AC quite the opposite we asked to adjust the companion not to receive the powershare buff and cast it to the players X 4 times and also compensate the AC but to the point it doesn't create the power creep anymore. Pure and simple.
The reason that DC powershare should share with bondings is because it is balanced as is and doesn't cause problems.
The reason that the powershare is good is because its good to have powershare.... nice reasoning. This is an example of what I keep saying. I'm talking about the effect on the companion ONLY vs the lowering the stats and that at the end, lowering the stats will lead to nothing and your answer is about the powershare in general and how good it is.
So if powershare through companion its balanced you are saying that bonding is imbalanced? The stone that can give on its own 30k stat points vs a buff that can give 60k or more points?
No one said its BAD, we are saying don't share through the companion to give excessive amounts to the players SPECIALLY when 2 classes can share at the same time, which is one of the reasons it led us here in the first place.
Now please tell us how the AC will have issues again in a bonding thread.
So u say u are not asking for a nerf on ACDC then your proposal should be to remove powershare from Pets but also Buff Anointed Army to now buff 132% of the DCs base power and BoB to now give 60% of the DCs Base Power. And about pushing Agendas your the one to talk...
Looking at the current Content neither Bondings nor Powershare are OP. Cryptic just wants us to Spend more Money/AD and thus they nerf Bondings and not Powershare.
There are two issues as far as I am concerned. How this will effect gameplay and the simple principle of nerfing something that people have paid for. I do not know enough about how the game works to argue the first point, but I can argue the second.
When Volkswagen got caught up in their diesel emmissions scandal they patched the engine software to eliminate the cheating code. Testing by a third party showed that mpg on one model dropped from 50 mpg to 47 mpg. People who bought a 50mpg car had it "nerfed" to a 47mpg car. Now that is only a 6% reduction, seems minor right? But that is not something you can get away with without compensating your customers in the real world.
People go on and on about how this is how MMO's work. I don't know, this is the only one I have played. But I have been told that many big MMO's don't have the micro(or macro) transactions this game has to buy improvements for you character. If you are going to charge people money for something you have a responsibility not to diminish the value of their purchases.
There probably isn't much we can do about it other than learn from our mistakes and refuse to spend money when the developer has no respect for our investment.
So u say u are not asking for a nerf on ACDC then your proposal should be to remove powershare from Pets but also Buff Anointed Army to now buff 132% of the DCs base power and BoB to now give 60% of the DCs Base Power. And about pushing Agendas your the one to talk...
Looking at the current Content neither Bondings nor Powershare are OP. Cryptic just wants us to Spend more Money/AD and thus they nerf Bondings and not Powershare.
You have it mixed up, I never said specific values, Sharp did as an expert on DC so please talk to him.
I said buff to the appropriate level that the devs think it doesn't create excessive power. So as you see I have no agenda and it would be better to direct that one to the ones who proposed that.
I never said anything about the DC nor for the Paladin. I just mentioned the powershare that goes THROUGH the companion to the player and compared ONLY that portion of powershare as stat contribution versus to the bonding stone stat contribution.You guys keep throwing numbers about the DC which has nothing to do with the topic.
Turtle in FBI, second Boss in SP, and last boss in T9G can perma kill companions by throwing them into the water / off the platform. FYI, if this happens now on T9G for the dps, it's most likely a wipe, and the group restarts.
Ah, I hadn't noticed. Thanks for clarifying that. I mostly run these days with my DO DC who uses an augment. Definitely bugs that need to be addressed.
Telling everyone these changes are fine when you already don't use bondings... if you don't have a dog in the fight, especially as a mod, sit this one out.
And it's not just about can you do the content.
A lot of us play this game to compare incremental upgrades, to compare our performance against ourselves so we can see progress in the game. I compare how long river district dailies took me on my 2700 ilvl pally and DC when I started it to my 14500 pally and DC and I am happy with the progress. Now if they reset that in a few months, I already know how much damage I'll be able to do when I get back to where I'm currently at. It will also cost me millions of AD to get back to this baseline, so I say no thanks. If this change goes through I don't think I'll participate.
Alright, here you go. Show this to devs too, it's got a bit more rambling but most of the problems are there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y00WBdspclY
@billyriz12 Augments will NEVER be equal to bondings, as long as they don't get affected by power share.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
Telling everyone these changes are fine when you already don't use bondings... if you don't have a dog in the fight, especially as a mod, sit this one out.
I have a set of R12 bondings, just not for my DC (he was AC DC in the past, but not recently). I only run mod 10 content on my DC because I was too busy irl to grind it on multiple toons when mod 10 came out (and frankly, it's not one of my favorites).
I'm not sure what you think a moderator is. I'm a player that has been with the game since open beta. I have as much right to express my opinion as any other player. Moderators are not employees of PWE or Cryptic.
So u say u are not asking for a nerf on ACDC then your proposal should be to remove powershare from Pets but also Buff Anointed Army to now buff 132% of the DCs base power and BoB to now give 60% of the DCs Base Power. And about pushing Agendas your the one to talk...
Looking at the current Content neither Bondings nor Powershare are OP. Cryptic just wants us to Spend more Money/AD and thus they nerf Bondings and not Powershare.
You have it mixed up, I never said specific values, Sharp did as an expert on DC so please talk to him.
I said buff to the appropriate level that the devs think it doesn't create excessive power. So as you see I have no agenda and it would be better to direct that one to the ones who proposed that.
I never said anything about the DC nor for the Paladin. I just mentioned the powershare that goes THROUGH the companion to the player and compared ONLY that portion of powershare as stat contribution versus to the bonding stone stat contribution.You guys keep throwing numbers about the DC which has nothing to do with the topic.
I hope you see it now.
u can talk all u want to take away powershare on pets is a Nerf to ACDC. If you cap debuffs at 150% act effectivness that would also kill of mof debuffers maybe u understand it now
I would like please we devoted players dont loose the perspective on this matter.
Please realise power share is just fine and in line with what other buffers can bring to the party; an AC or OP buffing by power share (and other buffs) are in like to what can bring a DO or a Mof , specially since they remove the debuff cap. Nerf the power share and a good team still will achieve similar results with 1 DO +1 Mof + 2x tanks x dps.
Please dont fall in that trap and spend so many posts with that.
The real and simple issue here is that by nerfing bondings they are forcing all of us to spend more money. It is an easy solution to force all 90% of current users to look into our pocket without any investment on their side. Its a clear WIN-LOSE deal.
I dont think bondings introduction as it is now was a great idea. But that fact now is it really doenst matter, after 5 mods adjusted to current bonding performance, all players (but real newbs) fully rely on bondings to have fun on this game, thats out of question.
Making new content a lot harder, then increase bondings ranks and enchants. Then boost augment if you cought*really care*cough about lower level players. Make a WIN-WIN deal.
So u say u are not asking for a nerf on ACDC then your proposal should be to remove powershare from Pets but also Buff Anointed Army to now buff 132% of the DCs base power and BoB to now give 60% of the DCs Base Power. And about pushing Agendas your the one to talk...
Looking at the current Content neither Bondings nor Powershare are OP. Cryptic just wants us to Spend more Money/AD and thus they nerf Bondings and not Powershare.
You have it mixed up, I never said specific values, Sharp did as an expert on DC so please talk to him.
I said buff to the appropriate level that the devs think it doesn't create excessive power. So as you see I have no agenda and it would be better to direct that one to the ones who proposed that.
I never said anything about the DC nor for the Paladin. I just mentioned the powershare that goes THROUGH the companion to the player and compared ONLY that portion of powershare as stat contribution versus to the bonding stone stat contribution.You guys keep throwing numbers about the DC which has nothing to do with the topic.
I hope you see it now.
u can talk all u want to take away powershare on pets is a Nerf to ACDC. If you cap debuffs at 150% act effectivness that would also kill of mof debuffers maybe u understand it now
AW.. It will make people work harder.. can't be doing that can we? Gotta be given everything easily. I personally think they should buff the DC/OP powershare to the player and remove the powershare through the companion. It will make us work harder together to win. Not be so powerful you run through everything as fast as you can. What fun is that? Just my ignorant opinion.
> u can talk all u want to take away powershare on pets is a Nerf to ACDC. If you cap debuffs at 150% act effectivness that would also kill of mof debuffers maybe u understand it now
No, he doesn't. I've said this a lot of times too and I don't really give a damn which kind of DCs exist and don't exist, just like you don't care about sentinel path for gwfs or whatever. ANYWAYS, what he's trying to imply is that an alteration between interactions of the ACDC's powers and players and the players' companions. If you can't comprehend that... well that's not anyone's issue. Besides, powershare is overpowered. I explained why. It ain't my problem that you have decided to not read or watch any of the stuff I posted. Changing a buff from % of DC's power to a straight % of the player's DPS is not a nerf. ACDC with 45k power gives a LOT of power even on its own, let alone if there's another DC or pally with Aura gifts. Getting bonus power is stupidly overpowered because it increases our DPS on 2 points - our normal weapon damage + power + other multis, and the additional hit from the enchants that scale with power. So a 40% increase in weapon damage via power also increases our damage via enchant, while a straight 40% buff to damage affects only the normal hit and not the additional one. So you don't get the extreme 1m hits with GWF or 1m ticks with HR.
@ashworthrd99 As i've explained above, making it a straight buff, instead of a power buff would make much more sense. It would make dungeons legitimately hard as you don't get the increased healing, damage and weapon damage because you have less power. While with a straight buff like what ITF does would work much better (as in, it wouldn't be stupidly overpowered)
u can talk all u want to take away powershare on pets is a Nerf to ACDC. If you cap debuffs at 150% act effectivness that would also kill of mof debuffers maybe u understand it now
From the looks of it you guys do the talk. I m just stating facts. You talk about DC when I don't, you talk about debuffs when I don't and FYI the debuffs got nerfed and I adjusted to it, still doing great and never complained unlike others that they put their self interest higher than the rest of the players.
The personal attacks though from you your friends and the avoidance of talking about the issues in hand, juts proves to me and people here about where the real problem is and what your real worrying is all about.
I would like please we devoted players dont loose the perspective on this matter.
Please realise power share is just fine and in line with what other buffers can bring to the party; an AC or OP buffing by power share (and other buffs) are in like to what can bring a DO or a Mof , specially since they remove the debuff cap. Nerf the power share and a good team still will achieve similar results with 1 DO +1 Mof + 2x tanks x dps.
Please dont fall in that trap and spend so many posts with that.
The real and simple issue here is that by nerfing bondings they are forcing all of us to spend more money. It is an easy solution to force all 90% of current users to look into our pocket without any investment on their side. Its a clear WIN-LOSE deal.
I dont think bondings introduction as it is now was a great idea. But that fact now is it really doenst matter, after 5 mods adjusted to current bonding performance, all players (but real newbs) fully rely on bondings to have fun on this game, thats out of question.
Making new content a lot harder, then increase bondings ranks and enchants. Then boost augment if you cought*really care*cough about lower level players. Make a WIN-WIN deal.
Nothing else really matters...
Which is what I'm saying too, thank you.
If they are to remove something its a lot better to remove the PORTION of power share to companion as it can get in cases stupidly high and make the AC / PALLY buff straight to player as power or as damage buff.... how much? as much as it needs to avoid having power creep (according to the devs) again. No one is saying nerf the DC or nerf the pally. Even at a personal role as a MoF debuffer or GWF or SW I can't function without buffs.
If they do that then there is a good reason to keep the bonding as it is and a win - win situation for most players as they get to keep bonding and for cryptic that will get the power creep toned down.
u can talk all u want to take away powershare on pets is a Nerf to ACDC. If you cap debuffs at 150% act effectivness that would also kill of mof debuffers maybe u understand it now
From the looks of it you guys do the talk. I m just stating facts. You talk about DC when I don't, you talk about debuffs when I don't and FYI the debuffs got nerfed and I adjusted to it, still doing great and never complained unlike others that they put their self interest higher than the rest of the players.
The personal attacks though from you your friends and the avoidance of talking about the issues in hand, juts prove to me and people here about where the real problem is and what your real worrying is all about.
Thank you for clarifying that.
as i wrote above i dont see a issue with bondings or powershare. I think given the content we have they are both fine. The devs now decided to nerf bondings and now u are trying to turn this into a powersharing issue. The devs dont really care about balance they care about $$
the only thing u might get is that they nerf bondings and powershare... i guess u are happy then?
The thing is, you want both bondings and powershare, and now with the new enchants, that's gonna be stupidly overpowered. Because of the power share. While you're there being greedy, what oria1 is trying to suggest is a balance, a compromise so neither side loses (too) much. We'd lose power share, but keep our investment, they'd lose almost nothing and gain the balance and difficulty the new dungeons are supposed to have.
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
edited September 2017
I'm fully with @oria1 on this. Nobody is asking to kill the AC DC. The devs should remove powershare via bondings on preview, then ask for feedback and listen to what happened to the AC DC and OP's effectiveness in combat, do their tests, and then adjust accordingly both classes/paths to keep them in a good spot. What they are doing today has nothing to do with balancing. It's just a money-grab where they tell us they want us to improve our enchants just to get to where we already are now.
This change is definitely worse than mod6. Mod6 at least tried to look at what the real issue was (lifesteal making DPS immortal) and nerfed it, while at the same time making survival more difficult. The implementation was not good, but at least they tried to assess the real problem. What they are doing today has nothing to do with balancing. It's just a money-grab where they tell us they want us to improve our enchants just to get to where we already are now. Devs, if you think the power level we have today is too high nerf us, but then don't resell us the same power at the same time. It either is broken or it isn't. What you're telling us is: what you have now is broken, but if you hand us over 500 bucks it is not broken anymore....
EDIT: and I'm not against giving you 500 bucks in general, I regularly spend money on this game to support your work and plan to do the same in future if you behave in an honest way...
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
as i wrote above i dont see a issue with bondings or powershare. I think given the content we have they are both fine. The devs now decided to nerf bondings and now u are trying to turn this into a powersharing issue. The devs dont really care about balance they care about $$
the only thing u might get is that they nerf bondings and powershare... i guess u are happy then?
You don't see an issue and I do, now bring your facts and I will bring mine. Numbers don't lie or hide things and don't get personal. . Glad to see your knowledge on what the devs want though. As far as me, I saw they did change the time on/off for the bonding and now maybe the will change this. Its their call, not yours.
But since you like to keep repeating yourself lets try one more time: I'm not trying to turn it to a powershare issue for any class. You keep bringing up about the DC and about nerf etc etc. and therefore you will end up doing of what you accuse me of trying. Self fulfilling prophecy. Or you think because a player said something the devs will do it?
Based though on how much annoyed, you (plural) got for the comment i made one cant help but wonder... Is the AC so bad that they need a buff to a companion to keep them relevant? And if so what does that say about said buff method?
Instead of focusing to make a cohesive argument to the devs for the benefit of all the players regardless of their tier you complain about the AC because one path of one class is FAR more important then all the other players. Nice way of all of you on showing how you really think.
as i wrote above i dont see a issue with bondings or powershare. I think given the content we have they are both fine. The devs now decided to nerf bondings and now u are trying to turn this into a powersharing issue. The devs dont really care about balance they care about $$
the only thing u might get is that they nerf bondings and powershare... i guess u are happy then?
You don't see an issue and I do, now bring your facts and I will bring mine. Numbers don't lie or hide things and don't get personal. . Glad to see your knowledge on what the devs want though. As far as me, I saw they did change the time on/off for the bonding and now maybe the will change this. Its their call, not yours.
But since you like to keep repeating yourself lets try one more time: I'm not trying to turn it to a powershare issue for any class. You keep bringing up about the DC and about nerf etc etc. and therefore you will end up doing of what you accuse me of trying. Self fulfilling prophecy. Or you think because a player said something the devs will do it?
Based though on how much annoyed, you (plural) got for the comment i made one cant help but wonder... Is the AC so bad that they need a buff to a companion to keep them relevant? And if so what does that say about said buff method?
Instead of focusing to make a cohesive argument to the devs for the benefit of all the players regardless of their tier you complain about the AC because one path of one class is FAR more important then all the other players. Nice way of all of you on showing how you really think.
when sharp statet numbers u were ingoring them... why should i post them again? U are on a Djihad against DCs for a long time... and now u see a oportunity to nerf DCs so u dont have to make fake arguments for your mof anymore
sharp alrdy posted facts... u were ignoring them...
u really think the Powershare is breaking the game? Power is 1 factor for dps and its by far not the biggest. And nerfing Powershare makes it an issue for Classes that use that no point in denying. Do u think that players are way to OP for the newest dungeon? If you have a very good group u can run it pretty fast but nothing i would call worthy of beeing nerfed. I dont see the need for nerfs here. And i doubt the devs do... they are selling us back what the take away now thats a decision based on Money.
If you want the bonding nerf to be reverted then suggest that but leave the other stuff.
As i see it u are just on your djihad against DCs again. Maybe u are just proposing this so u dont have to make fake arguments for your mof anymore?
There literally is no other reason to run it.
Not that I care really.. but whatever.
while everyone clamours for this "fix"
it simply is a distracion to the real problem.
Cryptic is removing current % of power and reselling again to us..
this is ludicrous to me and many. I am not re buying the same power, its a insult.
I heard someone say this and it made perfect sense to me. They are not worried about losing the old players like us that have played a long time because we are not spending as much money as before. New players will spend more money to get up faster than we spend money to remain where we are.
Simply as I said before, Buff Powershare, Leave bondings as are, remove the powershare going through the companion and back to the player. This would keep the AC DC around and stop the "power creep"!
@thefabricant - as someone with a full knowledge of the game's system of buffs & debuffs, what would you consider to be an appropriate maximum for balance?
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Exactly, that's why we're arguing here. We don't mind a nerf to free stuff, we do mind a nerf for paid stuff. Paid stuff took effort, and that's we have to "compromise". Either one role of one class takes a slight hit or literally everyone in the entire game who has bondings does. United we stand, divided we fall, I guess. But anyways, that "nerf" to ACDC won't even be a nerf, it will be a slight nerf to perhaps the top tier ACDCs but at top tier it's not really an issue as you are probably running with an ACDC AND a DODC, but it's a BUFF for new DCs as they won't need to invest heavily in power and they can focus on doing everything else they need to do as well. That's why it's a good idea to do so.
its very simple to me.. we already paid for the power and they want to resell it to me. RESLLING the same power and the same enchants!!!!
thats mther effing insulting.
that is the single issue im taking on this.
If they want to lower cap or add more diminishing returns. then they can solve thier power creep WITHOUT nerfing and reselling me the same effing powers
they should also lower mob hps by like 50% after that sort of stuff though.
There is no real quick fix here.. none, it will take a rescope of the game..
but again.. THIS is little to do with this.. they say it is.. but to me, it doesnt, they simple want to make us pay money to them for the same thing they just sold us..
You managed to turn this into a nerf AC problem while this is nothing remotely close to it and since I know you are a smart person that can only mean that you want to push your agenda (remember that?) without focusing on the subject in hand. Lets not derail the conversation anymore for your personal issues.
No one asked for nerf on AC quite the opposite we asked to adjust the companion not to receive the powershare buff and cast it to the players X 4 times and also compensate the AC but to the point it doesn't create the power creep anymore. Pure and simple.
We asked to keep the bonding as it is. The reason that the powershare is good is because its good to have powershare.... nice reasoning. This is an example of what I keep saying. I'm talking about the effect on the companion ONLY vs the lowering the stats and that at the end, lowering the stats will lead to nothing and your answer is about the powershare in general and how good it is.
So if powershare through companion its balanced you are saying that bonding is imbalanced? The stone that can give on its own 30k stat points vs a buff that can give 60k or more points?
No one said its BAD, we are saying don't share through the companion to give excessive amounts to the players SPECIALLY when 2 classes can share at the same time, which is one of the reasons it led us here in the first place.
Now please tell us how the AC will have issues again in a bonding thread.
And about pushing Agendas your the one to talk...
Looking at the current Content neither Bondings nor Powershare are OP. Cryptic just wants us to Spend more Money/AD and thus they nerf Bondings and not Powershare.
When Volkswagen got caught up in their diesel emmissions scandal they patched the engine software to eliminate the cheating code. Testing by a third party showed that mpg on one model dropped from 50 mpg to 47 mpg. People who bought a 50mpg car had it "nerfed" to a 47mpg car. Now that is only a 6% reduction, seems minor right? But that is not something you can get away with without compensating your customers in the real world.
People go on and on about how this is how MMO's work. I don't know, this is the only one I have played. But I have been told that many big MMO's don't have the micro(or macro) transactions this game has to buy improvements for you character. If you are going to charge people money for something you have a responsibility not to diminish the value of their purchases.
There probably isn't much we can do about it other than learn from our mistakes and refuse to spend money when the developer has no respect for our investment.
I said buff to the appropriate level that the devs think it doesn't create excessive power. So as you see I have no agenda and it would be better to direct that one to the ones who proposed that.
I never said anything about the DC nor for the Paladin. I just mentioned the powershare that goes THROUGH the companion to the player and compared ONLY that portion of powershare as stat contribution versus to the bonding stone stat contribution.You guys keep throwing numbers about the DC which has nothing to do with the topic.
I hope you see it now.
And it's not just about can you do the content.
A lot of us play this game to compare incremental upgrades, to compare our performance against ourselves so we can see progress in the game. I compare how long river district dailies took me on my 2700 ilvl pally and DC when I started it to my 14500 pally and DC and I am happy with the progress. Now if they reset that in a few months, I already know how much damage I'll be able to do when I get back to where I'm currently at. It will also cost me millions of AD to get back to this baseline, so I say no thanks. If this change goes through I don't think I'll participate.
Augments will NEVER be equal to bondings, as long as they don't get affected by power share.
I'm not sure what you think a moderator is. I'm a player that has been with the game since open beta. I have as much right to express my opinion as any other player. Moderators are not employees of PWE or Cryptic.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
I would like please we devoted players dont loose the perspective on this matter.
Please realise power share is just fine and in line with what other buffers can bring to the party; an AC or OP buffing by power share (and other buffs) are in like to what can bring a DO or a Mof , specially since they remove the debuff cap. Nerf the power share and a good team still will achieve similar results with 1 DO +1 Mof + 2x tanks x dps.
Please dont fall in that trap and spend so many posts with that.
The real and simple issue here is that by nerfing bondings they are forcing all of us to spend more money. It is an easy solution to force all 90% of current users to look into our pocket without any investment on their side. Its a clear WIN-LOSE deal.
I dont think bondings introduction as it is now was a great idea. But that fact now is it really doenst matter, after 5 mods adjusted to current bonding performance, all players (but real newbs) fully rely on bondings to have fun on this game, thats out of question.
Making new content a lot harder, then increase bondings ranks and enchants. Then boost augment if you cought*really care*cough about lower level players. Make a WIN-WIN deal.
Nothing else really matters...
> u can talk all u want to take away powershare on pets is a Nerf to ACDC. If you cap debuffs at 150% act effectivness that would also kill of mof debuffers maybe u understand it now
No, he doesn't. I've said this a lot of times too and I don't really give a damn which kind of DCs exist and don't exist, just like you don't care about sentinel path for gwfs or whatever. ANYWAYS, what he's trying to imply is that an alteration between interactions of the ACDC's powers and players and the players' companions. If you can't comprehend that... well that's not anyone's issue.
Besides, powershare is overpowered. I explained why. It ain't my problem that you have decided to not read or watch any of the stuff I posted.
Changing a buff from % of DC's power to a straight % of the player's DPS is not a nerf. ACDC with 45k power gives a LOT of power even on its own, let alone if there's another DC or pally with Aura gifts. Getting bonus power is stupidly overpowered because it increases our DPS on 2 points - our normal weapon damage + power + other multis, and the additional hit from the enchants that scale with power. So a 40% increase in weapon damage via power also increases our damage via enchant, while a straight 40% buff to damage affects only the normal hit and not the additional one. So you don't get the extreme 1m hits with GWF or 1m ticks with HR.
As i've explained above, making it a straight buff, instead of a power buff would make much more sense. It would make dungeons legitimately hard as you don't get the increased healing, damage and weapon damage because you have less power. While with a straight buff like what ITF does would work much better (as in, it wouldn't be stupidly overpowered)
The personal attacks though from you your friends and the avoidance of talking about the issues in hand, juts proves to me and people here about where the real problem is and what your real worrying is all about.
Thank you for clarifying that.
If they are to remove something its a lot better to remove the PORTION of power share to companion as it can get in cases stupidly high and make the AC / PALLY buff straight to player as power or as damage buff.... how much? as much as it needs to avoid having power creep (according to the devs) again. No one is saying nerf the DC or nerf the pally. Even at a personal role as a MoF debuffer or GWF or SW I can't function without buffs.
If they do that then there is a good reason to keep the bonding as it is and a win - win situation for most players as they get to keep bonding and for cryptic that will get the power creep toned down.
the only thing u might get is that they nerf bondings and powershare... i guess u are happy then?
What they are doing today has nothing to do with balancing. It's just a money-grab where they tell us they want us to improve our enchants just to get to where we already are now.
This change is definitely worse than mod6. Mod6 at least tried to look at what the real issue was (lifesteal making DPS immortal) and nerfed it, while at the same time making survival more difficult. The implementation was not good, but at least they tried to assess the real problem.
What they are doing today has nothing to do with balancing. It's just a money-grab where they tell us they want us to improve our enchants just to get to where we already are now. Devs, if you think the power level we have today is too high nerf us, but then don't resell us the same power at the same time. It either is broken or it isn't. What you're telling us is: what you have now is broken, but if you hand us over 500 bucks it is not broken anymore....
EDIT: and I'm not against giving you 500 bucks in general, I regularly spend money on this game to support your work and plan to do the same in future if you behave in an honest way...
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Glad to see your knowledge on what the devs want though. As far as me, I saw they did change the time on/off for the bonding and now maybe the will change this. Its their call, not yours.
But since you like to keep repeating yourself lets try one more time:
I'm not trying to turn it to a powershare issue for any class. You keep bringing up about the DC and about nerf etc etc. and therefore you will end up doing of what you accuse me of trying. Self fulfilling prophecy. Or you think because a player said something the devs will do it?
Based though on how much annoyed, you (plural) got for the comment i made one cant help but wonder...
Is the AC so bad that they need a buff to a companion to keep them relevant? And if so what does that say about said buff method?
Instead of focusing to make a cohesive argument to the devs for the benefit of all the players regardless of their tier you complain about the AC because one path of one class is FAR more important then all the other players. Nice way of all of you on showing how you really think.
u really think the Powershare is breaking the game? Power is 1 factor for dps and its by far not the biggest. And nerfing Powershare makes it an issue for Classes that use that no point in denying. Do u think that players are way to OP for the newest dungeon? If you have a very good group u can run it pretty fast but nothing i would call worthy of beeing nerfed. I dont see the need for nerfs here. And i doubt the devs do... they are selling us back what the take away now thats a decision based on Money.
If you want the bonding nerf to be reverted then suggest that but leave the other stuff.
As i see it u are just on your djihad against DCs again. Maybe u are just proposing this so u dont have to make fake arguments for your mof anymore?