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Returning Player need help with gaining Item levels through PVE

reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
Hi guys, my main character is a level 70 Anointed Champion Devoted Cleric. My Current Item level is 8842. I want to raise it to 11000 IL. I can only play 2 hours a day maximum 3 hours a day if I cannot sleep. I need help in knowing the most efficient way of getting 11000 IL to go to all the dungeons. I want to only do PVE and plan to use the Auction house to get as many IL gaining items as possible.

One idea I have is to get 10 million Astral diamonds, but I need help with regards as to how to spend 10 Million AD to get IL 11000 from IL 8842.

Here is my current loadout:

Head: Elemental Alliance Restoration Coif

Armor: Drowcraft Surcoat

Arms: Grim Medic Braces

Main Hand: Earthen Holy Symbol

Icon: Earthen Icon

Feet: Burning Medic Cuisses

Neck: Cloak of the Emissary of Neverwinter

Right Ring: Ring of Rising Deflect +4

Left Ring: Ring of Elemental Alliance Assualt Ring

Belt: Elemental Alliance Ward Belt

Shirt: Prelate's Gemmed

Trousers: Prelates Gemmed

I think I have all level 7 Enchantments for all my enchantment slots.

Please help a returning player, as I am quite confused what to do to gain better IL items now. I stopped at Storm King's Thunder but decided to come back and complete the campaign. I am willing to grind for better IL as I have nothing better to play these days, but please help on helping me learn an efficient manner to get IL 11000, thank you very much in advance!


  • earlgreybeardearlgreybeard Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    you probably don't want to be able to do 'all' the dungeons the t3 are mostly for players 13k iL upwards
    and you would need to almost finish 2 campaigns to get access to them

    I guess getting some pets to legendary and ranking up their bondings and all your offense/defense slot enchants , all the artifacts to mythic ,get in a guild with GH20 boons for 1500 iL .. etc

    getting as many boons done as you can will also now help your iL... armor kits and jewels on all pieces.

    run t2 dungeons and get some of the iL450 chest/arms/head /feet piece drops before you go adding any kits

    I think that might cover some of the basics
    Guild Leader Den of the Misfits
  • reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User

    you probably don't want to be able to do 'all' the dungeons the t3 are mostly for players 13k iL upwards
    and you would need to almost finish 2 campaigns to get access to them

    I guess getting some pets to legendary and ranking up their bondings and all your offense/defense slot enchants , all the artifacts to mythic ,get in a guild with GH20 boons for 1500 iL .. etc

    getting as many boons done as you can will also now help your iL... armor kits and jewels on all pieces.

    run t2 dungeons and get some of the iL450 chest/arms/head /feet piece drops before you go adding any kits

    I think that might cover some of the basics

    I am still a little blur..... which are the tier 2 dungeons that I should be looking into? Can 10 Million AD settle getting artifacts to mythic level and if someone could please tell me which are the new items I should be trying to get from Tier 2 dungeons?

    Sorry if I am still blur.
  • neirgaraneirgara Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    If there is a Double Refine event, then you should be able to get 4 artifacty to mystic level for around 6-7 million, perhaps even less. Sadly, you just missed the last event. But the next should be here in a month or two.

    Also a good iLvL source is your companions. Everything you summoned one wears adds to your level. Try to get a mercenery or something else, that attacks frequently and has a nice buff (Or start with an epic one, as you save a load of diamonds for upgrading). Give it 3 Bonding Runestones (normal one should be relatively cheap and already adds 105% stats), aquire some decent companion gear, if possible with 2 enchantment slots, and slot rank 7 enchantments. That should be possible for less than a million.

    Then try to get some decent mounts with good insignia slots, and some blue insignia to slot.

    The next important source are blessings. A very easy way to get a good deal of iLvL out of it is to join a guild, that grants 2-3 blessings. You just need to be a member of the guild and then you can access the stronghold map and activate one blessing in the categories offense, defense and utility each. If being a guild member is not your thing, perhaps you find one, that is willing to let you freeload for a month or two, using their blessings, until you had the time to upgrade some more equipment.

    Also, do not forget the campaign blessings. Sharandar, Dread Ring and Underdark take some time to finish, but the daily commitment is not much, and in case of Underdark, doing the Throne skirmish two times a day nets you also some additional AD and Rings.

    For your existing equipment, first aim for artifact gear. A necklace and belt that match with an artifact for a good set bonus, and one of the elemental weapon sets, (If with Earthen Symbol you do not mean the artifact one and not the one from Elemental Evil, then you are good for now), which you can craft or buy for a moderate price. Your armor slots have quite good equipment. There is nothing better that you can buy for a small price. You could try to get some Masterwork Equipment, but this will cost you much and with the next Mod in about a month you can aquire some 420 iLvL equipment for small amounts of AD.

    I think, with companion, mount, and guild blessings you should be able to reach your goal in a very short time without investing too much for short time gains (especially as these usually do not become obsolete with new mods). Upgraded Artifacts and artifact equipment also is a good long-term investment, but you really should try to wait with the refining for a double event (and then use cheap artifacts, that ou buy in advance to maximise your refining). Campaign blessings will take time, but some are really worth it. Also you should think about doing the River District campaign for very good artifact weapons. It will take some time to farm the bound items you need for that, but in a month (or even faster with additional farming) you should have what you need, and you will be able to buy other needed items from the AH.
  • clericalistclericalist Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 595 Arc User
    You probably will want to mostly do Castle Never because it has two chests and gives you the chance to get high IL rings there. Strive to get to 9500 fast and do Demagorgon for rings as well. You can find really cheap purple mount insignia that will give you a quick IL boost, they will not be the most desirable stats but as a cleric you will don't need super stats for even master Svaborg, the dps classes have that problem more.
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    Purple Insignia for mounts is a good idea. Making sure you have a full stable of three slot mounts is a good idea also. As is raising Enchants as these can be removed and added to new armour pieces as you get them.
  • earlgreybeardearlgreybeard Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    reposterz said:

    you probably don't want to be able to do 'all' the dungeons the t3 are mostly for players 13k iL upwards
    and you would need to almost finish 2 campaigns to get access to them

    I guess getting some pets to legendary and ranking up their bondings and all your offense/defense slot enchants , all the artifacts to mythic ,get in a guild with GH20 boons for 1500 iL .. etc

    getting as many boons done as you can will also now help your iL... armor kits and jewels on all pieces.

    run t2 dungeons and get some of the iL450 chest/arms/head /feet piece drops before you go adding any kits

    I think that might cover some of the basics

    I am still a little blur..... which are the tier 2 dungeons that I should be looking into? Can 10 Million AD settle getting artifacts to mythic level and if someone could please tell me which are the new items I should be trying to get from Tier 2 dungeons?

    Sorry if I am still blur.
    here's a list of the t2 dungeons iL450 chest/arms/head /feet piece drops
    from here

    New Dungeon-specific Items
    While not giving away the farm in Rothé valley, we do want to show you some of the new items available in the dungeons and skirmishes. Below is a quick list and a bit of teaser on the new items- you’ll have to guess where to get them. (Hint- you can check in Collections)

    Cambist’s Guantlets – Money-grabbing gauntlets that add a little spice to your attacks.-Epic Lair of Lostmauth(T1)
    Survivor’s Wraps – Gloves that have a heavy hit, but a mean backlash.-(Trial)Demogorgon.
    Deepknight’s Brigandine and Psion’s Shroud – A defenseless chest piece that can increase your life expectancy. -(Skirmish) Prophecy of madness Throne of the Dwarven Gods

    Historian’s Regalia – Robes that make Relic-digging look good.- Assault on Svardborg.(T3-Skirmish/Trial?)
    Lifesilk Spinneret – Armor that help keep you alive when you take control in battle.-Epic Temple of the Spider (T2)
    Zulkir’s Dreadnought – Robes that influence the dearly departed. - Valindra's Tower(T1) Demogorgon
    Black Ice Treads – Boots that give a boost to your speed and a slip to your step. -Kessels Retreat (T1)
    The Blackthorn – A sharp headpiece where the best defense is a good offense.-Malabog's Castle (T1)
    Bloodlord’s Visage – A mask that feeds you power that’s to kill for.- Castle Never (T2)
    Brynnyr’s Demise – A mask that strengthens your weaknesses.-Demogorgon [Master]
    Dragon Loyalist’s Visage – A draconic mask that aids your scaly companions.-The Shores of Tuern (T1)
    Jarl’s Gaze – A steely gaze that gains strength the more you resist the Everfrost.-Assault on Svardborg (Master)(T3)
    Picaroon’s Tricorne – A hat that shows that the best riches are only for those with a keen fashion sense.-Epic Cragmire Crypts(T2)
    Draconic Guises – Draconic masks that infuse you with the dragons’ deeper desires.- Tiamt (Trial)
    Bloodstained Shirt –A shirt that gives you strength when you have none.- Epic Gray Wolf Den (T2)

    added the locations and the tier ,I think they are mostly right.
    go to collection by location and check those dungeons or use the links for the neverwinter wiki for the tooltip info

    also if your guild or alliance is able to build the mysterious merchant
    there are these items available for guild marks
    Post edited by earlgreybeard on
    Guild Leader Den of the Misfits
  • reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    I need some help remembering, what keys do you need for different dungeons and skirmishes? Does the daily dungeon key open everything?
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    The soft way to increase item level without spending AD or too much AD.

    1. join a guild who has a decent level of guild boons.
    2. get the boons from campaign.
    3. pets.
    4. 5 mounts with insignia filled.
    5. Artifact belt and neck. They are pretty cheap unless you want the really best one. Fill them with the gear you pick up from the ground.
    6. Get gear from SH merchant (after you join the guild).
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    so far i would recommend you to get r12 bonding and a sellsword companion(maybe try to get him to epic quality at least) from the pet shop were you first did the comapnion quest(cant remeber the name of the building :neutral: ). and would recommend get a good amount of runic bags from ZEN store when 50% or 40% discounts are active, because dc class nowadays is most wanted/needed class in game, about mounts the green mounts give you some bonus like protectors friendship and artificier influence for you to begin, later one will be protectors camaradarie and artificers persuasion, dont just addd il for that item level dont say much about players potential (some player have high item level but suck on playing the class other have low item level and play better).
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