How are people handling their playtime given the current key system? I have an abundance of playtime and play MMOs for dungeons and heroic content and, prior to key change, was running 20+ dungeons a day. With the key change I was doing maybe 5 or 6 a day for a while but I'm down to a couple a day now and playing an alt but grinding for both just is getting overbearing. I still need 3 marks to finish my offhand but I've decided to run that weekly, after the weekly quest to get the giant faction for a key. I do buy keys but I'd need to spend 15 dollars, or more, a day to play the way I like to and I refuse to spend that much.
So, I'm curious, how are similar style players handling it? I'm updating Path of Exile as I'm writing this, and thinking that's what I'm going to have to do - find an alternate way to get my fix.
If it is not FBI/SVA, I have more runs. I never care about keys before and after change. I did not try to save key.
For FBI/SVA, it is less. I care about keys before the change.
Shores of Tuern (keys easier to obtain than Kessel's' retreat)
Valindra's Tower
Epic Temple of the Spider
Usually, I run eSoT once daily, as using the key to open the second chest grants me the second lot of skirmish AD for the day.
VT because doing the daily from Sergeant Knox gives a Thayan Cipher which I can convert to 15 Vanguard Scripts to buy a Valindra's Tower key with 5gp (each process taking 20 hours, so I usually have them on continuous rotation, but I am doing that less frequently now because I am getting burned out doing this T1).
eToS I run as the preferred T2 because it pops up quicker than the others, usually a faster run too.
eDemo, nDemo and CN I only enter with pre-made groups, usually from guild/alliance chat or PE/lfg. I do this maybe every other day, as faezress is slowly dwindling and non-replenishing by just doing this content.
Tiamat I run perhaps once or twice a week. The key resources to get the Dragon's queen key is less onerous than other ToD keys.
FBI I have given up on - I only have 2 relic pieces on my main (the boots from BS and the cap), but even upkeep with voninblood on them is annoying, so I don't feel the need to get the chest or arm pieces, plus want to avoid the ridiculous lanolin grind that comes with it. I have 17 keys saved up for this dungeon, but I won't run them anymore unless helping out guildies. Plus the armor will probably be obselete in a mod or two.
nSVA or mSVA I only run now if a guildy or someone in my friends list asks. I have not fished for the past 3 weeks or so (even for the daily SOMI quest) because I do not find it fun. BHEs in SOMI aren't active as much during my time zone when I'm on, and I only do the daily quests once per week and clear them all out to get about 2 rep. When I run SVA, if I don't have the rep, I don't open the chest. The only times I would consider opening the chest using a legendary dragon key would be in normal SVA for a chance to get the Historian's Regalia for my mage, but otherwise I would pass.
I do the odd eCC, eGWD or Malabog's when guildies form groups.
In all, the dungeon key change has limited my dungeons to 3 still on relatively 'high' rotation. The others are done much less now. Previously, I would chain eDemo/nDemo/eLoL/CN/KR/eSoT and participate in more SVA.
The game has 10 dungeons and 3 raids, from these dungeons and raids only CN, FBI and SVA offer a decent challenge.
To make matters worse, this 20 hour-time to make a key is ridiculous.
All I do is tuern x1, elol x1, valindra x1, edemo x1, ndemo x1 and I'm done.
I can do everything in 2 hours, then I have nothing to do in the game.
I love neverwinter but it has almost nothing to offer. Not to mention this game is a Casino. Everything you do is to give devs money to have a 0.000000002% chance to get something.
I'm seriously thinking about going back to DDO, I'm just waiting for my friend who took care of my account while I was away to go to teamspeak so he can tell me what's new.
Once the new mod comes, I will grind the new skirmish like a tard for 1 companion item for my GF, but not for my SW since her companion has an orange ring of dod, a talisman of loyal avenger (I need that arpen) but she needs a brutality +5.
I'll farm ndemo with the 44 lesser demonic keys I have on my SW, I'll probably not get the brutality +5 and I'm not giving them money by buying legendary dragon keys, or maybe I get it, and then I'm back to nothing to do.
Then I wait on PE doing nothing for 3 more months for a new grind fest, I mean, mod, then rinse and repeat. This game is boring.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
The key thing really bites, I've run out of demon keys for the first time in forever.
Other than this I do pvp or skirmishes that dont require keys
(Edited added line below)
I also farm xp for overload xp bonus rewards. I find it more profitable than running dungeons.
Been doing the weeklies and DR lairs because it feels more rewarding for me. Greater marks drop rate is about 25%. And I occasionally pick up a GMOP, SMOP, or eye feeder artifact with the gauntlet. In between, I would ping the CN queue with my GF and DC to look for a run in progress. I'm out of second chest keys, so I'm not willing to spend the time to do a full CN run for one chest. Drop rate has improved, but been getting all BtA stuff. Also, now the queues are full of min iLvl toons looking for carries, don't want to do those for one chest.