Hey guys. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question...
I bought a mount at the wondrous bazar, said it increases your speed by 80%. After equipping it, it says 50%. So, am I missing something, did I just waste 500.000 astral diamonds, and do I ask for my money back?
It's the medium waterdeep horse, btw
Thank you all!
The mount in question should be 80% speed, blue (rare) color, and have 3 slots for insignia; 2 barbed and 1 illuminated. Since I don't own this mount myself, it could just be a typo in the game. (Hint: Lots of spelling errors in this game too.) Here is how to test your mount. Race another blue mount. If you keep up, then you are at 80%. The 80% mounts seem like I am driving the speed limit and they are just using a passing gear.
If I am running at 10 Mph, (pretty good for marathon running) my 50% mount is going at 15 Mph. Your 80% mount is going at 18 Mph. Only 3 Mph faster so it looks like you are walking away. They are not blazing fast. The fastest mounts are 140% or 24 Mph.
If it is, then you need to double click on the Panther to apply the mount to your stable.
Then the game will allow you to change the mount speed (and mount skin, if you want).