As of yesterday my Razer Naga Mouse's side numberic buttons have stopped working. They have only stopped working with NWO. All of my other Razer hardware works fine. So far I've deleted the GamePrefs.Prefs file and had it patched back in. different variations of unplugging, restarting PC, and plugging the mouse back in. Tried different USB ports, and still it doesn't work.
What I can see is this alert message, from the alerts folder.
170208 23:05:24 12 Client[0 [NOENT]]: Client[0]: TriggerAlert(\r\n{\r\n\tKey Get_Dcm_Keys_Failed\r\n\tString \qCOuldn\st find key DCMKeyValues while trying to read DCM keys from registry\q\r\n\tLevel CRITICAL\r\n\tMostRecentHappenedTime 539910324\r\n\tContainerTypeOfObject CLIENT\r\n\tContainerTypeOfServer CLIENT\r\n\tMachineName ChadsGamingStation\r\n\tAlertUID 1\r\n\tAlertUIDStringed 1\r\n\tPatchVersion \qNW.70.20161205a.14 (SVN 203246(
http://code/svn/Night/Baselines/NW.70.20161205a.0(branch svn = 204781)) Gimme 12041620:01:21)(+incrs)\q\r\n}\r\n)
I hope it gets back up and running as it's a hell of a mouse for the mmorpgs.