I haven't been happy with my dps on my combat hr. Reading around I made a few changes.
I put in combats maneuver for in mounts. pretty much the only thing that triggers it is disruptive shot. which is fine because it only takes 25% so you can keep it going pretty well. so i'm using ds only for daily. which syncronises well wiht ring of offensive action which I just readded to my line up because of the above. and I don' thave a plus five shadowstalker or gravestriker. just plus fours.
also for the mainhand bonus I'm using clear the ground and I'm using clear the ground pretty much exclusively in comba do I have that wrong? should it be split strike instead?
Split Strike hits harder from what I know I would pick it just so it synergizes with the Enduring Boots bonus.
and yeah much better. I was at about 140 -150 mil at getting to the baby. this time was 420 at entering the baby. somehow the run fell apart at the cords.. I have no idea what happened. it seemed to be going well then boom absolutely everyone is gone but me and another guy. lol
but it looks like all the changes I made are satisfactory ofc I was the highest dps. if there had been a proper gwf or dpsgf I doubt my damage would have been that high but I've been in other runs where I am the highest dps and it still wasn't anything near that high at that point.
@rjc9000 already answered your questions so I won't repeat them.
The idea of using combatant's maneuver with disrupting shot is interesting. I've never tried it before so I'll give it a try and eventually update the guide. I've never really liked assassin's covenant anyway.
@rjc9000 already answered your questions so I won't repeat them.
The idea of using combatant's maneuver with disrupting shot is interesting. I've never tried it before so I'll give it a try and eventually update the guide. I've never really liked assassin's covenant anyway.
just ftr.. those are'nt the only changes I made to my toon. I think I had a bunch of little mistakes littered thru my toon that I corrected or at least changed to be other mistakes lol. mainly in boons. but I had a feat or two off and some other little things wrong that I found. I also changed a bunch of gear out. I don't think I was using the right rings on companion/self for full benefit. I wasn't using the enduring boots before or the ring of offensive action. had split strike chosen on weapon but was using Clear the ground. lol..
so i don't know how much of a game changer combatants maneuver and disruptive shot and ring of offensive action all are. because I changed a lot at the same time I changed them. but they do have a synergy that was lacking before. without the CM/ROOA/DS there was kinda no point to using the daily at all.
I tested Combatant's maneuver and it has one important caveat : it doesn't work on control-immune targets so I don't think it would be worth it.
Are you sure? Combatant's Maneuver definitely works on control immune targets for other classes. I can get it to proc by using the appropriate skills for both CW and GF.
I tested Combatant's maneuver and it has one important caveat : it doesn't work on control-immune targets so I don't think it would be worth it.
Are you sure? Combatant's Maneuver definitely works on control immune targets for other classes. I can get it to proc by using the appropriate skills for both CW and GF.
googling around it looks like this insignia has been broken and fixed a couple times. dunno the status of it. not sure how to test it. but it sounds like when it's been broken it's been universally broken so if it's working for other classes it's probably working.
I just did some testing in omu against a gorilla and a razortyran. I didn't see anything specifically proc for either one. they both registered damage with disruptive shot. one time it specifically called out no control bonus on the dino. didn't say anything about control bonus on the gorilla. I just figured you wouldn't see it proc with a big word thing because it's a ca not a direct form of damage.
I am gettiing a ton of treacherous advantage. I can't find that anywhere in boons. anyone know what that is?
I tested Combatant's maneuver and it has one important caveat : it doesn't work on control-immune targets so I don't think it would be worth it.
Are you sure? Combatant's Maneuver definitely works on control immune targets for other classes. I can get it to proc by using the appropriate skills for both CW and GF.
I should have been more specific.
The daze from Disrupting Shot doesn't trigger Combatant's Maneuver when used on a control-immune target even though it works on regular targets.
The knockdown from Boar Charge however triggers it in any case. But that's not something you want to use in a real fight.
I tested Combatant's maneuver and it has one important caveat : it doesn't work on control-immune targets so I don't think it would be worth it.
Are you sure? Combatant's Maneuver definitely works on control immune targets for other classes. I can get it to proc by using the appropriate skills for both CW and GF.
I should have been more specific.
The daze from Disrupting Shot doesn't trigger Combatant's Maneuver when used on a control-immune target even though it works on regular targets.
The knockdown from Boar Charge however triggers it in any case. But that's not something you want to use in a real fight.
how are you telling it's triggered? is it a word that flashes across your screen or in the logs or something because I'm not seeing anything for it boars charge or whatnot.. I"m also not seeing any changes to combat advantage in stats for either of those things.
edit, I just found evidence of a proc. I got it to work on a t razor rex in omu. (upper left hand combat bar under name) I've also got notices that control doesn't work on them.. so is that evidence that it can work that way. that's using disruptive shot. dragons also trigger it. and I just did a cn and every single boss procced it with disruptive shot. it took a few tries withi orcus because so many buffs but I finally did see it third time.
how are you telling it's triggered? is it a word that flashes across your screen or in the logs or something because I'm not seeing anything for it boars charge or whatnot.. I"m also not seeing any changes to combat advantage in stats for either of those things.
edit, I just found evidence of a proc. I got it to work on a t razor rex in omu. (upper left hand combat bar under name) I've also got notices that control doesn't work on them.. so is that evidence that it can work that way. that's using disruptive shot. dragons also trigger it. and I just did a cn and every single boss procced it with disruptive shot. it took a few tries withi orcus because so many buffs but I finally did see it third time.
A buff icon appears in your buff bar. However it uses the same icon (a horse shoe) as all other insignia boni buffs such as protector's friendship/camaraderie, artificer's persuasion etc...
To test it, I first turned off all other insignia boni by removing one insignia from each of them then tried using disrupting shot on open world dragons then on the first boss in lair of lostmauth.
I also checked the actual effect of the buff by comparing my damage with and without the buff on a dummy using test weapons.
how are you telling it's triggered? is it a word that flashes across your screen or in the logs or something because I'm not seeing anything for it boars charge or whatnot.. I"m also not seeing any changes to combat advantage in stats for either of those things.
edit, I just found evidence of a proc. I got it to work on a t razor rex in omu. (upper left hand combat bar under name) I've also got notices that control doesn't work on them.. so is that evidence that it can work that way. that's using disruptive shot. dragons also trigger it. and I just did a cn and every single boss procced it with disruptive shot. it took a few tries withi orcus because so many buffs but I finally did see it third time.
A buff icon appears in your buff bar. However it uses the same icon (a horse shoe) as all other insignia boni buffs such as protector's friendship/camaraderie, artificer's persuasion etc...
To test it, I first turned off all other insignia boni by removing one insignia from each of them then tried using disrupting shot on open world dragons then on the first boss in lair of lostmauth.
I also checked the actual effect of the buff by comparing my damage with and without the buff on a dummy using test weapons.
mine actually said combatant manuever no mistaking it. it was working for me. if you highlight it it shows the names of what it is that is in your bar. there is also a second or two of lag from when you fire off a DS to when you see the buff show up.
What's your boots of choice? Since the Kiuno of the Bear and Heels of Fury combo is broken, what setup are you running guys?
I'm currently using Makos boots from Omu + Kiuno. Or is there a different possibility?
And what for trapper loadout? Since I'm using lots of animation cancelling, especially for CoA, Makos boots are not the best option - any suggestion here?
What's your boots of choice? Since the Kiuno of the Bear and Heels of Fury combo is broken, what setup are you running guys?
I'm currently using Makos boots from Omu + Kiuno. Or is there a different possibility?
And what for trapper loadout? Since I'm using lots of animation cancelling, especially for CoA, Makos boots are not the best option - any suggestion here?
Thanks in advance and cheers!
If you're playing a trapper, you can use the Hag's Rags for chest piece, since it'll work with constricting, cordon and hindering (if you use it). It won't buff thorned root but oh well, very few things do in this game anyway. You can use the Terrored Grips/Jawrippers/Fearbingers for your arms (the first two being the ideal choice). Then you can freely use the Heels of Fury and have a boost to your melee powers.
What's your boots of choice? Since the Kiuno of the Bear and Heels of Fury combo is broken, what setup are you running guys?
I'm currently using Makos boots from Omu + Kiuno. Or is there a different possibility?
And what for trapper loadout? Since I'm using lots of animation cancelling, especially for CoA, Makos boots are not the best option - any suggestion here?
Thanks in advance and cheers!
Best would be to use the Heels of Fury and a Woodlord Jerkin I think.
At the moment I'm still using the Kiuno and Boots of the Willed.
I really like the suggested stats, my combat HR is ilv 16k atm and with just my bondings active im sitting at 52k power, 100% critical chance and armor pen, 150% crit severity, 25% life steal and 7k recovery.
I've never understood the red-headed step child treatment HRs get, I faceroll everything and easily top the charts against similar ilv gwfs and other classes. I use some different equipment but im not min/maxed for damage, I spend 99% of my day solo but hopefully more HRs follow this or a similar guide, its very well laid out and has valid information.
I'm considering swapping my Vivified Primal arms for Terrored Grips. I know -2.5k recovery might hurt combat... but if running with DC and OP, it might be an alternative for group content.
I'm also really happy with Enduring Boots. I think, even after bug fix for Kiuno and Heels not stacking, I will stay with Enduring, since our stamina is full after one hit of Split Strike.
EDIT: By the way, @artifleur are you still using Wolf as your summoned companion?
I'm considering swapping my Vivified Primal arms for Terrored Grips. I know -2.5k recovery might hurt combat... but if running with DC and OP, it might be an alternative for group content.
I'm also really happy with Enduring Boots. I think, even after bug fix for Kiuno and Heels not stacking, I will stay with Enduring, since our stamina is full after one hit of Split Strike.
EDIT: By the way, @artifleur are you still using Wolf as your summoned companion?
I'm using Fearbringers for bracers but omu hunts can be a pain for sure, I had to kill Rasalas over 20 times to get them. Terrored grips can be an alternative despite the negative stats.
I never had the courage to farm makos favor for the Enduring Boots and I'm just hoping that Heels will replace my Boots of the Willed someday.
I sadly had to replace my good old wolfy by a tiger. I never had to complain about him so far.
I'm considering swapping my Vivified Primal arms for Terrored Grips. I know -2.5k recovery might hurt combat... but if running with DC and OP, it might be an alternative for group content.
I'm also really happy with Enduring Boots. I think, even after bug fix for Kiuno and Heels not stacking, I will stay with Enduring, since our stamina is full after one hit of Split Strike.
EDIT: By the way, @artifleur are you still using Wolf as your summoned companion?
I sadly had to replace my good old wolfy by a tiger. I never had to complain about him so far.
Marauders rush has some very handy abilities. For instance in the 2nd boss on MSP if you are about to be pushed over the edge, you can rush the boss right after the pulse kick. i was actually over the edge and under the rim and zoomed right back to boss. Very handy also in Fane of the night when the serpent teleports away from you, this encounter cannot be slowed by the circles on the ground and gets you to the target very fast to deliver the PG hit. In FBI last boss, it gives me means of getting to boss from half the area, and if i need to i can rush a ice trapped ally to free (use split strike to free as CG will kill all ice around) or rush a ice to get away from the big hit without killing the ice. For farming, it decreases the time between target groups so you can get more kills in. As a combat HR your main attacks are at wills, so fast encounters are essential to buffing up the capstone for at will attacks. marauders rush, throw caution, boar rush all work great for this.
For at wills i love to use clear the ground over split strike because i can keep moving when striking which SS can't. also SS is slower then CG so the damage evens out a bit on mobs (damage per second {time]). Bosses; though SS is better if you can time it right to get the most hits inside the captsone's 2 seconds, CG imho is more versatile for this.
My main method is casting Split the sky, and thorn ward switch stance, hit atropal essence (mobs) or soul crystal (bosses) then throw caution (fast buffing attack) CGx 2 or 3 (or 2 SS) PG (to get the buffed damage and heavy hit on bosses) or thorn strike on mobs, then follow CGx3 then whatever mobs are left i get into middle and hit PG for a finisher. Usually the Thorn and TC are recharged real fast so i can keep the capstone going fairly well.
I use blade storm and pack mostly but on giant run for FBI i will use lone wolf for the deflect instead of blade storm if i need to survive more (i check the capabilies of the party first, notably the tank and healer)
I use habbit for head, fearbringers for arms, puppet plate (for power deflect, Armpen and defense, 3% damage is 1200 power so puppet plate works better imo), heels of fury for legs and pilgrim weapons (atm). Pilgrim weapons (eye piercer/ripper) are very nice cause they give you the bonus to damage right away at the start of combat based on how many mobs are in the area. So starting with a AOE range power helps to get this up high so your melee is max buffed. It also gives you a 5% for 1 min on solo targets. About the only thing that takes longer than 1 min is the end level dungeon bosses, but they have periods of changes where the combat restarts. When i can get the sunset weapons i think those will be better.
Split Strike hits harder from what I know
I would pick it just so it synergizes with the Enduring Boots bonus. Soul Sight actually works with all of your DPS rather than just 40% of your overall DPS (closer to 50%-60% if you have Aura of Cabbage).
and yeah much better. I was at about 140 -150 mil at getting to the baby. this time was 420 at entering the baby. somehow the run fell apart at the cords.. I have no idea what happened. it seemed to be going well then boom absolutely everyone is gone but me and another guy. lol
but it looks like all the changes I made are satisfactory
@rjc9000 already answered your questions so I won't repeat them.
The idea of using combatant's maneuver with disrupting shot is interesting. I've never tried it before so I'll give it a try and eventually update the guide. I've never really liked assassin's covenant anyway.
so i don't know how much of a game changer combatants maneuver and disruptive shot and ring of offensive action all are. because I changed a lot at the same time I changed them. but they do have a synergy that was lacking before. without the CM/ROOA/DS there was kinda no point to using the daily at all.
googling around it looks like this insignia has been broken and fixed a couple times. dunno the status of it. not sure how to test it.
but it sounds like when it's been broken it's been universally broken so if it's working for other classes it's probably working.
I just did some testing in omu against a gorilla and a razortyran. I didn't see anything specifically proc for either one. they both registered damage with disruptive shot. one time it specifically called out no control bonus on the dino. didn't say anything about control bonus on the gorilla. I just figured you wouldn't see it proc with a big word thing because it's a ca not a direct form of damage.
I am gettiing a ton of treacherous advantage. I can't find that anywhere in boons. anyone know what that is?
The daze from Disrupting Shot doesn't trigger Combatant's Maneuver when used on a control-immune target even though it works on regular targets.
The knockdown from Boar Charge however triggers it in any case. But that's not something you want to use in a real fight.
edit, I just found evidence of a proc. I got it to work on a t razor rex in omu. (upper left hand combat bar under name) I've also got notices that control doesn't work on them.. so is that evidence that it can work that way. that's using disruptive shot. dragons also trigger it. and I just did a cn and every single boss procced it with disruptive shot. it took a few tries withi orcus because so many buffs but I finally did see it third time.
To test it, I first turned off all other insignia boni by removing one insignia from each of them then tried using disrupting shot on open world dragons then on the first boss in lair of lostmauth.
I also checked the actual effect of the buff by comparing my damage with and without the buff on a dummy using test weapons.
Do you possibile tested if Heals of Fury stack with Fured Kiuno of the Bear? Both have the same 3% on melee.
What's your boots of choice? Since the Kiuno of the Bear and Heels of Fury combo is broken, what setup are you running guys?
I'm currently using Makos boots from Omu + Kiuno. Or is there a different possibility?
And what for trapper loadout? Since I'm using lots of animation cancelling, especially for CoA, Makos boots are not the best option - any suggestion here?
Thanks in advance and cheers!
At the moment I'm still using the Kiuno and Boots of the Willed.
I corrected and added a few things but nothing ground-breaking.
I've never understood the red-headed step child treatment HRs get, I faceroll everything and easily top the charts against similar ilv gwfs and other classes. I use some different equipment but im not min/maxed for damage, I spend 99% of my day solo but hopefully more HRs follow this or a similar guide, its very well laid out and has valid information.
Good job, man.
Can somebody tell me why you dont use Calvary's Warning? Seems to be the best one.
I'm also really happy with Enduring Boots. I think, even after bug fix for Kiuno and Heels not stacking, I will stay with Enduring, since our stamina is full after one hit of Split Strike.
EDIT: By the way, @artifleur are you still using Wolf as your summoned companion?
I never had the courage to farm makos favor for the Enduring Boots and I'm just hoping that Heels will replace my Boots of the Willed someday.
I sadly had to replace my good old wolfy by a tiger. I never had to complain about him so far.
For at wills i love to use clear the ground over split strike because i can keep moving when striking which SS can't. also SS is slower then CG so the damage evens out a bit on mobs (damage per second {time]). Bosses; though SS is better if you can time it right to get the most hits inside the captsone's 2 seconds, CG imho is more versatile for this.
My main method is casting Split the sky, and thorn ward switch stance, hit atropal essence (mobs) or soul crystal (bosses) then throw caution (fast buffing attack) CGx 2 or 3 (or 2 SS) PG (to get the buffed damage and heavy hit on bosses) or thorn strike on mobs, then follow CGx3 then whatever mobs are left i get into middle and hit PG for a finisher. Usually the Thorn and TC are recharged real fast so i can keep the capstone going fairly well.
I use blade storm and pack mostly but on giant run for FBI i will use lone wolf for the deflect instead of blade storm if i need to survive more (i check the capabilies of the party first, notably the tank and healer)
I use habbit for head, fearbringers for arms, puppet plate (for power deflect, Armpen and defense, 3% damage is 1200 power so puppet plate works better imo), heels of fury for legs and pilgrim weapons (atm). Pilgrim weapons (eye piercer/ripper) are very nice cause they give you the bonus to damage right away at the start of combat based on how many mobs are in the area. So starting with a AOE range power helps to get this up high so your melee is max buffed. It also gives you a 5% for 1 min on solo targets. About the only thing that takes longer than 1 min is the end level dungeon bosses, but they have periods of changes where the combat restarts. When i can get the sunset weapons i think those will be better.
The fured kiuno on the other hand gives a 3% damage buff which is multiplicative with everything else, so it's way better than 1200 power.