I got mine today and as much as I can't stand the terrible drop rate in this game, this mount was a welcome change and actually made the event worth doing.
I paid for my purple mount and the spider mount for wanders fortune. Its free now. The only way they could have made the mount better is not require 14 writs. I missed the first day. Now I have to wake up super early tomorrow to get the last writ before the patch.
I paid for my purple mount and the spider mount for wanders fortune. Its free now. The only way they could have made the mount better is not require 14 writs. I missed the first day. Now I have to wake up super early tomorrow to get the last writ before the patch.
If you have been doing your daily quest for the defense supplies, you can turn them in 12 @ a time, for 2 medals of heroism & buy boxes from the event vendors that have a chance at dropping a writ.
Free epic mount that looks cool and has an awesome insignia bonus. Really not seeing a reason to complaint here, especially compared to some previous event rewards.
... my only gripe is I couldn't complete for the first few days due to the Fatal Crash error thing. Which is continuing to haunt me, but on a less regular basis. So if you got a free mount think about us poor suckers who couldn't even try and get one
This mount was a nice reward for this event, we got to have this awesome poney walking like it had a broom stuck up in the croup for a while, meh. And finally people would get for "free'' a mount that would give them Wanderer's fortune.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited June 2017
Just finished doing the Siege event on my 8 primary alts - and they now all have the mount. I have criticized the developers for sometimes failing to five players appropriate rewards for their efforts, but here they got it just right - a really good reward for a reasonable amount of "work".
And yes, I completely disagree with the OP. Getting a "free" purple mount with a "must-have" insignia bonus is as good as it gets - so, no, it could not (realistically) have been much better.
Is it only me or are players getting really ungratefull?
Epic Mounts are the second best in the game and where only obtainable via the Zen Market for an extremly high price. Then they where obtainable in Events with a huge RNG in it to get one (Apparatus of Gond). Now you get one basically for free with one of the best Insignia Bonus in the game to further help you with your gear progression and you are like: Could have been better.
Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Now, it is too late but for those who missed a few days from siege daily, you could have caught up. This information is more or less for the next time.
One of my toon (a weak 6th toon who I did not bother to give her one in the beginning) missed 2 days. She got her mount on last Sunday.
You need to make defense supplies. 24 defense supplies gives you a chance to get a writ. 24 defense supplies gives you 4 medals. 4 medal gives you a box which has a chance to get a writ.
How to get defense supplies? 1. SH daily quest (5 defense supplies) 2. Siege profession. 3. Drop from siege HE 4. AH. Yes, you can buy them from AH because it is not bound. 5. left over from the last siege event.
Use all your toon to do the SH daily quest every day. Each one gives you 5. 10 toons gives you 50 and so on. Although I suggest 'all', I did not do all myself. I did 12 in the first few days and then did 6 afterward. I got a few hundreds of supplies.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Epic mount with Wanderer's? One of the best rewards you can grind in the game for new players I think. When I started in Mod 3 so many were stuck on 50% mounts for months if not over a year or more.
i remember the first time i played the game and i was invited to a guild and they took me to malabog castle and i dont hv fast mount and i bought the hero of the north pack so that i could run fast.. now player dont have to spend money to get an epic mount to start with, u can get it for free from an event now even legendary mount u can get it from event.. back in that day they rewarded us with green mount only and u hv to do the event skrimish over and over and over and over and over until your eyes bleed out and someone complaining about the siegebreaker griffon> im really sad
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Epic mount with Wanderer's? One of the best rewards you can grind in the game for new players I think. When I started in Mod 3 so many were stuck on 50% mounts for months if not over a year or more.
i remember the first time i played the game and i was invited to a guild and they took me to malabog castle and i dont hv fast mount and i bought the hero of the north pack so that i could run fast.. now player dont have to spend money to get an epic mount to start with, u can get it for free from an event now even legendary mount u can get it from event.. back in that day they rewarded us with green mount only and u hv to do the event skrimish over and over and over and over and over until your eyes bleed out and someone complaining about the siegebreaker griffon> im really sad
Which event gives legendary mount? I don't know about any besides may be community manager type of "interactive" event. This epic mount is the first free epic mount supplied by the game.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Epic mount with Wanderer's? One of the best rewards you can grind in the game for new players I think. When I started in Mod 3 so many were stuck on 50% mounts for months if not over a year or more.
i remember the first time i played the game and i was invited to a guild and they took me to malabog castle and i dont hv fast mount and i bought the hero of the north pack so that i could run fast.. now player dont have to spend money to get an epic mount to start with, u can get it for free from an event now even legendary mount u can get it from event.. back in that day they rewarded us with green mount only and u hv to do the event skrimish over and over and over and over and over until your eyes bleed out and someone complaining about the siegebreaker griffon> im really sad
Which event gives legendary mount? I don't know about any besides may be community manager type of "interactive" event. This epic mount is the first free epic mount supplied by the game.
The Day of the Dungeonmaster Event could give you a Beholder Personal Tank as a random drop when you inspected the Beholder Tank at the end of the Artificer's Workshop. This was a legendary mount.
Also, you can now get Epic Mounts as rare random drops when completing dungeons. I had an Epic Guard Drake drop at the end of FBI.
Might want to clarify that it takes several sacrifices to the RNG gods to get the legendary drop from the Maze event....its just a weeeee bit easier to get this Epic mount
The only complaint I could possible get even slightly behind with this is that it cost 14 writs, and the event lasted 14 days. Not a huge hurdle, but still makes you do it every day. Prefer they would have reduced the cost of all other writ items and made this like 12. That said, there are other ways to get writs (50k AD a piece essentially, or grind defense supplies), so its not a huge deal.
For the record, I had NO CLUE how good wanderer's fortune was till I heard people saying this mount had it and it was awesome. I can confirm, Wanderer's is AWESOME. This is not just a rehashed dragon hoard enchant or what not - RP rains from the sky with this. I've gotten multiple drops from the same group of mobs. I'm going to get the 2k ZEN spider for all my playable alts just for this bonus the next 50% sale or mount sale comes about (might not even wait for that, as its that good).
Cool looking + Epic Speed + Wanderer fortune i wish i could get this one a year ago when i was farming AD and spending some money to get my blue spider for just the Fortune power...
plus Def + Deflect is not that bad for Tanks...
Is a REAAAALY nice mount for a Starter, it have everthing you need to start to grow... Tks Devs for the mount, i hope we get one like this at Winter festival, or a way to get this one on that event, if rthis happen i'm sure i can bring a few more friends to play...
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
I paid for my purple mount and the spider mount for wanders fortune. Its free now. The only way they could have made the mount better is not require 14 writs. I missed the first day. Now I have to wake up super early tomorrow to get the last writ before the patch.
Really not seeing a reason to complaint here, especially compared to some previous event rewards.
And yes, I completely disagree with the OP. Getting a "free" purple mount with a "must-have" insignia bonus is as good as it gets - so, no, it could not (realistically) have been much better.
Epic Mounts are the second best in the game and where only obtainable via the Zen Market for an extremly high price. Then they where obtainable in Events with a huge RNG in it to get one (Apparatus of Gond). Now you get one basically for free with one of the best Insignia Bonus in the game to further help you with your gear progression and you are like: Could have been better.
One of my toon (a weak 6th toon who I did not bother to give her one in the beginning) missed 2 days. She got her mount on last Sunday.
You need to make defense supplies. 24 defense supplies gives you a chance to get a writ. 24 defense supplies gives you 4 medals. 4 medal gives you a box which has a chance to get a writ.
How to get defense supplies?
1. SH daily quest (5 defense supplies)
2. Siege profession.
3. Drop from siege HE
4. AH. Yes, you can buy them from AH because it is not bound.
5. left over from the last siege event.
Use all your toon to do the SH daily quest every day. Each one gives you 5. 10 toons gives you 50 and so on.
Although I suggest 'all', I did not do all myself. I did 12 in the first few days and then did 6 afterward.
I got a few hundreds of supplies.
Isn't the Beholder Tank legendary?
Also, you can now get Epic Mounts as rare random drops when completing dungeons. I had an Epic Guard Drake drop at the end of FBI.
The only complaint I could possible get even slightly behind with this is that it cost 14 writs, and the event lasted 14 days. Not a huge hurdle, but still makes you do it every day. Prefer they would have reduced the cost of all other writ items and made this like 12. That said, there are other ways to get writs (50k AD a piece essentially, or grind defense supplies), so its not a huge deal.
For the record, I had NO CLUE how good wanderer's fortune was till I heard people saying this mount had it and it was awesome. I can confirm, Wanderer's is AWESOME. This is not just a rehashed dragon hoard enchant or what not - RP rains from the sky with this. I've gotten multiple drops from the same group of mobs. I'm going to get the 2k ZEN spider for all my playable alts just for this bonus the next 50% sale or mount sale comes about (might not even wait for that, as its that good).
Cool looking + Epic Speed + Wanderer fortune
i wish i could get this one a year ago when i was farming AD and spending some money to get my blue spider for just the Fortune power...
plus Def + Deflect is not that bad for Tanks...
Is a REAAAALY nice mount for a Starter, it have everthing you need to start to grow... Tks Devs for the mount, i hope we get one like this at Winter festival, or a way to get this one on that event, if rthis happen i'm sure i can bring a few more friends to play...