Well, that didn't last very long. I come here everyday watching tears flow continuously that even flood gates can't control but it seems the river has dried up now.
Been said many times before, will be said many times in the future. The game won't die because the gateway is down.
In my case it will.
I mean I play the game only because my wife loves to play SCA - and if she wont be able to, then I have enough grind to do in (and money to spend on) War Thunder.
Bigger problem will be to find a game that suits my wife - BTW, does anybody know some game similar to SCA?
This is depressing tbh. I now spend most of my time in-game switching between my 17 chars to micro manage my professions. I love professions and I have always maxed the professions tided with the toons I play, even now when there is no point in doing so I still do it in hopes that some day professions will be viable again.
I am out of a job currently, so I can spend a whole day and evening invoking and working on professions, but for my wife it is no longer possible to work on professions as there is no access to the gateway to do so when she is at work. She tried doing proffs when she came home from work, but really hated it cause she just wanted to play. So she ended up just giving up and is now just sitting watching TV instead. I am on the verge of folding myself as this is no longer fun it is a full day job.
Using the gateway I could easily manage all 17 toons and took 1/3 of the time or less. No need to switch from the toon I was currently playing and could easily start a new task while waiting for a queue pop or other team mates.
Leveling alchemy now is next to impossible without having to be on that specific toon as the experimentation's take 10 mins and making other items take 20-60 mins.
I hear a "why don't you just stop doing proffs on that many toons?" Simple answer to that is that I can't. I am slightly OCD when it comes to the toons I play and I have to have proffs relevant to their class in addition to leadership because leadership is close to the only way to get RP. Believe me, I'd love for it not to be so, but grinding dailies gives pittance in RP rewards and they are char bound, so the "useless" RP mats you get have to be "wasted" on artifacts that don't match.
Lag issues because everyone has to manage professions in-game have made fun dungeon runs a nightmare. Even trying to invoke sometimes takes 2-3 times pressing ctr + I before it works. And seriously, invoking 6 times a day what is that about? By the times I am done with the first round I can start the second and by the time I am done with that I can start another 5 mins later and after that round I have 15-20 mins before I can start the next. That time gets filled with having to restart proffessions. It isn't really until I hit the 60 min I can actually start playing and even then I use another 15ish mins going through all toons to check up on proffs.
I can't even imagine the poor players that have 20-50 toons on their account and actually use proffs on them. They must sit 12+ hours in-game just to invoke and do proffs. Seriously if you didn't want people to make AD from using alts to make RP/Unified elements and so on why allow 50 toons on one account? Isn't that kinda asking for them to come up with creative ways to automate the prosess?
Just ripping down the Gateway with no official word and no plans in place to a new version is just hurtful and unprofessional. Giving players a tool to use that makes their in-game lives better then taking it away because it isn't quite working the way you intended is sad and very counter productive.
jaysun1977Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 177Arc User
It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.
That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.
What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.
It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.
That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.
What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.
Some day you will realize the flaw in your line of thinking. Till then we'll just gladly disagree with each other.
Some day you will realize the flaw in your line of thinking. Till then we'll just gladly disagree with each other.
You mean the bit where the AD limit only goes upto the 8 digit range, (and literally by 1 AD, it's really extreme high end 7). .
Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:
Gateway STILL down 9/8/16... will it ever be back up??? Holiday is long since past. It would be nice if Cryptic would give us SOME kind of info on why/how long.
According to a post by @strumslinger earlier on this very thread, it was taken down due to rampant botting and there is no ETA on when it will be back online.
Gateway STILL down 9/8/16... will it ever be back up??? Holiday is long since past. It would be nice if Cryptic would give us SOME kind of info on why/how long.
More likely than not, weekend coming up now......maybe we will get info next week. If we are lucky we will get another "We are aware of the frustration", "We have no ETA"........which turns in "BLA...BLAH...BLAH" . So on and so forth
It probably won't, they will wait out the rage and posts, and it will be the end of it. Don't put the pitchforks down ! ;p
the rage won't die because this gateway issue is directly influencing our game quality. Personally i have terrible lag since i cant use the proxy EU2 anymore, and since this gateway is down. Having SNR every 5mn, or lag fest in FBI when i have to push 3-4 times my key to activate my daily at important times sure isnt going to tone my personal rage down. What's left if i can't enjoy the last dungeon? Not to mention timing out between characters when im doing some professions. Again, same HAMSTER everyday.
Well I do hope everyone learns their lesson. It's about time people who complain about seeing RMT spam in zone chat think twice about what they ask for. The gateway being down indefinitely is the direct result of this constant complaining from a handful of people. I hope they're really pissed off at themselves for complaining in the first place.
Please, if they know it is rampant botting..then they know the accounts doing it. Perma-Ban them and let us that are not exploiting or botting use the game you created. Why keep punishing legitimate players? It really makes no sense...
What are they afraid of by Perma Banning these botters/exploiters? Just do a ban and it will start spreading the word that your serious about it...unless of course you are just trying to kill the PC version!
It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.
That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.
What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.
20 million vorpal isn't even sustainable. Vorpal has a fixed upper price aside from the RP costs and even without the gateway enough RP enters the AH to prevent it from significantly affecting the price of enchants. I mean say what you want but even with the gateway down the prices of enchants still have not recovered from 2x enchants. Heck, they've actually dropped since yesterday.
It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.
That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.
What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.
20 million vorpal isn't even sustainable. Vorpal has a fixed upper price aside from the RP costs and even without the gateway enough RP enters the AH to prevent it from significantly affecting the price of enchants. I mean say what you want but even with the gateway down the prices of enchants still have not recovered from 2x enchants. Heck, they've actually dropped since yesterday.
RP also has an upper price, the Flawless Sapphire sold at WB.
morrowind69Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 26Arc User
I can't imagine Neverwinter without bots , even the best MMO games had bots but banning bots is good or bad no one know the answer . think of it if you want to farm R5 RP stack of 99 how much time you need to get it ?!! maybe 2 days or more but it take 30 sec to find it in AH ,right ?
Seems like the biggest complainers are people who can't get in to play SCA or do professions when they are actually being paid to be doing something else..that thing called a job! Gotta laugh and not feel sorry for you. I have to actually work hard for a living. This is how you do professions without Gateway. Log in once in the morning, and once at night. So it's not the most efficient, but it still gets the job done.
Well I do hope everyone learns their lesson. It's about time people who complain about seeing RMT spam in zone chat think twice about what they ask for. The gateway being down indefinitely is the direct result of this constant complaining from a handful of people. I hope they're really pissed off at themselves for complaining in the first place.
How is Gateway being down, have to do with complaints of Spam in Zone Chat in game??? Do you honestly believe that even with out people complaining of the Spammers, that nothing would be done about the issue? Third party sellers cost the Cryptic, Perfect World, and D&D money. IF people are not spending it on buying Zen to exchange for Astrals (or buying straight from the market to sell and make profit) Then the game loses revenue. That would bring notice with out the players complaining.
Think of it this way. You come up with this brainstorm idea that you get copyrighted, patented. This said idea makes you a lot of money. One day someone comes along steals your idea, cuts into your profits big time. You wouldn't notice that loss, with out someone complaining about it?
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Seems like the biggest complainers are people who can't get in to play SCA or do professions when they are actually being paid to be doing something else..that thing called a job! Gotta laugh and not feel sorry for you. I have to actually work hard for a living. This is how you do professions without Gateway. Log in once in the morning, and once at night. So it's not the most efficient, but it still gets the job done.
It does not get the job done for me because I have limited time in the morning. Using in game, I can only do some. Using gateway, I can do all. Let me put it this way, I used to do invocation of all my toon in the morning. During the time of loading the next toon (which is kind of slow, about 15 seconds), I can reset the profession of a toon in gateway before the loading finish. That is how fast gateway is to do profession.
In terms of QoL, it is a lot easier to do profession in gateway. I see more available task (especially the blue type) in one screen vs scrolling up and down in game. I can use back page to to fast re-set. I can see the availability of my workers in one screen.
Another one is I usually do 12+ hours tasks. If I start that at 8pm, they won't finish by 8am (leave home for work) if I don't use colour workers. I could do that at work before 9am office hours though. I take me about 10 minutes for 12 toons.
Anyway, I used to be able to do 2 to 3 rounds per day (with colour workers). Now, 1 round.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Seems like the biggest complainers are people who can't get in to play SCA or do professions when they are actually being paid to be doing something else..that thing called a job! Gotta laugh and not feel sorry for you. I have to actually work hard for a living. This is how you do professions without Gateway. Log in once in the morning, and once at night. So it's not the most efficient, but it still gets the job done.
You haven't found anything more constructive? Aside maybe explaining people how to log twice a day, judging how others deal with their work, life and so on is a little under the belt. And you do not even realise that gateway being down is impacting the game itself with lag issues or snr issues and so on. Sorry, you work hard for a living, so you probably aren't facing those issues. Hey im not judging
1: A personal experience is that when the Red Dragon Ioun Stone was brand new, they made it BoE from the Silver Scale store, but also, some idiot made a 2nd version that was BoP, this version with a slightly different name would then be then one you received in your bag upon buying the store version. Asking to get it MOVED to another character resulted in nice response along "own mistake yada yada". That then resulted in a shitstorm on my part, which then again was topped with a threat of Ban. Nice..
2: One dev suddenly gets this bright idea! Lets make the Coal Wards in the tradebar store drop from 200 to 75 bars!!! Yes!! And they all agreed. Suddenly something happens, and this is now a fatal flaw in the game!! Let's remove it, let's remove all wards!! And they all agreed once again. Why the **** did the Pres Wards have to get thrown into that mix?
3: "Let's be generous, let's let the players have alot of characters!" One dev said through his latte beard. "Brilliant idea" another said, let's make a 80% discount on extra character slots!! "Even better, let's do this 2 times within a few months!!" He continued. "Perfect, this is what we want, we want extra activity on both the server and the gateway, noone will ever think of exploiting this!" The first dev replied. And again, they all agreed. What the **** were you thinking??!
The list continues, and I welcome you all to chime in, as we wait for them to get the gateway back online.
It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.
That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.
What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.
“It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.” ― Murray N. Rothbard
1: A personal experience is that when the Red Dragon Ioun Stone was brand new, they made it BoE from the Silver Scale store, but also, some idiot made a 2nd version that was BoP, this version with a slightly different name would then be then one you received in your bag upon buying the store version. Asking to get it MOVED to another character resulted in nice response along "own mistake yada yada". That then resulted in a shitstorm on my part, which then again was topped with a threat of Ban. Nice..
2: One dev suddenly gets this bright idea! Lets make the Coal Wards in the tradebar store drop from 200 to 75 bars!!! Yes!! And they all agreed. Suddenly something happens, and this is now a fatal flaw in the game!! Let's remove it, let's remove all wards!! And they all agreed once again. Why the **** did the Pres Wards have to get thrown into that mix?
3: "Let's be generous, let's let the players have alot of characters!" One dev said through his latte beard. "Brilliant idea" another said, let's make a 80% discount on extra character slots!! "Even better, let's do this 2 times within a few months!!" He continued. "Perfect, this is what we want, we want extra activity on both the server and the gateway, noone will ever think of exploiting this!" The first dev replied. And again, they all agreed. What the **** were you thinking??!
The list continues, and I welcome you all to chime in, as we wait for them to get the gateway back online.
#3 is a load of nonsense and you know it. Botters don't buy character slots because it's an extra cost that reduces their net AD when the account is banned.
It's no longer possible to print AD (AD leadership gone, AD invoking gone). Prices will fall. Economics 101, supply & demand.
That's not how MMO economies work. There are still players that have hundreds of million of AD and they can afford 20 mil vorpals, if they really want to. All it will do, is create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Unless you have an AD account in the nine digits, you are NOT one of the haves and you WILL get the short end of the stick if this continues.
What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.
20 million vorpal isn't even sustainable. Vorpal has a fixed upper price aside from the RP costs and even without the gateway enough RP enters the AH to prevent it from significantly affecting the price of enchants. I mean say what you want but even with the gateway down the prices of enchants still have not recovered from 2x enchants. Heck, they've actually dropped since yesterday.
RP also has an upper price, the Flawless Sapphire sold at WB.
:O forgot about that.
Basically caps the price at 10 million.
alphastreamMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 211Arc User
I really want to see the Gateway return. This is really impacting the fun of the limited time I can dedicate to being in the game itself. If the Gateway stays down, I want a way to vastly speed up running and re-starting these tasks so I can spend my time playing the game.
Learn more about Dungeons & Dragons tabletop at Alphastream.org.
Really?????? Ok lets figure this out on our own......If this downtime is about "BOTTERS" then why punish everyone? Botters , Goldsellers are everywhere in just about every online mmorpg game....I get at least 5 - 10 ingame emails and private messages a day....I flag the emails and ignore the senders of messages....So the sellers and botters are not hiding They are basically jumping up and down waving their arms screaming " HERE I AM LOOK AT ME" If all regular players ignore them and flag them we can get rid of them as they would be out of bussiness quickly.....who cares how much gold , zen , or ad you have if nobody is buying your product you go broke fast.....The auction house would be next if we "The players" set our own prices at normal rates and flood the AH with multiple items the botters and sellers eventually go broke buying up our sales trying to control the prices....And if the game company did more to catch and punish the botters and sellers instead of punishing everyone we could enjoy our gaming time more.
I mean I play the game only because my wife loves to play SCA - and if she wont be able to, then I have enough grind to do in (and money to spend on) War Thunder.
Bigger problem will be to find a game that suits my wife - BTW, does anybody know some game similar to SCA?
I am out of a job currently, so I can spend a whole day and evening invoking and working on professions, but for my wife it is no longer possible to work on professions as there is no access to the gateway to do so when she is at work. She tried doing proffs when she came home from work, but really hated it cause she just wanted to play. So she ended up just giving up and is now just sitting watching TV instead. I am on the verge of folding myself as this is no longer fun it is a full day job.
Using the gateway I could easily manage all 17 toons and took 1/3 of the time or less. No need to switch from the toon I was currently playing and could easily start a new task while waiting for a queue pop or other team mates.
Leveling alchemy now is next to impossible without having to be on that specific toon as the experimentation's take 10 mins and making other items take 20-60 mins.
I hear a "why don't you just stop doing proffs on that many toons?" Simple answer to that is that I can't. I am slightly OCD when it comes to the toons I play and I have to have proffs relevant to their class in addition to leadership because leadership is close to the only way to get RP. Believe me, I'd love for it not to be so, but grinding dailies gives pittance in RP rewards and they are char bound, so the "useless" RP mats you get have to be "wasted" on artifacts that don't match.
Lag issues because everyone has to manage professions in-game have made fun dungeon runs a nightmare. Even trying to invoke sometimes takes 2-3 times pressing ctr + I before it works. And seriously, invoking 6 times a day what is that about? By the times I am done with the first round I can start the second and by the time I am done with that I can start another 5 mins later and after that round I have 15-20 mins before I can start the next. That time gets filled with having to restart proffessions. It isn't really until I hit the 60 min I can actually start playing and even then I use another 15ish mins going through all toons to check up on proffs.
I can't even imagine the poor players that have 20-50 toons on their account and actually use proffs on them. They must sit 12+ hours in-game just to invoke and do proffs. Seriously if you didn't want people to make AD from using alts to make RP/Unified elements and so on why allow 50 toons on one account? Isn't that kinda asking for them to come up with creative ways to automate the prosess?
Just ripping down the Gateway with no official word and no plans in place to a new version is just hurtful and unprofessional. Giving players a tool to use that makes their in-game lives better then taking it away because it isn't quite working the way you intended is sad and very counter productive.
What will happen, though, is that high price items, like a 20 Mil vorpal, will become pretige items that the haves will be able to buy to signal their wealth over the dirty beggars that make up the vast majority of the rest of the player bayse, from their point of view. Prices will stay high precicesly BECAUSE the AD supply is low.
You mean the bit where the AD limit only goes upto the 8 digit range, (and literally by 1 AD, it's really extreme high end 7).
Not to mention timing out between characters when im doing some professions. Again, same HAMSTER everyday.
What are they afraid of by Perma Banning these botters/exploiters? Just do a ban and it will start spreading the word that your serious about it...unless of course you are just trying to kill the PC version!
20 million vorpal isn't even sustainable. Vorpal has a fixed upper price aside from the RP costs and even without the gateway enough RP enters the AH to prevent it from significantly affecting the price of enchants. I mean say what you want but even with the gateway down the prices of enchants still have not recovered from 2x enchants. Heck, they've actually dropped since yesterday.
think of it if you want to farm R5 RP stack of 99 how much time you need to get it ?!! maybe 2 days or more but it take 30 sec to find it in AH ,right ?
This is how you do professions without Gateway. Log in once in the morning, and once at night. So it's not the most efficient, but it still gets the job done.
Think of it this way. You come up with this brainstorm idea that you get copyrighted, patented. This said idea makes you a lot of money. One day someone comes along steals your idea, cuts into your profits big time. You wouldn't notice that loss, with out someone complaining about it?
During the time of loading the next toon (which is kind of slow, about 15 seconds), I can reset the profession of a toon in gateway before the loading finish. That is how fast gateway is to do profession.
In terms of QoL, it is a lot easier to do profession in gateway. I see more available task (especially the blue type) in one screen vs scrolling up and down in game. I can use back page to to fast re-set. I can see the availability of my workers in one screen.
Another one is I usually do 12+ hours tasks. If I start that at 8pm, they won't finish by 8am (leave home for work) if I don't use colour workers. I could do that at work before 9am office hours though. I take me about 10 minutes for 12 toons.
Anyway, I used to be able to do 2 to 3 rounds per day (with colour workers). Now, 1 round.
1: A personal experience is that when the Red Dragon Ioun Stone was brand new, they made it BoE from the Silver Scale store, but also, some idiot made a 2nd version that was BoP, this version with a slightly different name would then be then one you received in your bag upon buying the store version. Asking to get it MOVED to another character resulted in nice response along "own mistake yada yada". That then resulted in a shitstorm on my part, which then again was topped with a threat of Ban. Nice..
2: One dev suddenly gets this bright idea! Lets make the Coal Wards in the tradebar store drop from 200 to 75 bars!!! Yes!! And they all agreed. Suddenly something happens, and this is now a fatal flaw in the game!! Let's remove it, let's remove all wards!! And they all agreed once again. Why the **** did the Pres Wards have to get thrown into that mix?
3: "Let's be generous, let's let the players have alot of characters!" One dev said through his latte beard. "Brilliant idea" another said, let's make a 80% discount on extra character slots!! "Even better, let's do this 2 times within a few months!!" He continued. "Perfect, this is what we want, we want extra activity on both the server and the gateway, noone will ever think of exploiting this!" The first dev replied. And again, they all agreed. What the **** were you thinking??!
The list continues, and I welcome you all to chime in, as we wait for them to get the gateway back online.
Basically caps the price at 10 million.
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