If a player in your group who is also in your Queue group exits Neverwinter, your group gets a zombie member that you cannot kick.
Procedure to reproduce:
1. Make a group
2. Send that group into a queue map by public or private queue (e.g. Tiamat or a dungeon)
3. Finish the queue event and go back to a normal map
4. Have a group member exit the game through pressing the Options->Exit button
5. Now that group member is a blackened out zombie in the group
6. Try to kick member from group -> Kick Button is unavailable as long as he is still in queue group <= PROBLEM
7. Kick member from queue group -> works, but zombie remains in group
8. Try to kick member from group -> Error 'You cannot kick party members from queue group in this map' appears <= PROBLEM
The only solution is to dissolve and reform the group.