First thing's first, here's a map of where each of the four dragons are.
Dragonflight events can be started in two different ways:
a) For free every two hours at the 30 minute mark. Eg. 12:30-12:35 PM EST, you can start the event for free by talking to the Travelling Wizard NPC in the stronghold.
b) Using a Golden Bell, which is a Zen store only item. 500 Zen for 5 Golden Bells.
The event lasts for 10-11 minutes. When any dragon dies, the others fly away after 1 minute, so the tactic is to bring dragons to a specific percentage of health (usually 5%) and leave behind a "kill team" to finish them off when all dragons get down to low HP or when the timer is about to run out.
These "kill teams" consist of one or two people, usually ranged, which take the dragon down to roughly 1% (may sometimes appear as 0% in-game) and wait for kill-order. They are usually preassigned by the host.
If you are not part of a kill team, you simply head to the next dragon you are assigned by the host before the event starts (eg. Once green is at 5%, head to black.)
General mechanics and advice:
As a dragon's (any of the 4) health drops, Empowerer NPCs will spawn. These give the dragon a stacking buff. The longer Empowerers are allowed to live, the harder it will be to kill the dragon and the more damage the dragon will do. As a damage dealer, unless you were told otherwise, kill these Empowerers immediately. The only time you might be told otherwise is if you are rushing to burn down a dragon with very little time left.
Dismiss Defender companions. They will taunt dragons, making them spin, usually putting people in bad positions such as directly behind or in front of a dragon, leaving them open to getting their faces clawed off or tail-whipped off.
As a tank, stand directly in front of the face of the dragon so that if you take agro you won't be causing them to spin, which usually puts people in bad positions such as directly behind or in front of a dragon, leaving them open to getting their faces clawed off or tail-whipped off.
As a damage dealer, stand on the side of the dragon to avoid getting tail whipped or clawed/chomped.
As a healer/buffer, focus defensive buffs and heals on the tank at any dragon other than Green. Damage dealers should be safe from most if not all damage with a proper tank around.
Final piece of advice: Pay attention to chat and dragon health percentages. You don't want to tunnel vision and kill a dragon prematurely. Premature dragon eja-*cough*-killing is no bueno.
Mechanics for each specific dragon:
Red - Katatheo the Proud
Tank and spank. Easiest dragon by far. Literally nothing special in this fight.
Green - Oxuno the Treacherous
Very similar to red, however, he has a constant damage over time effect in a large area around himself. With enough life steal, this is a non-issue. Obviously healers are also very useful here.
Black - Ekdos the Cruel
Applies an armor-shredding debuff with melee attacks. Can and will attack anyone on the massive platform that he's on. Telekinetically, I would assume. Either way, a strong tank or tank+defense buff support is required to tank through the armor debuff.
Furthermore, whenever a player dies, a Ghost spawns. These ghosts are untargetable and do large amounts of damage to anyone in their vicinity. They follow a random player, usually one near the player that died.
For this reason, if you keep dying at Black, just stop trying to deal damage to the dragon. You dying to do your damage is stopping others from doing their damage.
Companions do NOT spawn ghosts.
Reviving someone does NOT spawn ghosts, however, it's preferable not to revive people, as it leaves them vulnerable to die again and spawn yet another ghost.
Blue - Chrysos the Vain
Applies an armor-shredding debuff with melee attacks. Also applies a damage over time effect which cannot be removed from the player and which does high amounts of damage. This damage over time effect seems to happen to the person which takes agro from someone else.
Whenever the person holding agro (the tank usually) dies, everyone within the area takes 160 000 irresistible damage. IE everyone goes splat.
For this reason, Blue is by far the hardest dragon if the people doing it do not have a good enough tank or tank+defense buff support at the dragon.
Following a wipe from the 160k damage, everyone should back off and wait until the tank can re-engage the fight. This way the tank won't instantly receive the damage over time effect, thereby avoiding chain wipes.
NOTE: Cross-post from Alliance forums for people who fail to register there.
And now I need to revise some of my notes!