
The Jonesboros is an active, social guild with mature members spanning several different timezones. We're looking for people of all ages, nationalities (though we only speak English, so bear that in mind), levels, classes, and experience to join the guild. We have no joining criteria - just be active and willing to help make progress with the Stronghold via coffer contributions and taking part in dailies as often as you can - or any joining fees. We do use mics on occasion which is helpful but again, not necessary if you don't want to/aren't comfortable with it.
Our members are mostly USA based, though we have a couple of UK based players (like myself) so there's always someone online to help out. We'll help with dungeons, quests, farming and can power level new players and characters with you as well.
If you're interested in joining you can contact MagiiC---SerKan on PSN or leave you character ID and PSN name here.
Looking forward to seeing you in Neverwinter!