Dear Sirs,
After discussed with Mr. Knuckles, it came up that would be useful to post the following bug over here.
I'm really sorry to disturb you but since some months ago I've found out that neverwinter has giving me clicking sound and even by removing the entire sound they keep going.
This YouTube video shows you the clicking sound that is the same of mine: I've some ear problems, I need to solve this situation as soon as possible.
What I noticed is that it happens often when I'm near other players. (More often in Enclave, for example)
If it is necessary I'm able to share my PSN.
Awaiting your kind reply and solution.
Best regards.
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Anyway it is really frustrating and it really give you a bad experience of game, sadly.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
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What I understood is that almost all the times it is related to "fire" related things.
For example:
They most of the time make this issue.
Same goes for some swords that has these flames.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
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What can be done for this issue, please? It is really frustrating. Hope in your comprehension.
> I have it too. I just end up muting my tv.
I do not think that's the solution I'm looking for eheh
I'm sorry. I haven't found a work around yet, and i doubt it'll be fixed in the foreseeable future, so all i can offer is what i've done to mask the problem.
I think you should send in a ticket and ask if it would be possible to have your medical bills reimbursed if you lose your hearing.
The reason i say this is because i had my headset on one night and did df and tiamat back to back. The crackling and popping got so bad that i lost my hearing for the rest of the night (not completely, just very muffled). Thankfully when i woke up in the morning it was back to normal, but i havent used my headset on nw since.
I need to resolve this issue ASAP. That is making me crazy as the sound is really frustrating and I do not want to play without Audio.
If that is not possible to solve, just inform us and I'll stop playing.
If that is the only solution for you to let people don't play as you cannot solve a simple audio issue, then it's fine.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I'll be wait for any update about it.
I tested it in game and it only happens if some type of fire (campfire, fire archon, etc) is within earshot. The thing i dont understand is that volume controls have 0 effect on the crackling noise. Even with game volume off i hear crackling at regular intervals (near 1 campfire).
> I figured out what the clicking sound is while watching the last driftwood tavern stream. It's the crackling from fire.
> I tested it in game and it only happens if some type of fire (campfire, fire archon, etc) is within earshot. The thing i dont understand is that volume controls have 0 effect on the crackling noise. Even with game volume off i hear crackling at regular intervals (near 1 campfire).
> I had the same issue, I had to turn all the volume sliders in the options menu to full volume to get it to stop... Well, not sure if it stopped completely but I do not hear it anymore.
That doesn't work for me..
There are updates? I can pay whatever you want to remove this clicking sound. My tinnitus amplified thanks to YOU!
Be responsible and find a solution please.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
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Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
> Hi @nevik#0815 . This issue has been particularly challenging due to it's randomness. Since there are no specific repro steps to trigger the sound other than have the companion summoned and waiting for it to randomly happen, it's been difficult determining the cause. It remains on our list of issues that we continue to investigate, we just don't have any updates or ETA.
Dear cris.
While we're talking about that the issue cannot be replicated, we players have multiple times explained that the issue can be found with fire archon flames. May I ask you to just give us an option to remove the flames of that kind as it is 100% sure that's connected to that flames?
I'll prefer to play without the flames instead having this clicking sound for almost 4 months now.
I'm not saying to remove all the flames for all the people but just a check box on options menu. I'm also not saying it is something easy to be done but I'd really prefer to have that and I believe same for others.
I'm literally not the only one having this issue as you can see from this thread.
The clicking sound means that I cannot play while I speak on my mic with some friends or guild members in a party as I would listen closely the clicking sound in my headset.
While I'm not in a party, its okay, I'll play without my headset and ignore all the game sounds putting 0 to my TV volume, but that is right?
I mean... the sounds and the soundtracks are there to be heard not ignored.. what if people continue ignoring the sounds of the game? It will result in a bad game experience..
Awaiting your reply @nitocris83