There's a list of companions you can pick from. You have to select them taking in account your playstyle and the resources you want to invest. There is no "one fits all'.
Sellsword is a good and cheap solution if you want to debuff, but if you go dps then the shadowdemon is a better option. The shadowdemon is great help if you are low dps dc as It speeds up your daily quests.
The "this is recommended" approach has some limits. You know what your DC is and what you want to do.
Oltreverso guild leader Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
This guide, this whole sub-forum, makes playing any other class a pain trying to find information. So thank for everyone in the community.
With that, I was wondering about a couple things, so here's roughly where I'm at right now:
IL = ~2.6K // Power = ~14K Crit and Recovery about the same.
I like being a healer or support class, but the "traditional" healer is not very interesting right now for me, so I'd like to eventually go for the AC righteous. I've been managing AA / HG depending on the fight, and overall, really enjoying the DC.
1- Do I switch to DO at this stage as suggested in one of the comments? and if so, do I stick to faithful or go righteous?
My progression is a bit slow seeing as I'm always managing my play time between various activities (gone are the long 10hr grind days).
2- What would guys say is the build to follow if you want to be able to solo some of my dailies more efficiently time wise, and still be useful to my team?
I don't really have much problems with surviving mostly, things just take a very long time solo, and due to my schedule my friends won't be able to always be there to run through the dailies in a group.
Just a quick short reply (with reasoning if possible) would be more than enough, as the rest of the information in this thread and others is quite great and sufficient.
Thanks for anyone capable and willing to reply. and thanks again for a great guide.
2- What would guys say is the build to follow if you want to be able to solo some of my dailies more efficiently time wise, and still be useful to my team?
Please consider what I'm going to say as opinions/suggestions. I start with your 2nd question to give you a general overview. As said many times, the DC is a very flexible class. If you want to be more efficient (meaning faster) when solo, the righteous path is the best option, regardless you are AC or DO. Without being 100% accurate, there are two main variations to approach the righteous path: dps-focused (usually 100% full righteous) or buff-focused (usually a mix of righteous + virtuous or faithful). The two varations have both dps and buff capabilities: it's up to you to decide what you want to stress more.
The distinction between DO/AC should be considered when you list the main differences between the two variations in terms of feats and powers (the list may not be exaustive): - dps, ofc - divinity gain = efficiency of your rotations - AP gain - power buff - Availability of efficient buff/debuff powers. - Mitigation
You have to select the features you want as "must have".
1- Do I switch to DO at this stage as suggested in one of the comments?
There's no easy answer for this imo. It all depends on your playstyle and preferences. Examples: If you don't have bonding runestones, you don't plan to have them and you want to buff/dps, I would suggest DO. If you want to provide mitigation (AA) regardless the power share feature, I would say AC. If you are ready to invest A LOT to have rk 12 bonding runestones, I would suggest the AC power buff build (you find it here).
If you are already AC, I suggest the cheapest option: a simple respec to go righteous. Take your time with the new setup and then think deeper as soon as you feel confident. Switching from a healer build to a righteous build may not be so straight.
Be aware that the DC will be reworked soon: we don't have any details about it. So be careful. In the meantime, here the diagram from @putzboy78 which is a summary of what you can do with your DC.
Post edited by rapo973 on
Oltreverso guild leader Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
As said many times, the DC is a very flexible class. If you want to be more efficient (meaning faster) when solo, the righteous path is the best option, regardless you are AC or DO. Without being 100% accurate, there are two main variations to approach the righteous path: dps-focused (usually 100% full righteous) or buff-focused (usually a mix of righteous + virtuous or faithful). The two varations have both dps and buff capabilities.
First, sorry if I weren't clear about my preference in my original post. I'm the one who is supporting the other players, by buffing them, debuffing enemies, and healing if needed. No tanking, no DPS at this stage for me.
Thanks for the above part it does shed some light on things that were still not very clear for me.
There's no easy answer for this imo. It all depends on your playstyle and preferences. Examples: If you don't have bonding runestones, you don't plan to have them and you want to buff/dps, I would suggest DO. If you want to provide mitigation (AA) regardless the power share feature, I would say AC. If you are ready to invest A LOT to have rk 12 bonding runestones, I would suggest the AC power buff build (you find it here).
Be aware that the DC will be reworked soon: we don't have any details about it. So be careful.
I know the investment required, and how hard it can be, only to have things change and needing to start all over again... For some reason though, I can't keep away from MMORPG's... my kryptonite of sorts.
I do want to main the DC, and most of the time, I will be playing with friends. While I currently am capable of clearing my dailies alone, some do take longer if I run them alone. Hence the questions.
Would I be correct in assuming the following?
In order to be a buffer and support healer, yet be able to clear dailies and endgame content (when solo) faster than I currently do, I need to pick the core as DO for dps or AC for more buff/mitigation, but then have a choice between Full righteous or a mix until I am at the higher levels at which point, considering nothing changes much, I go full AC righteous like this guide.
Sorry for the long winded replies, I just wanted to know if I could follow the build strictly now while I still improve my gear or I should focus on something else...
Thanks again for all the help!
putzboy78Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,950Arc User
The short of it is the more healing focus you have the longer solo play takes. The more buff focused you are the longer solo play takes. The debuffing and dps builds are pretty tightly coupled although the party damage potential from buffing out performs the party damage potential from debuffing at the moment do to the power sharing (at high ilvls). So you have to find your own balance. Some of this can be offset a bit with the right companions (owlbear cub for example) but these can be terribly expensive. It really depends on your priorities.
If your priority is to optimize your solo dailys, I would suggest using preview server. Try jarek's spec and do some daily's. See if the time is acceptable for you. If it isn't then you can try my spec and see if its comfortable for you.
If your priority is to optimize for team play, then testing on preview may be a bit difficult. In that case you may want to move the needle on your personal dps just a little and see how your team performs. Start by taking astral fury to increase your dps 10%. If your running with the same group often they should be sensitive to your testing.
The short of it is the more healing focus you have the longer solo play takes. The more buff focused you are the longer solo play takes. The debuffing and dps builds are pretty tightly coupled although the party damage potential from buffing out performs the party damage potential from debuffing at the moment do to the power sharing (at high ilvls). So you have to find your own balance. Some of this can be offset a bit with the right companions (owlbear cub for example) but these can be terribly expensive. It really depends on your priorities.
If your priority is to optimize your solo dailys, I would suggest using preview server. Try jarek's spec and do some daily's. See if the time is acceptable for you. If it isn't then you can try my spec and see if its comfortable for you.
If your priority is to optimize for team play, then testing on preview may be a bit difficult. In that case you may want to move the needle on your personal dps just a little and see how your team performs. Start by taking astral fury to increase your dps 10%. If your running with the same group often they should be sensitive to your testing.
Thanks for the insight. Most of the time it's the same team of friends, and we're quite supportive of each other and anyone needing help really. I'll give the info some thought and see.
Before starting I would like to thanks to the author of this guild and also to all the players giving support on this thread, it is highly appreciated for many people.
My DC was started as an alt to give support to my friends and also to get invited to more parties. Playing with friends and pugging is lets say 50/50, and I find pugging very entertaining, even more than doing it always with friends.
I have never played DC before and I build my char following this guide, as I said to give support and be loved by everyone, and must say both targets have been fully accomplished. As the times passed I was more and more requested by friends to use my DC instead others , so I have been upgrading it every one and then. Not too much since I play one main (which I dont play actually, just invest on him^^) and 6 alts, so too many mouths to feed.
Now my DC, Melindra, is 2875 ilvl, I got 22k base power (with guild boon), 5.5k crit, 10.5k recovery, 12k defense, 106k HP in party. Twisted weapons, 2 Dusk/2DF armor, tiamats set, +4 (1crit+1power) underdark rings. I use augment companion (cat) , I find no reason to move to bonding since the max I could affor would be 150% bondings, this vs. 120% augment (2xeldritch) would not help my char too much for it purpose (at least imo, I accept discussion). I got a sellsword read as active comp, because may be you can change my mind...
At this point, I have some concerns regarding move rotations and buff mechanincs, which are as follows:
1-Does the party buffs from BoB stacks? I guess no but just to be sure. Also, I find astral seal much more effective to build both divinity and AP, by far.
2-Does Avatar of Divine reset as combat ends? So it starts again every time you face new mobs, in the same way than brutal underdark rings, regardless any cooldown.
3-In divine mode, does DG stacks if casted x3 in a row (in general, does encounters stack when divine casted)? Which is the more convenient x3 divine casting for party bufs/deb. And the best full rotation?
4-In the guide it is said to reinforce armor with crit kits. Why not with power crits? could be this should be reviewed after mod 10 power share rework, or is still crit more convenient?
5-After many runs most of the time I run with holly fervor+divine fortune/hastening light ; BtS, DG and Bastion. Reason for bastion is just it gives a huge AP gain boost, my AA is very happy with it. Anyone else noticed this? Which is the reason for this bigger AP gain? Also I dont find a solid reason to use both BtS and FF at same time, one of them is just used in normal mode (usually FF) and as I said I find Bastion, or Chains, of better use. I am missing something here?
6-Regarding weapon enchantments, which encounters does make use of them, and which ones does not?
7-Do you think the balance power/recovery in my toon is fine? I have sloted all silveries in ofensive, dont know if I should keep like this. 22kpow vs. 10.5k recovery.
And to finish, what would you suggest in order to get more base power? this is what I have in mind sofar, I ask because may be I miss something:
-Progress in campaign boons (only got 2 underdark plus one dread ring, im too lazy to kill with my DC) -Increasing ilvl (so obvious) -Swiching underdark rings for personalized from jewerly profession, already hit lvl 22 jewerly, so I will get them soon. -Assasins convenent mount. Since its a zen mount, it will be very usefull for all my 7 toons, it is a good investment. -Power kits on armor pieces (as I said, I have 33%crit and I see no reason to increasee it).
anything else?...
Thanks you for reading this long post, also all the feedback will be highly appreciated.
I've asked enough questions on this forum (and elsewhere) that it should be apparent I am not an expert by any means on DC. But for what it's worth, I believe the following in relation to your questions:
1. No, BoB doesnt stack. The power share from this uses the most recently applied.
2. Yes, it resets in between combat, regardless of where it was on it's cooldown.
3. Unsure if 3xdivine DG stacks. I likely wouldn't bother with it even if it did. In my opinion the best rotation is:
Gain divinity if you dont have it (for me that means 1xBoB to power share, 2xAstral Seal for quicker divinity), 2 divine chains for AP gain + damage, 1 divine DG (usually cast on mob but intended to "hit" the melee surrounding mobs for buff), empowered break the spirit for buff, regular DG to debuff mob
4. I certainly didnt write the guide, but I am using the power reinforcements as well. I think it's more valuable than 2% crit. I think this is particularly true at higher levels where it seems pretty simple to get a very high (albeit temporary) crit percentage through sudden precision rings on yourself and your companion).
5. Not sure regarding bastion; i rarely use it. Perhaps due to the amount of points you put into the heroic feat (the name escapes me) that increases AP gain from heals? For the second part, FF and BTS does seem quite pointless to run on the same DC. I asked a question on these encounters and generally. Always use empowered BTS. Swap to FF only when there are 2 clerics in the group (one empowered BTS, the other empowered FF to stack the damage bonuses. Best to use chains (or bastion if thats your forte)
6. My understanding is that all of our powers make use of the weapon enchantments with the exception of divine glow (which I guess is a longstanding bug)
7. I suppose it depends what your going for. I think your stats are pretty solid. But for me, I think that level of recovery is overkill. I personally would lower your recovery and increase power. Imo (assuming money was no object anyway), I think black ice enchantments across the board is your best bet to also increase your crit chance.
In regards to increasing power, seems your on the right track. My only comments potentially would be in regard to personalized rings. Assuming luck is in your favor (/sob), if you can somehow manage to fanangle +5 sudden precision and/or +5 brutality rings I think those are better, both for your own stats (despite being unable to share the procs of the rings), and for base stats (as you can slot 2 offensive enchantments into each of the rings - so if you wanted two radiants in each ring, that would give you 1400 power (each ring). Of course, these rings seem impossible to get, but just throwing it out there as a possibility. If just power sharing was the idea, several of the other +5 rings (+5 vision for example) also have 2 offensive slots though their proc is pretty pointless.
@david#2060, D.DG doesnt stack, power reinforcement kit is always superior unless you have a high crit severity and a low crit chance, sellsword isnt the best AD efficiency bonding pet but it is the best supporting pet for AC, recovery is meh unless you are building a AA spamming DC, chains give more AP than BoH in combat but BoH gives AP out of combat, ring wise use +4 brutal+sudden crit on your DC and brutal+sudden crit+sudden lifesteal on con artist with bonding (at least rare), bonding is always better than augment since it applies buff from sudden rings.
@umarachnia#5673, Shadow demon (legendary) has high single target dps similar to a dps build DC without using aoe skills, it is good to use if you want to speed up your solo stuff in a healing/buffing support build but AD wise, skip it if you are poor. Con artist offer a solid aoe debuff, fast attack animation to refresh bonding and 3 ring slots for sudden rings. If you willing to trade that little power for your team from active bonus and offense slot for 30% crit, 30% power and 30% lifesteal on you (3x sudden rings with r12 bonding), con artist is far better than sellsword.
I was hoping to test things out in an epic dungeon before this update, but since the delays with the servers I have only been able to test in other areas. I bought the respec from the lady in the hall of justice, and am fully AC Righteous just like this guide.
Correction about my stats: iLvl 2.5K, Power 14K, Crit 6K and Recovery 8.5K (rank 7 or 8 enchantments and Sellsword is Rare. Still working on the campaigns, but decently progressed.
I'm extremely happy I respecced. Dailies are most definitely much faster to complete.. much much faster.
The main difference (other than fast damage) is that I realized I now can no longer just stand in the middle of mobs and take hits as much. I used to have quite high survivability (Gift of Faith and Test of Faith) with Faithful, and I've begun seeing my health drop more now. So moving around, timing encounters and dailies, monitoring buffs/debuffs.. things I never really had to focus much on before.
I'm posting this update simply to confirm that while this build works at lower levels, it does require some adjustment in how you approach the various situations you might find yourself in. Be more careful, plan smartly and be ready to switch things around based on the situation. It's already been said here so do read the comments.
@umarachnia#5673, Shadow demon (legendary) has high single target dps similar to a dps build DC without using aoe skills, it is good to use if you want to speed up your solo stuff in a healing/buffing support build but AD wise, skip it if you are poor. Con artist offer a solid aoe debuff, fast attack animation to refresh bonding and 3 ring slots for sudden rings. If you willing to trade that little power for your team from active bonus and offense slot for 30% crit, 30% power and 30% lifesteal on you (3x sudden rings with r12 bonding), con artist is far better than sellsword.
Thanks for the info. Currently, I'm below minimum wage poor, but this weekend will start properly farming for making more and more AD as well as upgrading my enchantments (or saving until the x2 refinement).
For now the Sellsword has been good to me at Rare, but i'll keep an eye out for the others too.
jeffsliderMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 112Arc User
Thanks as usual for the inputs here y'all. I myself will be updating the guide a good bit on November 8th when that new mod comes out. I already have my changes on a notepad so it's just to wait when the server is down on that day and come on here to update. At this very time, due to work commitments, guild comments & I also help a breast cancer event in an area of my country. I haven't been super active as I'll like to be because of these things, however, the breast cancer event ends this coming weekend, on Sunday to be precise and with my schedule easing up slightly, I'll be around more for a brief period between November 2nd onwards until I have to be busy again.
The possible changes on a side note includes more companion suggestions, weapon enchantments, more suggestions with companion gear & reinforcement kits, what I use as my main & offhand feats & among others, the soon to be 'BIS' option with the new main and offhand that's coming up & my opinion on it.
thank you all forl the feedback provided. A lot of doubts have been cleared out.
Few comments regarding the above issues;
I made this toon to be ACDC buffer. For me, high recovery to be an AA spam machine is one of the main goals. At this point, dont know if 11k is fine, or may be 8-9k is enough for this purpose and I can put those 2-3k extra points in power. Could be for this you suggest to get to 13k. Dont know if there is any dimising curve for the recovery stat. So my question would be, where is the sweet point?
Regarding rings, it is clear the +5 power/crit (ot the new ostorian, for this matter) woul be the best. But since those arent available, I think for my build the personalized ones are better than +4 underdark; my dps is very low in dungeons, +4k crit&power at the begining of the combat, honestly i dont see many use for it. I would slot them back when solo questing, though. Dont think the +5 of any other stat could be better since cant afford 4xr12 radiant for this matter.
About my companion, I dont find any reason to use brutals and sudden for the same reasons I find no use for them on me, as explained before.
In the meanwhile, my DC got 25k base power
But, waiting to see how the AA nerf will be, this can have an impact in the build.
putzboy78Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,950Arc User
it would depend on if you use the fire weapons and/or snail. if your goal is to spam AA, recovery is a flavor to taste stat. And yes it does have a diminishing return of sorts. If 200 recovery gives you a 1% cd reduction, its effect is much less if your CD is 5s than if its 10s. Pesonally i wouldnt change anything, and just wait for the DC rebalance
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
Hi guys. I've decided to re-activate and respec my old Mod 2 DO Faithful DC and get him up and running again and I've used this guide/thread as a start and then will modify as necessary. I remember DC being quite fun in group play and I think it will be a good thing to have both a DC and my GF as mains.
So, firstly, thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread, really appreciated the time you guys take to help others.
Secondly, there is mention of a re-balance here (wish I read that before I used my free respec ), but when I go searching for a thread on a DC rebalance the only thing I could find is dated June. Am I missing something? can someone point me in the right direction.
putzboy78Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,950Arc User
No official rebalance has been scheduled. In the last live twitch session they mentioned their on going efforts to "balance" the classes and called out DC as being on the priority list. So now we wait
No official rebalance has been scheduled. In the last live twitch session they mentioned their on going efforts to "balance" the classes and called out DC as being on the priority list. So now we wait
Yep I'm currently waiting for these balances. I did however for doing it sake, update the guide for Mod 10b, just made it a bit more indepth. You can't see alot of it tho on arc since there's a word limit so people will I have to check out the mmominds version for more explanations in some areas.
putzboy78Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,950Arc User
Did you update your review of the ambush drake based on the mod 10b rework?
jeffsliderMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 112Arc User
Thanks again @jeffslider, much appreciated, and also to @putzboy78 , for your continuing devotion to the versatile and fun class Devoted Cleric. I was fortunate to be a desciple of our beloved Kaelic Symphony, and since his sad departure (we wish him well) I have now got two of you to carry the torch of this ever evolving class we enjoy in our adventures here in Neverwinter. Keep up the good work, both of you, I for one value the time and effort you both put in to the community.
~Intelligence is SEXXY, talk nerdy to me ~
jeffsliderMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 112Arc User
Thanks again @jeffslider, much appreciated, and also to @putzboy78 , for your continuing devotion to the versatile and fun class Devoted Cleric. I was fortunate to be a desciple of our beloved Kaelic Symphony, and since his sad departure (we wish him well) I have now got two of you to carry the torch of this ever evolving class we enjoy in our adventures here in Neverwinter. Keep up the good work, both of you, I for one value the time and effort you both put in to the community.
Aww, well we try really. @putzboy78 & so many other clerics are really the great ones in terms of knowledge. Even I myself have learned a lot about particular debuffs & calculations thanks to their knowledge. I try my best as well to really have good info/options on my guide & to be knowledgable to those who need info answered so thanks for your kind words here Much appreciated
putzboy78Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,950Arc User
Thanks again @jeffslider, much appreciated, and also to @putzboy78 , for your continuing devotion to the versatile and fun class Devoted Cleric. I was fortunate to be a desciple of our beloved Kaelic Symphony, and since his sad departure (we wish him well) I have now got two of you to carry the torch of this ever evolving class we enjoy in our adventures here in Neverwinter. Keep up the good work, both of you, I for one value the time and effort you both put in to the community.
Thanks @mogitszeph, I don't spend nearly as much time testing as our beloved Kaelic. Mostly because I prefer to spend my gaming time... well gaming. But I think the DC has the best class community in the game (most likely because clerics tend to be people that are more team oriented) and deserve the attention. Honestly its the people that can keep an MMO fun, and surrounding yourself with the best people is the best way to increase the life of the game and improve the QOL in it. Everyone has a social obligation to (inferred) to help
jeffsliderMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 112Arc User
Thanks again @jeffslider, much appreciated, and also to @putzboy78 , for your continuing devotion to the versatile and fun class Devoted Cleric. I was fortunate to be a desciple of our beloved Kaelic Symphony, and since his sad departure (we wish him well) I have now got two of you to carry the torch of this ever evolving class we enjoy in our adventures here in Neverwinter. Keep up the good work, both of you, I for one value the time and effort you both put in to the community.
Thanks @mogitszeph, I don't spend nearly as much time testing as our beloved Kaelic. Mostly because I prefer to spend my gaming time... well gaming. But I think the DC has the best class community in the game (most likely because clerics tend to be people that are more team oriented) and deserve the attention. Honestly its the people that can keep an MMO fun, and surrounding yourself with the best people is the best way to increase the life of the game and improve the QOL in it. Everyone has a social obligation to (inferred) to help
I tend to 100% agree with this. Really excellent community the DC's have. After finally getting to properly update my guide & the one hater who claims 'I never thanked anyone' I've now added properly in the end of the guide, credit to those who have helped me in someway (It's really damn impossible to put all the handles as there's a word limit so had to generalize the cleric community)
I tend to 100% agree with this. Really excellent community the DC's have. After finally getting to properly update my guide & the one hater who claims 'I never thanked anyone' I've now added properly in the end of the guide, credit to those who have helped me in someway (It's really damn impossible to put all the handles as there's a word limit so had to generalize the cleric community)
HA @jeffslider, they say haters show that you have actually achieved something LMAO. I wish instead of bashing on those who take time, from gaming, to help and encourage our community, the haters would actually put in some positive info or even some good vibes I love to visit forums, its so very helpful, you are brave( or a bit crazy perhaps ) to put yourselves out there, and post guides and have productive discussions in a public format, please don't ever stop, its really so helpful, we all need to compare and yes , sometimes contrast what others have to put in to these discussions, I learn sooo much here, and also of corse from actual game play. I love this game, and I plan to keep on being that little caterpillar that has morphed into the pretty butterfly as long as I am here, clerics are so rewarding, and yes I agree, some of the very coolest gamers of all .
~Intelligence is SEXXY, talk nerdy to me ~
jeffsliderMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 112Arc User
I tend to 100% agree with this. Really excellent community the DC's have. After finally getting to properly update my guide & the one hater who claims 'I never thanked anyone' I've now added properly in the end of the guide, credit to those who have helped me in someway (It's really damn impossible to put all the handles as there's a word limit so had to generalize the cleric community)
HA @jeffslider, they say haters show that you have actually achieved something LMAO. I wish instead of bashing on those who take time, from gaming, to help and encourage our community, the haters would actually put in some positive info or even some good vibes I love to visit forums, its so very helpful, you are brave( or a bit crazy perhaps ) to put yourselves out there, and post guides and have productive discussions in a public format, please don't ever stop, its really so helpful, we all need to compare and yes , sometimes contrast what others have to put in to these discussions, I learn sooo much here, and also of corse from actual game play. I love this game, and I plan to keep on being that little caterpillar that has morphed into the pretty butterfly as long as I am here, clerics are so rewarding, and yes I agree, some of the very coolest gamers of all . </p>
Lmao!, well still, so people just need to relax a little, just only here to be chill, have fun and try to learn whenever I can thanks to the community. I must say, I was pretty crazy on that date to post this guide but haven't regretted it as all as the feedback made me learn things even more so I appreciate how the comments here throughout the time and the mails I get ingame are really positive mostly and the comments are really helpful and nice really!, I like to hear the great enthusiasm. At least I know we have people online who really appreciate the guides from some and the really great feedback/topics from others. So really, thanks again for the encouragement here & continue to strive for greatness
There is no "one fits all'.
Sellsword is a good and cheap solution if you want to debuff, but if you go dps then the shadowdemon is a better option.
The shadowdemon is great help if you are low dps dc as It speeds up your daily quests.
The "this is recommended" approach has some limits. You know what your DC is and what you want to do.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
With that, I was wondering about a couple things, so here's roughly where I'm at right now:
IL = ~2.6K // Power = ~14K Crit and Recovery about the same.
I like being a healer or support class, but the "traditional" healer is not very interesting right now for me, so I'd like to eventually go for the AC righteous. I've been managing AA / HG depending on the fight, and overall, really enjoying the DC.
1- Do I switch to DO at this stage as suggested in one of the comments? and if so, do I stick to faithful or go righteous?
My progression is a bit slow seeing as I'm always managing my play time between various activities (gone are the long 10hr grind days).
2- What would guys say is the build to follow if you want to be able to solo some of my dailies more efficiently time wise, and still be useful to my team?
I don't really have much problems with surviving mostly, things just take a very long time solo, and due to my schedule my friends won't be able to always be there to run through the dailies in a group.
Just a quick short reply (with reasoning if possible) would be more than enough, as the rest of the information in this thread and others is quite great and sufficient.
Thanks for anyone capable and willing to reply. and thanks again for a great guide.
If you want to be more efficient (meaning faster) when solo, the righteous path is the best option, regardless you are AC or DO.
Without being 100% accurate, there are two main variations to approach the righteous path: dps-focused (usually 100% full righteous) or buff-focused (usually a mix of righteous + virtuous or faithful). The two varations have both dps and buff capabilities: it's up to you to decide what you want to stress more.
The distinction between DO/AC should be considered when you list the main differences between the two variations in terms of feats and powers (the list may not be exaustive):
- dps, ofc
- divinity gain = efficiency of your rotations
- AP gain
- power buff
- Availability of efficient buff/debuff powers.
- Mitigation
You have to select the features you want as "must have". There's no easy answer for this imo. It all depends on your playstyle and preferences.
If you don't have bonding runestones, you don't plan to have them and you want to buff/dps, I would suggest DO.
If you want to provide mitigation (AA) regardless the power share feature, I would say AC.
If you are ready to invest A LOT to have rk 12 bonding runestones, I would suggest the AC power buff build (you find it here).
If you are already AC, I suggest the cheapest option: a simple respec to go righteous. Take your time with the new setup and then think deeper as soon as you feel confident. Switching from a healer build to a righteous build may not be so straight.
Be aware that the DC will be reworked soon: we don't have any details about it. So be careful.
In the meantime, here the diagram from @putzboy78 which is a summary of what you can do with your DC.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
Thanks for the above part it does shed some light on things that were still not very clear for me. I know the investment required, and how hard it can be, only to have things change and needing to start all over again... For some reason though, I can't keep away from MMORPG's... my kryptonite of sorts.
I do want to main the DC, and most of the time, I will be playing with friends. While I currently am capable of clearing my dailies alone, some do take longer if I run them alone. Hence the questions.
Would I be correct in assuming the following?
In order to be a buffer and support healer, yet be able to clear dailies and endgame content (when solo) faster than I currently do, I need to pick the core as DO for dps or AC for more buff/mitigation, but then have a choice between Full righteous or a mix until I am at the higher levels at which point, considering nothing changes much, I go full AC righteous like this guide.
Sorry for the long winded replies, I just wanted to know if I could follow the build strictly now while I still improve my gear or I should focus on something else...
Thanks again for all the help!
If your priority is to optimize your solo dailys, I would suggest using preview server. Try jarek's spec and do some daily's. See if the time is acceptable for you. If it isn't then you can try my spec and see if its comfortable for you.
If your priority is to optimize for team play, then testing on preview may be a bit difficult. In that case you may want to move the needle on your personal dps just a little and see how your team performs. Start by taking astral fury to increase your dps 10%. If your running with the same group often they should be sensitive to your testing.
Before starting I would like to thanks to the author of this guild and also to all the players giving support on this thread, it is highly appreciated for many people.
My DC was started as an alt to give support to my friends and also to get invited to more parties. Playing with friends and pugging is lets say 50/50, and I find pugging very entertaining, even more than doing it always with friends.
I have never played DC before and I build my char following this guide, as I said to give support and be loved by everyone, and must say both targets have been fully accomplished. As the times passed I was more and more requested by friends to use my DC instead others , so I have been upgrading it every one and then. Not too much since I play one main (which I dont play actually, just invest on him^^) and 6 alts, so too many mouths to feed.
Now my DC, Melindra, is 2875 ilvl, I got 22k base power (with guild boon), 5.5k crit, 10.5k recovery, 12k defense, 106k HP in party. Twisted weapons, 2 Dusk/2DF armor, tiamats set, +4 (1crit+1power) underdark rings. I use augment companion (cat) , I find no reason to move to bonding since the max I could affor would be 150% bondings, this vs. 120% augment (2xeldritch) would not help my char too much for it purpose (at least imo, I accept discussion). I got a sellsword read as active comp, because may be you can change my mind...
At this point, I have some concerns regarding move rotations and buff mechanincs, which are as follows:
1-Does the party buffs from BoB stacks? I guess no but just to be sure. Also, I find astral seal much more effective to build both divinity and AP, by far.
2-Does Avatar of Divine reset as combat ends? So it starts again every time you face new mobs, in the same way than brutal underdark rings, regardless any cooldown.
3-In divine mode, does DG stacks if casted x3 in a row (in general, does encounters stack when divine casted)? Which is the more convenient x3 divine casting for party bufs/deb. And the best full rotation?
4-In the guide it is said to reinforce armor with crit kits. Why not with power crits? could be this should be reviewed after mod 10 power share rework, or is still crit more convenient?
5-After many runs most of the time I run with holly fervor+divine fortune/hastening light ; BtS, DG and Bastion. Reason for bastion is just it gives a huge AP gain boost, my AA is very happy with it. Anyone else noticed this? Which is the reason for this bigger AP gain?
Also I dont find a solid reason to use both BtS and FF at same time, one of them is just used in normal mode (usually FF) and as I said I find Bastion, or Chains, of better use. I am missing something here?
6-Regarding weapon enchantments, which encounters does make use of them, and which ones does not?
7-Do you think the balance power/recovery in my toon is fine? I have sloted all silveries in ofensive, dont know if I should keep like this. 22kpow vs. 10.5k recovery.
And to finish, what would you suggest in order to get more base power? this is what I have in mind sofar, I ask because may be I miss something:
-Progress in campaign boons (only got 2 underdark plus one dread ring, im too lazy to kill with my DC)
-Increasing ilvl (so obvious)
-Swiching underdark rings for personalized from jewerly profession, already hit lvl 22 jewerly, so I will get them soon.
-Assasins convenent mount. Since its a zen mount, it will be very usefull for all my 7 toons, it is a good investment.
-Power kits on armor pieces (as I said, I have 33%crit and I see no reason to increasee it).
anything else?...
Thanks you for reading this long post, also all the feedback will be highly appreciated.
1. No, BoB doesnt stack. The power share from this uses the most recently applied.
2. Yes, it resets in between combat, regardless of where it was on it's cooldown.
3. Unsure if 3xdivine DG stacks. I likely wouldn't bother with it even if it did. In my opinion the best rotation is:
Gain divinity if you dont have it (for me that means 1xBoB to power share, 2xAstral Seal for quicker divinity), 2 divine chains for AP gain + damage, 1 divine DG (usually cast on mob but intended to "hit" the melee surrounding mobs for buff), empowered break the spirit for buff, regular DG to debuff mob
4. I certainly didnt write the guide, but I am using the power reinforcements as well. I think it's more valuable than 2% crit. I think this is particularly true at higher levels where it seems pretty simple to get a very high (albeit temporary) crit percentage through sudden precision rings on yourself and your companion).
5. Not sure regarding bastion; i rarely use it. Perhaps due to the amount of points you put into the heroic feat (the name escapes me) that increases AP gain from heals? For the second part, FF and BTS does seem quite pointless to run on the same DC. I asked a question on these encounters and generally. Always use empowered BTS. Swap to FF only when there are 2 clerics in the group (one empowered BTS, the other empowered FF to stack the damage bonuses. Best to use chains (or bastion if thats your forte)
6. My understanding is that all of our powers make use of the weapon enchantments with the exception of divine glow (which I guess is a longstanding bug)
7. I suppose it depends what your going for. I think your stats are pretty solid. But for me, I think that level of recovery is overkill. I personally would lower your recovery and increase power. Imo (assuming money was no object anyway), I think black ice enchantments across the board is your best bet to also increase your crit chance.
In regards to increasing power, seems your on the right track. My only comments potentially would be in regard to personalized rings. Assuming luck is in your favor (/sob), if you can somehow manage to fanangle +5 sudden precision and/or +5 brutality rings I think those are better, both for your own stats (despite being unable to share the procs of the rings), and for base stats (as you can slot 2 offensive enchantments into each of the rings - so if you wanted two radiants in each ring, that would give you 1400 power (each ring). Of course, these rings seem impossible to get, but just throwing it out there as a possibility. If just power sharing was the idea, several of the other +5 rings (+5 vision for example) also have 2 offensive slots though their proc is pretty pointless.
D.DG doesnt stack, power reinforcement kit is always superior unless you have a high crit severity and a low crit chance, sellsword isnt the best AD efficiency bonding pet but it is the best supporting pet for AC, recovery is meh unless you are building a AA spamming DC, chains give more AP than BoH in combat but BoH gives AP out of combat, ring wise use +4 brutal+sudden crit on your DC and brutal+sudden crit+sudden lifesteal on con artist with bonding (at least rare), bonding is always better than augment since it applies buff from sudden rings.
Shadow demon (legendary) has high single target dps similar to a dps build DC without using aoe skills, it is good to use if you want to speed up your solo stuff in a healing/buffing support build but AD wise, skip it if you are poor. Con artist offer a solid aoe debuff, fast attack animation to refresh bonding and 3 ring slots for sudden rings. If you willing to trade that little power for your team from active bonus and offense slot for 30% crit, 30% power and 30% lifesteal on you (3x sudden rings with r12 bonding), con artist is far better than sellsword.
I was hoping to test things out in an epic dungeon before this update, but since the delays with the servers I have only been able to test in other areas. I bought the respec from the lady in the hall of justice, and am fully AC Righteous just like this guide.
Correction about my stats: iLvl 2.5K, Power 14K, Crit 6K and Recovery 8.5K (rank 7 or 8 enchantments and Sellsword is Rare. Still working on the campaigns, but decently progressed.
I'm extremely happy I respecced. Dailies are most definitely much faster to complete.. much much faster.
The main difference (other than fast damage) is that I realized I now can no longer just stand in the middle of mobs and take hits as much. I used to have quite high survivability (Gift of Faith and Test of Faith) with Faithful, and I've begun seeing my health drop more now. So moving around, timing encounters and dailies, monitoring buffs/debuffs.. things I never really had to focus much on before.
I'm posting this update simply to confirm that while this build works at lower levels, it does require some adjustment in how you approach the various situations you might find yourself in. Be more careful, plan smartly and be ready to switch things around based on the situation. It's already been said here so do read the comments. Thanks for the info. Currently, I'm below minimum wage poor, but this weekend will start properly farming for making more and more AD as well as upgrading my enchantments (or saving until the x2 refinement).
For now the Sellsword has been good to me at Rare, but i'll keep an eye out for the others too.
The possible changes on a side note includes more companion suggestions, weapon enchantments, more suggestions with companion gear & reinforcement kits, what I use as my main & offhand feats & among others, the soon to be 'BIS' option with the new main and offhand that's coming up & my opinion on it.
thank you all forl the feedback provided. A lot of doubts have been cleared out.
Few comments regarding the above issues;
I made this toon to be ACDC buffer. For me, high recovery to be an AA spam machine is one of the main goals. At this point, dont know if 11k is fine, or may be 8-9k is enough for this purpose and I can put those 2-3k extra points in power. Could be for this you suggest to get to 13k. Dont know if there is any dimising curve for the recovery stat. So my question would be, where is the sweet point?
Regarding rings, it is clear the +5 power/crit (ot the new ostorian, for this matter) woul be the best. But since those arent available, I think for my build the personalized ones are better than +4 underdark; my dps is very low in dungeons, +4k crit&power at the begining of the combat, honestly i dont see many use for it. I would slot them back when solo questing, though. Dont think the +5 of any other stat could be better since cant afford 4xr12 radiant for this matter.
About my companion, I dont find any reason to use brutals and sudden for the same reasons I find no use for them on me, as explained before.
In the meanwhile, my DC got 25k base power
But, waiting to see how the AA nerf will be, this can have an impact in the build.
So, firstly, thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread, really appreciated the time you guys take to help others.
Secondly, there is mention of a re-balance here (wish I read that before I used my free respec
I tend to 100% agree with this. Really excellent community the DC's have. After finally getting to properly update my guide & the one hater who claims 'I never thanked anyone' I've now added properly in the end of the guide, credit to those who have helped me in someway (It's really damn impossible to put all the handles as there's a word limit so had to generalize the cleric community)
HA @jeffslider, they say haters show that you have actually achieved something LMAO. I wish instead of bashing on those who take time, from gaming, to help and encourage our community, the haters would actually put in some positive info or even some good vibes