So, I started neverwinter more than 1 week ago, Chose trickster rogue as my first character, didn't choose the right race. Chose half-elf, not really the best option. So is the race reroll worth it? I can't delete him since I am lvl 70 and completed so so many quests. Is it my first piority? Also should I respec him now? or wait for mod 10 to come to consoles, since I heard you get free respect when a module come.
+1 crit sev and +1 deflect (ok forget the Gold thing).
And again it is more a "how to know" to play the Class (from your other thread, i think you are running a Mi Exe aswell), to maximise the capstone SoD procc (gear, enchants, companions, bondings all these things will come with the time).
We did a few CN runs in the guild i am in, checking via Act how often SoD proccs between me and other TR from my guildmates (most of them are humans or half orcs) and i was able to double or tripple them.
So my advice is, you could stay easily as Half Elf, or play it as long you have your gear, enchants and other stuff you are looking for and then you can reroll in another class anytime (Drow with the race debuff ability is also a good option)
If you min/max? Yeah, sure. Otherwise, for that extra 2-3% dps you'd squeeze out of them, is it worth it to stare at a half-orc or similar character? Not in my books, but to each their own.
So if you like the look and feel of your half-elf, stick with it.
I went with Human and haven't regretted it since, as I like the look of him.