I left Neverwinter about 6 months ago and returned to playing Star Trek Online. I have played STO since it was a subscription game and it appears I won't be playing either due to the Direct X upgrade in March. It appears that Champions Online is unaffected by the DX upgrade. I don't get the error message when launching CO, it seems to have been ignored?? But I am going to be busy with "real world" issues and fun in the Spring of 2017, this change doesn't upset my apple cart. I will definitely miss STO and well I sort of already miss what Neverwinter use to be prior to 2015. I was only in the game for roughly 4 months when they did module 6 upgrade and stole the dungeons.
Linux and Mac OS X users may wish to discuss what options are available to us on our respective forums as any solutions will not be found here.
Discussion started on Wine HQ here for LinuxWine HQ for Mac OS X here
I logged in just before the time and date of this post and here are current screenshots.
Finally here are some examples of the game running in the WINE overlay back more than a year ago.
As I stated above last year, I left these games behind me. Mostly because I have other games that still work with WINE and I am spending my money on them. This is not a rant or slam against Cryptic, but to allow other users of WINE and the Linux and MAC community where the current development of the OpenGL overlay stands today with this game.
Now go kill a dragon for me in my name.