There's a lot of stats, formulas, numbers, and multi proc that I understand the gist of it but not entirely. I need someone to dumb it down for me lol. My main is a gwf without high crit, high crit severity, so boom vorpal done. I wanted my warlock to be different. Playing on ps4 most ppl run vorpal or dread. So I was going to go with fey as my WE. Now with mod 11 coming I see WE are going to get upgraded to increase more variety. A big name I hear being thrown around is the lightening WE. I wanted some tips because I like both but not sure which way to go for warlocks. Also plaguefire has a pretty sweet visual. I saw it was decent dps in some old and outdated builds but now it seems it is more for support classes. I was wondering if that would be a viable option again or should I just stick with the lightening or fey WE.
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
Crit does so little to help damnation. The puppet does not crit, you may as well make use of utility enchants. HB damnation is like a whole different breed compared to SB fury. Removing so many powers ability to multiproc WEs ends up killing the entire class's ability to even make viable use out anything other than fey/vorpal/dread.
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
Atm lot´s of encounter proc WE like Bilethorn and Lightning only once or twice.
Hadar grasp, Hand of Blight, BoVA are somehow overperforming by multiprocs imo being a near 100% damageincrease, but´s that it.
Powers like Firy blast, CurseBite, Arms of Hadar, Accoursed Souls Flames of Phlegethos, Hellish rebuke, Harrow Storm will be inferior using Lightnig vs vorp/dread imo.
Dreadtheft, PoP, Warlocks Bargain, Brood of Hadar are a joke procing this WE 1-4 times (that´s like a 4-8% damageincrease) and
Wraith shadow, Gates of Hell are simply not working with those enchants.
You can build arround BoVA, HoB and Hadar grasp (wich procs WE 14 times), but this is a poor setup.
I am sure you won´t be able to stand against a CW in terms of AoE and and you will underperform on single targets, wich works quite ok compared to other striker (Soulbinder-fury)
Sadly I could not find a benefit from those enchants
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
With fury HB In preview server went to River District, found HE, and did that. Even I removed part of my gear to reduce GS and so one, even I didn't had Guild boons, I cleared it kinda easily. Also unless developers fixed, but each time lightning chain his dmg to any other close enemy, I triggered Creeping Death feat.
Also Mrshabok, since two players with Fey = no benefits. I assume it would be wise to skip that enchant if you plan go in parties. And keep it as best for solo gameplay. Because I am 100% sure that some guy will pick Fey WE anyways.
As for dread, well correct me, but there is no other way to get that enchant than from certain packs/box. And also it where for temporally time. So in pc nwo, prices for Dread increasing almost daily.
So I assume Vorp become mainstream once again..
Now speaking about over all WE, guys don't forget that these WE depend on gameplay, and on which power sets you using.. For example even lighting, for burst powers is not OK, For DoT is way to go. So for furry SB, is least viable option, while for SW who have power set more on DoT is big deal.
And one of coolest part, why bother with 1 WE? Keep in inventory couple WE. In boss fight use one, in aoe use other..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
As for Fey, it's very frustrating to me that, what seems like the perfect enchant, is unusable just because of a simple risk. I'm guessing this risk can be mitigated by A) Running in there and getting hits before the other person with Fey does, but who wants to always be worrying about that? and b) The fact that no one I know is ever using Fey and mostly for the reasons mentioned above. It's also very expensive, not only to buy another WE, but to keep switching enchants between mobs and bosses every single dungeon, not to mention it's a pain in the HAMSTER....UNLESS they give us loadouts finally. Then I could see running both Lightning + Vorp/Dread/Fey. I feel like that would really open up a door for us.
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide