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High priced Auction consignments disappearing randomly and needing to be reposted!

docj0rdocj0r Member Posts: 48 Arc User
This is the third time this has happened to me, the last time I posted an epic beetle mount and a greater soulforged enchantment (both worth over 1m AD and both EXPENSIVE to post) they just randomly disappeared from search, I could see them in consignments, but no one could see them on the AH search.

There were other, cheaper (blue) items I had posted at the same time, they were not affected funnily enough....

Again, today I log on, 2 days ago I posted a Pure shadowclad enchantment, again an epic, expensive to post item... Again the same bug disappears, and again 10's of thousands of AD down the drain

Once again I had some cheaper blue quality items posted at the same time.. and again those cheap to post items were not affected.

What in the world is going on? And not only that, how do I get a refund of the large amount of lost AD?
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